[tmtranscripts] Southeast Idaho TeaM January 18, 2009

Anderson andersonkp6 at cableone.net
Mon Feb 23 08:47:30 PST 2009

Southeast Idaho TeaM

Topics: Willingness to change
The Ego voice
Come because you are hungry

DANIEL: I am Daniel; I will lead you in prayer for another has been
chosen to open this meeting through their TR.

****'s request will be responded to affirmatively, and therefore the format
is being altered. Personal teachers are enthused and ready to step forward
as well. They request that if possible their charges be prepared. Now let
us pray:

All Mighty Creator, Father of Lights, Mother, bounteous Parents, we stand in
solidarity, with these our students, lifting our faces to You in trust, with
joy, with gratitude, for the opportunity to learn of ourselves through this
amazing experience of being teacher and student, student and teacher, friend
and friend, colleague and colleague, in Your correcting time mission.

We thank You for the gift of ascension. We thank You for our part in Your
plan, whether we be of ascending or descending nature. We are humbled and
grateful to participate, to know ourselves, to know You in this way. Open
hearts and minds that the truth of Your message may flow through the many
paths in the diversity with a unified message. We ask this in recognition
of the One. Amen.

KLARIXISKA: This is Klarixiska; I'd like to make these comments, though
brief, concerning my charge and picking up on the request that was made
before by one of your members.

The inadequacies of my charge [as reported to you] have been exaggerated by
the insecure feelings that have haunted her since childhood. Certainly, we
do not have to go through those at this time. What I would like to have put
on record is that the characteristic that she wrote in her booklet is but
one of many. She [also] wrote down that loyalty was a characteristic that
she has and certainly that is true. We know what the book says about "you
must be loyal as a tadpole if you wish to become a frog." She truly has not
only become a frog but one that is learning the ability to hop and hop very

Her characteristics have surfaced, and honesty and, certainly,
desiring-the-best-for-the-other person are but a few. And this is just to,
not only help her, but continue the thought that the evaluation of each of
you is, of course, made by you each, but also by the Eternal Father, Eternal
Mother that accepts you as you are, the inclusive God that recognizes how
well each of you have done. Thank you.

MINEARSIA: Greetings, I am Minearsia, instructor in residence to this
Southeast Idaho Teaching Mission group. I thank Klarixiska, and
particularly her charge, for the willingness to share these thoughts in this
group, with these friends, with these siblings, with these family members.
Willingness is the key to the type of transformational change you all seek.
Change will come one way or another, and the willingness to allow God in
your life, God to be the leader, God to be the friend, God to be the
counselor is transformational in nature.

We have had a request to extend the anniversary format from the relatively
short address from our previous meeting to a more extended format. As you
are all aware, in an anniversary setting the number of personalities,
teachers whom you have been associated with over the years, make their
appearance to share their friendship, to share their love, and to offer
congratulations of another year completed, another year deepening one's
relationship with our great Parents and hopefully in deepening your
awareness of yourself and your relationship with all others.

I am delighted to be here with you in this role, in this time. I welcome
you and offer my congratulations, and I also open the floor for requests,
for questions, for interaction. The floor is yours.

Student 1: I just want to say thank you Minearsia for the years of
teaching. You have done a great job. Thank you.

MINEARSIA: My dear, young, friend, in your discussion of thanks, I heard
doubt in yourself. Is this correct?

Student 1: Oh, I am sure I carry a great load of doubt about what I am
learning and what I am using, because the lessons have been fantastic and
the way they are taught to us. But it seems that I have to be taught year,
after year, after year the same lesson. Yes, some doubt.

MINEARSIA: Thank you. I wish to assure you that you are doing
wonderfully well. You do not have the perspective that we have. And so, my
words to you tonight are a replay from the past. But this is to remind you
that you are children of a rebellion planet. And while you see the reality
of your world, you cannot comprehend the magnitude of the distortions that
impair your functioning as individuals and as members of society. These
distortions are real, are powerful, and will be corrected.

While you each at times struggle with a sense of futility, of repetition, of
ineptitude, of discouragement, we see great strides. We see flickering
lights growing into strong flames. We see transformative change taking
place in the here and now. We see improvements in your abilities to relate
with one another, and increasing directness in communication. But above all
we experience in you all the desire to develop a deep and meaningful
relationship with our Parents, which is the source of the transformation of
all through time. Remember that the ascension scheme is fundamentally about
transformation, eon-by-eon, age-by-age. And so my dear ****, you, and, each
of you, do well.

And now we understand that there are others you would like to hear from
through another, one monument please.

HAM: Greetings, my children, dear, old friends. I am Ham, here among
you at your request. It is indeed a delight to be among you, to speak to
you in this manner, to renew old acquaintances, and to offer my
acknowledgement of your beings and congratulations for your efforts and
kudos for your successes. I wish to ask this TR to relax and to let the
words flow. As a TR, she has not invited outsiders in on a regular basis
for many years. She finds being open to these energies to be somewhat
alarming. But, PamElla, my dear friend, we know one another well. Be at
peace with the process.

