[tmtranscripts] Nebadonia 1.22.07

JERRY LANE nytrayn at msn.com
Fri Feb 2 13:25:54 PST 2007

Nebadonia—January 22, 2007

Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.


(Inside and outside: self-power and other-power)
(Contacting other-power—prayer and worship)
(Your will and God’s will)
(Understand and remember well)
(Inner reality—visualization and conceptualization)
(Uncertainty and security—character and soul))

Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, We meet again. Although we know now that
your Holy Spirit, Mother, and your Spirit of Truth, Michael, have been with
us all our lives, we do appreciate your inaugurating the Teaching Mission
and having these direct conversations with us. One dramatic change we’ve
noticed in our lives because of these last few years is our relationships
with our friends and acquaintances, and even complete strangers. We have
experienced your truth: the deeper we can feel your peace and your love
within us, the more responsive we can be, and elicit the same in others.
You were right: what a treasure other people can be. So we thank you again.

NEBADONIA: Well, good evening, my dear children. This is Nebadonia, Divine
Minister of Nebadon--your mother in spirit, your partner in loving all my
children. It’s so rewarding to Michael and me, reflecting what you are
finding in your relationships. You are beginning to experience the
wonderful power of peace, the power of acknowledging those about you, the
power of love--with what you beam out to others and then rejoice in feeling
it being beamed back at you.

(Inside and outside: self-power and other-power)

These are also the rewards of faith, of hanging your intentions out there at
risk, of daring to be hopeful and optimistic. Otherwise you would never
know how changing your own attitude can generate this wonderful response
from the world. You discover that ultimately there is no final demarcation
between inside and outside. We’ve pointed at this before in terms of
psychological projection, how you tend to encounter your own moods and
attitudes in the objective world, both in what you unconsciously choose to
perceive, and how your own inner spiritual values color everything you do
perceive. Our last few lessons have been on how to encourage a true
spontaneity and independence from yourself in those you meet by granting
them the freedom to be themselves, encouraging them to express themselves
spontaneously, delightfully.

Let us consider further by including the whole spiritual realm, and draw a
rather arbitrary line, then, between inside and outside, with what I will
designate self-power and other-power. Self-power is the spiritual power of
your own personality, very unique and personal. It is not only your
creative imagination--which can be highly conscious when you apply yourself
to some project, it includes all the creativity of your spirit in presenting
the world to your personality, which in turn real-alizes everything. Keep
in mind that the world, from the standpoint of your personality and spirit,
includes your own body. So as your Urantia book tells you, life is mostly
what occurs between you and your environment, all that out there.

The other-power I mentioned here is the fact you are surrounded by an
enormous spiritual community. This is not only Michael and myself, and your
Guardian Angel, but is also all the seraphim who have been working for so
many millennia now to help the whole human race evolve and progress.
Crowning this community, omnipresent, is the glory of our Father.

Tonight I would like to introduce the concept of a balance between
self-power and other-power, and how these can complement each other. For to
limit yourself to only one and disregard the other is to stunt your
spiritual potential. Self reliance is a wonderful concept and a great ideal
to strive for along the lines we have suggested of being aware of your
moment to moment completeness, your actuality. Some folks go through much
of their life as if doubting their very existence, feeling themselves to be
so fundamentally tenuous, they are totally bereft of any self-power in their
ability to influence themselves or others.

So self confidence and self reliance are good expressions of this self-power
that we invite you to cultivate, to feel, to experience. This is
acknowledging and cultivating your own spiritual creativity, your ability to
come up with something brand new, in space, in the stream of time. This is
why we enjoy that expression, “more power to you.” Other-power is simply
the recognition--with all the wonderful perception of humility, that you are
but a speck in the gigantic spiritual universe. All that out there is
other-power from this point of view--spiritual beings beyond counting, even
kinds of spiritual beings beyond human comprehension. Your Urantia book
gives you a very rough outline indeed, starting with the Trinity and coming
on down.

