[tmtranscripts] Conversations With Monjoronson, #28, Status Report, Mar. 4, 2011

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Mon Mar 14 07:02:05 PDT 2011

Conversations With Monjoronson, #28, Status Report, Mar. 4, 2011

Teacher: Monjoronson


Review of the long history leading to today’s session

The necessity of beginning with the sustainable individual

The second design must be the sustainable family

The major languages necessary are English and Spanish

The ‘head’ and ‘heart’ of Michael’s efforts

Conferences this summer

South America will lead the way in sustainability

Establishing new web sites

New groups forming in North America

Working with Christian churches around the world

Need for training documents and video documentaries

Academic applications

Will Islamic peoples accept Monjoronson?

Monjoronson’s arrival will be destabilizing to many

The arrival of Monjoronson will be when it is developmentally correct

Effective prayers for earth changes

TR: Daniel Raphael

Moderator: Vicki Vanderheyden

March 4, 2011

Vicki: Dear Father, as the journey unfolds and as we slowly awaken to
the opportunities you have placed before us, guide us towards those that
are aligned with the truth, beauty and goodness of your will. May all
who read these words, gratefully acknowledge the magnificent gift you
have given us through the ministrations of Christ Michael and
Monjoronson, and may we rise to the occasion by embracing merciful
service to our fellow brothers and sisters. Amen.

Daniel: I am continuing to read the book, “Collapse” by Jared Diamond,
and previously, “Guns Germs, and Steel,” which totally fits in with all
this work that we are doing, as Monjoronson said back in 2006, or
whenever that transcript came out, and his earlier work in the book of
“Global Sustainability and Planetary Management.” We are right on
track. It is interesting that this preceded Jared Diamond’s book,

MONJORONSON: Good morning, this is Monjoronson. (Good morning to you.)
It is good to be with you once again, and to our friends who are reading
these words.

Vicki: Yes, it feels good on this end too.

Review of the long history leading to today’s session

MONJORONSON: Let us continue this, as it is necessary to keep everyone
abreast of what we are doing on the celestial realm and on the mortal
realm in co-creative cooperation with you. Today I want to review the
long history that leads to today’s session. This is a revisitation of
the work of Christ Michael to present the Correcting Time to Urantia,
and to his work to bring it eventually into the planetary fold of all
worlds that are growing and populated in Nebadon.

Let us begin approximately in the 13th Century, A.D. when the outworking
of Christ Michael’s Correcting Time began to play itself out in your
world—particularly the Western World—and the beginning of the
Renaissance year of enlightenment, the Reformation Era begun by Martin
Luther, and as it developed through those years, spread across the
Western Civilization and the “discovery” of the New World of North and
South America, all the islands in the Pacific, and the discovery era by
the seafaring worlds of England, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy.
This was necessary to bring the whole world up to speed, to spread
advanced technologies throughout the world, and of which you now have
the global Internet service that keeps your world abreast on a
second-by-second, day-by-day and week-by-week basis. Discoveries in one
region are shared throughout the whole world, almost simultaneously, so
that your world is becoming one culture with many languages. Yet, the
binary language of bits and bytes is the underlying basis for your new
global culture. It is in this era that we are able to bring the
development of the Teaching Mission, which began in New Zealand in 1987
and spread to North America, and to Europe and to South America, and to
the rest of the world. This comes after the publication of The Urantia
Book, which provides a hard document reference. Even though it is being
broken up and published, it is unalterable in its totality, and provides
a uniform basis for understanding your world, its development and its
participation in the universe of our Creator.

This was followed by the Magisterial Mission, of which I am the head and
will eventually become incarnate on your world. In the meantime,
further preparation must occur before that happens. Once I become
incarnate, then I am much more restricted to one location, and will need
to communicate with the rest of the universe as did Christ Michael as
the Creator Son of this local universe in the form of Jesus, who went
apart from his crew of 12, and communed with the Father. After the
Mount of Transfiguration experience, [he] began to communicate with his
realm when he took those times apart. I will have the same capacity and
abilities, and the same limitations.

