[tmtranscripts] Nebadonia 7.17.06

JERRY LANE nytrayn at msn.com
Mon Jul 24 11:43:28 PDT 2006

Nebadonia—July 17, 2006

Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.


(Contact with our spiritual Parents changes our inner definitions)
(Your relationship with the Supreme Being: effort)
(Growing the ability of pure effort)
(Apocalyptic catastrophe)
(Warfare and crime)
(Effort and faith)
(The trial by living)

Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Come visit us again. Now although we
know You are always here, still, feeling Your presence this way helps us
more fully realize our human nature. For many years we have lived--and we
know so many of our brothers and sisters still live--without this direct
perception of your existence. We have experienced how this contact with You
changes our own inner definition of the kind of beings we are. So we thank
You for the Teaching Mission that You’ve inaugurated, that helps us at least
approach the full spiritual estate of being human. Amen.

NEBADONIA: My dear children, what joy it gives Me to see that I have this
effect upon you and your lives. This is your mother, Nebadonia, Daughter of
the Infinite Spirit, Spiritual Mother to a whole family of Local Universe
personal beings. Yes, it is true: I am right within your minds augmenting
your own ability to contact both impersonal reality--the physical/material
world about you, and also I help you recognize and realize within yourselves
the other personalities you encounter.

(Contact with our spiritual Parents changes our inner definitions)

Now you are experiencing how your own conscious prayers and requests for Our
help, relaxing and practicing your stillness to feel Our presence, does
indeed change your definition of what a human being is. These genuine
religious experiences, your contact with spirit, do add meaning and value to
the statement that God is your Father, the Universal Father of all beings,
and this makes all personal beings, especially your fellow human beings,
truly your brothers and sisters.

Your own inner spiritual contact gives meaning to these words. It makes
them real. It helps you perceive each other as what We’ve called little
walking infinities. You can actually perceive in your fellows this
bottomless-ness: you can have some intimation of another person’s soul. So
think about those individuals you’ve known that seem to have a lot of soul.
What is it about them?

Your Urantia book helps you realize this by making a distinction between God
the Father, the Paradise Father, the single Source of all creation, and that
aspect of His that He presents to the universes of time and space. This is
the Supreme Being, the growing, evolving facet of Deity, of God. It is a
kind of summation of all the experience personal beings have out here in
time and space. We’ve even likened it to a Soul of the time/space creation.

It is the way in which an infinite, absolute Being, such as God is, complete
at every instant, is still capable of growing. And of course, you
yourselves are a part of the Deity Absolute, the summation of all personal
being. Your own life’s experiences contribute to the Supreme Being.

(Your relationship with the Supreme Being: effort)

But whereas your relationship to God the Father is inherent in your
existence as His child--a relationship of Father to son, Father to daughter,
one you have automatically, your relationship to the Supreme Being is
somewhat different. It is akin to your conscious relationship to your own
soul. So while the essence of your relationship to God the Father is simply
one of being, your relationship to the Supreme Being is one of doing. Let
that soak in a minute. (pause)

Student: Could You repeat it, please?

NEBADONIA: Yes. Your relationship to the Supreme Being--the growing,
evolving Soul of time and space--is one of doing. How you grow your own
soul is what you do with the life God has given you. Every achievement of
yours, My children, adds to the Supreme Being, the Universal Soul of
creation. So let’s go back to those individuals you thought of who had a
lot of soul. Do you know a single one of them, man or woman, who didn’t
earn it?

Indeed, this is why those individuals who have gone through great
tribulation and have not been crushed or annihilated by it, but have learned
from it, seem to have this inner wealth, this genuine possession that, as We
have said, is your only eternal possession--your souls. Essentially this is
all that you have, because it is all you need. As Michael mentioned last
lesson: this is your true possession, your only safe and secure possession,
because it is co-authored by a fragment of God himself.

We have told you how the universe of time and space is growing, and this is
also two-fold, both personal and impersonal. The impersonal universe of
matter and energy is growing. Out there in the four levels of outer space
are literally millions of galaxies being created in a way that does not even
make sense to your current scientific knowledge. Spiritual beings, Paradise
Origin Primary Force Organizers are creating vast spiral nebula in open
space which will, in turn and in time, give birth to millions of suns and
planetary systems. This is going on right now as I speak.

When we look at the personal realm, we see not only the constant creation of
new personal beings at every level of existence--all the hundreds of
different orders, from human-type beings on up--we see also an accumulation
of living experience within each personality. All personal beings, even
those existential ones within the central universe of Havona and on
Paradise; all personal beings are growing in their experience. And this
experience has the potential, even for human beings, of being a series of
rather singular events, predicated on that part of universal reality that is
not repeating itself, but is new and unique in every moment of time.

