[tmtranscripts] FW: LIGHTLINE TELECONFERENCE 11-30-06

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Fri Jan 5 21:21:15 PST 2007




Divine Parents, once again we seek you in this hour. We come before you
seeking and we are assured that you hear our petition. We would ask to be
guided to receive that which you would bring to us in this hour. May we be
as open as the children of yours that we are. May we partner with you in
this hour to create the events of this hour. It is our intention to do so.
We thank you for this process and all that comes through it and our
connection to you and all that it means to us in our lives, thank you.

Monjoronson: I welcome the opportunity to address this forum. I am
Monjoronson once again to continue in our instruction. In this hour I would
bring in two themes that have been circulating and tie them together. The
one theme I would refer to is the theme around the discovery of
relationship, your relationship to all that is outside of you and all that
is inside of you.

We have discussed how the self looks to identify itself by contrast with all
that is outside and we have discussed the need to begin addressing this
concept of relationship from a different angle, from a position that looks
to identify with the sameness in all that is outside of the self rather than
differentiate and distinguish. By changing this position of observation you
can begin to more clearly see how you are interrelated to all that is
outside of you, that in some way you are tied to that which you perceive
other than you.

The other concept I would like to draw into tonight's discussion, to add to
this observation of relationship is the concept and awareness of your
choosing to activate these relationships, that when you bring your intention
to this process you create these relationships as more threads in the web.
By your active engagement in this process you can truly relate yourself, tie
yourself in to all that is about you. So I would ask you to consider in your
next process of discovery of these truths, your real relationship and how
you distinguish yourself from others, how you draw this distinction and
therefore this barrier between yourself and everything else.

So in consideration of this issue I would recommend that you begin to look
at yourselves from above, if you will, and begin to see the distances that
you arrange between yourself and others outside of you. If you can begin to
make these observations then the next step will be to observe what distances
you place between yourself and that part of you which coexists within your
temple, within your vehicle. We need to begin to examine these gaps, these
distances between each other, between our indwelling fragment of the First
Source and Center, between ourselves and the very lives we live there is a
distance, there is a gap.

We need to begin to examine this gap that has us not always present, not
always within our moment. When we see ourselves as different and distinct we
place space between us and this space, this gap represents an obstacle of
our creation. It need not exist. This gap need not be there at all and first
we must go about the business of becoming aware that there is this
distinction, this difference, this separation and after we become aware of
this phenomenon we can close this gap at will.

There is much to be gained in these discussions of relationship as all of us
are in relationship to each other. We are here and there in reference to
each other. We are gathered in this circle here tonight in reference to each
other and this distance of reference is what we can adjust with our willful
intent to close these gaps. I understand there would be questions this
evening. Would this be an appropriate time for questions?

Q: What I'm hearing is that our relationship with others around us is a
question of scale?

Monjoronson: I like your word scale. It is indicative of the process by
which your mind evaluates measures and defines. It will not be a news flash
to any of you, but your entire existence has been defined by your linear
definitions of time which is in itself a relationship. Time has been
calculated because of the revolution of the earth in relationship to the
sun. Your lifetime has been arranged by you because of your
perception...linear process and you have identified your entire being in
relation to others, to other times, to other places and in this way you have
built your scaffolding of understanding that everything is dependent upon
this scale that you use you call time and we are attempting in these
exercises to bump up upon the ceiling of understanding that we are in fact
time space creatures with limitations as are inherent in that combination.

But we are also part infinite being and we have access to the
characteristics and traits of an infinite being. If we will form a closer
partnership with our indwelling fragment we can view our existence from
above, as has been said, and see past the event of time that contains our
lives in this material realm. This concept is pressing the edges of what you
are able to even fathom or conceive but it is very much true that there is a
part of you who cannot only fathom and conceive different arenas but is
quite well versed and quite familiar with everything that is not time/space
bound. I trust this response is appropriate for your question?

Q: Yes, maybe a better word is pattern. A relationship which can be
transposed, and recognized as relationship and modulated up as in music to
another dimension of relationship.

Monjoronson: Your word pattern is appropriate in that there are distinct
patterns that apply to various circuitry, various conditions, there is a
pattern that applies to the time/space creature. There is a different and
distinct pattern from that which references the divine creature of infinity.
Our mission, our task at this stage is to identify these patterns and seek
to access these patterns through our intention in this process. It is not as
much that we will attempt to adjust patterns as we will attempt to adjust
our ability to interface with pattern.

Q: We are accessing the pattern not fitting the pattern to ourselves.

Monjoronson: Indeed and in this process of learning to plug in to this
different pattern we open ourselves up to new webs, new circuitry, new
arenas of understanding and the beauty of your position as mortals of the
realm is that you have access to a number of incredible patterns all of
which come down and have a point where they touch you. You have a connection
to so many webs that are available that it is thrilling to see that when you
want to take steps such as when you are in this hour to discover these other
patterns, these other connections. I applaud your efforts at understanding
these principles which are advanced for any of your race to grapple with.

Would there be any other contributions this evening?

Q: So there is the pattern of those attempting to fuse and the pattern of
those who have fused?

Monjoronson: My dear one, here is news to you. You are the pattern. Deep
within you in your very cells you are designed to be this unfolding pattern
that will take you to these points that you reference which I point out are
good examples of how there is a distance we place between a time where we
will be one time at fusion or at a certain time and point. I reference this
as an exercise that this is how natural the process is to place this
distance between what you could do or might do one day off in the distant
future and who you are in this very moment of time.

