[tmtranscripts] FW: MONJORONSON.COM SESSION #4 Q/A 5-28-08

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Thu Jun 5 11:17:27 PDT 2008





Monjoronson: [Jonathan]: It is an honor to serve Michael of Salvington and
to be engaged in His plans for all His worlds to specifically.... beyond
this precious planet Urantia to do the work of this spectacular Creator Son.
This is Monjoronson, you may proceed.

Question #1[Mary] Hi Monjoronson, thanks for being here. Well your intro
causes me to pick this question as the first to ask. This person would like
to know if you could explain what your relationship is to Michael and
Nebadonia and would also like to know, have you ever met and known the
Universal Father as Jesus knew the Universal Father? They specify if you've
known the Universal Father as distinct from knowing a thought adjuster,
thank you.

Monjoronson: I am, as you understand, a Paradise Son but I am not of the
same order as MIchael for He is of the origin of Father/Son and I, the
origin of Eternal Son/Infinite Spirit. And so I am aware of deity by way of
the reflections of the Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit. I carry that
signature of the three persons and when I am in the presence of a Michael
Son I detect the connection of Father that every Creator Son has. By having
been involved in a bestowal mission, one wherein I acted as did Michael when
he was here in the form of Jesus, gave me the interface with the divine
fragment, the thought adjuster.

I have been in the presence of Father on Paradise but my interface with Him
is of a different order who is inherently of The Father. In Nebadan I served
under Michael who is the Sovereign and ruler along with the Mother Spirit
whom you know as Nebadonia. I take orders from Him and from Gabriel who is
the overall administrator for what transpires in Nebadon. My mission allows
me great latitude of function for I have been recognized as capable, skilled
and trained to execute the mission of a Magisterial order for Michael and I
am pledged to accomplish the tasks required to meet His goals for this

I am ever willing to adjust my approach as I seek counsel from Michael. We
are intimately connected by way of His Spirit of Truth which all Avonal Sons
have a resonance with a Creator Son. I consider myself a partner but a
partner of a serving manner just as you would have in your physical body a
dominant hand and a supporting hand which allows the dominant hand to do
things with assistance. Have I addressed all aspects of your question? [Yes,
I believe so, thank you Monjoronson.]

Question #2: [Mary] The next question was in the form of a very long letter
so I will restate the basic nature of the question. It involves a seeming
contradiction between the Urantia Book teachings about reincarnation and
many peoples experiences with past lives and their experiences leading them
to the reality of reincarnation and also that there are many teachings out
there that do support reincarnation. This person would like you to address
this apparent contradiction between the Urantia book and many different
teachings on Urantia at this time as well as many peoples experiences, thank

Monjoronson: [Jonathan] I will address the issue from the topic of self
importance. As a fledgling soul develops, begins to understand and engage in
cosmic realities, not merely the realities you face in a daily life manner,
there begins to dawn upon the soul an identity with spirit and this is
manifested in many ways, sometimes through profound devotion of one who
gives complete love and surrender over to a higher being, a master. Other
times this comprehension of higher realities is managed by the personality
in the form of a theological intellectualism, which while providing an
intricate structure which describes those higher realities the soul is
connecting with will often stall the soul in the pursuit of even more
profound connection.

The soul as it develops learns of its unique place in the multitude of
spirit beings but there is the tendency to project ones own personality upon
experiences before one understands the dual nature of a human being. It is a
simple reach of faith to conceive of and to commune with God, your divine
parents, and to awaken to you're being a child of God and it is from that,
easy to accept the presence of the divine spirit. But this spirit, while of
God is also you and herein lies the confusion of the experiences that a soul
has that are then transformed into conceptualizations you call

It really is of little importance, the factuality of such an experience for
many souls develop [deeper] universe values from their discernment of a
living episode undertaken by the divine spirit in another realm. Human
beings particularly on a world such as Urantia so long under isolation ever
tend to describe what is discerned of a cosmic nature in human terms.
Reincarnation is merely a description from a point of view of oneself, the
human self and the environs in which that self functions. Your revelation,
the papers of Urantia are attempting to describe to the human mind a
procedure of soul advancement which is not strictly centered within the
comings and goings of a terrestrial life such as on Urantia.

When one can set aside the importance of the human self and transcend it to
identify with the divine self within one fully understands that the episodes
discerned in the reincarnation belong to that higher center of awareness and
being and that the self is of a human orientation is merely a beneficiary of
those experiences by way of reflective hindsight. There is no true
contradiction for reincarnation is merely a descriptive framework for
comprehending an interface with spirit, a manner by which the mind can
realize and provide sanity in sorting out the experience which of often
quite profound and unnerving to the human mind.