(Contacting other-power—prayer and worship)

The spiritual value, the very meaning of prayer is when you address all this
other-power and ask for help. Then it is forthcoming by its own greater,
loving wisdom. What a shame to go through human life not being aware of
this, without being aware of us, and having to await your rebirth on the
Morontia Spheres where you will feel us directly impinging upon you so much
more easily.

But we are suggesting you can experience this while still in your first
human life. You can get to know us, and acknowledge us, and use us. That’s
largely what we’re here for, and it is our delight. This is a purpose we
freely choose, yet too it is the function our Father created us to fulfill,
to be your spiritual parents, your guides, your guardians, your helpmates.
This is why, very recently in the Teaching Missions throughout the world,
people are being introduced to how to contact and relate with their own
spiritual teacher, generally a volunteer seraphim or ascendant mortal,
coming to Urantia to establish just such friendships.

This will truly inaugurate a new dispensation on your world, one person at a
time, as each of you reaches out for and contacts this other spiritual being
who wants more than anything to share his or her life with you. And you
have your own self-power, your own creativity, your own human experience to
offer them. I ask you to consider these concepts deeply, especially as they
relate to your day to day lives and all the various problems and challenges
you face.

Think about how you can develop both of these powers, and how you can apply
them to your life. Think about your own growing abilities, the power of
character you derive from your growing soul, the deep peace and love and
equanimity with which you can meet another. Then, in addition, remember you
can address all the others out there in the spiritual realm with prayer and
worship. Don’t hesitate to ask for help, and don’t be surprised if it comes
in the very next thought you have, though, due to your own inner confusion
at times, it may take longer to recognize. Remember that the more precisely
and heartfelt you can articulate your prayer, just to that degree can be the
more complete and recognizable quality of the answer. You will be using
your own self-power to elicit the fullest response of ours.

Another way to address all other spiritual power is through worship. This
is using your self-power to be humbly thankful for all the gifts the
spiritual world has bestowed upon you, starting with your potentially
eternal essence, your personality, coming from our Father. Here’s where you
can also express your gratitude that he has bequeathed a Fragment of his
spirit to live within you, subject to your will, and yet independent of your
coming and going whims and emotions, being the faithful conservator of your
human experience, the co-author of your soul.

Neither Michael nor I require your worship, my children. Our love is
unconditional, as is the Father’s, but we do appreciate it, we do welcome
it. It is the source of our greatest delight, for in doing so you are
profoundly acknowledging us. You are using your self-power to give us
reality within your realm of choice.

(Your will and God’s will)

So I invite you to ponder these two realms of self-power and other-power.
You see how they are so interrelated, how they support and encourage each
other, how they are reciprocal gifts, each to the other. This is what makes
you part of our spiritual family. And so, finally, recognize and
acknowledge that the same need for balance exists in all your fellow human
beings. Wonder how you can demonstrate to them the glory of having a really
fine balance here. There is no need for self deprecation, or the sometimes
false humility of saying only, “Thy will be done.” Rather, consider the
devotion and commitment of saying, “It is my will that your will be done.”
Recognize he is already inside you. God does not separate himself from you,
my children, do not separate yourself from him.

If you have any comments or questions this evening, along these or any other
lines, exercise your power and bring them out.

Student: Thank you very much. It’s very appropriate, and made me remember
once, when I was in my car and got caught up in some very frustrating
thinking about money and finances--you know, if I had more money I could
help my family better. I was really caught in that, but I said,” Mother of
God, please help me!”--in my mind. Instantaneously, Mother Spirit, I
think--I guess it was you, I felt helped by an extremely quick shift in my
conscious. I heard myself inside, what am I thinking about! Helping others
is the only thing that’s important. I don’t need money to help people, I
need to be myself, and optimistic, and attentive, and listening.

