[tmtranscripts] FW: LIGHTLINE TELECONFERENCE 4-06-06

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Mon Apr 17 20:09:04 PDT 2006




Prayer: Divine parents, you know all things and therefore do you know of the
desire of our hearts to approach you in this hour, in this manner, in this
fashion we have before us. Please join us in this process that we may feel
your presense. Please let us hear your inspirational words and please help
us to be open and receptive to your loving energies. We are your little
children who seek nothing more than to approach you and be close to you and
we will seek and search and find any way possible including what we attempt
in this hour. We know of a certainty you will find us there as well.

Machiventa: I welcome the opportunity in this hour and this manner to greet
you. I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I am carrying out my mandate of
training to your world, our world, and I have many students who have been
with me a great deal of time but I welcome any students who would willingly
sign on as these devoted and faithful ones have.

We are engaged in a process of ministry wherein we are providing the
concepts and priciples necessary to navigate through your individual
spiritual journeys as well as our group processes of evolution. Your primary
mission is always to your own personal growth that you may come closer to
the Father and grow in your awareness to the relationship to the First
Source and Center but along this way there are many twists and turns in the
road and many opportunities present themselves and having some familiarities
with basic universe principles you are afforded an opportunity to be more
creative with your own individual journey.

You are beginning to experience what we have discussed, the increased
pressure to our planet. The increased spiritual pressure is bringing about
the opening up of receptivity of individuals to discover about their spirit
component and pursue matters of spiritual importance. There will be this
surge of interest as there awakens within the individual the desire to
express that aspect of themselves and here we are preparing to undergo this
journey together. It is my privilege and role to assist you in this process
and I have remained steadfast at my post for a very long time and I plan to
see this project through in service to Michael.

As well I perceive many of you would be in service. I perceive the desire of
your hearts to make a difference to do something that matters and as you so
desire, so shall it be. The vast resources of the universe can become
accessible to you with the proper orientation of spirit. You will learn to
wield great powers in your time as a direct result of your desire to develop
spiritually and your subsequent actions to foster such a desire. Each step
that you make spiritually brings you new senses of awareness as more and
more of you become awakened to your potentials.

We have a grand and glorious opportunity arising before us. We are
privileged to be at this juncture, at this intersection of time when we have
been given a mandate to implement great spiritual changes upon this world.
We have awaited so long for such instructions from on high and now we have
received them. We may move forward. It is in this time that the changes will
be made and it is through such as yourselves that these changes will be
brought about. Do not expect that you will be assisted by material elements
but rather you will be assisted by spiritual circuits.

It will not be up to another to be inspired and make a move, rather it will
be up to each of you to be inspired and to put yourselves into movement
wherein you may be directed. When you are stationary it takes a great
momentum to put you in motion, but when you are in motion it takes but a
small nudge to redirect you into service. Therefore be in motion and be
receptive to your inspirations and desires. It is there you will find your
direction, your confirmation. It is in fact your mouths, your hands and your
feet that will bring about these changes.

We absolutely require your acitve participation as our mandate does not
allow us to create what you do not desire. What you desire and begin to
create, then all the forces of the universe might come into play. Therefore
be this link in the chain for us. Be this final connection between spirit,
divine and material. It is you that represent that flash point of
connection. It by your will and your choices that you activate that circuit.
It is necessary for you to choose to be a part of this circuit and then
allow that your choice provides you with the ability to do just so.

Be willing to act as if you believed because when you do act as if, then so
shall be it. These are times as our world has not seen before and we are
privilegd to be here in motion together. I pledge you my commitment and my
support in this process, in fact you have far more resources than mine but I
as well look to you for your commitment and support in this process. Each
one of you are qualified to function in this capacity. If you hear these
words they are meant for you. You are able sons and daughters of God and as
such you have as your birthright, a connection to the First Source and
Center. You may access this connection. Indeed you will and until then there
are all of us around to aid in your learning process.

It is my privilege to share with you in this forum. Would there be any
interaction that could happen at this time, questions or comments or

Q: Thankyou Machiventa for that inspiration and as you define be in motion
and act and it shall be, I recall a phrase I once heard from a Master
teacher..."see the work, do the work, stay out of misery." My question is,
in that endeavor, how would you define soul to soul communication and what
prescription could you give of how we can do that and improve upon that
style of communication?

