[tmtranscripts] FW: MONJORONSON.COM Q/A SESSION #17 2008-08-27

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Thu Sep 4 11:49:05 PDT 2008





Prayer: Divine Parents, we come to this place of service and we ask for your
guidance and your inspiration as we work hand in hand together to form this
link that we share with Monjoronson and the Monjoronson.com service
opportunity. Thank you for bringing us your emissaries of light such as
Monjoronson to come and work with us to open up these channels of
communication and sharing between us. Please help us to be centered and
properly oriented to be of service to the best capacity that we are able. We
are certain that Monjoronson works with us in this process and so we welcome
his influence, his presence in this circle with us now and invite him to
join us in this service project together. Thank you for this grace that we
share in this moment, let it be so.

Monjoronson: Hello my dear partners and friends as we work to create this
avenue of approach between us. I am Monjoronson here to accept your
invitation and to offer my services as well. I welcome this opportunity to
work with you in this capacity and so let us be about this business of being
in service together, it shall be so indeed.

Mary: Hello Monjoronson, welcome once again to our question and answer
session. We mortals on Urantia ever do reach out for answers to questions
and look for guidance and we appreciate your being here with us tonight.

Q #1: [Mary] My question is in reference to a message from Eve regarding the
up stepping of dna of certain individuals enabling them to remain on this
planet for a longer period of time than normally experienced. Will there be
any outwardly discernible signs of this up stepping or will it be more of a
spiritual nature? Thank you for your continued responses to these questions.

Monjoronson: Thank you for your continued questions my dear one. Your
records of history and your resources such as your Urantia Book portray for
you the fact that at different times on this very world there have lived
different classes of mortals of the realm. You all are familiar with the
stories of your Adam and Eve and your Urantia Book defines times when there
were beings on this planet which spanned great time periods and so this
phenomenon you refer to is not necessarily a new one, it merely has been a
long time, longer than the memories of mortals currently living since there
have been these unusual occurrences of a mix of the material stock with
spiritual and divine influence which altered the very structure and
composition of the standard mortal design and enabled certain mortals of the
realm to influence the natural course of events in the material realm.

You know that certain mortals had properties of longevity when exposed to
the tree of life and you know that there as well sprang forth an entire
order of beings, the Melchizedeks who are not limited at all by the natural
aging of the mortal body. There are many different potentials inherent in a
world that is undergoing spiritual evolution and now we find ourselves once
again at a time where great potentials may become actualized. It is true as
you know, that all things are possible with the love of the Divine First
Source and Center and if you always begin with this realization, you will
always work back to the point of potentials.

All things are potential merely to be actualized by divine influence. And so
it is with your very being, your material manifestations carry within them
the potential to have great longevity. They are conditioned in your lives to
only run for what you consider to be a normal period of time and then you
all accept that the wear and tear of time and space grind away your physical
beings and eventually overtake you. But this is largely because you dwell
mostly in the material plane, that is, your point of reference is mostly
housed in the material environment and you do not readily concede that there
are aspects of you which are timeless, eternal and far ranging from your
material perspective.

You are in fact encoded with a great resource of past history embedded deep
in your most basic of building blocks you refer to as your dna. But as well
encoded in there is great potential and access to the other aspects of
yourself, your more spiritual nature and characteristics. When this part of
your makeup becomes acknowledged and expanded then your balance of material
and spiritual composition may shift and the more spiritual you become even
in this life, the less impact time, wear and tear and age may have on you
because the more you will be able to assert some degree of control over
these factors in your lives.

And so in this way it is quite true that you may very well become shifted in
your seat of consciousness and you may transfer your awareness from being
surrounded by time and space and the vicissitudes of time and space into a
more spiritual perspective in which you have more and more control over
these factors. This will indeed enable you to enjoy greater latitude over
your basic processes of aging and how that is affecting your individual
journeys. The outward signs of such a shift, of such a change are basic and
simple. They are health and well being. These are the characteristics of
those who have shifted their consciousness and awareness into a realm where
they assert some degree of control over their physical and maintain a state
of wellness, health and rejuvenation.