I instantly felt grounded again. I openly let go of that egotistical wave
of fear about money. So I just want to thank you, I really mean that. It
was so wonderful, and everything you said tonight--I’m laughing, I’m
experiencing it—the balance of asking and then feeling the answer right
there—that kindness is all the really matters. It was just a wonderful
experience. Thank you very, very much.

(Understand and remember well)

NEBADONIA: Thank you, my daughter. I couldn’t ask for a better example of
the wonderful balance, and the final inseparability--if you will, of
self-power and other-power. Because this is the most genuine and valid poof
you can know in your soul: in the very act of prayer, in asking for help,
you can be instantaneously transformed. There is a temptation here to play
a little Monday-morning quarterbacking and think, Well, I had this power all
along. In doing so you can slight, or totally disregard, your heartfelt
appeal that actually changed things. Here is where your own self-honesty,
your own remembering and crediting all the little steps involved, gives you
a true understanding of the powers involved—self and other. You’ve just
experienced what we do our best to achieve, that is, when you ask us for
help and strength, we give it to you as your own. We do appreciate when you
remember the source.

Student: It definitely felt like it wasn’t my thought, at first. Something
was just there going, “What are you thinking, you can’t help people! Of
course you can help people without money!” And it was so gratifying to
go—Oh yeah! (heavy sigh) And it felt just lovely.

There was one other thing that happened that was miraculous, Mother Spirit.
Early one of those very cold mornings?—going into a neighborhood store? Out
of the corner of my eye the mother in me saw these two young boys freezing,
wrapped in blankets. I knew there was something wrong with the picture:
they were not having fun—they must have slept out in the cold. So I asked,
Universe, should I approach these boys? And I stood there about five
seconds, and something said, Of course! So I asked them if they were
hungry, and they were surprised… To make a long story short, they were
runaways, from San Francisco. I took them into my home and gave them time
to think about what they were doing.

My point is that the answer came to me right there—the familiarity of these
boys, something about them, I just had the strength and certainty to know,
Of course, you can help these boys. And it came out very well. They made
good decisions, and I’m going to have them in my life, to visit. So thank
you for that blending of an answer when I was really sincerely asking for
one. I think I’m starting to feel the other-presence more and more these
days. I never let myself before because of the nervous energy, and the
fear. But I’m learning to listen. Thank you again.

NEBADONIA: I thank you, my daughter, this is a quality of recognition
you’re getting now. You needn’t distinguish whether this is from your own
Thought Adjuster, or from Michael or myself, or your Guardian Angel. The
recognition that it is coming from the realm of spirit is enough, for with
this quality of recognition--a feeling of validity, or a kind of
super-truth, an extraordinary appropriateness, a greater realm—come these
hallmarks. I salute your courage to follow upon it with concrete action,
and gain two young and very needful friends. So be in my love as you
extended yours to them.

Student: Mother, thank you for the reminder, for getting in touch with my
spiritual teacher/friend seems to get lost in the everyday shuffle of my
life. Thank you for reminding me to ask for help, because I get lost at it,
and I need that from time to time. What I would like to ask is, what is the
difference between imagination and visualization with respect to the Akasic
(sp?) Constructs, by George Bernard?

(Inner reality—visualization and conceptualization)

NEBADONIA: To answer you most succinctly, my son: not much! (laughter)
Different folks have different creative abilities along an enormous spectrum
of manifestations within themselves. Two very distinct—not at all opposed,
but sometimes mutually exclusive specialties—if you will, are visualization
and conceptualization. Some folks more easily visualize within their
minds--other persons, or beings, other situations--as if seeing these,
however clear or vague. Others create and realize within themselves more in
terms of verbal concepts and ideas, and all their inter-relationships. A
third type of creativity is largely expressed in terms of music. So these
manifestations of spiritual creativity are unique and personal to different

What you call the Akasic (sp?) Record, which is for many people a vast and
intricate belief system, while it impinges upon them in all these different
ways, is not different in its essence. It is similar to when you try to
communicate with each other and these differences get in the way. Visual
persons might find it easiest to express themselves in the plastic arts,
while the conceptually oriented person tends towards conversation, reading
and writing for expression. Does this seem to agree with your own
understanding on these matters?