My mission is to use the foundation of the earlier centuries of
Enlightenment, of religious and spiritual development, and publication
of the works of the mystics of various spiritual religious orders, to
bring my work into focus upon your world. These were shared in numerous
documents, beginning with my first transmission and identification in
the first decade of the 21st century, and then with a consistent series
of transmissions through this one and numerous other individuals, which
were collected in the document, “Global Sustainability and Planetary
Management,” edited and collected by this one, whom I speak through
today. This was in preparation for the co-creative design teams, the
schematic for sustainability, and the cooperative work that you will use
in those teams, working with a Melchizedek to guide you through the
development of sustainable social institutions.

The necessity of beginning with the sustainable individual

More and more is being discovered about using the team process and the
schematic. Recently, it was learned in South America, in Pereira,
Colombia, at the training workshop at La Suiza that it is necessary for
each and every new co-creative design team, to begin their fundamental
work with designing the sustainable individual. For the first hundred
teams, this will be necessary until their data is collected and collated
in a web site library bringing all of those findings together for
designing the sustainable individual, beginning at a point several
months before conception with the co-creative couple, through the term
of pregnancy and into the first year of the child’s life. As you can
see, this work, once it is gathered and collated, will provide the basis
for all subsequent research and design work by sequential design teams
throughout the world. There are universal characteristics in all human
cultures, whether in China or the United States, South America, or any
other human social group, that are identical within the first two years,
beginning before conception until the first year of birth of the

The second design must be the sustainable family

Simultaneous to this design work of the individual to age one, Teams
must simultaneously begin the design of the sustainable family as a
social institution that has the capacity to raise the sustainable
individual to age one, and then eventually to independence at age 18-21.
This is the usual age when the child is able to leave the family, and
has the capacity to be a partner in a procreative couple relationship,
to beget their own sustainable children, and so on. What will assist
those second generations to do so is having been raised in a sustainable
family situation, and to be able to read the research and the design
work of earlier co-creative design teams. It is important that the
libraries containing sustainable design information be maintained in all
major language bases, to be readily available throughout the world, into
every country that has Internet service. Universality of all of this
information is important for all cultures throughout the world, which
will provide the informational base for a sustainable society and global
civilization into the future.

You, who have begun this work in Colombia, in February 2011, have begun
your work to assist the whole world to move towards the era of
sustainability, which you call the age of light and life. This work is
vastly important—it is globally important. The data that you collect
and the designs you have formulated and submit to your web site
eventually for archiving and for publication, will assist every culture,
society, nation and group, throughout the world into the future.
Those who access this information can use it to begin raising
sustainable families, communities and societies whether they are in
isolation or not. Eventually, your societies will collaborate and
discover that they have many things in common, and those that survive
best will be those that are sustainable. Sustainable individuals,
family and community will form the basis for sustainable global
societies and civilization.

I will allow time soon for you to ask questions, and I will ask you for
them, so please keep notes as you read this, decide, so that you may ask
those questions in a timely manner. Thank you.

As we move ahead, as many of you have seen, that there is great
resistance from the established institutions and organizations and
associations, which have formulated the founding documents, which
include The Urantia Book and the Teaching Mission—and even earlier
elements of the Magisterial Mission. We have no objection to any
resistance that you have, about whether our movement ahead is legitimate
or not. The work that we have begun can only continue with those who
are agreeable and choose to be of assistance. Those of you who are
resisting have established your own enclave and associations of
resistance, which is fine, and that your criticisms and rational
objections are welcome and necessary to lend credibility to the work
that we continue.

The major languages necessary are English and Spanish

We have begun in New Zealand, crossed the Pacific into North America,
where the highly intellectual, rational, linear, logical minds of North
Americans have dominated this movement. Fortunately, these major early
documents have been translated into Spanish and other Latin languages,
which are essential to bring the heart of this movement together with
the mind of this movement. Together you will provide a tremendously
profitable and productive movement that will soon—within the next two
years—envelop the whole earth. The dominant languages of the world of
this time in the Western world are English and Spanish. It is necessary
to have two sites that closely mirror themselves in English and in
Spanish, so that we can move forward rapidly around the world. You will
each be a ‘Vasco da Gama’ to circumnavigate the world, as you share this
information with your friends, families and associates, and literary
associates around the world in these two languages.

