[tmtranscripts] FW: Monjoronson Session #87 of Feb 09, 2010

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Sat Feb 20 13:47:02 PST 2010

Monjoronson - Is Their Room for the Church & Revealed Religion - Feb 09,
2010 - Audio Session #87
Subject: Monjoronson.com Session #87 2010-02-09
Teacher: Monjoronson
T/R: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Philip
February 09, 2010

Subjects Discussed This Session:

The Magisterial Mission
Disciples & Apostles
Self Preservation
Co-existence of Two Camps of Christianity
Constant War in Our History
Another American Civil War?
The Soulless & Adjusterless on Urantia
Self-Defense Against Iniquity
Expand The Q&A with Worldwide Input

Prayer: And so we feel the presence of the Father around us and in us and we
are surrounded with It's light and shot through with It's light and we know
that we are light with It. We invoke the presence of the holy Father in us
and around us and ask for the presence of angels and others to give us a
clear understanding of the topics we are answering. Spirit may clearly speak
through us and we give thanks.

Philip: Thank you very much Daniel and we welcome you Monjoronson to the
forum. [Good morning. Thank you.]

Magisterial Mission

Question #1: What do we need to be ready for the Magisterial Mission?

Monjoronson: Dear friend, by simply asking the question you have already
begun to prepare yourself for my mission, the mission of myself, Machiventa
and Christ Michael. You have said as much in your question that you are
already ready to participate with us. Your openness to participate with us
is essential. There is no published script for how this mission will unfold
though you have already been told of the grand scheme of it all. Your place
will be of a major part as well because this is your part, this is something
you can take ownership of, that you can know that you are contributing. You
may never see the effects of your participation but you know that your
intent and your sincerity are sufficient to carry your consciousness and
energy forward to help the accomplishment of our work. I do not say my work,
but our work, for this is a completely co-creative effort. I do thank you
for your question.

I would further state that you can further prepare by practicing the
presence, being in meditation once or twice a day, being still and open to
receive instruction and guidance which you may not hear but which may be
given to you subliminally. Also prepare by reading good material that helps
you understand the spiritual journey of others and the issues and problems
and solutions that they find in their quest. These will be very helpful to
help you keep an open mind to all that will unfold. It will also assist you
to be in the right place at the right time so that you can complete
meaningful contributions to our work. Thank you.

Question #2: It is said that those in close association with descending sons
take on the roles of being disciples and apostles. From lessons previously
given, we understand that being an apostle is akin to providing ministry on
behalf of Michael or perhaps for yourself. Does the Magisterial Mission
have a similar distinction of using mortals for ministry and for
discipleship? Would you mind elaborating on these concepts for us as it
relates to the Magisterial Mission?

Monjoronson: I would be glad to. There is not planned to be an apostleship
or a discipleship of individuals. The principle ones who are being of
service to this mission are part of the Reserve Corps of Destiny and those
individuals who volunteer to participate. Numerous members of the Corps of
Destiny are unaware of their membership; many are not what you would think
of as being spiritually oriented or deeply committed to spiritual aspects of
this world but who nonetheless have an inner conviction that they have
something to contribute. There will be no "specialness" assigned to any
group of individuals.

You know already that you are or are not committed to the work of the joint
liaison team involving Christ Michael, Machiventa and myself and our
subordinate staff and those who are assigned to the liaison team. There are
many individuals who wish to participate and who will be called upon. Many
of you who are not obligated to social, political, and economic commitments
will be used easily by us to be guided and directed. Be open to the
opportunities that open to you and explore them. We are not saying to pursue
them to the ends of the universe but to pursue them until they draw you
further in to successes or they come to an end.

It has been an intentional development of policy within the joint liaison
team to not have an identifiable body of individuals who have special access
to myself or to other team members who will become visible and corporeal
when I do. It is essential that everyone have access because of the nature
of your societies and the jaundiced attitudes of many who are believers or
were believers or those who have distanced themselves from religion. It is
important that there not be a special group who would stand apart but that
everyone have access to the energy of Christ Michael and the Magisterial

It will become quite apparent to those who are participating in this effort,
who are committed to it, that you will be able to identify each other. Many
of you already are able to identify others who are committed to this
movement, to this work, to these social and spiritual activities. We hope
you are accepting of this as it is also part of the spiritual lessons that
you are learning. Remember as Christ Michael as Jesus said: "The last shall
become first and the first shall become last." In the regards to the
Magisterial Mission, almost everyone will be a part of the following in
equal status. Thank you.