Student: Mother, I will have to do some reading and studying. I realized
while you were talking I was looking for a sign or portent that I was doing
the right thing, and if I could just do this thing, this visualization, I
would be OK within myself. Maybe that’s what is holding the whole process
up. I think I’m a visual person. I like photography and the visual arts,
although I’ve never quite had the discipline to do the painting and drawing
and like that.

NEBADONIA: But strangely enough, my son, this may not translate directly
over into your inner reality where you are seeking to experience an inner
certainty. So during your stillness times with your eyes closed this coming
week, set aside some time and just experiment. See if you can visualize
within your inner world, or if it is the ideas, the thoughts themselves that
are more convincing. Keep in mind what we pointed out one time, that you
can think of thoughts as extremely finely articulated feelings. Thoughts
are mostly just giving expression to a deeper, more fundamental inner
reality of feeling-experience. In a sense you are talking with yourself in
order to put this experience into words so you can focus more finely on it
and capture it for a memory.

I mention this because what you are seeking might be more profound and
elusive than what you can either visualize or articulate in thought. This
again points at your fundamental reality, your personality, which, as we
have said, is not directly perceptible to itself—you to yourself. You are
infinite, or bottomless—to you. There is a final degree to which you cannot
pick yourself up by your own bootstraps; you cannot lay hold of yourself;
you cannot yet possess yourself. You’ve had only such a short
time—cosmic-wise—to develop a soul, but that will keep growing. Some day
you will be much more directly perceptible, and apprehensible to yourself.
In the meantime, be not discouraged if you cannot get this visual, or even
conceptual stamp of approval. You might have to continue for a while
more—trusting—exercising your faith. But that too is something that can

Student: Yes. Thank you, mother, for both the insight and the explanation;
and the inspiration. I do appreciate them.

NEBADONIA: An interesting part of your human experience is like swimming
along in familiar, shallow waters, then going to put your foot down and
finding there is no bottom. (laughter; Yes, I’ve done that before) For a
moment you are over your head, inside yourself, and wondering what happened.
And so we reassure you there is nothing wrong here. You are just more
infinite to yourself than you yet know. But you are finding out, and this
too can bolster your faith. It takes courage to strive to be self-honest,
and we commend you for this. But a large part of human reality is living in
a state of question. This is that sublime uncertainty (Mother chuckles) we
invite you to get used to. (students join in) Be in my love.

Student: Thank you once again, mother. I appreciate all of this.

Student: Yes, Mother, when you said “sublime uncertainty” I realized that
all certainty is only right here and now, and is all we have. I’ve been
asking myself what it is I want, and going deeper into that question, I get
a sense of a lot I don’t want. Monjoronson has described to us what the
changes in this planet are going to be, and so what I want also changes. If
things are going to change that dramatically, then my future changes too.
But for here and now, I want my life to reflect my completeness, not any
neediness—needing to be in a relationship, need to have this, or that—but to
come to be in a place of solid-ness, yet expansiveness, and to really pay
attention and develop my wisdom. Because if I can live from this place,
then my life will reflect that.

(Uncertainty and security—character and soul))

NEBADONIA: My son, let me finish that expression in your Urantia book of
“sublime uncertainty--with security.” The security is what you are reaching
for and beginning to experience. The book talks further about the
time-units of childhood, and adolescence, and then maturity, as the
character of your personality—the true and lasting acquirement of a soul—is
experienced by you as a change in the character of this present moment.

As you gain your priceless and irreplaceable human experience, as you gain a
soul, and your soul itself becomes active in your life, building character,
becoming a basis for wisdom, the character of your present moment begins to
expand time-wise. More and more you can see in the present moment the
antecedents that created it, and also gain some foresight into possible and
then probable happenings, what the future holds. Your wisdom can advise you
on how to make provision, how to maintain or even improve your physical
health and wellbeing, your mental agility and comprehensiveness, your sense
and experiencing of greater value in all you perceive.