It is essential then that you do work your web site, so that they
contain these basic fundamental documents to assist individuals around
the world. Begin the work of the co-creative design teams in
conjunction with an unseen celestial spiritual consultant—usually a
Melchizedek or Archangel—who can guide you and lead you into discerning
truth from non-truth, and work with productive lines of reasoning,
[away] from those that are unproductive. These fundamental documents,
we ask that they be provided in toto, on the English site and the
Spanish site, as soon as possible. The work of the three ongoing
co-creative design teams in Pereira, Colombia is essential that they
document their work so that their productiveness and their
unproductiveness can be recorded. It is essential that recorders do
document the productive lines of action and reasoning, and those which
are unproductive. You will, of necessity, have one recorder who will
collaborate with the three group recorders and collate their progress,
noting the differences and similarities between the three groups. It is
essential that productive work be pursued in new teams, and unproductive
work be noted, so that these new teams do not go down ‘the rabbit holes’
that are unproductive.

The ‘head’ and ‘heart’ of Michael’s efforts

While the ‘head’ of Christ Michael—figuratively speaking—is in North
America, centered in Chicago, the body of Christ Michael’s efforts are
in South America and whose heart resides in Colombia. Do not be
dismayed that this is a metaphor that may not be attractive to you, or
give you credit for your heart-centered work. This is a generality in
the major theme, rather than in the specific. It is essential that
Christ Michael’s beating heart be felt throughout the world. His work
that develops in the Latin culture of the Spanish, French, Portuguese
and Italian is as essential as the logical, rational mind of the North
American to balance its earlier, linear development. This work cannot
be completed without the union of the mind and heart of Christ Michael
in his work in these two cultures. Therefore, we are very glad that
this one from North America resonates so well with those in Latin
America. His return to Latin America will be necessary until sufficient
teachers are trained in South America to carry the work into the Latin
world of Europe, and then into the linear cultures throughout the

Conferences this summer

There are two wonderful opportunities which are going to occur this
year: The first is the development of my work at the Triennial
Conference that will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the United
States of North America, July 26-31. The second that will occur is the
All South American Urantia Book Conference, which will be held in
Pereira, Colombia, SA in August. It is an opportunity in both
conferences to share this work with the world in those individuals who
come from all parts of the world to attend—particularly the one in Salt
Lake City. In the next three years, before the next Triennial
Conference, your world will become quite a different landscape than it
is today. One of the reasons we have begun to develop this early in
South America is because of their heart-centered energy, which is highly
compassionate and passionate and excited about the possibilities of
developing the historically tumultuous South American countries into
sustainable societies early on. This one will be at the Triennial
Conference in Salt Lake City, and at the All South American Conference
in Pereira, Colombia, SA.

It was fortuitous that those individuals who sponsored the work of this
one in Pereira in February of this year, have also the opportunity to
share their excitement, their productivity and the concept and working
order of their three co-creative design teams in the August Conference.
We anticipate that the work of the Melchizedek Schools and Co-Creative
Design Teams will then leap-frog into all South American Urantia Book,
Teaching Mission, and Magisterial Mission communities. There will be a
need for competent and capable instructors to carry this rapidly to all
of those communities. Teachers will be needed to do that. Because this
is a co-creative adventure, we ask that those of you who have this
capacity to bring this about, do so, as we depend upon your generosity
to make this happen.

South America will lead the way in sustainability

Remarkably, your countries will be more survivable in many ways than
North American cities when the difficulties occur in highly populated,
technologically developed and interdependent nations. You, in South
America, will have already begun to establish sustainable practices,
which many of you have already begun independently. We thank you for
that; you will thank yourselves in the near future for having engaged
these practices of sustainability, as you will see the product of your
work very evidently when other large communities suffer from not having
developed these sustainable practices.

