[tmtranscripts] Michael 9.10.07

JERRY LANE Nytrayn at msn.com
Tue Sep 18 11:43:53 PDT 2007

Michael-September 10, 2007

Marin TM Group-Mill Valley, California-U.S. A.


(God's gift of life)

(The choice of eternal life)

(God's mystery, love, and respect)

(Forgiveness, that does so much))

Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, Welcome to your home-away-from-home with us--actually within us, from where your words of inspiration and insight emanate. Thank you for your help in our understanding the impulsive nature of bad habits, and how these unwanted impulses that come will pass and fade away in time, in the face of our determination to find a better use of our time. We do appreciate your willingness to tell it like it is, and lay the truth on the line for us. It's a very direct manifestation, or proof--if you will, of your love for us. It encourages us to be the same kind of good friend to those we love as well. So thank you very much. Amen.

MICHAEL: Good evening. This is Michael, Creator Son of God and the Eternal Son, Father Spirit of the local universe of Nebadon. But as a one-time human being like you, my children, I tell you this is great. It is truly great to be with you, for as you parents know, and those of you without children can imagine, there is nothing like being with those to whom you have passed on life. To have passed on this marvelous gift from those who have gone before you, and then to hold your own children in your arms, is the living proof of the continuity of life itself. It brings you face to face with the marvelous humility of acknowledging we are but carriers of the life of God, who originated it in the beginning.

(God's gift of life)

We are truly His children above all, and we can say with assurance, with confidence in His goodness: this is the way it should be--even though it may not always be the way it is--this love between parent and child, between the person who bequeaths life to the one who receives it. This is the story of generations, and not only of humans. Expand your imaginations and consider for a while the passing of the lamp of life as it has been going on for hundreds of billions of years.

It is interesting to us the way your scientists trace everything back to a Big Bang about thirteen or fourteen billion years ago. They have their own somewhat limited evidence for doing so, and they will revise their theories soon enough, but here we come telling you that life has been passed on for hundreds of billions of years to many millions of inhabited worlds just in our Local Universe alone.

Tonight I would like you to imagine and feel, if you can, this enormity of the living universe, and not only of your human type of life, my children, but think of the fantastic variety of living creatures just on your own planet. Then multiply this by millions upon millions of living worlds, every single one somewhat unique in its life development. You live in a veritable sea of cosmically evolving life.

We've mentioned how extremely, extremely rare it is for a planet such as Urantia to be isolated, to be cut off from the universal broadcasts that intimately tie all this life together, instantaneously, across the vast light-years of distance between these living spheres. In terms of age, Urantia is long past the stage where most worlds are connected to the universal broadcasts. Indeed, in your own planetary history it is just so recently--I'm talking only a few decades--that your international, world-wide telecommunications have been set up to where you can nonchalantly tune in within minutes to places all over the globe. Now extrapolate this, my children, to our whole Local Universe of nearly four million worlds. Imagine these inhabited worlds that comprise it being linked so instantaneously across these vast spaces, in time and other dimensions far, far beyond your imagination, communicating and sharing their life in ways only vaguely approached in your wildest science fiction.

Just let it blow your minds, my children. Rest secure for a moment, in your imagination, and imagine as you sit here hearing me, or reading these words, all this is actually going on out there. While your scientists eagerly look for evidence of even planetary existence elsewhere, let your imagination people your night sky with life. All the while, let your souls--fed by the presence of God within you--reassure you of the truth of what we say. We say those star-studded expanses out there are teeming with life.

(The choice of eternal life)

This should help you get over some of your parochial attitudes. (chuckles all around) Yet at the same time don't feel like you personally are lost in some strange neighborhood of a vast city for all the estrangement and isolation of Urantia. We have assured you, however it may seem a contradiction, that while your world was deliberately spiritually quarantined several hundred thousand years ago, this fact has not interfered with the eternal destiny of a single human being. Every person who has ever lived on your world has had a clear and distinct, unequivocal choice of eternal life. No being subordinate to me, such as Lucifer or Caligastia, for all their megalomaniacal notions of being in control, ever had the power to cause a single human being to miss that choice.

This is the life that came before you, that preceded you by hundreds of billions of years all across our galaxy and six other Super Universes, going back to the very beginning of the time/space realms. We've informed you of a universal cosmic expansion and evolution of not only sun systems and material worlds--all the stuff being presently created out there, but the personal beings as well. This is the true story of the Supreme Being, that evolving aspect of God the Father who is the soul of time and space, the repository of all the personal experience of all these personal beings: to a human being-an infinity of infinities.