Am I blowing your minds? I know this must seem like a balloon that just
keeps getting bigger and bigger. But this is reality, My children. This is
what is happening. This is why your relationship to the Supreme Being, the
time and space soul of God, is one of doing. One of your ancient religious
texts expresses this truth by having even the Supreme Being speaking and
saying: “Without My effort these worlds would perish.”

So tonight I ask if you would consider striving for perfection? If you
would try your best to be like God in your own human way, you need to
welcome this essence. Welcome feeling the need for effort. This is the
nitty gritty, is it not? This is that—doing--that seems for most of you, and
most of the time, so limited. It’s like pure usable energy itself: you can
never have enough of it. For, like your soul, it is another thing you
cannot buy.

True enough, really superb nutrition containing large stores of energy, for
a large number of the human race is not only expensive but unobtainable.
There are still millions upon millions living impoverished lives due to
malnutrition. But when you think deeply about effort, you realize what a
great psychological and spiritual component is involved too.

This points to a true spiritual blessing I can only hope that most of you
have discovered already: the degree to which the psychological and spiritual
component of effort builds upon itself. Success can build upon success and,
as Michael taught in His last lesson, try not to forget this. As you look
forward to the future and the need to stretch yourself to get a hold on ever
larger expanses of reality, don’t discount what success can do, how the
exercising of effort can build upon itself.

Most lazy souls never realize this in their first lifetime. They see it as
some kind of hideous joke life is playing upon them, that the more you are
capable of doing, the more it is handed you to do—without end: why even
start? Yet this is the triumph right within life. The more you exercise
your pure effort, the more you can do; the more you grow. Here We touch
upon that other great possession of your personality: ability.

(Growing the ability of pure effort)

For this is simply what it means. This is that other kind of growth
incorporating all three dimensions of the physical and mental and spiritual.
For there is almost nothing you do, My children, that is strictly just one
of the three alone. The closest you come to singularity of function is when
you do your best to relax your physical and mental activities and experience
your home base in spirit as purely as possible. And ironically, even this
physical and mental relaxation with an increased spiritual awareness--We
call stillness--is also an ability, a funny kind of back-handed not-doing
that you have to learn how to do.

Here, My children, I’m trying to impart to you as best I can the way in
which My wisdom most thoroughly co-mingles with your own human wisdom built
up from your experience of life. Most of you who hear My words, and who
have known some success in life, will have immediately recognized and
understood what I’m saying about effort. You will know what I mean when I
say you earn your souls. It takes effort to open yourselves as We have been
enticing you to do, in order to genuinely have more life.

As an aside let Me mention what has, throughout the history of the human
races, and not only on your own planet, My children, been universal; the
appeal of psychotropic substances--drugs, those that affect this
relationship of you and effort. This is especially true of the stimulants.
They offer the illusion of getting effort for free, or just not so soulfully

But here the hidden cost, still far shy of any kind of genuine addiction, is
one of spiritual value. Every time you use a pure chemical substance to
enable you to do something, to that very degree you are not exercising your
own pure effort. So in addition to all the rather undesirable side effects
on the purely physical and mental level, you have this loss of the spiritual
value with which you might have accomplished what you did “on the natch”—as
your slang puts it: just with natural, complex nutrition--and gumption.

I invite you to think about this relationship between soul and effort, and
your relationship to the Supreme Being. Your human life adds to the Soul of
time and space. This is where our wisdom together, My children, can point
the way to understanding the need for effort, for this is simply the way God
has set things up.

Yet within this cost, this demand for effort to achieve all that is
possible, you do find the possibility of triumph, of success, of a full life
of unique events the lazy or the fainthearted will never know. We are
looking at the meaning of meaning itself--the spiritual nature of value, and
what is involved in your prayer this evening: how do you approach the full
estate of being human?

So rest in My loving arms, My children. Let the sheer weight of these heavy
considerations sink you deep into Me. Feel My Mind/Spirit Adjuncts
augmenting your own abilities, and thank our Father who set it all up this

Now I think it’s time for Me to say: if you have any questions or comments
this evening, it seems to be the appropriate moment for them.

Student: Mother, I recently read a transcript from the North Colorado
Group. Monjoronson (Monjoronson, N. Colo. TeaM 7.09.06) was saying that a
coming… no time factor, but there’s coming a decimation of the human
species. Human beings, from one-third to two-thirds, will be gone. Could
You clear that up a little bit, please?

