[tmtranscripts] FW: MONJORONSON.COM Q/A SESSION #7 6-18-08

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Mon Jun 23 12:39:24 PDT 2008





Monjoronson: I am with you, I am Monjoronson for the record and I will be
more than happy to receive your inquiries and will address them as are
appropriate to the needs of those who seek.

Question #1: [Mary] Good evening Monjoronson. This first question is from
one who has only recently found the Teaching Mission and the Magisterial
Mission and they have been reading a lot of transcripts since they are not
in a local group and feel very strongly drawn to the mission. They are very
willing but don't know what it is they should do and they ask: my current
line of work does not seem to me to be sustainable for myself financially or
as an industry. How do I get to a place where I can do something sustainable
that I believe in and feed my family?

Monjoronson: This is an issue which does not readily address from my side of
what you might call the veil, for the elements which comprise the situation
are highly variable and specific to a condition such as this questioner.
Your reference to sustainability leaves an ambiguity as to whether this
sustainability is in regards to its effect upon a broader behavior pattern
which benefits many peoples or whether that sustainability is in regard to
the family unit and its support financially.

Trust is a quality of spiritual presence that one must exercise but this
trust can be coupled with a diligence to pursue an alternate course which
may prove helpful to your economic and home life condition. When you are
desiring to fulfill the will of God, you have quite the latitude as to how
you may do so for it is the desire of God to experience a broad range of
human experiences through you. Therefore your choice of occupations is not
limited to one specifically ideal selection.

As you search for a solution to your dilemma, rest assured that you may
perforce be required to transition through several intermediate steps before
you arrive at the solution. These transitional steps to some may prove
defeating as they arise and then fail to be the answer. But do not lose
hope, maintain the trust and consider those stepping stones in the
investigation, the exploratory for what will become that sustainable
situation. I cannot offer to you a specific shift in focus for it is very
unique to your conditions and I must allow you the freedom of the
exploration and the discovery.

[Mary] I think this questioner was on the same track as he did follow up the
question with this sentence that said: Is it just my perception of my
position or should I just put one foot in front of the other in trust?

Monjoronson: Yes, to the second aspect of the question.

Question #2: [Mary] Here's another question. Monjoronson, I guess I don't
have to thank you for your involvement in this mission as I am sure it is as
much a privilege for you as your participation is a benefit to us. I have
been following the Q/A forum for some time and there is something I would
like to ask you. You always say how well we are doing and that things are
progressing. I would like to know where we are not doing so well and what
can be done to make some improvements? Jesus often chided His disciples for
their misguided questions, their reactions and I guess I would like to see
more of a challenge presented to us to do better. Thank you in advance for
your response.

Monjoronson: I offer the word acceptance. It is difficult for the human mind
to accept differences among peoples and this is because when one orients
their value system they are convinced that the high values held by them are
of usefulness to all others and soon lose sight of the necessity that all
others are undertaking evolutionary unfoldment which require alternate
experiences that may in the end lead to the same ideals and they will be
held equally as valid but the course to attain it is different.

We from our vantage point are accommodating of one anothers variable
pursuits of the highest ideal. This is something that the human beings on
Urantia must learn. It can be difficult as what you cherish seems to be
devalued when you allow others to hold views and beliefs which are sometimes
apparently diametrically opposed. But you are all on the scale of the
evolutionary ascent quite at the starting line and so not one of you has
progressed very far in the eternal continuum, the ascent to Paradise.

If you will allow yourself to accept the alternate courses of one another
you will soon discover though not in your current lifetime, that you are all
converging on the same experience of unity. So while you pursue what you
believe to be your highest ideal, work upon allowing and accepting one
another to take alternate courses to the same Paradise home. I hope this
addresses your question.

[Mary] Thank you for that response Monjoronson, I personally find that
allowing and accepting a being the choices for suggesting further work is
great and I find it interesting just because it is some of the things I'm
spending a lot of time thinking about lately and just trying to appreciate
other people and to remind myself that other people are doing the same thing
I am doing, just trying to get through life with some understanding, some
graciousness, some realizing of their potential and that other people are
trying to do the same thing and that we may not understand or agree with
them but to respect that others are on the same general path of the human
being. It is an interesting path and I appreciate that you point those out
in answer to the question.

Question #3: [Mary] This is a question about the assigned sentinel who is on
our local system headquarters. As I have learned this being is a direct
creation of the Infinite Spirit and reports directly to the planet Orvonton,
one of the 21 spheres immediately surrounding Paradise. Since our assigned
sentinel is also the acting head of the counsel of 24 on Jerusem and John
the Baptist is the current governor general on Urantia, and along with the
Michael bestowal commission now acting on Urantia; is there a tie between
all of these agencies and yourself to co-ordinate Michael's return during
your mission? Thank you for taking this difficult question.