Machiventa: Every aspect of the paradigm are different facets of energy,
different vibrational levels that are able to join each other and comingle
energies. In fact we right now are engaged in just such a process. We are
availing ourselves of telephone circuits as well but we are comingling our
individual energy signatures even now as we speak. We are forming a circuit
between us, our energies are comingling. Likewise spiritual communication
has no particular restraints of time or space. True spiritual communication
is the comingling of energies which happens via a number of established

This form of comingling or communication is far more complete and accurate
than establishing a verbal form of word and sound symbols. In fact when you,
each one, develop the ability to traverse these spiritual circuits you will
realize the vast limitation you have endured in your evolutionary process
having to funnel your communication through verbal audio exchange. This is
not so very far from you even now. Even now in this hour you are engaged in
exporting your energy signature out. I and the rest of us are joining in
comingling with that energy signature and forming this circuit of union.
This is an example of how any circuit may be formed.

It is through the sheer force of will that we have all come together around
this table, so to speak, and having done so we [are] creatively constructing
this circuit among us and between us. This type of circuit building is
exactly the technique used when on a higher vibrational level you would meet
and form and have a union of spirit level vibration where words would
certainly not be necessary and one day you will reflect on the great
progress you have made in overcoming your limitations of communication
inherent upon such a material world. Does this speak to your question?

Q: Yes it does but if I may ask for just a little clarification. Is this,
which I referred to as soul to soul communication, occuring regardless of
our awareness or is there something that we can do to improve this style of
connection and communication?

Machiventa: Yes and yes. It is occuring quite naturally as a result of the
being that you are and the fact that your soul is one component of yourself,
and it is possible for you to have awareness of this soul communication and
it is possible for you to develop greater awareness of this soul
communication. It is the development of one of your senses which is
undeveloped at this stage. At some later stage it may be highly developed
and you would gain more simply walking into the room with someone and
sharing spiritually than you would through having some lenghty dialogue with
another. It is enherent in your composition that you have this aspect of

It is not that it is developed, that is your task to be about, but it is a
latent potential and can be developed by all. I would offer you direct
technique. I encourage any and all who will listen to assume the practice of
stillness. Stillness of the mind for brief periods of time can present you
with the proper attitude with which to be receptive to the energies of the
Divine. If you form a practice of stillness and receptivity you will find
that you are knocking and the door will be opened. You are asking and you
will receive. You are praying and your prayers will be answered. This is the
technique, the key that you asked for.

Will there be any other dialog or questions?

Q: Good evening Machiventa. [good evening] I would like also some
clarification. I am gaining experience in looking at hierarchies or orders
of operation at work, I am in communication, and I have read in transcripts
that our seraphim guardians can approaach us but our thought adjusters are
not approachable or contactable by the seraphim. This would seem to me to be
another reason why you say that we are such an important component in this
chain of work and publist? for the correction time. I would like to have you
speak to that. Inter or exclusive sets of circuitry that we can....as if we
were participating in through our stillness. Thankyou.

Machiventa: You are absolutely correct in your assertion that there are no
others who can take your place in this chain of command that was spoken of.
You alone hold your position and the entire system in built in this
fashion. That is what is so special about you being here now. This is a
chance when this chain can be fulfilled, a chance when this chain can be
completed, a chance where the Divine can make it all the way down to the
material through you. Will you be lightning rods for us? Will you be a
strong link in our chain, each one? Will you accept this privilege, this
opportunity to bridge this gap? Will you stretch your arms out and embrace
all that can become of your role, your purpose?

I think so. I think each and every one of you have as the desire in your
heart, to play such a role. Do not be bashful. Do not be concerned that it
appears too divine or too big or too much because nothing is too big or too
much when Michael has issued His mandate. We are going to cocreate what
happens next, you and us. So, can we work together, will we be effective,
will our mission come to great fruition? I have no doubts of the success of
this opportunity we have before us. It is simply to play it out and each one
of you are on the team, in the classroom about to go out on missionary and
uplift the world. Each one of you is the leaven in the bread. A little yeast
rises a lot of bread. This is as it should be and as it will be.

Q: May I ask another question? [please] I hesitate to mention some of my
current authors I am reading but I wonder, I hope that you will bear with
me, I am rereading because I am so interested in my part in this mission and
this team effort. I've been rereading my Tehar de Chardin Phenomenon of man,
The future of man, Building the earth, Letters to a traveler and I feel very
happy to be aware of Michael's mission. I also feel very happy to be a
mortal, a human, a Urantian who is coming up through the evolutionary rank
and at the same time I'm uncomfortable thinking of myself as a missionary
but rather as more of leaven, that there is a cocreative partnership with
our adjuster and ourselves dedicated to this uplift. I'm wondering if in
every single person that we pass by we are there to be the lightning rod or
the spark or the encouragement for this human or mortal innate effort,
longing to progress and that the more we express this longing out loud
through the only way that we can which is verbal or written, not
withstanding the soul communication, but is it a reasonable belief to act as
if there is this desire on every persons part whether they are a believer or
not to somehow contribute to the uplifing or advancement of the whole world
population. Is that inherent in us?