So, having begun in New Zealand, our work has spread to North America,
into Central and South America and my work will now leap-frog into the
European nations, and eventually return to North America, where the work
of sustainability will finally be accepted, and the design practices
begun. You will have a head start because your South American brothers
and sisters will have done much of the foundational work for you, and
you can begin working on the sustainable practices for communities and
societies, and for interdependent regional societies.

I am open for questions, if you have any.

Roxie: I agree with you totally on the necessity of archiving these
transcripts into other languages. At the present time, I can see that
it would be helpful to establish two new web sites to showcase the
efforts of building sustainable institutions and co-creative design
teams, something dedicated to this work as their main function, apart
from the huge collections of teachings on other subjects. Otherwise,
there is just too much data to wade through and it’s easy to get
sidetracked and lose focus. So in essence, you’re saying we need to
start new web sites for this material, one in English and the other in
Spanish, rather than relying on the archives that are already

Establishing new web sites

MONJORONSON: Yes, definitely. It will require that the work that has
begun related to my mission, be archived in the English and Spanish
sites, and that you build from there. The historic material prior to
that time can remain in archival sites, which already exist. We ask
that you build upon the documents which are relevant to the Magisterial
Mission, and that these are held and mirror each other in the English
sites and the Spanish site. We do realize that the web site,
MelchizedekSchools.com, as it currently exists will perhaps be
insufficient to house and distribute hundreds upon hundreds of
transcripts related to my work, and to sustainability, and to the design
teams. It will be necessary to have these two web sites—the Spanish
site and the English site—have greater capacity to handle textual
archives, audio archives and video archives, so that the teaching
practices, and the teaching of the co-creative design team material can
be held in English in videotape, or English dubbed over with Spanish, or
wholly in Spanish . This may or may not be difficult, but it is
something that will be necessary to spread the training practices
rapidly throughout the world.

It will require much more dedicated and intentional work to record this
during the Melchizedek Schools training, and edit it so that it is
useful as a documentary of training for the work of sustainability and
the co-creative design team practices. It may have to be staged, but it
would be an actual on-going training practice, much as occurred in
Pereira, and La Suiza where the three teams developed under the training
guidance of this one. This is our best scenario that we look at right
now, and yes it would require the resources of many in both continents
to contribute to the financial funding of such work. The dividends
would be worthwhile for not just hundreds, but millions of people who
could view these documents.

We suggest that you begin with transcripts from the earliest mention of
my existence, and provide links and references to Teaching Mission
material where it now exists. You do not need to duplicate the totality
of all archives before the year 2000, but begin with the document and
session which identified my existence, and follow that with all the
other transcripts which came about, even those which are controversial,
and which others may censor out, but we ask that these be included in
the archive. You will find that criticism is a necessary tool of
discernment to help unthinking people begin to be thinking and
discerning individuals to weigh and sort that which is legitimate from
that which is not.

Vicki: Monjoronson, I have a question. It appears then that the
location in our world where this co-creative design team work is taking
place is primarily then in South America, with some North American
participation. I’m wondering how we tie in, or your work on the other
continents, such as Asia and Africa will tie into this or relate to

New groups forming in North America

MONJORONSON: Thank you for your question, and it’s a very timely and
good question. Let us begin with the resistance in North America. You
are currently working with two individuals, one in Alaska and one in
Michigan who are in the process of developing co-creative design team
workshops for those people in those areas, and of course, anyone in the
world is invited to attend them. It is necessary that you continue the
work in North America, as we completely and totally support your efforts
here to do so. It is important that individuals be trained in the
practices of co-creative design teams in the Melchizedek School format,
and that these continue to develop.

It would be helpful if there would be one that would be developed in
Florida, as there is some discussion now about that. It would be very
helpful to have more and more of these schools in North America be
developed for the reason that when eventually there becomes a public
necessity or desire to understand and use and practice these co-creative
design team processes, that you have a cadre of experienced individuals
who could attend and assist in the rapid development of new teams—in
hundreds of new teams—throughout North America, when that occurs. You
will see a ramping up of interests as this North American nation is
brought to its knees and feels the necessity to begin seeing itself in a
larger community, rather than so aloof.

