[tmtranscripts] Machiventa Melchizedek 12/24/05

Thea Hardy thea at pathworks.net
Sun Dec 25 19:23:40 PST 2005

Machiventa Melchizedek 12/24/05

Adair Village, Oregon TeaM
LinEL Group Special Daytime Session

Machiventa Melchizedek (T/R Thea)
(Note: Daranadek Melchizedek was in attendance, along with the
regular group teachers, but did not speak on this occasion - Group
teacher messages were not transcribed (as yet). Machiventa requested
that his message be transcribed and shared despite T/R reluctance.)

Synopsis by paragraph:

1) Machiventa well knows of our concerns about the MM
2) a few words on the fact that all our personal experience is in the
context of Urantian history
3) The fact of Urantia as an experimental planet resulted in
unforeseen problems
4) Caligastia deliberately and knowingly fostered the default to take
advantage of our uniqueness
5) The context of Lucifer legacy deficits do affect our abilities to
understand one another
6) Our genetic and cultural heritage affects our ability to receive
the adjutants
7) Our degree of variation here is greater and partly problematic in
relation to interpretations
8) Machiventa knows our sincerity and loves us deeply while seeing
our lack of balance
9) Our strong feelings about our differences are understandable
10) Machiventa knows our struggles, yet sees us wrestle with issues of balance
11) Human hunger for the healing of Urantia is primal, built into us
for reasons of forward motion
12) The diversity of the apostles was intentional, chosen through
Michael's wisdom
13) We are also diverse - a strength when our unity is based solely
on the Father's sovereignty
14) Michael is not the Father - his gospel is the source of our unity
and points always Father-ward
15) None of us are to point fingers of blame. Things in all
directions may not be as they seem.
16) The mission is rooted in the growth of the individual. Even so
does the Supreme evolve.
17) We must look into our hearts and be wise in our seeing - focus
more on sharing truths.
18) Learning love is foremost; love takes precedence; Love is ever
the most profound reality.


Dear Ones, it is I, Machiventa, your planetary prince and privileged
servant in Michael's mission of reclamation for Urantia. I know your
hearts have long pondered the issues of the day, the situation
regarding the coming of a magisterial son to your world. Also, you
know that this is an event that will happen in the scheme of things,
and that it is naturally a time to be longed for.

But before I address this situation more directly, permit me to speak
to you a few words concerning your human hearts and to offer to
expand your understanding of one another as you struggle so to
comprehend each other's perspectives on this topic. Everything that
you do and think and feel is in the context of Urantia, the world of
your origin, despite the fact that the lasting realities of your
experience are rooted in the larger universe. Naturally, therefore,
the entire cultural milieu in which you have evolved and have
developed down through the ages colors your physical - your genetic -
capacities. What has happened to this world has happened to you, both
through the environment of your current living and the genetics of
your inheritance.

This world is an experimental one, and many of the things planned for
your special development did occur. But likewise did many of them
lose the finishing touches that would have made a major difference in
your ability to use these specially developed genetic tools of
living. Among these was the way specifically in which your brains
were organized to interact with the adjutant mind spirits, the
bestowal of mind via our beloved Mother Spirit. Even in the
degradation of your situation, the brilliance of the experimental
work of the life-carriers can be seen. For many of the mechanisms
work extremely well, but due to the lack of genetic uplift, they work
in many cases against what you need. rather than on your behalf. This
was one of the devious results of Lucifer's rebellion.

Caligastia well knew the exact genetic situation, knew that you would
need such an upstep if the plans of the Life-Carriers were to be
fully successful. He knew that will had been brought about early on
Urantia, and he knew what some of the specific results of the lack of
genetic upstep were likely to be. Hence his machinations with the
clear intent of destroying the Adamic mission were not mere mischief,
but in large part, carefully planned and orchestrated to obtain
specific results. And this is indeed what you have received. physical
brains that literally result in developmental difficulties because
the violet blood was not sufficient to alter pathways necessary to
connect correctly to the input regions for the adjutant mind spirits.

Why do I speak to these things that seem so far afield, you may ask
of me. I address you on this topic because such circumstances, along
with many, many others, have inter-related effects on your very
patterns of life and thought. Thus they are totally relevant to the
discussion at hand, and to some of why you have such difficulties in
understanding one another when differences arise.

Our Mother Spirit gives you your minds - her mind ministry provides
you with the medium by which you construct thought, by which you
think. Your evolutionary physical brains give you the animal
mechanism that receives that mind ministry consisting of the adjutant
mind spirits. How a physical brain is formed affects your capability
to receive that ministry. Genetic differences affect this capability.
In the more extreme differences, an insect brain is incapable of
receiving the same amount and quality of ministry as a horse.
Likewise, with you as will creatures, different ones of you think
differently in part because your physical mechanism varies. Add to
this the extreme influences of your cultural heritage - global,
racial, national, societal, institutional, familial and yet other
environment of culture, and you will see that even independent of
personal free will choice, your thinking and your conceptualizing
will vary greatly.