Self Preservation

In a lesson, the teacher Elyon stated: "A helpful factor in overcoming the
tendency to compete will be the loss of the impulse towards self

Question #4: Is this impulse towards self-preservation that which prevents
really good teamwork from becoming a habit of civilization on Urantia?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your question. Yes, self-preservation does
inhibit the effectiveness of teamwork and individuals joining teams. This
loss of self-preservation is an important part of your future society's
existence and development and maturity. It stems from your genetic need to
survive. The threat [is] external, the only time this is given up is when
individuals feel safe in a group setting. Forming new teams is oftentimes
difficult for each individual as they do not know how to trust other team
members, individually or as a group. That is why it is very important to
have massaged the aspects of the initial group dynamics for getting
acquainted, to understanding each other and to knowing and trusting each
individual and the groups intentions and their propensities for action and
for social interaction.

It is important that the team process be promoted in the co-creative design
team process and the co-creative working team process. These teams will hold
themselves out as models for other individuals to form their own teams with
the thought that they can be successful. It is important that teams not
exceed 11 members who are active in the team setting though they can have
ancillary sub-groups and individuals who are assistants to the team to
promote and complete the work that is being done. Small groups can develop
more cohesively than even families can as many of you come from
dysfunctional families and distrust the group setting.

I could almost say, most of you have never witnessed your families working
as a cohesive, cooperative, non-competitive team, therefore the team setting
is essential. I appreciate you question as it helps lead the way to the
works that must be done by all of us in the future. Thank you.

Co-existence of Two Camps of Christianity

These questions come from a former Sunday school teacher who recently
finished reading the life of Christ [in the Urantia Book] and has been
following the Monjoronson and Teaching Mission transcripts for several years

Question #5: There seems to be 2 camps of Christianity, those in the evolved
religion group and those in the revealed religion group. Even though the
revealed group is expanding and clarifying errors from the evolved group,
isn't there room for both? How do we get each to open to the other, to
respect the other and work for a common goal?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your question. It provides a deep access for us
to involve ourselves in the workings of your religion. Remember that
religions have no soul and that religions will not survive. The emphasis is
upon the religion, the belief systems of each individual, therefore my
answers are directed towards individuals rather than towards groups. Many
make the mistake of arguing their point with others making this situation
into a political situation rather than examining the interests that are
common to both. The established religions of evolution are truly
established. Many of them are literally embedded in rock in the cathedrals
that they so proudly maintain. They as well often have inflexible belief
structures and doctrines and believe that the truth was revealed once, and
that it is the truth and the whole truth.

But, truth is always expansionary. Its capacity is that of the infinite mind
which each of you have. It is always good, it is never negative, it is never
harsh, it is always kind, compassionate and merciful. Religions of
revelation all say this is the way yet some of the truths of those
revelations will be sifted and sorted in time to see which remain and which
erode away. Truly there is always need for revelation in all religions and
because of this there is always a sect within established religions, a sect
of mystics who work and believe and live within that established religion
who show great promise of revelation in their studies, their meditations,
and their journals.

Much of the great work that has been accomplished in the history of the
Christian church has been accomplished by mystics and their revelations
presented in a manner which is appealing to those who remain doctrinaire and
firmly established in their old belief systems. It takes many years,
decades, and centuries for these religions of evolution to change their
directions. Yet this now is an era within your world where many belief
systems will crumble rapidly. The information era is upon the world through
the internet. The history of the old testament, for instance, is simply a
repeat of those many stories which were written thousands of years before
the Bible came into existence. For some, this is new information.

The appeal that we make is to the individual. Our work will not always be
within the realms of such a small group as the Urantia Book believers or the
Teaching Mission community or the Magisterial Mission but will become much
more global and public in its message. People must be given the opportunity
to choose, the options of choosing or beliefs. Lastly, do not be concerned
about the soul survival of either the individuals of revelation or the
individuals who are stuck in their evolutionary religions for it is a matter
of awareness and intelligence and information to be able to make decisions.

Even those who are very restrained and conservative in the religions of
evolutions will survive and awaken on the mansion worlds where they will be
educated and brought into awareness. Those who have incorporated those
beliefs and the new revelations and have discerned which is true and which
is not and who have drawn themselves closer to Christ Michael and drawn
themselves closer to their Thought Adjusters will arrive and be assigned to
a more advanced class of individuals. All of you are loved whether you are
part of the revelation or whether you are part of the evolution of religion.
Trust that you are cared for, loved and that the compassion of Christ
Michael's correcting program encompasses everyone. Thank you.

Constant War in Our History

Question #6: This individual feels that after more or less 2,000 years of
constant war that we haven't learned very much. Can you suggest a concrete
deed that people of peace can do towards the goal of world peace?