Working with Christian churches around the world

Your work and assistance to bring these messages to other continents is
very necessary and timely. There are English speakers throughout the
world, who are spiritual, who are interested in sustainability, and who
feel that their world is also in near collapse, or in great difficulty.
The use of what you call search-bots or cyber-bots or web-bots to find
discerning documents will assist this process, yet you will find that
there is already existent an established network of communication among
the Christian Churches throughout the world, whether they are Catholic,
Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, or any of the others,
and that we hope that there will be enclaves of individuals who will be
working with us to share the word among the Christian Churches

Many of you would find this as an unanticipated and unexpected
development within mainline Christian churches, but one that has [a]
high potentiality of succeeding that we thoroughly support. The
individual who is working in Fresno, California is a highly desirable
development and he will find that he has a cohort in Bogotá or Pereira,
Colombia who is working on the same process in his own Christian
community of Catholicism. These two individuals need to collaborate,
both in English and Spanish, so that their developments are
simultaneous. This would be very advantageous for us; there are many in
South American within the Catholic religion who are highly spiritual and
mystical, and who are very accepting of the channeled process of TRing
and the revelations that are forthcoming.

There is little resistance for accepting this process of revelation in
many of the liberal communities of Catholicism worldwide, in the Latin
cultures. You will find that the work that is being done in the
Protestant religions will match well with the liberal Catholic
communities globally. Wholeheartedly support this and look forward to
this development. You will find a spontaneous development and interest,
whether in countries of Japan, Korea, China, Indonesia and India, though
this will be an unusual process in the Middle East.

Need for training documents and video documentaries

We do wish that you produce the training documents as video
documentaries, and available on your web sites for training purposes
throughout the world. It may be an imperfect situation, but one that is
highly desirable and readily visible to those who view this process.
Yes, it may be many tens of hours long, but the process of training can
be replicated in other societies, even [if] imperfectly. And though
imperfect, it can be improved.

The training must include the fundamental the core values of
sustainability: life, equality, and growth. These are unequivocally
and irreducible in any society, in any nation, in any culture, in any
ethnic group, in any religious group. These are fundamental to any
society and every society, no matter what beliefs may have developed.
You will find that from those core values, certain and incontrovertible
beliefs develop, though the expectations and the criteria of performance
may vary from society to society. Nonetheless, the core values remain
intact and all facets of the belief system, core values, beliefs,
expectations and criteria can be cross-checked against the original

Religions that are not God-centered will have greater difficulty using
this, as they will not have a process of validating their work with an
unseen spiritual consultant, one who has been trained in Christ
Michael’s Planetary Administration and Management. So, too, those
societies and associations and groups that are atheistic and agnostic
can as well use this schematic to work with sustainability on a social
basis, but will still have the same liability of not being able to
validate their work and cross-check it and discern it through an unseen
spiritual consultant, who has been trained in Christ Michael’s Nebadon
and Planetary Administration. You see, this development has reached a
point where we can forecast the development globally, in the next
eighteen months. This will continue to move ahead in that increment,
though there will be some developments which will halt our forecast to
perhaps only twelve months, as the decisions of mortals in tumultuous
situations will highly affect the development of the future.

Vicki: Moving back again, talking about those that are not in North
America, not in South America, and not necessarily Christian—where or
how do you see that development?

Academic applications

MONJORONSON: I see that developing particularly and especially in
academic situations, where social scientists, who are not God believers,
will actually use this schematic for sustainability and apply it and see
how it can be used. As well, there are in governmental circles many
[that] are not God-centered or God believers who will use this in
planning, whether it is county or municipal planning, whether it is
state planning or national planning. It will also, eventually, get into
think tanks and to be applied in strategic planning situations for the
global community of nations and societies, particularly as it relates to
financial sustainability and commercial sustainability. Sustainability
will be a factor that cannot be escaped. These agencies, in thinking of
material sustainability, as the oncoming rush of cataclysmic events
develop and the tightening of the noose of interdependence strangles
many nations, it will be necessary to think in new terms. Even while
people are being lost to desperate situations, planning will continue
and help the future of sustainability in all nations.