So now you come together, most of you having a central conceptual
core called the Urantia Book. And yet you find that even with this
basis, interpretation has varied. People don't understand the same
words and concepts in the same manner, to the same degree, with the
same enthusiasm or depth or breadth. While most of this is normal and
can be found on a normal world, the range and degree of variation
here is impacted both by your being an experimental planet and by the
loss of the stabilization of both a planetary cultural uplift and a
genetic physical uplift. Thus your differences are more profound and
convolutionally perverse than would be typical on a normal world. And
this is the context in which you think and feel and meet with one
another in your discussions on the true nature of any concepts you
attempt to share.

We all know, and deeply appreciate, just how much this mission means
to you. It brings great satisfaction to our hearts that you have
listened, have heard and responded to the call, that we have been
able to be of service to you. We love you with a profound and deep
affection, one greatly deepened by our long association with you, and
for me, this time has been a crowning glory of all my years of
service on Urantia and in your behalf. Yet in your intensity of the
deep meaning to you of this correcting time, you do not readily
realize that you often lack the capability for balance. You have not
been well taught in this deprived world culture, nor are the aspects
bred into you as well as was once planned. You will be wrestling for
some time to come to attain even a beginner's understanding of true
balance. And do not chastise yourselves that this is so, for it is
not easy of attainment on the most normal of worlds in the earlier
stages of development and it is particularly difficult for you on a
world stricken as badly as yours. There are only a few worlds that
have fared as bad or worse than your own in this travesty Lucifer
fostered in Nebadon.

But you come at any differences of opinion about things that matter
with multiple restraining factors right from the start. And so it is
utterly understandable that you will have strong feelings and
reactions to the differences among you about something that means as
much to you as this mission does. And that you will struggle with
agreement, with assessment, with beliefs, with the details of this
long-hoped for uplift you so desire.

Dear ones, we know your struggles with this and have nothing but
compassion and love for your sincere hearts, for your longing to
better know and understand just what is true and what is not. Your
need for certainty is all the greater for the great disruption of
your world wrought by the rebellion and default. And it often
manifests as a desire for certainty in ways that cannot yet be. Our
answers to you on these things cannot always be as simple as you
would like or even we would like. Again, that requirement of balance
means we are continually making decisions, both personally and in our
conferences and discussions, as to what to speak to and when. If we
give you too little, you founder. If we give you too much, you cease
in using your own decision-making capacity to its fullest. As any
parents must deal with their children's needs, so it is with us, for
the pattern of parent/child, teacher/student is a universal one and
the lessons thereof do not end any time soon. You are our beloved
students, children of the realms, and your ultimate welfare is always
of greater import than your immediate concerns. Every parent knows
that this can be very difficult and even painful, and so it often is
for us. But be assured your welfare is always our greatest
consideration as we work with you to build a future that will bring
light and life to your world.

I know that you all hunger for this time on Urantia, the time when
all will finally fall into place, fall into step with the more normal
scheme of things. We also long to see this happen, to see the wrongs
righted and the woes redressed. But the struggle of the races of
Urantia has ever been for patience. Part of this is simply natural to
the children of the evolutionary universe, but in your case, it is
also part of the lack of healthy cultural training and genetic
perfecting. When our beloved sovereign Michael left your world, many
who had seen him believed that he would return in their lifetimes.
This utterly understandable yearning has remained with you and will
not fade away until such time as he does return, and the other
ministries of the sons of the Eternal Son are fulfilled. This
yearning is in you for a reason - it helps you to move forward even
in the face of darkness and despair - it is the outward yearning
towards your destiny that is fulfilled within. But it has always been
possible to misinterpret this yearning and to make your hopes into
realities that are not yet at hand. There is no shame in this. Far
better that you yearn for the fulfillment of such spiritual hopes
than that you languish hopeless and without direction. But when you
become insistent that others interpret that hope in the same light
that you do interpret it, you are in danger of falling into error.

The apostles were chosen in part to represent a wide variety of
personalities and their reactions to Michael's bestowal mission, to
show for the ages and throughout Nebadon how different personalities
can function together despite great differences. And as you know from
your own studies, they did not always function together smoothly.
There was much dissension among them for the same kinds of reasons
that you now struggle with one another. Nothing mattered more to them
than to see the will of their beloved Michael done on this earth. In
each and every heart of them, save the betrayer, that yearning was
pure and intense. And yet each of them had a different vision of what
was, and what was to be. This is one of the many reasons why the
early church did not form in harmony from such diversity of
beginnings. But if Michael's teachings were to move forward with at
least some chance to avoid as much as possible rigidity and dogma,
and to reach the greatest number of his children, generations yet
unborn, then the risks of diversity were a necessity. Had he chosen
apostles of all one type, forming a religion might have been a far
easier task. But the universality of its appeal and the broad
outreach of its values would never have been possible. Therefore,
with the wisdom that he manifested, both human and divine, Michael,
knowing well what the difficulties would be, chose wisely from a
diverse group of men (as well as his diverse and faithful women's
corps) because this was the most effective way to proceed.