Naturally there develops religious structures surrounding such experiences
just as there have over the centuries developed religious ceremony that are
centered upon and revolve around some key factor that is cherished by the
human beings so organizing. It could be for example, political power, sexual
dominance, it could be the result of experiences that are received during
states of mind that are chemically altered and then those inclined to favor
such descriptions join those groups. This is how such a concept as
reincarnation can become so well established.

But it all rests upon the self centered view of the human mind that says all
things must be described according to myself and it is only a few souls who
can bridge the gap to the high spirit that dwells within and recognize that
those experiences derived from spirit and by which you are given privy are
yours by gift rather than yours by experientially undertaking them.
Nonetheless, regardless of those frameworks, every soul manages to discern
more of spirit, to alter character by way of elevation of values, to become
more of spirit oneself and this is the important development. Does this

Question #3: [Mary] It satisfies me Monjoronson and I'm sure that if people
have further questions they can state them we'll look at them so thank you
for addressing that subject.

There is a question here from someone visiting the website and has been
reading other teachings as well and is wondering about the teachings of the
ignition of Jupiter into a second sun and the coming of planet X. This
person is feeling confused about these things and asks if you could shed
some light on them.

Monjoronson: I have no real interest in the development of stages in the
life of planetary bodies. I am here to uplift the souls of every being who
resides on this sphere. These are straws by way of curiosity in the seeking
mind attempting to develop unified coherence of all activities throughout
the universe. It is of little importance to the ascension of a human soul
what happens to the spheres around you except for whether of not you will
remain on this planet and that is of little importance in the internal
scheme for you will reside upon millions, even billions of worlds before you
transcend into the experience of Paradise, the center of all.

If such an occurrence as a gaseous planet transforming into a sun were to
occur, it would have to be by the injection of energies from a high being
who is engaged in such manipulations of physical energy for the world itself
is not so situated. I will address one more side point; many predictions on
your world are erroneous but they spring from a sincere hope for change and
transformation to bring about conditions of a new world, of a higher way to
lift mankind out of its current situation, but there is no external event or
events which will transform humankind.

You each must change within yourselves. Your own sun could go dark tomorrow
and that would not alter your spiritual unfoldment from the higher
perspective. It would be no different than changing your shoes. You may

Question #4: [Mary] Thanks Monjoronson and I appreciate the inherent
guidance in your answer about the types of questions that are appropriate as
far as your avenue or areas of expertise and interest and I really
appreciate you addressing the underlying nature of predictions on Urantia, I
personally appreciate that, thank you.

After your response I'm looking at some of these questions and I'm hoping
that you will of course feel free to comment as you wish. One of the
questions involved Ho Chi Minh and this person is curious as to whether he
communicated with his followers through a medium and if he is back on
Urantia or only communicating through a midwayer.

Monjoronson: These communications that are recorded on your world are
undertaken by various methods for contact as you have illustrated in your
question that the intervention of a midway personality who can transfer
messages indicate. We are always receptive to the further input by those who
have left your world and have undertaken their morontia ascension wherein
they may help provide insight to how the human mind may receive our further

You are aware of the four and twenty counselors seated, all one time mortals
of Urantia. I do not in any manner imply that Ho Chi Minh is so seated on
the counsel but his service to your world continues. I will return to my
perspective of the reincarnation experience and draw a parallel. Those who
admire that personality will readily receive communication be they truly
from or merely perceivingly so from that individual. There are names for a
great many contact personalities who have touched the minds of human beings
that will resonate with the receiving human.

You will be humorously entertained when you leave this world to discover
common [names] applied to few individuals. It is not important to myself
that I be recognized for I am here to represent the deities of Paradise and
to do so in the manner projected by Michael and then my energy signature
will crawl out from under the bush. Let me just conclude by saying that we
will always draw from experience of human beings who have left your world
and make attempts to integrate our efforts with your orientation deriving
the wisdom from souls who have moved on and you may or may not correctly
identify who that higher personality is who is projecting those teachings
towards the receptive humans on your world.

Question #5: [Mary] There is a question here as to the origins of the human
race and in the Urantia Book we are taught that we evolved and this
questioner has been reading other teachings that state we are the progeny of
a humanity that unexpectedly fell from grace or full consciousness and were
abruptly cast unprepared into the world following the fall of Atlantis
nearly 13 millennia ago. This question reminds me of how last week we
addressed the issue of discernment so if you would address it we would
appreciate it, thank you.

