[tmtranscripts] Nebadonia 10.23.06

JERRY LANE nytrayn at msn.com
Mon Oct 30 08:43:40 PST 2006

Nebadonia—October 23, 2006

Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.


(The mystery of free will)
(Your creativity)
(The experience of your own uniqueness)
(Choices and habits)
(Time, and the inside and outside of experience)
(Assessment and judgement)
(Seeking an ideal relationship)
(Material gains VS soul possessions)
(Using foresight)

Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, We thank you again for these lessons of
encouragement, giving us insights and sharing with us your wisdom from your
larger point of view. But even more we treasure your presence and all that
we can feel--your love, your tenderness and kindness, your deep caring for
us. We hope these qualities we feel so directly can come through the words
to all the future readers in the coming weeks, or months, or even years. We
bid them welcome too, to your presence, and we feel a kind of
happiness-in-advance for them. So thank you again. Amen.

NEBADONIA: My dear children, this is Nebadonia, your mother here in
Nebadon, our Local Universe, out here on the edges of the gigantic
Superuniverse of Orvonton. It’s interesting that when you look up into your
night sky of Urantia, you are seeing mostly into the outer space levels and
getting a feel, now with your improved astronomical instruments, getting a
feel for just how big this corner of the universe is. And isn’t it

Then you have your Urantia book, your planet’s Fifth Revelation from
extra-terrestrial sources, informing you of the millions upon millions of
inhabited planets out there among the stars. All this serves a wonderful
purpose of expanding your concepts of God, and gives you a small inkling
perhaps of what is meant by infinity and absoluteness.

(The mystery of free will)

In the last few weeks we’ve touched upon the mystery of how such an absolute
and infinite being can create that which is sub-absolute and finite, give
them personality and life--a little nudge, if you will--and then let them go
to enjoy an individuality--always within him, within his creation, but able
to realize what we call free will--the ability to depart from his single
great will that sustains us all. So the nature of free will will always be
bound about and conditioned by many factors, some of them physical. In your
human lives you are endlessly evolving your scientific understanding of
God’s laws in the physical realm, both through your Hubble telescope seeing
out into the infinite reaches of outer space, and then with your
micro-biology and your electron microscopes peering down into the
infinitesimal, and not yet finding any bottom. So we could tease you about
being a kind of midrange creature, suspended between the infinite and the
infinitesimal, and bequeathed/created with this mystery of a free will.

Yet for all your science pointing to a near absoluteness of cause and effect
in the physical realm, where does that realm end and your mind begin? What
are the dimensions of your mind? What are your mental abilities to realize
your free will? How is your free will, then, dependent upon your
realization of it? You have that expression, “use it or lose it,” and we’ve
likened your life to being in a rushing stream of time that only flows one
way, in spite of what your science-fiction might suggest. Time travels down
a one-way stream, so all your free will decisions and choices are made on
the fly. And do you ever have complete knowledge and wisdom upon which to
base your choices? How much freedom do you have within your own moods and
emotional states that come and go, understood or not, self-controlled or
not, trusted or not?

Do you remember our lessons on your trying to be as clear as you can be
within yourself about what is involved in a decision--all the factors; then
what your decision is; then what the outcome seems to be; and even how the
outcome itself can change over time as your understanding grows? Indeed all
this complexity can be quite overwhelming, and is for many people, giving
them pause to question the very existence any free will at all. And that
can be a true assessment of their particular situation at that moment.

(Your creativity)

When we say that your spiritual nature is intrinsic within your personality,
we are mainly referring to your creativity, for in this you are most like
the Father. When you consider God himself, this is his single greatest
attribute. His most profound and far reaching power is his creativity. So
what determines the degree to which you can share this quality with him?
Creativity is the one thing that supercedes causality for you. It’s some
effect, if you will, with no exact antecedent cause. Obviously when you
create something new it has many elements deriving from your own personal
past experiences, but it is something more than just a mental extrapolation
of these elements, more than just a logical re-combination, more than a
intellectual association.