This is something that the co-creative design team, and the schematic
for sustainability can be applied in toto to any situation, any society,
whether God-centered believing or not. However, in the long-term
development of any society, in the terms of centuries and millennia,
they must become God-centered and under the tutelage of planetary
management and administration to become sustainable into the term of
millennia and tens of thousands of years.

Will Islamic peoples accept Monjoronson?

Vicki: Monjoronson, it’s been brought to my intention just recently—I
was reading that in the Islam belief, they have their own predictions of
one coming similar to you, not as being a Magisterial Son—will they
connect to you in this way?

MONJORONSON: Yes, they will, as well as will the Christians. My coming
is forecast in almost all God-centered religions, and particularly
identified in Islam as being the Mahdi—I am that one. Just as in
Christendom, Islamic religion has many inconsistencies, and my presence
will bring a sharp contrast to their belief system of what works and
what does not work. There is a certain pragmatism of all the work that
we do, where the co-creative design teams, through the schematic of
sustainability or my presence, will bring out the inconsistencies in the
belief systems of religions, and of societies. They will find immense
conflict, such that there will be internecine conflicts and warfare of
those who believe and do not believe. Those who hold to the old will
hold on and fight for the old beliefs, while those who see the reality,
the pragmatic necessity of adopting to the new, will be held in conflict
with those who are more conservative.

Obviously, we understand and know in advance that those who see the
pragmatic, practical reality of believing in social sustainability and
are spiritual, founded on a practical spirituality that will sustain
itself and survive. This is what the future is all about. It is simply
that within the Islamic belief, a current individual who is the head of
the politics in Iran, has identified myself, the Mahdi, as one who is
coming into their presence. His proclamation to the United Nations of
my coming caused a great deal of furor around the world and the nation
of Islam and to those political and economic heads of societies, who are
Islamic. These comments were seen as disruptive and shaking the
stability of the religio-politico stability of that region and those
nations. Yet, he spoke the truth, that my presence will become known to
all, and that it will be a highly destabilizing presence at that,
economically, politically and religiously.

Monjoronson’s arrival will be destabilizing to many

In that era of my coming, in those three to ten years following my
arrival, you will see a world in tremendous uproar in its belief systems
that are invested religiously, politically and economically. It will be
highly destabilizing and there will be global disruption. Therefore, it
is necessary that my approach be done very carefully, very slowly. Many
of you naively think that I should appear at any time, yet we are not in
the business of political, social, economic disruption, which leads to
social chaos and political and global upheavals. It is necessary that
we be thoughtful and careful that the most souls on this world begin to
believe in the future, believe in Christ Michael’s work, my work and the
centeredness of God, so that when they cross over to the afterlife, they
have the beliefs to guide them into the celestial, morontial realm
easily and peacefully.

You see, my friends, we consider not just the plane of your planet
materially, but also your transit through the morontial and onward. It
is necessary that your world have as many cross over completely into the
morontial realm, without being caught in the space in-between, which we
have discussed before and which I do not wish to get into today. Your
question is well founded, and I appreciate it. I hope the answers that
I give today will add clarity to what you perceive in the future. Do
not be dismayed if I do not appear for at least another ten to fifteen
years. It is not so necessary when I appear, but how I appear and the
developments that precede my appearance. It must be done carefully,
thoughtfully, and compassionately for your whole world.

(Long pause.)

The arrival of Monjoronson will be when it is developmentally correct

Vicki: Monjoronson, are you saying then, that your manifestation on
earth may be ten or fifteen years in the future?