Monjoronson: For those of you who have undertaken the comprehension of the
teachings of the Urantia papers you will understand that such a description
as a fallen humanity unprepared to live upon your world speaks similarly to
the Nodite race which contains elements of a visiting population, those from
another sphere and as well those derived from the races existent on Urantia.
The origin of the human race is multi-faceted. You have elements that are
imported from other realms and you have elements that are derived from the
very soil of your planet.

There is no one simple description of how this wonderful set of human beings
has come to be on Urantia. One may look at what is taught by way of the
revelators of the Urantia book as merely a modern description of the same
principles of the Atlantean legends. The thread of truth is similar, the
manifold subsequent embellishments to [precede] truth are all varied by way
of the active imagination of the human being. An ardent believer in Atlantis
will find the Dalamatian story of the planetary headquarters and the Garden
of Eden of the violet race to be akin but different by description and
likewise will one who follows the teachings of the Urantia book find the
Atlantean legends to be akin but differing in description.

Therefore seek a fundamental principle and realize that history is only a
sketch minus great detail of what has transpired on your world. Not only are
episodes that have occurred not noted in history but what is noted is the
memory patterns of episodes and those memory patterns are not the episodes
themselves and so have changed even the event so recorded. I will wrap up
this question with one more comment, look toward your destiny. Your origin
is your springboard but your destiny is your future, your goal and your [
Jonathan searches for a word and I will give him several] splendor,
magnificence, radiance, your high standing as a finaliter.

Question #6: [Mary] Thank you so much Monjoronson. In Nigeria there are
people who claim to have seen mermaids and there is a questioner who would
like to know if mermaids exist and if so for what purpose.

Monjoronson: I must return again to some of my comments already stated this
evening and that is the projection of the human mind in an effort to
comprehend realities do so with a description that are of human origin or
planetary based. A mermaid is merely a composite of several life forms you
have experienced on your world and they are then elevated to positions that
are magical or have degrees of splendor about them just as you have the
legends of a man with four hooves and a tail, just as you have legends again
of a man with two hooves and two arms and horns.

The purpose is for the soul to continue to seek for higher truth and discern
better ways of being, of becoming a high son or daughter of God. The
existence of such entities may or may not have a personality behind the
projected imagery. One who prefers a mermaid will not see an angel with
wings and haloes and light radiating all about it and another who does not
resonate with angels may see an alien on a foreign space craft. Though I am
not concerned with such human descriptions and am more rather inclined to
elevate deeper meanings, higher truths and greater cosmic values that may be
absorbed by way of such encounters.

Become clear in your pursuit of pure spiritual reality and be less concerned
with those apparent factual descriptions for they are often linked to the
historicity of mankind's understanding of the way of life on this planet
often devoid of the context of the entire universe and the grand plan for

Mary: Thank you Monjoronson and I would personally like to express my
appreciation for your patience and for understanding of our human natures.
We look about us and see so many distractions for our mind to dwell on and
be entertained and made curious about and we wonder and I appreciate very
much you're directing our mind to perhaps look deeper into the spiritual
significance of the material imagery that we see before us, or that other
people have seen and talk about. Thank you for coaching us and guiding us
towards higher realities that are far more significant or real than the
things that can seem so concretly and real to human eyes and once again I
personally thank you for you're coaching and your guidance and that's all
the questions we have tonight. Once again, thank you so much for being here
with us and helping us.

Monjoronson: You are welcome and I will make one last comment. As a young
child anticipates the arrival of a tooth fairy, the easter bunny or a Santa
Claus and in maturity decides that such entities were fairy tales and the
shift will often occur such that the same anticipation of the arrival of the
personality will be Jesus or Buddha and some will make the next step and
dismiss the reality of those personalities and sever the anticipation of
connection. But the human soul longs to connect with divine spirit and the
forms will change just as the fashion of your clothing has changed over the
centuries but still serves the same purpose of protecting your body from
cold, heat, sun and wet.

Do look ever more deeply into the presence of God and your communion with
God and your identity with God. You are a child of God, you have the
birthmark of divine spirit. Even your greatest concepts on Urantia
describing higher realities will appear to be sketchy descriptions in the
ages to come. I thank all who have submitted questions to me. I honor you
for your curiosity, for your desire to know, for your longing to understand
and to sort out that which may be confusing for Urantia is a topsy turvy
world when it comes to comprehending cosmic reality. Farewell.

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