Monjoronson: Within the context and confines of your society and your
political system and where decisions are made, perhaps the best options that
I can suggest is for you to run for office. We have tremendous need for
majorities of peace loving individuals in legislatures and congress and
parliaments all over the world. This is an important aspect of the social
evolution of your civilization. Please know that we have been working and
the midwayers work ceaselessly and tirelessly in giving leaders options for
making decisions. Most however are overly invested in positions of power,
wealth, and privilege than they are in the egalitarian good of everyone
which would diminish the power, wealth, and social status of many of those
who are a great influence in the world. You will see many new developments
within the coming years as the old formulas for decision making and enacting
and action simply are insufficient to bring about the good and survival of
the world let alone turn it into a sustainable social, political, and
economic enterprise. Thank you.

Another American Civil War?

Question #7: Our government seems to be frighteningly polarized almost
dramatically as in the civil war time, Republicans versus the Democrats, and
there seems to be little bridge building between the two. Is civil war
within the United States a probability or a possibility again? If so, what
as Christians can we do?

Monjoronson: We do not see the possibility or probability of civil war in
this country. There will be far greater issues which will divert the
attention of the opposing sides from engaging further animosity towards each
other. What you are seeing a century and a half after the civil war is the
maturation of this democracy. It has reached its crescent of accomplishment
and is now in deterioration and decent. It will become less and less
effective as power accretes to those in positions of great influence. Much
must be done to avert the disasters of a deteriorating democracy. Civil war
is not part of that.

You will see rapid developments coming into your world and this nation and
other nations as they face an increasing crescendo of crisis and cataclysms
that sap the strength and credibility of existent leadership. The
divisiveness of two parties is unfortunate and in a developed democracy it
leads to great social inequity, the molasses-like movement of social
activity to uplift and augment the betterment of your population. Further,
the militarism that is endemic in this nation and other western nations is a
very dangerous impediment to social and global progress and deflects the
good that can come from using these resources for sustainable enterprise.
Thank you.

The Soulless & Adjusterless on Urantia

This question concerns the recent Feb. 5 special session which you
participated in. One of the statements that you made as regards your
recognition by individuals on this world was as follows: "Those who have not
grown will not see me; those who are soulless and who have no Thought
Adjuster in them due to their own proclivity for erroneous decisions and
commitments will have no appreciation of my presence and me."

Question #8: Do Thought Adjusters leave people or give up on them? Do we
actually have soulless people?

Monjoronson: Yes, there are soulless and there are Thought Adjuster-less
individuals and usually these two events coincide. As a person has chosen to
live in inequity, they have chosen to live outside of the social, economic,
and moral parameters of a society and have surely opted out of the ascension
program provided to them by their Thought Adjuster within. They have
abandoned their life plan that was given to them when they came into this
existence in this lifetime.

Yes, the Thought Adjusters leave when there is no possibility of
participating in the reclamation and reformation of this individual for
contributions to their souls and its survival. Thought Adjusters are not
obliged to remain with an individual who is iniquitous consistently and
permanently so. Thought Adjusters are well acquainted and know the life plan
of each individual and can thoroughly see the course of events that will
proceed and develop as an individual lives out their life. There is an
efficacy and efficiency of Thought Adjusters in this action. They have much
to contribute to the good of the universe by leaving the individual to whom
they were with while they were with them. Thank you.

Self-Defense Against Iniquity

Question #9: Regarding the topic of self defense, in the Urantia Book I seem
to recall a [paraphrased] statement from Jesus where he said...if you
determine that a human being is not a brother you may take any action for
your own defense regardless of the consequences to the attacker. Was He
referring to this type of an individual?

Monjoronson: Yes, but and however, which of you can thoroughly know the
absence of a Thought Adjuster in another to make that decision? Thank you.

Philip: That was my question, how does one actually do that? Do you judge it
by an iniquitous act?

Monjoronson: No, there are no mortals on this planet who can make that
decision, who can make that distinction. Few individuals on this world have
the capability of seeing a Thought Adjuster within another individual to
know that individual is totally iniquitous and will not survive after the
dispensation. Therefore it is immoral on your part to attack another.

I caution you to remember that the Bible and New Testament was many times
been amended, edited, and revised for the political convenience of the
writers and those sects which were involved in recording and changing the
original meaning and content of those scripts. Do you have further

Philip: No. Thank you. That does conclude our question and answer section.
If there are are any comments you would care to make at this time, we would
offer you this forum.

Expand The Q&A with Worldwide Input

Monjoronson: Myself and the joint liaison team are grateful for this forum
to address questions from individuals around the world who direct their
questions to you. It is important that everyone have an access to this
source. I am one among many who can address the questions which you ask.
There is a need to be present and available to everyone who does ask. This
is part of an ongoing living revelation that will continue and become even
more developed and expansionary than before. There is need for this to occur
in all language groups and all cultures. Thank you.

Philip: Thank you Monjoronson, we are grateful for your counsel and we thank
our t/r Daniel. That concludes our session this evening.


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