MONJORONSON: It will be when it is right developmentally and
evolutionarily correct for me to appear. We, who are invested in the
right outcomes for your planet, are not so much concerned about the
chronology that is occurring, but the right development of events that
will support my appearance and create the least damage to your world in
all regards. It will surely not occur this year or next year, or within
three years; it will be a timely and propitious event that will occur
for the best outcomes and with the least damage. This may cause great
disappointment to many of you. However, you will come to know me more
personally in the intervening years. There is much preparation that
must occur prior to my arrival. Do not underestimate the necessity of
your participation individually, socially and as groups for my
appearance. There will be great and tremendous preparation in doing

When I said I will knock upon your door and ask to come in, when that
occurs, you generally will be fully prepared for my appearance to do so
at that time. It will not be a sudden happening; it will be a gradual
and developmental process socially and spiritually so that you are not
overwhelmed by my presence. Many of you feel the presence of the Dalai
Lama and other spiritual teachers of great profound nature. However,
you will be overawed when I appear at your doorstep, while others will
physically faint, and this will not be unusual, no matter how much I
down-step and diminish the presence and power of my being. Do not be
disappointed, dear one, you and others are being prepared for this as
necessary, though there will be sacrifices along the line, your
disappointment will be the food for your greater spiritual growth.

Vicki: I think I am done with my questions for today.

Effective prayers for earth changes

Roxie: Monjoronson, do our mortal prayers have any effect on the
physical changes that our earth is going through?

MONJORONSON: Yes, your prayers are very necessary, but it is as
necessary that you pray effectively. Many of you pray passionately and
devoutly, but are ineffectual in your prayers. To be effective in your
prayers, you must state your intention for your prayer work, and hold
the vision for the end result, without any special interest to yourself.
If you are praying for the earth, then you are praying for harmony,
divine order, divine timing, and divine development, where the blanket
of love, compassion, tolerance, patience and forgiveness envelop the
earth, so that there is peace. Peace can only be founded when there is
acceptance and appreciation for others, and from there you can develop
love, so that you pray with the intention of peace on earth, and you
feel that peace, and you project that peace in your words and your
thoughts and your consciousness to all of earth. Then you have made
your prayers effective.

Roxie: Yes, I understand the peace as far as the mortals who live upon
the planet are concerned, but I seem to get caught in a “catch-22” that
I see a lot of these earth changes really do need to be made, and I find
it difficult to know whether to pray “for” or “against” these changes,
knowing that it will be very difficult and tragic for many people.

MONJORONSON: Do neither; pray for right outcomes. It is necessary that
disruption occur in your world, not that it was ordained or fostered or
supported, by God or Christ Michael. These were initiated with the
development and evolution of your planet as a geo-physical, spiritual,
energetic entity, and the evolution of human populations and society.
It is just that the coincidence of these geo-physical disruptions will
lead to further political, economic, social disruptions, which break the
crystallization of thought and belief. Only then can people have the
opportunity to change their beliefs and begin praying for better
outcomes in their world. Pray for right outcomes as the eventual
development, the intention of your prayers and your projections. Let
God and Christ Michael and their planetary managers use the cataclysms,
which have begun, to reframe the belief systems of your people, so that
they contribute to a sustainable world socially, economically,
politically and spiritually.

Roxie: Thank you. Yes, that does answer my question.

MONJORONSON: Thank you for patience and presence today. I know that
many of you will be rocked back on your heels by some of the things that
I have said. Others of you will be very eager to begin implementing
what I have suggested, and some of you, of course, will remain
skeptical. We work with those who are accepting of our work, as you are
the ones who will be involved as the foot soldiers in the army of light
and love that we have begun forming. You are needed, and your positive
attitudes, your discerning minds and your loving hearts will provide the
energy for the forward movement of our work, and the healing of your
planet in the eventuality of time, which may be far shorter than you
think, though of course, during the intervening years, it will be quite
difficult. Patience, my friends. Love one another as I love you and
Christ Michael loves you. Ask Christ Michael into your heart and into
your mind when you feel an emptiness and unsure of your own mind, and
your capacity to make effective decisions. The presence of the Spirit
of Truth is necessary to assist you in moving forward to constructive
conclusions, which we have now planned with you, to engage
co-creatively. I wish you a blessed and successful day, and I wish you
the best for all we can do together. Good day.

Word document
with Monjoronson
#28, 030411.doc)

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