But where does it come from? I afraid we can’t say either, other than from
your Father-derived spirit. But let us extend to you our delight in the
mystery, for it’s like having your own little fountain bubbling inside you.
You don’t know what its source is--particularly, but you definitely know
that God has something to do with it, for this is how he created
you—creative. Your free will--your choices are dependant upon what
realizable alternatives you yourself can create.

We’ve been talking about how you develop your own world as you grow up, and
how this individual world of yours is comprised of much of your own,
somewhat unique creations of perception, interpretation, enhancement. All
of you, usually around early adolescence, have had the experience of
futility, in some cases loneliness and isolation, when you realized there
was so much you could never find expression for. There was so much inside
you, and in your world, you could never hope to share, just because you are

(The experience of your own uniqueness)

How different people handle this experience is a determining factor in their
developing character. Some despair and turn to cynicism, or anger, that
they were created this way. Their feeling of individual uniqueness seems to
point to a dog-eat-dog kind of struggle for power, no holds bared, if things
cannot ultimately be shared and understood: each is alone. Some others have
an exactly opposite reaction and willfully struggle to express outwardly
themselves and their unique view through all the various creative arts and
sciences and crafts. Many reach a final compensating and ironic paradox by
realizing this uniqueness is what everyone has in common, and actually
constitutes the family of humankind. How liberating, how freeing this
realization is. It forms the basis for a kind of release of the need to
judge others by seeing each other--as we’ve suggested--as little walking
infinities, so ultimately or finally unknowable to each other, you can with
good grace just let each other be and enjoy what can be known. Maybe this
has something to do with love, and honoring, and respect; might I even
suggest delight? For our common, unfathomable uniqueness points to our
universal Father.

This realization of uniqueness becomes the basis for exercising your free
will. Realize that in this on-the-fly, in-motion, catch-as–catch-can, but
very possibly delightful game, there’s a true spiritual spontaneity among
yourselves that no one knows where it’s coming from. But it’s real. It’s
happening. And almost before you know it, you’re dancing along with it.
This is the essence of your free will, my children. Life itself is like
that river we talked about one time, that you can swim in, and play with,
but you can never hold, no more than you can hold a river in a cup. Life is
an essence of spirit that holds you, that is creating you moment to moment,
while at the same time it’s not other than you, for this is your essence as

This is his essence, in whose image you were created. So if you are
wondering where to find your free will, you just have to step off and try.
Just let it go, let it well up in you and bubble over. Just kind-of shape
it as it moves through you. (pause)

I pause a while so you can feel: it’s still flowing. (long pause)

This bubbling fountain of life is essentially you. This is your truest
nature. The more you can feel it, my children, the less you will worry
about it. For it is a palpable mystery. (pause)

Here in the heart of this stillness is where you can best feel the life that
Michael and I share with you. Here is where you can become aware of that
other great spiritual presence, a fragment of God himself, given to you to
write the spiritual story of your life. This pure presence of God even
knows you in a way you can barely know yourself. For here is a knowledge of
your potential that can speak to you, that can help shape your thoughts
towards that greater reality of Spirit, that creative, spontaneous realm
that contains all others, because God is the First Source and Center of all
reality. His spirit/fragment within you is a loving, independent source of
guidance for your own spirit, one that will actually become one with you
someday, preserving for both of you your shared soul. This too, my
children, is also your free gift from your Father, carrying with it a
promise of eternity. This is who and what you are.

If you have any questions or comments this evening, feel free to bring them
to me.

Student: Mother, you mentioned that my Father Fragment and I someday will
be one. It never occurred to me that this Father Fragment and I share my
soul that we’re building now. That was a comment: the question is, is there
any real need to know which choices we make are caused by antecedents--such
as: I like chocolate, so I choose a chocolate candy bar instead of something
else? I’m not quite sure of the question. (groups chuckles)

(Choices and habits)

NEBADONIA: Well, my son, let me refer you then to all of our discussions on
the nature of habits and habituation. Many of the things you take on as a
child are only copying those about you, while for others you make a decision
once or twice and then continue likewise. This is essentially what habits
are--continuing behaviors based unthinkingly upon previous actions, and they
can indeed take over most of your waking life, if you let them, if you want
them to.

