[tmtranscripts] FW: No. Idah TeaM 6/21/09

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Tue Jul 7 12:39:41 PDT 2009

From: rickgiles at abcinet.net
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2009 08:58:36 -0700
To: Rickgiles <rickgiles at abcinet.net>
Bcc: morningstar.42 at hotmail.com, dianesfeet at msn.com, jpittmon at gmail.com,
mary at theleatherworks.net, tricia at scattercreek.com, t.oldbill at verizon.net,
molsen6 at comcast.net, markmary at theleatherworks.net, bordend-r at infowest.com,
susanelrayw at netscape.net, paul at imagesinstone.com
Subject: No. Idah TeaM 6/21/09

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Cooperation With The Divine Fragment Within You.
Teachers: Lantarnek

June 21, 2009

*     Lantarnek (Jonathan TR):  Greetings, this is Lantarnek.   It is a joy
to be with you, to join in fellowship.  Let us recognize our Michael Son and
our Mother Spirit.  We give them our love, for they are our source of life. 
We accept their love and we accept their teaching that comes to us not only
in word but in living, the direct encounter of truth, the discovery of one¹s
own goodness, and the beauty of the synchronization of all that transpires
in Nebadon which is directing us to the Father of all fathers.
I will speak some about cooperation with your Divine Fragment within you. 
It is, I observe, a passion each one of you holds, for you have come not
only to believe or recognize but have directly experienced the benefits and
the joy of the cooperative relationship such that when you are in a sense of
disconnectedness you long to reestablish that interface.
I believe it is understood by you, though I will state it for the clarity of
the message, that the Divine Spirit is not holding a list of activities that
you must perform, is not dictating a course of action you must undertake in
order to be cooperating.  This Fragment of God is a pattern; it is a divine
overlay upon you.  That may perchance sound impersonal, but as you have
learned in your Urantia Papers this Divine Fragment does not have
personality, hails from before personality came into being.  Your
cooperation as a personality is to develop behavioral patterns which are
parallel, which interweave with the divine pattern of divinity, the
godliness that is upon you.  In so doing you may then elect to undertake a
broad spectrum of activities to choose among the many human goals to
accomplish to become skilled in any particular achievement, to employ
yourself in numerous methods of commerce, of business.  For that matter, to
cooperate with the Divine Spirit is to engage in any one of these
activities, to adopt hobbies, to engage in sports, to take up instruments
and learn to play; all these things are human, temporal, physical, planetary
ingredients which are arranged by you through living experience into the
replicated pattern of the Divine Presence.
Your cultures speak of saints and sages, of holy men and women, of gods
taking up human form and walking among you.  These people are so called
because they have patterned themselves into that harmonic relationship of
We speak of this Divine Presence as a Fragment of God, but there is no loss
of the completeness of God in any particular fragment.  The spark is no
different than the flame, and any flame is no different than the fire. 
While you from your orientation of human will seek to reach toward this
divine dimension of yourself, to humanly speaking cooperate with your
spirit, this spirit is already fulfilled in completion and perfection,
absolute in its qualities and speaking from that level of being has no
longing for you to cooperate, that is, for you to please the spirit with
your behaviors.  Rather is this cooperation one of providing the experience
of personality, of experiencing incompleteness, of experiencing discovery
from ignorance to knowing, from fearing to love, from suspicion to trust. 
While you move in that direction, the vector of your growth being toward the
divine, the divine vector is towards those experiences  you seek even to
outgrow.  It is not that the divine relishes those experiences of fear and
uncertainty, of suspicion, it is that it longs to overlay the pattern of
perfection, of beauty, upon these temporal conditions and adjust them into
their proper place in the spectrum of reality.
You know in your thoughtfulness the value of a certain degree of fear, for
it can safeguard you at a time of peril.  But you also know of its damaging
qualities when overused in situations where such a response is not the most
conducive to spiritual growth or even to clear and wise choices.
To cooperate with the Divine Spirit is not to be, say, as flattened cookie
dough upon which is pressed the divine pattern that you take on the form so
dictated.  There is a great flexibility instead much more like a set of
puzzle pieces, however, these pieces are not single in the means whereby
they may be connected.  There are multiple ways by which you may connect the
pieces to develop the whole pattern.  It is the will of God that each one of
you becomes a unique pattern in your right and in your own self.
It is in times of uncertainty when you desire to do the best for the
unfoldment of your soul and for the service of humanity that you turn in
prayer and ask, not ³what must I do to please the Father in heaven?², but
what will, shall, I do?  The guidance will strengthen and support your
choice with the infusion of truth and beauty and goodness that your decision
be clear but yet wholly creative in your own willpower.  Then you give the
gift of your patterned association with the divine.
I will attempt to make another analogy to this cooperation. You have many
forms of businesses: retail, manufacturing, financial services,
entertainment industries.  Each one of them has a different task or numerous
tasks that must be performed for them to function efficiently.  Some tasks
are found in each one of them while other tasks are unique to the particular
venue.  But if you look from the broad overview at each one of them you will
recognize certain patterns.  Those patterns are what you would generally
call a business.  This is like the Divine Presence; it is the business of
the Father, but each one of you is a different venue wherein such commerce
may take place.  I say this to any who may receive my words: rest in the
assurance of God¹s acceptance of who you are and what you do.  Just as any
business may be engaged in certain activities and not others, each one of
them can always become more efficient, better serve their clientele, perhaps
develop better products.  So it is with your own life.  God accepts who you
are and what you do, but nonetheless you can improve many aspects of the way
you live, both in your assertions of what to do and your reactions to what
comes to you in life.
I have said enough.  I will stand by and allow others to interact with you.