Machiventa: There is inherent within you the avenue of choice and while most
individuals will end up choosing avenues which are beneficial and positive
and uplifting there are always those who will excercise other choices in
order to establish the contrast of choice. It is not given that human nature
would dictate that you do not have complete freewill choice, therefore must
all aspects of choice be available to be chosen and therefore will some
investigate all aspects of choice. The real key is not about what another
will choose but rather only what will you choose.

We have only these choices to make, only in the next moment, only in this
time do we have what is all important choices to make, each day, each hour,
each opportunity, each circumstance is a choice. You are entirely and only
responsible for your choices. How another chooses to proceed will have to be
up to their choices. You may present yourself as a reflection of the Divine
to all those who you come in contact with and there will be a great number
who will be highly attracted to that reflection but there will always be an
element who has not yet arrived at such appreciation and it is not your
responsibility to do more than be yourself and make your own choices.

You as a mortal of the realm are first obliged to yourself to fulfill your
own spiritual growth and to complete these growth spurts and growth cycles
and quite naturally as a result of experiencing spiritual fruits and
spiritual growth comes the desire to be of service. This is normal and
natural but should never be seen as your dominant purpose. You have only one
purpose and that is to find God and to the extent that you would like to
help others along the way so be it. Fear not for what any other would
choose, only make the very most out of each of your choices.[thankyou]

Q: Good devening this is ******.[good evening] I have a thought about audio
communication and how little a part it plays in our human dialogue. Quite
often the visual element is much more receptive to gestures and body
language and such that it is sometimes thought to comprise 80 or 90% of the
communication that we are sending and receiving. With that as a context
would you say that it might be an additional circuit that would benefit
engaging in to augment any sort of spirit and morontia circuits accordingly?
We have the option of video linking and I'm just thinking of proposing that
to the group.

Machiventa: I would have to say that I do not perceive that to be a wise
choice and the reason is these various forms of stimulii that you mentioned
have varying degrees of impact on the brain function and the overall
physiological response of the human body. Images which are viewed are
dominant over the receptors in the brain and require the brain to spend
unnecessary amounts of energy to classify and sort and store images that are
being played on to the screen of the mind.

Likewise your audio communication requires certain capacity of the mind to
interpret, to process and to store what you are engaging in right now.
Before it was mentioned about spiritual communication. There are other
senses like these first two we just mentioned, this other sense of spiritual
communication, actually spiritual communion, is another of your senses. I
think that if your desire is to develop this most subtle of your senses it
would not make much sense to overburden your sensory inputs of other types
while you are trying to develop this most sublime of senses.

That is why the most effective posture is stillness, no other stimulants
into the system allowing the brain to slow down and rest and allowing the
spirit to rise. It is not a brain function that you are attempting to
achieve, it is important to realize that. It is not thoughts that you are
going to think, it is the feeling of the soul that you are going to
experience. It is not a condition from outside that will bring you to that
place, it is fostering the conditions on the inside.

Therefore it is probably most helpful to engage in elimination of
unnecessary stimulation so that you can focus on the more subtle aspects of
self and perhaps hear the soft elements of self. It is going to become
important and necessary for you to distinguish that which is spirit and that
which is mind. The two are in fact quite separate. Your mind, your brain, is
your tool, your switchboard through which all activities pass and are
processed and are stored.

This is only one of your components, one of your organs, one of your tools
to use. This is not your enduring aspect of soul. Your soul is that part of
you that is in a growth process and which is not bound by the restrictions
of time and space. Your soul can communicate through these spiritual
communications, through this other sense yet to be fully developed. That is
not your mind. Your mind is resident in your skull and is a tool, your soul
is temporarily housed in your body.

I would sincerely like to thank everybody who has formed this circuit. It is
a pleasure and a privilege to form this energy loop with you at this time. I
am infused with the joy of a miracle unfolding, the miracle of the spread of
spirit of which I call you to witness this hour. It is truly a miracle and I
witness it with great joy. I welcome you all into my classroom. I give you
commitment that I will work with you in this process and that together we
can function to cocreate the miracles before us. [thankyou] I withdraw,
thankyou all.

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