Yet here you are, taking your next breath, feeling your next thought, hopefully realizing your completeness moment to moment, realizing the tenacity of the profound reality of this life you have, coming down all these billions of years to you right now. Each moment adds to all that has gone before something new, something that has never happened before. This is the marvel of God's creation, the unfathomable and ungraspable nature of His infinity and His absoluteness of perfection.

(God's mystery, love, and respect)

This is what constitutes Him mystery, not that He is hiding away somewhere. Rather, He is right in front of you, my children, jumping up and down, waving His arms with a universe. Realize further this is a universe that He did not even directly create Himself, but created all the living personal beings-the Architects of the Master Universe, the Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers, the Creator Sons and Daughters, etc--who did, just to share His primal creativity with others.

He is right inside you, right now. Here inside, He's not jumping up and down and waving His arms, but--in a way--being your servant, acquiescing to your will, honoring your choices, even His suggestions subject to your paying attention and welcoming them. This is the value and the respect with which He considers you. This is what makes us all His children, and gives us the prime example of how to relate with each other--with love and respect, and with the wonder that each of us is unique by His creative power alone.

This is what you are all a part of, my children, as well as me. Isn't it great? Isn't it great to be mothers, and fathers, and children, of such a Father? This is our worship this evening.

Do you have any questions or comments? I certainly do enjoy them as well. It lets me play my part.

Student: Father Michael, forgiveness has been on mind the last few days. I'm wondering, how I can forgive myself, and others? And how do I know when I've actually done it? How do I know that I've really forgiven somebody for something I think they did, or actually did; and also myself? How do I forgive myself for the things I've done and things I've not done?

(Forgiveness, that does so much))

MICHAEL: Yes, my son, this is at the heart of what you call attitude, is it not?--how you relate to yourself and to others? Forgiveness is not always a one time thing: sometimes it is a continuous process, for the quality of the forgiveness changes the nature of the forgiven. When you forgive yourself or someone else, it changes you or them in your mind.

It's hard to talk about this comprehensively because it is so many-faceted, how you or others change with forgiveness. But with respect to you, there's a quality of recognition, an acute ability to put things into proportion. To forgive yourself is to put back into proportion with the whole rest of your life that which you are forgiving, that was temporarily way out of proportion. You know it works when you can see this. The forgiven act or omission no longer sticks out, as you say, like a sore thumb. The forgiven act no longer has you; you've risen above it. Now you can see it in proportion to its causes and effects. You know you've forgiven yourself by the fact of understanding yourself: to understand clearly is to forgive. You are clearer now as to what came about, and why, and what the results were. And so, much of the fear, or contempt, or anger, or even loathing and despising of oneself is gone.

Often it's creatively breaking out of an all-too-hasty re-action on a solely mental/physical level--what you call a knee-jerk reaction, by truly acting, by rising to a spiritual level. You are simultaneously deriving a great spiritual value out of this forgiveness. It's recognizing the spiritual aspect of your soul that is so unbelievably and profoundly unaffected by what you've done or failed to do. You are no longer fragmented by some unforgivable act or omission, separated into before and after. Now you are continuous right through by this act of forgiveness. You are whole again, perhaps even more whole than before, than ever before, for what you've learned and now understand about life.

Now you are complete, my son, you have this incident well within you, no longer denied, put off, rationalized, or made excuses for. You've forgiven and accepted another part of your true story. Now you have it; it no longer has you. This is usually accompanied by feelings of relief and openness, and a desire to get on with your life. It's over: it's done with: it's past. You can strike out in a new direction. You are no longer tethered like some poor animal to a stake, endlessly revolving about something unforgiven that had you fixed in place.

So you see, my son, it is a complex thing, this forgiving. But that's only because it does so much. Ultimately it allows you to regain, or even to know better than you've ever known before, your essential completeness. You're beginning to approach the reality we call your soul--the totality of your life as God sees it. You are closer to your Father Fragment because of it.

All this applies as well to your forgiving someone else. You're better able to see them in their wholeness in a non-judgmental way. Whenever you truly forgive someone for what they've done or failed to do, it's with the deep humility of realizing you cannot even begin to know them as God does--but at least you are trying to. You are trying to open yourself up to all they are, all in and around and before and after the incident. As we have said before, it requires no forgetting, but if it's complete, it changes everything: and this is how you know.

Student: I can relate to the part where you said it no longer has me, but I have it. That last thing I'm going to have to do a little study on. I'm driven by the fact you forgave a lot of people a lot of things back when you lived on this world, much, much worse than I've had to go through, or will ever have to go through. You forgave completely, and I can't get that part out of my mind yet; so that's all I have to say on that right at the moment. 40:40

To be continued

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