(Apocalyptic catastrophe)

NEBADONIA: Yes, My son. All through your lives you will need to find a
balance between immediacy and what appear to be long term considerations.
This is much a part of what Michael taught in His last lesson about a moral
dimension in human reality, and how you may sometimes find yourself living
hour to hour, even moment to moment in a pure dark opacity of not knowing
what is the right thing to do.

As your world’s scientists and political organizations get into more
comprehensive communications with each other world-wide, you’re presented
with what seem to be apocalyptic visions. The human race has as a whole
gained such enormous power through science and industrialization that you
can now begin to affect planetary-level balances of both weather and

So you do your best to accept this into yourself, to consider things like
global warming, or the fact that while large percentages of the human
population are literally wallowing and drowning in obscene excesses to the
destruction of their own health and spiritual wellbeing, many millions of
others are dying or living tragically stunted lives for want of the barest

I ask you to recall what Michael said in one of these lessons several years
ago. The human race does not need to be threatened with any apocalyptic
catastrophe. It is already--right now--living in one. But then in the face
of this realization, what do you do—yourself--immediately? Which is My
initial point of how to get through your day and not be driven crazy by
fear, or indifference.

You do need to find a balance between continuity and deciding what changes
you might make in your own personal life to do your part in sharing the
earth’s resources, and averting some seemingly unstoppable, looming

Not in any way to diminish these apocalyptic possibilities, let me remind
you that the human race has for some three hundred thousand years now, since
the Lucifer Rebellion catastrophe; the human race has lived in the face of
this kind of threat, a threat that was, and still is for the most part, a
facet of immature human nature.

(Warfare and crime)

Your Urantia book very succinctly delineates the hundreds of thousands of
years of incessant warfare that is still, in the twenty-first century, so
much a part of your lives. Yet even further, can you begin to comprehend a
world, not just without active warfare, but without the expenditures of
resources and human effort involved in both offensive and defensive

Can you imagine a world without crime, without human predators preying upon
their fellows, reaching all the way down to something so simple as not
needing locks on doors? Consider: here you are, finite beings on a world of
very finite resources, and yet every night your pour how many billions upon
billions of kilowatts of energy into the night sky, illuminating your cities
so they can even be seen from space; and for what reason? Your cars have
headlights, as do your bicycles. You have your flashlights to walk along
your paths. Did you ever consider, My children, why you light up your
cities as you do?—what that energy could mean to the millions who are
perishing? Can you understand that, from a spiritual standpoint, this is a
measure of your fear of each other? So I’ll repeat Michael’s message: You
do not need to look to any future catastrophic apocalypse: you are in the
middle of one—equally along with the Renaissance that is also happening.

And so We ask you to open your minds, open your hearts, to do what you can,
and still, find a balance for your sanity between your immediate needs for
today and tomorrow, yet taking as full a cognizance as you can, of where you
are all headed. The world can only be transformed one individual at a time.
You can only do so much. You do need to rest. You do need to let all
your concerns go, and feel Michael’s presence calling you to His peace the
passes your understanding. Here you find your human creativity. You
literally create your way forward. You have a whole Celestial Family here
on Urantia doing all We can to help you. But We all respect the dignity of
your free wills.

This is all I will say this evening, My son. I will acknowledge you have
some truly frightening planetary developments, but I choose not to quantify
or qualify them at this time. I want you to entertain all possibilities,
and yet find your rest too, so that you continue to live—creatively, with
the dignity of being sons and daughters of God. So be in My love.

Student: Thank You , Mother. At one and the same time I feel relieved—with
quite a bit to think about. Thank You.

NEBADONIA: You are welcome, My son. It seems you’ve taken my lesson to
heart. (Yes)

Student: Yes Mother. There were numerous things I wanted to discuss
tonight, but it is getting late. One thing I thought about with respect to
effort is, it goes hand in hand with faith, with my innate capacity to live
and enjoy in peace. And that through my effort and the choices I make in my
life, and how I react in my day to day… being, I have faith that my efforts
will be rewarded. It may not be instantaneous, but the potential is there.

(Effort and faith)

NEBADONIA: Yes, My son , I think you are touching upon the nature of faith
as a kind of spiritual effort, simply because something is required of
you—to exercise faith. This is especially, as you mention, along the
dimension of time, your willingness to invest yourself in some spiritual
project simply in the hope of some future affirmation you’ve been making the
right decisions. Faith is a way of extending yourself out beyond what you
yet know for sure. It is rewarded by success. You can extend yourself and
then find you have made the right effort. Your spiritual project comes to
fruition. Your hoped-for results happen. Your faith is rewarded by fact.
So you know your moments of resting awhile in your success, before the sheer
enormity of this universe you find yourself in suggests you may have to
extend yourself again: there is still a little more out there—to have faith

So yes, My son, this is right in keeping with My lesson this evening.