Some of this may be due to this outside influence of triggering parts of you
unknown and some of this is most certainly due to your own choices of
attitude and perspective or simply shifting your attitude and perspective
about aging and what is normal or proper or expected of you can in and of
itself shift your reality about such things. It is true that with each epic
shift, there is attendant as well a up-liftment in the physical capabilities
and characteristics of the mortal pattern and so you can expect that you
will see healthier specimens of children, you will see even in the adults, a
shift in wellness and health in relation to both the internal choices and
the external influence of this uplifting energy.

I encourage you to seek out these energies, petitions for their application
in your lives and make every effort to participate with your own choices and
decisions which foster and uphold your individual state of wellness and
well-being. These are very powerful factors that you may utilize in this
process and not see yourselves as dependent upon external factors solely to
create this shift and difference in your lives. I hope this addresses your
question satisfactorily, thank you.

Q#2: [Mary] Thank you for your response Monjoronson. This next question
refers to an aspect mentioned in the Urantia Book which is the nurseries, so
to speak, that children who pass on early from this mortal life to the
morontia realms are cared for in the nursery until the parents arrive also
in the morontia realms to continue caring for them. This question refers to
that and is as follows. At what time during life are young children
translated from Urantia to the nursery? If a child is aborted during
pregnancy are they translated? Are they translated if they pass away
directly after childbirth or is it at a specific age limit? There are
several of my neighbors that lost young ones and it would be nice to
reassure them with some information about the ages and other limitations,
thank you.

Monjoronson: I appreciate your question and your concern as to the welfare
of the little ones. Nothing tugs at the heart quite so seriously as a desire
to be sure that the little ones are cared for, that they are safe and well.
As parents, this runs so very deep in your composition, it is truly what you
might refer to as instinct, so very basic and such a part of any parenting
experience. I would seek to assure all who hear these words that nothing, no
one is ever lost whether it be the young child or whether it be the elder
who passes away. All are cared for lovingly and graciously, all are
ministered to absolutely and completely.

No matter what happens to you or at what age it happens to you, you are
equally ministered to, taken care of and your essence, your true self
remains intact and moves forward in the process. In the case of the unborn
or the barely born who have not had adequate opportunity to develop any form
of significant relationship, they will have the opportunity to try again and
so they are not lost either. They may not be developmentally attached to any
other individuals in the material realm for they simply have not had the
opportunity to develop this attachment and if this is the case they are
given another opportunity to come forth in the expression of a mortal of the

They need not be translated because they never got an opportunity the first
time and it is required that you have some experience in this mortal realm
to relate to. This is the beginning of your ascension career and it would
not quite do for you to skip it and go directly on to your next class. There
is purpose in your experience here in this realm which is why it is
significant to note that every effort should be made to allow for this
experience and not to rush through it or to abort the mission of being a
creature in this material realm. But if the vicissitudes of life dictate
otherwise and if you have had some time to adequately manifest this
experience, then you are lovingly and carefully transferred and ministered
to on a different plane.

But if your journey was simply too short and you were unable to have any
experience of the material kind, then you are encouraged and allowed to try
again and not to move ahead until you have had some chance to gain the
necessary experience that this life is designed to bring to you. But in all
cases, in every case, whether you live an extra long life as was referred to
in the last question or whether your life was cut short prematurely due to
the acts of time and space, you are lovingly ministered to and nothing of
value that you are or have done is ever lost. It simply is carried over and
if your experiences were inadequate, there are special places where you may
go to make up for this premature exit to your initial experience.

The overall theme is that you are safe whether you are here or there,
whether you are young or old, whether your life appears to be as you would
judge it to be good or whether your life appears to be challenging or
fraught with difficulty, these are valuable experience and each one, every
one will be turned towards the good and will be made to bring you the divine
grace that this entire ascension career is designed to furnish you with. So
be not afraid for yourselves or for the little ones. I know it is very
difficult to have this perspective when you are so concerned about your role
as parents and protecting the little ones but you must understand you have
parents much larger than you who are overseeing your protection and your
children's protection as well and if you would trust that this is so you
will begin to see that any and every circumstance will be infused with grace
and will be used for goodness.

Thank you for your concern that this question illustrates. It is one of the
noblest traits of your humanness that you show such concern and compassion
for the young and the needy. Let this motivate you to do all that you can to
support these young ones and these ones in need but also realize that the
long term perspective would tell you that all is well even if it does not
appear well at any given moment to you. Thank you for your question.

Mary: Thank you for that reassuring response Monjoronson.