But if you don’t, how do you detect something that you unconsciously feel is
so much a part of you?

Student: In my case it’s usually something that’s painful, and I don’t know
what to do about it. I want to change it, but it’s extremely difficult to
do that—such as eating too much.

NEBADONIA: Yes, this is when one of your habits, like an unruly pet, turns
around and bites you. (laughter) Definitely this is an opportunity to
become aware of it. This is the value of reflection; as one of your
philosophers perhaps over-stated, a life without reflection is not worth
living. This is just a round-about way of pointing at the value of
spontaneity, and getting into a mode of living where you are at least trying
to become aware of your habits. We suggest the practice of stillness on a
daily basis as a kind of transcendental habit that allows you to perceive
anew all the others. By getting a sense of a very living, spontaneous home
base within you, you can start out each day thinking about things as they
occur to you, one at a time, as you mentally leave this home base of being
still and take on your usual activities. Here then is the opportunity to
become conscious of what has been long relegated to unconscious habituation.
Does this make sense to you?

Student: Yes, Mother, it does. As the saying goes, you hit the nail right
on the head; or, you hit the bulls-eye. It looks to me the key is the
practice of stillness, which I have a very difficult time even sitting down
to do it. I don’t know why—if that’s a habit, or a choice. It’s just
extremely difficult to sit down, or even remember to do it.

NEBADONIA: You first have to see the utility, the value of it. As we’ve
suggested, just do little ones. Try to deliberately put pauses between
different routine activities, even if it’s only for a few minutes. Just
stop and let yourself wonder; open yourself to your Thought Adjuster, to you
Father’s presence, and ask: what is the best thing I can do—right now. You
may find you have a kind of back-log of rather nagging considerations that
you have to wade through, but an awareness of them can point to greater
health, more peace of mind, catching up with yourself so you don’t feel like
you’re being driven along through life by a guilty conscience.

For in one way, my son, you are asking, how do I start anew, when this may
apply a dozen times a day. You have to give yourself the opportunity, and
face the fear of letting go those daily habits—perhaps almost every day
sitting down at a certain time to watch a certain TV program…(student
chuckles acknowledgement)—something that simple, but tenacious. Don’t be
afraid to feel that fear of: what do I do? Just sit down and open yourself
to possibility. You’ll see that adventure is only a moment away.

Student: Thank you, Mother, once again you’ve given me hope, that I’m not
all as stuck as I think I am.

(Time, and the inside and outside of experience)

NEBADONIA: There is a very natural human fear of precipitating yourself
into unknown territory. So I replace my daily TV dosage with something new:
then what? (laughter) Then I do this next thing: but then what? Where
does it end? But this is what you cannot anticipate. This is what will be
different when you ‘re doing it. This is that “inside” and “outside” of
experience. You cannot know your own future from the outside, but only the
inside as you do it. There is no way around it, my son: you have to step
off and exercise your own spontaneity to have it come alive, and learn to
trust in it. (Yes…) So think about this other “you,” and give him life,
for he will be you when you get there. (chuckle…)

But enough of these time-puzzles. That’s why, this evening, I wanted to
point at a very palpable mystery when you try to pick yourself up, when you
try to get hold of something that is in motion, and cannot be dissected
alive. So give it a try. This more spontaneous you, you wish to give birth
to, will thank you profoundly, just as you now appreciate those tough but
necessary decisions you‘ve made in the past that got you this far.

Student: Yes. Thank you, Mother, I see instead of stepping off, I’m
tippy-toeing. I don’t want to do that any more.

NEBADONIA: Yes—you have to stretch your stride there.

Student (laughing): Thank you, mother.

NEBADONIA: Be in my love—take me along with you. (I will-my pleasure)

Student: I have a comment. I thank you for your topic on seeing the value
in suspending judgement. I’ve been continually, daily seeing and
understanding the value of that, and how much joy it truly brings, and a
sense of equality it gives me. I stepped off! Thank you very much.