On the necessity for effort and faith that God as the Supreme Being has
built right into human reality, this you encounter and accept one small step
at a time as you approach the Godhead. Your life becomes a microcosm of
His. Without your effort this world of yours and those who depend on you,
would also perish.

Student: I do welcome the effort, but become cognizant at times I’m
wondering: Can I live through this? Hmmmmm… Am I being true to myself?
I’m being aware…of my own self-honesty…

NEBADONIA: Yes. Michael had a wonderful lesson last week—I don’t think
you’ve read it yet—about the moral dimension in personality, an intrinsic
ability to make these decisions, to have moral discrimination. You own
self-honesty informs you that it itself is not unlimited. So you welcome
feeling this living balance, and you gain faith through your successes in
exercising it. Pure effort grows in you as an ability, and makes you strong
physically and mentally and spiritually.

Student: I just had an image of digging for gold; and you come across
little glimmers of it, and you revel in experiencing that success, then you
keep digging and come across more and more and more… It’s beyond words…

NEBADONIA: I have to tell you, My son, the rocks in your way keep getting
larger too. (much laughter) The lazy soul sees this as some kind a
diabolical plot against him. But you can handle the rocks as they get
bigger. As you head out into the universe, the scope of your
responsibilities does continue to grow too.

Student: Then you realize you are not alone, as well—to get help with those

NEBADONIA: To that we say amen! (more laughter) Thank You, Father!

Student: Yes!--the larger the rock, the least effort it takes to move it.

NEBADONIA: No… (but said humorously… with a further response of laughter)
It’s just that you build your capacity for effort. (Yes) There is still
a very strict cause and effect operating here. The effort is always
proportionate to the task at hand. You still can’t life ten pounds of rock
with one pound of force.

Even when you take away the fear of pain or death; think of what Adam and
Eve suffered--with the full knowledge they were immortal beings--on the
spiritual plane, simply because of failing to fulfill their
responsibilities. Without the possibility of default you could not have the
virtue of loyalty. Without the possibility of failure you could not have
the glory of triumph. Without the incessant clamoring of the smaller self
or ego for gratification you could not have the possibility of dedicating
yourself to greater life and a higher truth.

Student: This is what makes human beings unique?

(The trial by living)

NEBADONIA: No, this is shared, My son, by all personal beings, I should say
all experiential beings. The purely existential beings of Paradise and the
Central Universe of Havona are truly a different order of persons. They
have experiences, but they were created in perfection. So they are just
naturally brave; they don’t know the human triumph of courage. They are
naturally loyal; they know nothing of disloyalty or default. So to answer
your question, the trial by living is shared by all experiential beings out
here in time and space.

As I said last time, we are all still shy of the Father’s perfection. We
are all striving for perfection. Though we are all complete, each of us,
moment by moment, we are not yet perfect. We simply have the potential for
it; which is another way of saying we are capable of growing--even as you
are, even as He is.

True enough, once you get above a certain level, outright rebellion--or
deliberately going against Michael’s and My plans, is unknown. But there
are still mistakes. There is still a need to adjudicate decisions and
behavior. There are still discordant happenings between even high beings
due to the mere size of the creation. But these are hardly what I meant by
the fact that the Supreme Being is growing—physically as the material
universe, plus the number of personalities coming into existence, and then
the accumulating experience of each individual. Can you rest in My peace
and love?

Student: Yes, I can. I just feel comforted in the enormity of this
universe, this creation. I don’t know why—I just do. At the same time I’m
not inconsequential. My life has meaning.

NEBADONIA: It seems you have found a touch, at least, of Michael’s peace,
and I know you do feel My love. (Yes)

Well, it’s been a full evening. Again. How I do treasure being with you,
My children. I treasure feeling how you yourselves value this meeting with

Student: We treasure it too, Mother--Your presence, and Your lessons, and
Your love.

NEBADONIA: Let’s go forward sharing these lives of ours together. I can
feel you are stretching your understanding, trying to open your hearts to
entertain the realization of what suffering there is in the world, opening
your minds to what has been its causes and what might be its possible
solutions. You are even trying to look what might be a universal
catastrophe square in the eye, and wonder what you can do about it. You are
reaching toward being all that is possible. So carry on and persevere with
My love. I’m always here, with but a little thought and reflection, and
prayer, within conscious contact. Good evening.

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