Q#3: We have one last question this evening. Basically it's a question that
asks you to clarify the meaning of something you stated in a recent
transcript and the statement that is mentioned is : "mankind needs to be
pointed in the right direction". This questioner speculates on the possible
meaning of this statement that you made as perhaps referring to or
encouraging the Urantia Book being more publicly advertised. Could you
perhaps clarify what you meant more specifically?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your question about the direction mankind needs
to be pointed. First, I will note that you refer to a means whereby this
pointing in the right direction might be facilitated, a tool to be used in
this process and you refer to the Urantia text. Certainly this is a tool and
a potent resource for such a shift or redirection in focus but the thrust of
your question about redirection or refocus is much larger than any specific
text or tool or approach or means in which this shift happens but rather it
is a fundamental and basic shift in awareness. It is a shift away from
materialism and towards the spirit.

It is a redirection from a life lived with minimal consideration of your
spiritual relationship to all that is to a life with more focus on this
aspect of yourselves. There are many tools which may be employed to
facilitate you in a shift of awareness or this redirection of focus but the
major component of your question is correct in assuming that there is a
definite and discernible shift in the perspective and priorities and
emphasis that you allocate in your lives. Certainly you will concede that in
your life experience there is much that could be enhanced by virtue of
seeing yourselves differently and this is the point of the statement that
mankind needs to be pointed in the right direction.

They need to be pointed in the divine direction, they need to be pointed in
the moral direction, they need to be pointed in the spiritual direction,
they need to focus on the aspects of themselves that endures beyond this
mortal experience, they need to be pointed in the direction of oneness and
the realization that they are part of a gigantic whole, they need to see
themselves as universal citizens, not simply individuals unaffected by the
masses. These are the types of shifts that change everything when they are
embraced and adopted for no longer can you conduct life as usual when you
have had your perspective so enhanced and your awareness so increased that
you now see yourselves differently and the world around you as well.

We are engaged in this process right now in this moment, we are making these
shifts in awareness and in so doing we are attempting to point ourselves in
the right direction, in the proper orientation and this process is
continually ongoing. Growth cannot be stopped, evolution cannot be halted.
It is part of the divine plan that you will continually go through this
process of awakening and increased awareness and each time that you do, your
reality will shift to accommodate your new awareness.

And so this matter of pointing mankind in the right direction happens one
individual at a time, in these growth spurts of awareness that you go
through and having just had a growth spurt, you view the world differently
and it filters down into your lives and you act differently, even when
confronted with routine experiences. Your shift in awareness and perception
causes you to interact with these experiences in a different manner. We are
creating a tool right now to be used in this process as well and we will not
stop at any means or opportunity to create as many approaches and tools and
means whereby we may facilitate this process of pointing mankind in the
right direction.

Living a life as you do as a mortal of the realm, you may become engaged in
many patterns and if left unchanged, these patterns might repeat themselves
over and over from the time they are instituted until the moment you
transcend this life on this world. But if you are exposed to new ideas, even
ideals, then these patterns may be changed and you may get pointed in a new
direction and that is what the entire ascension career is designed to do for
you, to redirect your focus to shift your perspective and in so doing, point
you in a more and more truthful, good and beautiful direction.

And so I applaud your question because it indicates that you are realizing
the significance of this being shifted and refocussed and pointed in the
right direction. Once you begin to embrace this as part of the process, then
you lubricate the mechanism of this redirection and in time you will begin
to look forward to this and welcome it with open arms, so to speak. But for
now it is enough that you are realizing that life is a continual process of
redirection and refocus. So welcome to the ascension career my dear ones and
prepare to make many shifts and many readjustments as you proceed down this
journey and as you come in awareness of many many different influences that
are attendant in this process, even like this one.

I would take this opportunity to draw this meeting to a close and thank all
the participants for their services rendered and all the questioners who
have put forth their questions and concerns to be addressed. I wish peace
and a sense of safety and security to all of you. I realize there is so much
unknown and so much uncertainty causes one to not always be at peace and so
I wish you all peace in this process and even in your uncertainty. Thank you
all and farewell.

Mary: Thank you for your response Monjoronson and may we all bring our
awareness and consciousness ever more frequently in the direction of looking
up. looking towards the higher aspect of ourselves, thank you.

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