All that can happen to you that will happen to you is potential in this very
moment and by referencing things that are separated from yourself by time or
events or expectations or circumstances are all things we do so naturally
which cause us to be further away from those things that we identify. You as
a human being, have within you the pattern just as the tadpole has within
them the pattern to be the frog. Likewise within you is the pattern which is
unfolding, which is becoming real. This pattern is becoming real by acts of
your freewill choice.

The pattern exists within you, you are simply letting it be, unfolding it.
Therefore to answer your question, yes, there is a divine pattern for
exactly what is happening right now. It is beautifully unfolding on
schedule, it is happening in this hour. I join you to celebrate that this is
witnessed, that this is perceived, that this is in fact happening. We can
accept that we can bring it into this moment, not sometime tomorrow or into
the future but we can accept that we can actually have it in this moment,
not separate from it, not distinct from it.

Q: Then I propose that this group leave their imprint on this circuit with
their intentions.

Monjoronson: Well said, the sentiment is within our very pattern, within our
very desire. It is largely that we [are] unaware of all potentials because
when we become aware of them, then we bring them into our moment, we bring
them into our now. We accept them, we embrace them and they are real. It's
not that they we not real in potential before but they were separated from
us, there was a distance, a gap, a space. With our focused intention we want
to be about the process of bringing into us, into this moment things that
are inherent potential sometime in the future, another place, another space.
We can change the nature of how we view relationship when we can bring all
these aspects into our moment, embrace them as real and they are as one with
us in that moment.

Q: Does that mean when we recognize our relationship in the moment to the
world that this directly contributes to the correcting time?

Monjoronson: Any rise in the level of awareness raises the vibration level
of the planet. It is the unfolding of the plan, it is pattern made real as
you referred to earlier. When this happens it is a direct contribution to
the Supreme. All such contributions help in every way that you could
conceive of, planetary Supreme included.

Q: Are we inventing this as we go along, is this a new pattern in the
agondonter realm?

Monjoronson: I will affirm for you that this represents a quantum leap in
the reference to personal relationship that we are rescuing. I will confirm
for you the accuracy of your statement. You, we, are in fact creating this
new paradigm as we go. You are aware that Urantia is an experimental planet
and has had many unusual things happen and very very many things happen
suddenly. We are certainly in the dawning of a new age which has with it its
own characteristics and traits. Likewise do you as a human species exhibit
enhanced traits and characteristics that are the result of not only your
personal...spiritual evolution? We are indeed the lucky ones to discover and
to write the script as to how history will recall what happens in these
times. We do not even know the limits of what is possible.

There is so much potential in the universe astir that we cannot predict how
far this pattern will unfold but we know that we have incredible spirit
infusion that is directed towards forums such as this to jump start the
curriculum of a new age. We do not often make this point that we are so
heavily engaged in the co creation of this curriculum because of the
implications that that carries to mortals of the realm but in this age we
need to speak with more clarity and with greater understanding. We are
simply existing now in this moment and the universe is existing now in this
moment and we find ourselves at a particular juncture together. And so it is
we are lucky to find ourselves at such a juncture as this and we simply move
forward with one step at a time throughout this process of discovering what
is possible given all the potentials. We keep reminding you of the
importance of your choices. Your decisions and your actions set a universe
in motion. A universe of potentials can be activated with the simple
freewill act of the choice.

[Ed. note] There were several other questions and comments of a personal

Monjoronson: I would make one final comment regarding the sentiment
expressed tonight over concern of future predictions for your lives, your
environment, your world, and I would remind you that the real you, the you
that endures and partners with your divine fragment, the real essence of you
can never be harmed by anything outside of you. The real you is safe, is
safe for all time, is safe for an eternity. As a result of choosing to
partner with your divine fragment you become unassailable by time, space, by
events, by happenings, by all that is outside of you. So I would have you
consider that even now you are safe and as a result 0f your choosing to
close the gap on your relationship with your indwelling voice, you guarantee
your safety for all time and truly you will understand the Master's phrase
"to a spirit indwelt mortal what should it matter if all things earthly
should perish".

This is an interesting consideration in light of our discussion of
relationships and how we are conditioned to believe that somehow we are
dependent upon our relationship to others, to this earth, to things as we
see them and without these things being fixed our point of relationship is
disturbed. But when we see ourselves as related to the First Source and
Center in relationship to that place of divinity and perfection, then we are
less disturbed when things in our immediate proximity, in our local
environment are disrupted. I will recall for all of you that you are well
and safe in the keeping of your divine parents, that truly nothing evil can
befall you when you are in this state, when you are in awareness of this
relationship. So breathe easy that you are cared for, that you are secure,
that nothing that happens on the outside of you can truly interfere with
your safety. You are well guarded and provided for by your divine parents
and this should bring you some comfort and peace even though observable
changes may occur to your environment, remain peaceful in the knowledge that
you are secure.

And with those words I would bring this meeting to a close. I thank you all
for forming this partnership, this circuitry that allows this to flow. You
have opened a door for spiritual understanding and spirit has flowed through
that door and pervaded this space that you have provided. It was your
willful intent that this space be made real. Thank you for this service that
you provided so that we may provide this service of interfacing with you. I
would release you all and this T/R as well and thank you for your
participation, farewell.

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