      Evelyn:  You cited sports, hobbies, and forms of artistic expression
as different ways of interweaving with the Thought Adjuster. Not on that
list is what we call work.  I think also the behaviors of one¹s work also
interweave with the Thought Adjuster.

*     Lantarnek:  You are correct in making this observation.  I did not
deliberately leave that off, merely seeking brevity in my examples. 
However, it does also entail the same arrangements for efficiency or
operational smoothness.  No sport team can have every player be a pitcher or
a quarterback.  Many functions must be in place.  As with a group of
musicians and also with something that can be as solitary as a hobby, there
are orders, steps, to take to reach the finish of the project all the while
maximizing its beauty or its value.  Work is likewise that way.  I spoke
more generally of businesses, but you are good to point out the individual
aspect of such endeavors, that is, the worker.  For your form of employ can
be just as much an expression of art as your, if I may say, your after-hours
engagements perhaps at the community theater or in your church or in your
city ball team.

*     Michael:  I have said in my Father¹s house there are many mansions,
and while I was on your world I also said, ³I go to prepare a place for
you².  Yes, and it is done, the places for you, and it is prepared, that is
in the welcoming that I extend to you.  But we are never static in this
dimension of time and space, so this preparedness is a continual preparing,
for all throughout Nebadon we are all growing.  New conditions arise from
this growing, and so your mansion is also undertaking changes but
nonetheless is there for you.
In my Father¹s house are many mansions.  Each one of those mansions is your
soul, and you prepare a place for me in that soul, your soul.  I come to
you; I receive your welcome.  It is a house of light with a hearth of love. 
It has rooms decorated by your personality.  I am charmed by the way you
keep house.  Yes, these are my Father¹s mansions, rich and spectacular,
intricate, and beautiful.   Thank you for opening your door to me and taking
me in.

*     Light:  I am Light.  It is good to be one ray among all these rays of
light.  We look to the divine source, the white light, and we aspire to be
so radiant, so brilliant, so clear.  I desire to follow Lantarnek by stating
that each one of us is derivative of this white light. You are familiar with
your visual spectrum of colors, and you are also aware of the octaves of the
spectrum of light beyond your visual abilities to sense.  Each frequency is
a derivative of that pure light.  White is visual, but this light is beyond
merely the sensation in your eye.  We are all light, our own light and the
light of God.  Radiate in your best manner; do it as you know how.  The
spectrum will be filled by all of our radiance. That is the light of God
abroad in the world.
1                                    Hayden, Idaho

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