(Assessment and judgement)

NEBADONIA: Yes, my daughter, I think you will enjoy reading a lesson we
gave a few weeks ago on the difference between judgement and assessment
being largely one of quantity, meaning you can make small assessments about
a person that are necessary as you interrelate with folks, but as you
acknowledge the unique infinity of another, you can feel a profound sense of
relief that you can’t judge them the way only God can. And even he, who can
see the entirety of a person’s personality and soul, even he prizes mercy
over judgement; so can we do anything less? I commend you on your
realization, my daughter, and wish you all the blessings it will bring you.
(Thank you) Be in my love.

Student: Yes, mother, What is the propelling me to want to be in a
relationship with another woman? Because at times it feels unhealthy, or
feels not true to what my heart truly desires. I’m looking at all the
subtle points of view that limit my free will. When you mentioned how
sometimes—I can’t remember how you phrased it—but it feels like there’s no
free will. I feel like my desire to be in a relationship takes over my
sensibilities. And I don’t desire that any more---my pet adjustment. I
want to come from a place of authenticity. And that’s reverence, not some
compunction or compulsive-ness out of loneliness, or neediness. It should
be love, or to love. I feel like I’m quite immature in this, quite naive or
adolescent. I’m lacking free will.

(Seeking an ideal relationship)

NEBADONIA: My son, let me ask you to consider that there is something deep
in your spirit and your soul that suggests the possibility—a purely positive
possibility—of a relationship with a lady that will, as you put it, blow
your socks off, will totally take you beyond you have yet known, because it
will contain so many positive aspects along with a wonderful lack of all the
negative qualities of neediness or greediness you’ve mentioned. This can be
the almost terrible drawing power of a spiritual ideal. So get the feeling
of that, and then ask yourself, is this ideal really so foreign? Have you
been brainwashed into not even considering such a thing? Or is it part of
your own deepest nature to want such a thing, to struggle to find it, not
only for yourself, but for her as well?

Student: The thought comes to mind--illusionary: there is no special-ness.
But I do feel the hopefulness. I’m always, you know, discerning…that I’m
not conning myself. Like, God is first, and foremost.

NEBADONIA: But I asked you to consider this positive ideal, and ask
yourself if it is coming from your own nature, for in this particular realm,
God may have truly set you free. It’s a question of what do you most deeply

Student: What are the choices?

NEBADONIA: Those you decide.

Student: You mean it’s either/or? That’s where I get stuck.

NEBADONIA: I’m suggesting that if you entertain the notion this ideal might
be coming from your own nature, you might decide it’s worth giving it a try.
And then, of course there’s all the practical considerations of: how do
you find her? How do you get into this ideal relationship with her? Who is
she? What is she?

Student: But is it me? When you say “she,” you don’t necessarily mean
someone outside myself.

NEBADONIA: But I do--an ideal relationship with another.

Student: But that’s just a fantasy. It’s interesting listening to this,
and noticing how I’m holding onto all this negative stuff, how I’ve been
programmed in such a way—or brainwashed, as you say. And you keep on
reiterating all the positive—that it is a possibility—to find someone in
sync, and conversant with my vision.

NEBADONIA: This is why I wanted to introduce the possibility, so you can
see yourself not just avoiding the negative consequences, but entertaining a
positive possibility you might choose to work toward. Because there will be
some work involved—what you call “the dating game?” (laughter)

Student: I hate the dating game. (more laughter, Mother joining in)
That’s what I don’t like. I just want that someone loves me, and I love
them, then this love… I don’t like all this stuff beforehand; I just tired
of all that. If someone likes me, and I like them, then go for it.

NEBADONIA: But how do you find her?

Student: I guess…stretching myself, and putting myself out there, and
taking risks—which you know I do.

NEBADONIA: This is what I meant by “the dating game.”

Student: Along the idea of stretching myself, and it seems to be happening
more for me as I open myself to the abundant possibilities that exist before
me; I am trying to be open to more prosperity-consciousness. It seems so
Marin, so new-age—talking in this way, but I open myself to the abundance
the universe has to offer—to everyone.

