[tmtranscripts] Michael's Christmas Message

JERRY LANE nytrayn at msn.com
Sun Dec 24 15:46:14 PST 2006

Michael—December 18, 2006

Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.


(Merry Christmas!)
(The absolute value of experience)
(Come play with us)
(Monjoronson’s mission and oncoming challenges)
(Michael’s and Mother Spirit’s participation in new life)
(Another requirement for courage)
(The fountain)

Dear Michel and Mother Spirit: We thank you for presenting yourselves so
directly to us this way. However well or not-so-well we do our part as
T/R’s in conveying your messages, and however good or not-so-good students
we are in honoring your presence by doing our best to fulfill the ways
you’ve shown us, we do humbly acknowledge that without your loving
intention, without your will as origin, both way back when and here tonight,
this communication would not be happening. So we thank you for your warmth,
for your wonderful good cheer and playfulness, and for your abiding love.
We wish to be with you always. Amen.

(Merry Christmas!)

MICHAEL: Merry Christmas, my dear children. This is Michael. How I wish
I could be with you here tonight as one of you, in a human body. We could
jump up and down, and run around, and be altogether silly and merry. This
is what our souls need from time to time. Mother Spirit and I have our own
ways of being not-so-serious at times. We are delighted you do find us
playful. This is one of the most profound and undeniable proofs of spirit:
that within even the harshest of times we do not take ourselves too
seriously. It is the great humility all the children of God are invited to
show his outworking, by realizing the game is not about us; it is about all
of us.

Real, genuine humor and lightheartedness in the midst of threatening despair
is a true creation of spirit. You have to have the courage to let yourself
be a little silly, to be merry. Though you may be some decades of years
old, and though I may be some billions of years old, my children; and though
the present universe age of the grand universe—ancient beyond us--may still
be relatively young, let us cast our eyes from time to time outside it to
the first space level out there, with its millions of galaxies, and consider
what adventures it holds for us in the endless eons to come: then we shall
appreciate being properly young. And though it be winter, we can pretend it
is spring and be inwardly like the little lambs that love to cavort, jump up
and come down backwards, then shake their heads and go galloping off. So I
wish you a very merry Christmas. Let your hearts be light. Let your trust
in yourselves, and each other, and our Father, be boundless.

Mother Spirit had a lesson last week on what to do when your whole world
seems to be tipping back and forth, and you seem to be facing a number of
doomsday scenarios, either as individuals or collectively. This is where it
calls for the deepest faith, the profoundest confidence, in yourselves and
each other, simply not to be paralyzed. Reorient yourself again and again,
and again—however many times necessary—to begin again. Start afresh. Let
go completely, in your stillness, in your little mini-meditations throughout
the day where you wish Mother Spirit and I a happy afternoon, a bright early
morning; or share even an opaque midnight in your soul. I’ll only mention
briefly how your ancestors from the beginning of time have faced the most
harrowing of circumstances, strictly in their relationships to other tribes.
Know that human life was set up so as to require, then profoundly reward,
courage, companionship, and that essence of divinity—sharing.

(The absolute value of experience)

Last Thursday I gave a lesson on a Light-Line teleconference on the absolute
value in God’s cosmic economy of experience. On an absolute level this is
how an infinite, absolute, eternal Being can still constantly expand. This
is the origin and essence of experience. Though no one can say for certain,
we do believe God chooses not to foresee the experience of his creatures,
but literally wishes to be right with us in our freedom. So while it is
true that God’s will prevails--always has and always will--with respect to
the whole creation, it is not always so with the individual; which is
another proof of individual freedom. I mentioned how I myself, after
sharing with Nebadonia in the creation of the architectural spheres, and
then the evolutionary worlds; and peopling our Local Universe with a whole
descending order of beings, then the human beings on millions of planets;
still I looked forward to, and deeply treasured the necessity to experience
being a human being myself. So in spite of knowing intimately the lives of
trillions upon trillions of human beings, from their initial birth all the
way to Paradise and back again as Finaliters, I needed the experience you
enjoy every day. So please, my dear children, treasure it well.