Monjoronson: I must first state that all activities on any sphere by the
various orders and divisions of beings are always co-ordinated and strive
for harmony in the effort. The counsel of 24 are a unique group of beings
that were assembled as a compensation for the disruption of the rebellion in
your system and will not continue indefinitely as a governing body but will
provide an advisory role even after the administrations of the various
planets are restored to normal order.

However as you understand from your readings that the individuals on this
counsel are ascendant creatures and will be at the appropriate time looking
to further their ascent and so will not remain forever in positions on the
counsel. My mission has to do with the transitions from one phase of
planetary development to another and Michael's return is somewhat
independent of those stages of planetary progress. He will be looking for a
time where He may be able to address the whole world. That said, no specific
group of people may find themselves claiming a uniqueness, a special
accommodation by His addressing them and your world is only now getting to
that stage wherein the whole world may know as anyone around that world
comes to know.

I am here to accelerate the transition and it is in this effort that the
conditions may improve for a return of Michael but my efforts are not
specifically directed toward that event. I am here for a broader effect
which will also accommodate His promise to return. You speak of the worlds
around Paradise which are high centers of control for the worlds of time and
space and they are pattern dynamos which are projected upon the many worlds
of the seven super universes. What emanates from them becomes transformed
into localized manifestations.

You are on a world that was visited by one of the Creator Sons and such a
Creator Son in its own personality causes a variation from that first
pattern. These assigned sentinels are here to foster an efficiency as those
adjustments are made. You will find them to be a unique order of beings for
they are capable of making such flexible adjustments that the future for any
given locality will be realized not only as it is idealized on high but as
it is also variably revealed by the specific local situation.

I am viewed as emerging from the efforts of the correcting time of the
Teaching Mission but I am not a direct result of that outreach. I am a
parallel project which has some similar goals but I look to the future ages,
I look to prime the planet for the work of the Trinity Teacher Sons who are
the long term architects and executioners of a planets progress to Light and
Life. Michael came here to fulfill His attainment of sovereignty and has
made the unique promise to return. I come to transition through
dispensations and the Trinity Teacher Sons come to take the planet to Light
and Life.

So we all co-ordinate, but we all hold different objectives and goals that
fit among one another somewhat harmoniously but also standing alone as a
unique effort.

Question #4: [Mary] Thank you for that response Monjoronson. Here's a
question about energy and this person would like to know if our personal
energy field also know known as bio-field or aura, is our personal energy
field, the mechanism that facilitates our perception, our sixth sense, our
sense of others and their attitudes and thinking?

Monjoronson: This energy field is what you may liken to the function of your
physical device called an antennae. It isn't a detector and will sense
proximity's and colorations that vibrations provide from others. You refer
to it as a sixth sense. It is more like a broad collector which is
translated by your senses into understandable terms. Those who have spent
time becoming sensitive to this field have learned to interpret in the
symbology of your senses what those impacts upon that field mean, but they
are receptions of vibrations which are given the dialect of your sensory

Herein enters the element of subjectivity for one may enter into your
presence and have an apparent effect by way of this co-mingling of energy
fields while another standing adjacent to you may receive a different energy
sense because of your receptors and your translations through those
receptors. Someone may project an aura as you refer to it and be interpreted
variably. I encourage you to practice developing a sensitivity to this
antennae and to scrutinize your interpretation of what is received for the
energy will mutate based upon your reflexes and your interpretation.

Mary: With regards to the aura once again is perhaps one of the purposes of
stillness is to calm and harmonize this field of energy?

Monjoronson: Yes.

Mary: This questioner also would like to know if they are on the right track
with the following thought experiment. I imagine a personal bio-field like a
pond and a heartbeat like a pebble being thrown in. When the surface of a
pond is still, the ripples from the pebble extend freely and predictably.
When the surface of the pond is active due to the stirring of our biological
attitudes, intents and thoughts the ripples don't extend in a regular way
and our perception becomes unable to work properly. Am I on the right track
with this?

Monjoronson: This analogy is an appropriate description of what transpires
in the greater field of ones being, but I must also indicate that while
ideally the pond be still, that those ripples emanate clearly. I also must
point out that even in an agitated surface, those same wave forms still
propagate in the same manner. The appearance changes because of the other
wave presences but the energy released continues as it was sent only to be
altered in the meeting of other form.