And here and now today, it is no different. This mission has appealed
to a wide variety of people, and over time that variety will only
grow greater. This is as it should be. But as you have discovered, it
is not easy to create and maintain unity in the midst of such
diversity. And unity is essential. The key concept here is that, as
always, you must build unity around the sovereignty of the Father
himself and no being less than the Father. This is why, although you
are told that who has seen Michael has seen the Father, he never
stated that he was the Father - he would not let himself be
worshipped, nor called good, saying this was for the Father alone.

Michael will not stand in for the Father, despite the fact that much
of his function does exactly so through the Eternal Son here in
Nebadon. Your rallying call must always be to the Father as the
Center, and the full Kingdom of Heaven - the simple truths of
Michael's gospel are the ground of your unity. There will ever be the
desire to create differing sects and variants that appeal to specific
groups of people and this is well and good AS LONG AS you recognize
that the sovereignty remains solely with the Father of All, the
Center of Creation. When you promote your variants of the cause, it
is essential that you keep this in mind. For any variant that fails
to understand this simple yet crowning truth, this over-arching
reality, will ultimately not succeed in its goals, however lofty.

But it is not for you, any of you, to point fingers of blame. It is
always well and good to stand and affirm your faith, and to speak to
troubling issues in a spirit of resolution and the deepening of
mutual understanding. Any means of sincerely seeking to understand
one another better leads to deeper love and results in more profound
wisdom of experience. But aside from such things, it is far better to
keep your focus on the truths that you have to proclaim, and permit
others to follow their own path, whether upward as all in any
dedicated group believe, or downward, as their failure to perceive
reality adequately may take them. Some of the groups in this mission,
however brilliant, will fail. It may be that some have misperceived
the proper timing to take action and have come to the fore
prematurely. It may be that others have lagged behind in their
pursuit of unfolding truths that enliven and enbiggen towards forward
steps. It may be that some are afraid to march forward while yet
others are too bold to be wise.

In this, you are like any other group of humans upon your world. But
this mission is not rooted in the failures or successes of your
specific groups or variants, but on the individual spiritual growth
step by step that adds to the forward motion of the All. Therefore
every one of you have value to the success of this mission, whether
in a group or alone. Your choices for the Father's will, your sincere
desires to move forward, will always be the basic building blocks of
the reclamation of Urantia, even as they are the building blocks of
the Supreme. The Supreme evolves, personality by personality with
personality. The aggregations formed of multiple personalities come
and go on a basis of functionality and a variety of purposes. But the
individual's choice of the will of God through identification with
the indwelling spirit, remains the watchword of the evolutionary
races of time and space, and step by step, however much faltering
occurs, you move into eternity.

So ask in your own hearts what it is that you believe and where your
loyalties lie. Be wise and discerning. Assess what is before you and
what you hear and see, in both word and deed. Make your own choices,
and seek always your adjuster's voice and the endless friendship of
the Spirit of Truth. Debating your choices with others who have made
their choices is useless. Debasing others for their choices is wasted
effort and worse. Dead trees eventually fall of their own weight.
Fruiting trees eventually bear fruit. Patience is always the
harvester of any sincere desires, and even the dead trees that fall
may provide shelter to the new hopes and dreams that seemed too frail
at first to persist. You will have more success if you seek more to
share the truths of the gospel of Michael than to debate the details
of administrations that you cannot yet even begin to understand.

Even as you love your Father-God, knowing you are respected as an
eternal child in his kingdom, love one another. Learning love takes
precedence over every thing that can ever be. Have love and you have
it all. Have not love and you are bereft of all. When you lose your
way and wonder what your task is, return always to the one eternal
basic thing: Love one another.

And in this most important of actions - living love - know always
that it is as we have ever said - the Father of all is everywhere
present - his vital love lives within your own being. His love
surrounds you and fills every smallest space with the potency of
unfolding eternity and infinity. His love is the grandest galaxy in
space and the tiny twinkle in the eyes of a beloved child. If you
open your hearts and minds you will find him everywhere. There is
nowhere where he is not. And as you seek him with a sincere heart,
you will become like him, and recognize his primacy. And in this
recognition, your kinship with one another. And in that time, all
that you desire will come to be. And in this moment, all your desires
are alive in the unfoldment process towards that goal.

Love is the most profound reality in all of creation and eternity. It
is yours, now and always.

Machiventa Melchizedek
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