As Mother Spirit said, part of the essence of human life is the economy of
vital energies, and time itself, that define your experience. So while
choice, the exercising of your free will, is not absolutely demanded of you
just to exist--you can coast along on the energies imparted to you
originally at conception—if you truly wish to grow, you acknowledge God’s
will in establishing the supreme requirement that all such growth be
predicated on effort. The fullness of your human experience necessitates
exercising your free will. So in this joyous season let me call upon you
once again to stretch. Stretch your physical bodies and put a premium on
flexibility. Have fun: consider your superb contortionists as an example of
what the human body can do—albeit they were trained this way from early
childhood. Stretch your minds and intellects by seeking and embracing as
many points of view on every subject as you can, then use your own spirit
and my Spirit of Truth to discover the single threads tying them all
together. Stretch your spirits to discover value in everything you perceive
and feel. Turn yourselves everywhere outward from deep within and see if
you can perceive the spirits of the very real beings surrounding you, loving
you, wishing you the best.

(Come play with us)

This is my Christmas message, my dear children. Let your hearts be full.
Let your bodies be strong and flexible. Let your minds be agile and
comprehensive. Let your spirits soar. Come play with us. Join in our
laughter, our delight.

If you have any questions or comments this evening, feel free to bring them
forth—whatever they may be. I too need to stretch—to meet you.

Student: Well, Michael, I would like to begin by wishing you a Merry
Christmas, for it is the essence of this holiday that we celebrate—your
birthday, as the human Jesus. What a special day in the history of this
world: what a beautiful moment, your bringing the love of the Father to this
world. Earlier you spoke of how you would like to be with us in human form,
just to talk and to play, and I had an image of how wonderful that would be.
It’s hard for me to imagine the joy I would experience having you sit here
in human form as Jesus; but having you here this way is also quite

I have two questions this evening. They are not the lightest questions;
they do weigh on my mind. First I would like to talk about something I
asked you about several months back--the coming storm on the horizon. I
asked if there were any way we could prevent this storm from occurring?
More recently our Avonal Son, Monjoronson, had pretty much made it clear
that this storm is immanent. So I was a bit confused by these two different
answers, because your answer was that yes, absolutely, this can be
prevented—at least that’s what I understood your answer to be. So if you
could speak a little about that, I would greatly appreciate it.

(Monjoronson’s mission and oncoming challenges)

MICHAEL: Yes, my son. I do honor and respect the feelings you have about
this. It is well to remember what both Mother Spirit and I, and
Monjoronson, have said about his mission being predominately one of mercy,
which often finds human expression in a kind of tempering of justice. You
are instructed that overriding the justice of the impersonal aspect of the
Trinity, abroad in the universe, is the Father’s mercy and love. It is true
that you as a whole people have never been here at this point of history
before, hence our lessons on the uniqueness of each moment in time, the
impenetrability of the future, and your need to perceive how God does not
only repeat himself, but is involved in a continuous creation. But you can
only recognize and credit values outside you by realizing the perception is
based on your own spirit within you.

Never forget, my son, the fantastic adaptability of the human race when
called upon to do so. You are economic beings, the most limited and
curtailed of all personal beings. You get through your days by constantly
weighing causes and effects, what you have in terms of energy, and time, and
circumstances to work with. In times of great challenges you see such
enormous wellsprings of love and companionship, sharing dangers and
resources alike. So by that very token those without an inner security and
the feeling of a wealth of spirit to be generous with, must needs be forced
by circumstances to realize the necessity for companionship and sharing. In
any coming cataclysm, those who will truly make the spiritual most of it are
those with this inner faith and generosity. Mother Spirit and I feel
compelled to point out, especially to those of you in the more developed
countries, the enormous amount of suffering and impoverishment of life’s
potential rewards that is going on constantly, here thousands of years after
the Pyramids, and the Great Wall of China, and your enormous physical
civilizations and accomplishments—standing on the moon and living in outer
space. There are millions who die every year for lack of nutrition, of
exposure, lack of clean water, diseases like malaria.

The decimation of the human race is ongoing! There is fully a third of
humanity who have no opportunity to reach for their potential
fulfillment—given other circumstances. Monjoronson’s mission is one of
mercy. So put all the statements of his, and all the statements about him,
in this context. Never underestimate what you and your fellows can do.
There is among the more fortunate members of the human society a great need
for a profound disillusionment—mainly still of the illusions of immature
materialism and intellectual/conceptual arrogance, but also of what
constitutes a good spiritual life. When you have so many people dying of
malnutrition, yet so many millions of others stunting their lives with a
kind of gluttony and simply poor nutrition--within their realm of choice,
ask yourself what would be a more ideal and truly merciful situation to come
about--world wide. Do these answers, my son, give you a greater feeling of
the dimensions of the challenge?