My dear friends, of course, I know each of you well. I too, and Daniel too,
and many of your personal teachers here tonight remember that first evening
when you made my acquaintance and the acquaintance of Daniel those many
years ago. My group and your group had a special connection and have a
special connection. I wish to convey to you that I am. remain an active
administrator of the Correcting Time mission, particularly as it pertains to
the Teaching Mission, it's overall curriculum, yes, but to the Correcting
Time more broadly as well. My responsibilities are broader than the
Teaching Mission itself.

And, so, friends, I am pleased to be with you, and I offer you my continuing
friendship and love. One moment please.

ABRAHAM: I am Abraham. Of course I am here. I am often here. In fact
it is a rare occasion when I miss your meeting. I consider you my students
as well as Daniel's. I share responsibility for your over care and lesson
tools. And I am pleased to speak to you in this manner. **** my dear,
since you have asked for our presence here this evening, is there anything
in particular you would like to hear from us?

Student 1: No, I didn't really mean to change the format. But, yes, I
guess I would like to know how we are doing as a group and if there are any
tools I'm missing? I know we're still missing. is number one; maybe some
ideas how to continue with startup and stick with it.

ABRAHAM: You are asking for ideas of how to stick with stillness?
(Yes.) My dear, you have all the tools you need. What you are missing is
an understanding of the resistance. You are allowing your resistance to
rule rather than inviting Father, inviting Michael, inviting Mother in to
assist you in understanding your resistance and releasing it. This is not
about doing; this is not about an inadequate toolbox; this is about
resistance. Does this help?

Student 1: Tremendously.


Student 2: Abraham, when I find myself finding everything else in the
world to do besides that quiet time, I start singing "procrastination,
hesitation," and it's so silly. But we know what we are supposed to do, and
still we don't.. I have all these things that have to be done.. "No, ****
you don't." Thank you. Resistance is real in my life.

ABRAHAM: Thank you, my friend, for your observation. And now I have a
question for you. Does your singing assist you (Group laughing and
commenting)..or is it just another diversionary tactic.

Student 1: Good one.

Student 2: I think my singing makes me aware of what in the heck I'm
doing. (more laughing and cross talk.)

ABRAHAM: If it has merit, you may offer it to "Student 1" or a tool.

Student 2: Oh dear, I feel sorry for "Student 1."

Student 1: Believe me, I have enough distractions. I could come up with a
million of them.

ABRAHAM: This is human. This is your ego voice-if you remember from
earlier lessons. It has a role to play, and it is threatened very much by
surrender, by unity, by the path to higher consciousness. This TR is being
reminded of readings from many years ago. The ego is very frightened of
losing it's self to the larger Self. It is the voice that tells you that
you don't need others, that you need to be independent, that you need to
have backbone and so forth. This is the voice from which the resistance

I would like to remind you of lessons I know you received, for I was here
listening and monitoring your response. This is not a rhetorical
question-how do you calm this voice, do you remember?

Student 1: Abraham, I remember in the old days being in Woods Cross,
when the lessons came through, I would ask for my ego to be put in a box on
the shelf for awhile until I could it get under control.

ABRAHAM: Yes, my dear friend that is a technique that works well for
the shorter term. There have been other techniques offered. Does anyone

Student 2: I certainly don't specifically. how to control the ego except
through stillness. And that's the very thing we are talking about now.
Stop and think, and stop and pray. But I don't know specifically. I don't

Student 1: Seems like making friends with the ego is one way.

ABRAHAM: Yes! And in stillness one invites in love. You see, on
Urantia when people desire control, mastery, they scold, they nag, they
verbally abuse, and this only strengthens those aspects. Surrender,
kindness, love, gentleness, tenderness, ease with one's ego, with one's
self, dissolves the resistance.

And so I say to you, do not give energy to your resistance by fighting it.
Be gentle with yourselves, but make the time. And when you seek the
stillness do so with wholehearted intention. And it is at this point that
the "being gentle with the resistance" can help, for it does you no good to
sit and then be on the edge ready to leap up and run and go take care of
something else.

Student 2: Quit describing me.

ABRAHAM: You are not alone.

Come not because you have to. Come because you are hungry, and you want to
be fed. Don't settle for fast food. Allow yourself to be nourished. In
God's time, the rest of your day will still fit in.

Are there any other topics of concern this evening? (Silence) Then I,
Abraham, will take my leave and allow another to close the meeting. Shalom.

Group: Shalom. Thank you.

TOMAS: I am Tomas. I have the privilege and of course the delight of
closing this session. It has been awhile since I undertook this task, and I
do it again with enthusiasm. Will you please stand and hold hands?

Faithful Father, ever present Mother, Michael, our father and brother, thank
You for the delight and challenge that these our charges provide to us.
Thank You for the opportunity to interact with them in this way. Send them
forthwith a renewed commitment to stillness, to seeking You, to loving
service and to continuing those steps to which they committed and have
recommitted so many times these many years. Friends, children, the entire
teaching staff sends you off with love and encouragement to be your best.
Amen. Farewell. Shalom.

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