You speak of stillness and it is in that calm state that one clearly
perceives and experiences that pebble and its effect upon the pond but you
also know that stillness is of little worth when in the clamor of the day
you cannot bring in the benefits of that stillness to all that noise and
clatter about you. When the pond is agitated, by way of the practice of
stillness you can still perceive those original ripples of that pebble even
as it is intermixed with all the other conditions and qualifications and

This is the goal of spiritual mastery but you will find great difficulty in
finding that original emanation of the pure waves of the pebble without the
practice of stillness. You must learn in quietude what it is in order that
you may realize it when noise is all about.

Question #5: [Mary] Monjoronson, there is a question here that asks if you
are aware of one called Lyricus?

Monjoronson: I am unable to address that question as the names given to
various personalities are numerous and it is without more description hard
for me to say, just as if I were to say are you aware of one named Fred
where there are many who go by that name and many Freds who have various
nicknames and appellations of affection.

Mary: Well thank you for that reply and perhaps this questioner will expand
on Lyricus for us so that we can figure out if it is someone you know.

Question #6: Were you recently offered the office of a deputy Planetary
Prince of Urantia?

Monjoronson: I am able to serve in that capacity as Urantia normalizes its
administrative structure and given that your world is unique in its
governing bodies I can hold such a role however there are also the
personalities of the Michael Son and one of the Melchizedek order who also
have governing functions of this planet. I am here in a temporary role with
plans to undertake other Magisterial Missions when this one is complete and
I have not altered that course as yet to undertake a role such as deputy
Planetary Prince which would be a significant deviation and require my
engagement in this world for longer than this mission is intended to endure.

But I and my order of being are capable of assuming a substitute role such
as that and I may find myself functioning as an intermediary until what you
might say, the dust settles.

Question #7: [Mary] Thank you Monjoronson for addressing that. This last
question is from someone who submitted a couple of questions previously. One
of them was about your relationship to our divine parents and the other had
to do with a Ho Chi Minh communication that apparently is available to be
viewed on a video clip on U-tube. They are surprised by the message that Ho
Chi Minh would be so appreciated on the mansion worlds and continue to serve
our world, probably he must clean the mess he had created.

As I understand the conversation in the video clip, Ho chi Minh is concerned
with recovering the remains of his comrades who died in the jungle during
the war. Why is that so important for someone already on the mansion world?
Is there any spiritual value to this recovering the remains of his comrades
and the questioner states that for the sake of the correcting time he thinks
Ho Chi Minh should tell his followers to dispose of his corpse and stop
worshipping his statue so Vietnamese people may reconcile, make peace for
brotherhood and worship only God. I believe he is asking for clarification
about Ho Chi Minh's role currently and if this communication in this video
clip is real and why would it be important for someone on the mansion world
to be concerned with the recovery of mortal remains on the planet.

Monjoronson: You have on record in various traditions on your world of
beings who have left the dimension you are familiar with undertaking
activities which cleanse and reorients the personality by allowing a
detachment from the past or which allow the making of amends from what
transpired. This desire for the recovery of remains is a lingering
attachment by this individual and has greater import for that personality
and little import to all others for it is a lesson to be learned at his
stage of morontia progression.

All others as as you have rightly stated are to look to the light of God and
pursue their own path of unfoldment and purification and release from those
things which are binding, preventing the departing from the past hurts and
progress into future joy. Remember that while you are today enjoying this
trans-dimensional contact you must allow for missed translations and garbled
communications for the dimensional shift is quite strong and not all things
come through to you as clearly as all of us would desire.

Mary: Thank you Monjoronson and I appreciate your efforts and I especially
want to express thanks and appreciation for the efforts of all the t/r's who
put themselves into the position of trying to receive information from your
dimension and translate it into ours and I appreciate all our t/r's and
their willingness to try to accomplish this mission and the co-ordination of
all of these efforts is I'm sure appreciated by everyone and I also
personally appreciate your recognition and reminder that not all of these
communications can come through as clearly as we would all like them to be.

So we do listen and learn as best we can while we understand the imperfect
nature of these communications. We appreciate you being here tonight
Monjoronson, thank you to the t/r for your services and that is all the
questions we have this evening.

Monjoronson: I will then draw close by commenting on your conclusions here.
One bent nail does not destroy the value of a home being constructed and in
that very house even a nail or two missing from the construction will not
bring that house down. And so we are quite patient with all who make the
effort to bring through our communications. There are times when the nail
does bend and there are times when the nail is missing but the construction
of our purposes for uplifting Urantia will still proceed and will still
stand glorious when the end is arrived at.

Therefore while you do seek to be diligent, to be accurate and to receive
well, do not berate yourself when you perchance bend a nail. I will take my
leave and thank you for your requests.

Mary: Thank you for your loving response and consideration Monjoronson and
good evening.

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