Student: Yes, Michael, yes they do. I apologize for asking a question that
doesn’t quite bring lightheartedness; but in a sense your answers do: the
lightheartedness of the joys of service, in knowing we can bring a balance
of love back into this world--something out hearts so long for. Our prayers
of many centuries of--Father, have mercy on us--are now being answered. So
thank you for stretching to answer my questions.

I would also like to ask another question—if I may?

MICHAEL: Yes, my son. Please don’t feel embarrassed at all. The truth is
always lighthearted, for it cautions against despair.

Student: This question could be asked in a very complex manner, but I’m
going to try to keep it as simple as possible. This new order of beings
that have recently appeared on Urantia? I have yet to hear you weigh in on
your participation in these beautiful gifts from the Father. Our Urantia
text talks about you as being the creator—you and Mother Spirit—being the
creators of all the forms of life on this planet, and so there is much
confusion and speculation as to what your participation in these wonderful
events is. Can you reveal more to us about what your participation in this
is? We would like to know.

(Michael’s and Mother Spirit’s participation in new life)

MICHAEL: Yes, my son, ever keep in mind the oneness and the completion that
I achieved with God about two thousand years ago. I am the Master Creator
Son of Nebadon, and Mother Spirit’s status as a being changed simultaneously
to equal and complement mine--as she has from the very beginning. So there
is nothing that the Father does within Nebadon that is not fully in accord
with my, and Mother Spirit’s will. We have our hands in all that happens.
The Father and I are one in a way beyond human comprehension, for we are
also distinct; and while I share all his attributes of spirit, I do not
equal him in terms of absoluteness or infinity—which he shares alone with
the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. But in the creation of all life,
all living beings native to Nebadon, there is indeed a reflection within the
initial creation of life, fully of God the sevenfold—myself as Creator Son
and Mother Spirit as daughter of the Infinite Spirit; The Ancients of Days
at the head of our Superuniverse; the Master Spirit of Orvonton; The Supreme
Being; and the individual members of the Trinity. There is nothing of what
a human might consider conflict or disagreement among us, especially in the
creation of life. Does this answer your question?

Student: It is as I suspected. Thank you.

MICHAEL: You are very welcome, my son. I must caution you: as to the
nature or the existence of any new beings, or kinds of beings appearing on
Urantia: we do refuse to comment further. You will have to wait and see.
You cannot in any way circumvent the necessity of evolution by way of time.
Just as you cannot plant a seed and be digging it up every other day to see
how it’s doing, so there is a definite limit to how much we will allow
ourselves to make certain judgements for you. In this you must trust we
have your own soul and spiritual growth in mind. Do you understand?

Student: Yes, I do. I understand fully. I do appreciate your wisdom. I
wish to thank you once again for the beauty of this opportunity you have
given us.

MICHAEL: Yes. That word “beauty” strikes home; indeed. Sometimes it is
almost as if you don’t need all the truth and goodness too--as proof of
God’s existence; but they come along anyway. I thank you for your
acknowledgement. Be in my peace.

Student: Yes, Michael. That last statement kind-of just thoroughly
resonated within me. My soul was just soaking it up—about embracing beauty.
I realized I actually have a beautiful life. I am surrounded by beauty:
my beautiful daughter and granddaughter, my daughter’s boyfriend; and
whatever material possessions are around me; the gardens I work in, the
people I know and see, and just the blue sky, and the sun: everything. I
guess that’s why I so desire to share this beauty with others; and with an
ideal mate—if that’s possible. It feels like it needs to be shared. I was
at this retreat yesterday and I remarked about how much I so desired to be
in a relationship, and how at times it propels me to maybe do things I don’t
have the energy for, so I feel out of sync. It’s also my desire to be of
benefit to another that propels me to share the beauty I know from

You and Mother Spirit have often said similar things to me along that line,
that there are fruits of the spirit to share, that I have come to taste. It
does no good for me to taste by myself, to eat by myself. It enhances my
experience by sharing with another, or others. I’ll let you comment.

MICHAEL: Your comments make me smile. There is a marvelous passage in your
Urantia book that these desires, these drives were not put into you as part
of your being merely to plague you (laughs), and to torment you, even though
your heart aches to be shared, and your mind becomes distracted with how,
and your spirit longs to soar with another.