So I notice these subtle points of view I hold, about how can I seek God
within myself, and also want to know wealth, to know abundance. It seems
like there’s a part of me that always wants to be impoverished so I’m always
on edge, I’m always praying—in a sense, I’m always wanting, I’m always
looking or seeking toward God. That if I allow myself to experience
prosperity, then somehow I’ll become complacent and that edge would
dissipate. Do you understand what I mean?

NEBADONIA: Very much so, my son. This is more common than you may credit.

Student: Exactly—like I alluded to this before in another conversation,
about being afraid of my own power. It all runs along that line. I’m
afraid of experiencing all the positive abundance, all that—then I’m in fear
of forgetting. Maybe I’m selling myself short, because I have come a long
way, in the past five or six years.

(Material gains VS soul possessions)

NEBADONIA: I believe it was expressed beautifully one time as, what good
does it do a man to gain the world and loose his soul. This is a very
righteous kind of fear…

Student: But I don’t want it to limit me as well.

NEBADONIA: Exactly--because it is a fear. Hopefully there is a way of
transcending it, a way of keeping in touch with spirit irrespective of the
ups and downs of your more financial situation.

Student: Yeah, because I don’t think I would intrinsically change if I won,
like, forty million dollars—hint, hint. (much laughter) I don’t think I
would…my soul would really change my desire to express God, and all of his
attributes. If that happened, I could do a lot of good with that.

NEBADONIA: These are essentially imaginary tools by which you are trying to
measure values, qualities.

Student: But then again, I could have nothing and still be a value to

NEBADONIA: To get back to your original question--feeling an uneasiness in
wanting an ideal life-partner… This is why I asked you if you would
consider this in a positive way, so you can shape your desires, articulate
them to yourself, wrestle with them if you need to. But keep your thoughts
out there ahead of yourself. Think ahead. Use as much wisdom and foresight
as you can to get to these places you want to be. Otherwise the hunger in
your soul will drive you, even for your own good.

Student: How does that look--to think ahead and allow the ideal to come
forth in that way, or to open and grow into this ideal?

(Using foresight)

NEBADONIA: It depends--especially in terms of finding this lady you wish to
spend your life with. That’s why we kidded back and forth about dating or
whatever that might take. Be specific, concrete, right down to earth about
what you want and how you’re going to get it. That’s foresight, and it’s
based on all your wisdom: what’s been possible so far, and yet extrapolating
how you’ve been growing, how you‘ve been reaping the rewards of being open
and surpassing yourself into new territory.

That’s what I mean by thinking ahead: making plans, trying things, seeing
what works and what doesn’t.

Student: Is there someone in my current sphere right now, who’s open to
that possibility?

NEBADONIA: You’re the only one who can answer that

Student (laughing): I knew you were going to say that! Give me an initial.
(much laughter all around)

NEBADONIA: I will say: until you are ready, she will not appear. She might
be right alongside you already.

Student: I hope it’s not my ex-wife… OK.

NEBADONIA: So get ready. I think you can immediately feel what that
suggestion precipitates.

Student: On a side note: what do you think of my little grand-daughter?
She’s such a beautiful bundle of awareness. I thank the Holy Spirit for
bringing her into our lives.

NEBADONIA: To that we say, amen: let it be so.

Student: Thank you.

NEBADONIA: You’re welcome, my son. It was your question, and I did my best
to point you at the answer. Be in my love.

Student: Maybe we can go out. (still a lot of laughter) I know what you’re
going to say.

NEBADONIA: What is that?

Student: We’re already always out together.

NEBADONIA: There you anticipated me most correctly: I’ll be there with you;
and with her. You are getting an ability to detect soul-realities. This is
the greatest growing-tool you have. Michael recently answered a question
about: do Thought Adjusters get together and arrange these matches? He
answered that Adjuster-to-Adjuster communication is what you consciously
register as another person’s soul. Your trying to understand all the
different kinds of love, and relationships, is that quest for the reality of

So good evening once again, my dear children. It’s been a wonderful time
for me. Thank you for lending me your ears, and your hearts. I can see how
open you are to riding along on what I am offering. These times we share
are joyous indeed. Be in my love.

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