If I hear you correctly, this is what you are discovering you want, this
growth of character, this real stuff of life. This is not a false sense of
security. This is the real thing that survives and grows, not only during
this life, but in all your phases to come. This growth of soul is the
purpose of life. But you are also beginning to feel the bottom-less-ness of
questioning, of doubt, of wonder--like yelling into a cave and yet hearing
no echo; like dropping a pebble into a well and hearing no reassuring

Michael and I have addressed this in terms of making decisions, or finding
out what you want. There comes a point when you simply have to step off and
act in the present moment, only because it is time. Your time has arrived,
and there is no avoiding: this decision/action will be you. But these times
hold the glory of being truly yourself—recognizing it, and accepting
it—having it. And this having slowly accumulates and becomes your
character, becomes your soul. Your present moments do modulate; their
character does change--in reflecting yours. So with respect to whatever may
come, this is your truest security.

Student: It’s interesting, when you said to step off and act, there are
also times when restraint is the best action, or non-action—not to act, when
something is propelling one to act. That’s what I meant about wanting to be
propelled from a place of completeness, not from emotional insecurity, or
neediness, or some belief system that no longer serves my greater sense of

NEBADONIA: From our standpoint, self-restraint is a very positive action
because it is so contra-distinct from timidity or fear. It is a conscious

Student: That’s where self-honesty is really important. Like when I was
searching for an ideal mate, I noticed the patterns that were coming up in
my mind and how I was being motivated by obsession, and how unhealthy it
felt. My actions didn’t feel congruent with spirit until I could say to
myself I no longer desired to come from this place. If this desire is not
coming from spirit, I will not follow. And this is important if I’m to
regain my power, my completeness.

Secondly, in regard to my work, why not really enjoy what I do?—which I do:
there could be doorways to more creativity. So why limit myself in how I
see things—in what I do? I can value the people I work for. I feel a
greater sense of peace since I’ve some to these understandings.

NEBADONIA: Yes, my son, this is the development of character. With respect
to finding an ideal mate, the ideal shifts more to one of genuine
personality, and spirit, and character; and how to recognize that. The same
applies to your work. How can you discover bottomless wealth in what is at
hand, especially if you are fortunate enough that this is a creative art,
working with living materials as you are? This sustains you, and helps you

Student: Because I am open to all of this in a positive way, then I am
allowing greater experiences, instead of fighting them. I’m allowing more
peace, and joy, and service. It’s great what Michael said last week, about
the very next person you meet. That’s what’s most important. So, thank

NEBADONIA: You are very welcome, my son. You see now the congruity of
challenge and reward, of adventure and fulfillment. You may even glimpse
from time to time why our Father set it all up like this, and what a hell it
would be if it were otherwise. Personally, I enjoy the adventure of these
conversations for I do appreciate and thank you for your being personal, for
bringing up what truly has meaning for you, often what you really don’t
know--so your questions are quite genuine. And I congratulate you on the
nerve you bring to trying what we suggest, though it may seem at times
counter-intuitive. Yet even your intuition is not exactly infallible.

Student: There does seem to be a kind of settling-in of this wisdom. Like
you say: a feeling of having a home base.

NEBADONIA: This is where good parents—as both you and we try to be—see the
necessity for our children to experience all they can. The greatest tragedy
would be to go through life and miss it all. This is where your Guardian
Angel is such a dear, sweet creature to your human life, guarding you as she
does, working with your Thought Adjuster to encourage you to actually
welcome this sublime uncertainty. For that very thing gives meaning, my
children, to the security you can know--right within its grasp.

So I bid you a fond farewell for a while. We will definitely meet again.
Feel secure in my love. Good evening.

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