(Another requirement for courage)

My heart goes out to you, my son. Because I have always had my soul-mate,
Nebadonia, from the very beginning. And we have always known a completion
that you may touch upon momentarily as a human being, but you will not truly
possess for some time. And so I am almost tempted to say that I am afraid
this is again a requirement for courage; and yet I have no fear along these
lines. For in this aspect I am one with He who put this desire in your
heart, and I know that this is the fuel that empowers you to spread your
wings and fly alone—if need be; and simply trust you will look over some day
to find another soaring beside you. This too is what it is to be a human
being. And this too I know well.

Student: The need to be alone does not sit well with me, but if I am fully
engaged with living the Father’s will, then it kind-of appeases that
longing, for I sense the longing is communion with our Father, 24/7.
Nothing else would satisfy that longing.

It’s interesting, because when I spoke with you privately, then with Mother
Spirit last week, I mentioned I was going to a symphony with a young lady,
and you both gave me your blessings. Unfortunately she was unable to make
it, and I was quite disappointed. I tried to invite others, but I ended up
going alone. In a sense, Mother Spirit and I did have a date. (laughs) But
it was so beautiful hearing the music, I was in tears. So even though I do
want an ideal relationship, maybe with this young lady, I am open to the
idea God may have other plans for me. It is time human beings start
actualizing the God-power that is in every one of us. It is time to stop
living a mundane, uninspired life, but start reaching and living from the
Godhead and the kingdom that is here inside each one of us. It is time for
us to stretch beyond what we think we know.


MICHAEL: Mother Spirit had her wonderful lesson on balance. To be able to
accept and even welcome moment by moment what circumstances bring, to feel
without fear the sometimes overwhelming desire for connection; yet to be
content in being alone, also touches upon a profound reality in which our
Father is alone as the First Source and Center, the primal origin of all
existence. So here once again we touch upon the supreme paradox that his
absolute reality is both one and infinitely diverse. Which is what I meant
when I mentioned once you should be prepared to experience, and even
welcome, those intense realizations of your aloneness as a unique being in
all existence. Do not fear all you can never share with another of your own
kind, but only with Mother Spirit and I, and our Father. I say this from
experience. I too had to come to welcome the unfathomable depths of being
alone, to realize it is not lonely. This is the unfathomable depth of
personality to itself. It is another aspect of the fact that you

Student: Yes, it is definitely that. When I was in that moment of
disappointment I kind-of anticipated that it was going to happen that way,
and so I just sat there is stillness and went mulling through my head who to
ask to come with me, when it came to me to just trust in God’s wisdom. A
kind of relief came over me. No one else chose to come along, but that was

What you have said touches me deeply. I feel your heartfelt words, because,
as you say, you have lived them. I thank you. It is difficult though, and
you know this, to desire to share when the people around you are not open to
receiving—for whatever reason.

MICHAEL: Yes. It is the eternal necessity to keep reaching toward them, to
keep being open to who they might be. You may eventually discover ways and
means of teasing them out of themselves. In this, my son, you have our
example, because this is what Mother Spirit and I are constantly engaged in.

Student: Yes, I notice where I seem to feel I get in trouble, or feel like
I’m barking up the wrong tree, or beating a dead horse, is when I persist in
trying to make something happen—get someone to want to be with me when
they’re not open to the possibility. So… So thank you.

(The fountain)

MICHAEL: You’re very welcome. Which is why there is a great need for being
silly, and lighthearted, and cheerful. This is another stretch we have
called upon you to make. A few weeks ago Mother Spirit expressed her
sadness in all the suffering and horror that is being inflicted upon her
children, by her other children. To be aware of this, to use it to
challenge your own assumptions—political, and social, and economic, in all
the different cultures, and races, and religions, for every one of these
considerations is an infinity to you, my children. So welcome your modern
media that remind you of all those other folks out there in this old world.
It is very humbling in the wonderful sense of acknowledging God’s creativity
just on this one planet, this one human race. Be of good cheer in the sense
of supporting each other, willing to be content with your own life and your
efforts to grow, then really experiencing how, with this inner security and
faith, you can more readily respond to those hungry eyes and those lonely
souls seeking recognition in yours. Feel that fountain bubbling inside you,
my children, and let it flow. Grow strong in your generosity. Always seek
the true connecting thread of spirit, because it is there. Realize how your
own attitude, your own willingness and ability to relate, colors everything.
Let this season of my birth be truly merry, resting in my peace. Good

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