[tmtranscripts] Michael 8.29.05

JERRY LANE nytrayn at msn.com
Sun Sep 4 15:41:21 PDT 2005

Dear Folks at TMTranscripts, OOOPS! Here's the lesson:

Michael—August 29, 2005

Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California, U.S.A.


(Michael’s human life as Jesus)

(The Supreme Being)

(What does your unique personality have to offer?)

(Our work together)

(The rediscovery of spirit)


(The wounds which refuse to heal spiritually)

(Staying true to yourself)

(Respecting what people choose to be)

(Beginning again)

Prayer: Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, Reflecting on what You taught us
last week, Mother, we want to thank You for reminding us that our
scientific, empirical view, so very useful and necessary for us, is still,
nevertheless, deliberately constructed so as to eliminate as much as
possible any consideration of spirit, and focus exclusively on the material
and energetic phenomena of our reality. Like many of our developments, like
language itself, we become overly familiar with its use and often forget the
symbol is different than the reality it points to. And as You have also
given us to notice, part of our everyday lives, continuously happening, can
never be empirically demonstrated for the simple fact it will never happen
again. So once again we thank You both for Your viewpoints on our human
reality. Amen.

(Michael’s human life as Jesus)

MICHAEL: Good evening, My children. This is your Father, Michael, and as I
am so fond of adding, this is your human brother, Jesus. I’ve spoken before
about what My human life means to me and how it was a final test--which is a
valid way of looking at it. But it was so much more than a test for Me. It
was something precious even beyond My ability to express to you.

I became aware at a fairly early age that this would be a limited experience
of some very few years, compared to My whole existence. This helped Me so
very greatly to appreciate each day. It helped Me stay focused on what I
saw was necessary to do. In very basic human terms, it kept Me motivated.
Yet there were times when there seemed so much to do--of the tasks I had set
for Myself with the help of My spiritual brother, Immanuel--all the things I
wished to accomplish--these seemed so great that I literally had to take a
vacation right within My life and within the scope of all these demands, and
really enjoy just being human and doing a man’s day’s work.

As your Text has informed you, I was not only a carpenter, a boat builder,
but I enjoyed so many other vocations for awhile. I found when I was
working, this was one of the best ways to communicate and associate with My
fellow men and women. There’s such a brotherhood among men and women in the
simple yet transcendent quality of accomplishment, to know that at the end
of your labors for the day, the world is slightly different. You have done

And so We have been encouraging you to appreciate the fact that God
deliberately created human reality with this effort very much in mind. He
created the world in such a way as there is valid, useful, necessary work to
do. You are very much a part of what is happening. You have this marvelous
concept of feedback in which reality talks to you. You can try something
right out of your own imagination, out of your own originating, and the
world soon lets you know just how possible or impossible it is, if you are
open and welcoming this feedback. This is the voice of God’s greater
reality and what it’s telling you. This is how you learn. This is how your
soul encompasses another day’s achievement.

(The Supreme Being)

Think about that aspect of God’s personality Who is out here growing with
you as a kind of summation of all of time and space. This is the Supreme
Being, the aspect of God Who experiences everything that every personal
being in time and space experiences, and so is creating a kind of Universe
Soul comprised of all the souls of all the beings who have ever existed, so
that nothing is lost. Consider this for a moment. Every spiritual
experience you have, everything of value that you experience is forever. It
forms part of your soul and, since God through His personality circuit
experiences everything you do, it is also part of the Supreme Being.

Also within your Text, whereas your relationship with God the Father is one
of son or daughter to a loving parent, your relationship to the Supreme
Being is one of activity, of effort, of accomplishment. The blessing is
that this is simply a fact; this is possible. This is your eternal
possession, these things of value that add to your soul. This is what you
take with you, and this is truly all that you need. God, in His infinite
wisdom, has already provided one, and will provide for you endless worlds,
literal physical worlds, both architectural spheres and evolutionary
planets, quite beyond human numbering, on which you can continue to grow in
experience forever.

Mother Spirit and I have said before, but I will say it again because it is
Our special delight to do so: there is no end to this adventure. Infinity
is not just some mathematical concept. It is real. It is what surrounds
you spatially. Infinity lies behind you into the past and stretches out
before you into the future.

(What does your unique personality have to offer?)

There is no exhausting God’s reality. So wade right into it. Welcome the
feedback it offers you. Think about how you want to shape it to your
heart’s desire. What do you want the future to look like? What does your
unique personality have to offer? Do you know? How can you find out? What
are your ideals? What are you striving for? What do you know that is
supremely worth striving for? Do you welcome a good challenge? In the very
midst of uncertainty, can you recognize it and embrace it and not be driven
by it? Can you see the uniqueness of each of your fellow human beings? Do
you welcome this unfathomable individuality when you encounter it? Does it
reassure your heart as proof of God’s creativity?

When you lay down to rest, can you let yourself be extinguished completely
in God’s care? Do you trust Him put you back together again, and present
you with another day which has never happened before? Can you open your
heart? Can you feel the love Mother Spirit and I have for you? Can you
feel Our thanks that you want to share your life with Us?

My children, We love you so very much. We would have you delight in these
lives you are living. In everything that happened within My human life,
even the more painful and tragic events, I could always feel My Father’s
love for Me, and for every single person around Me. My only wish was that
they too could have felt His love as I did.

(Our work together)

But this is part of our work together, is it not? This truth is what we
have to offer. It all starts with the supreme value you put upon your own
life, and a bottomless thankfulness to our Father for His gift.

Just rest in My peace a while, My children. If you have any questions or
comments this evening, I am always delighted to hear them.

Student: Father Michael, Thank You once more. I find most of my day by day
questions are being answered by my personal Celestial Teacher, so when I get
down here I’m beginning to wonder: maybe I’m not curious enough. But I
don’t have any questions right at the moment, just another heartfelt Thank
You for another day, another week of life, living it with You and Mother and
all the other persons and personalities who are around me. Thank You.

(The rediscovery of spirit)

MICHAEL: Well C, We are more than delighted you are able to experience
these spiritual personalities. As you folks said in your prayer this
evening, as much of an accomplishment as it once was--to eliminate the
spiritual dimension from consideration, so it is for you, now some several
hundred years later, being raised in this so-called scientific age, it is an
accomplishment, and you are finding out it is a delightful accomplishment
to, in a sense, rediscover the spiritual dimension of your human reality.
And then to discover beyond this, it is so densely peopled with so many
different orders of spiritual beings. So I say: welcome to a new world!
Don’t worry about your curiosity. I have a sense that it’s doing quite

Student: Thank You, Father.

MICHAEL: Curiosity is one of those things which springs eternal so long as
you appreciate all the adventures it will lead you to. And be in My peace.

Student: Thank you, Father.

Student: Dear Michael and Jesus, I was reading in the Urantia Book how,
during Your life, you seemed to almost mentally work towards a sublime
self-respect and righteousness. And while I know that it’s triggered by
love of our neighbors, and valuing our neighbor, You mentioned even earlier
about how You could see how Your Father loved every other human as well as
Yourself; and that gives them great value and great worth. But I would
appreciate any further comments on stabilizing self-respect, self-esteem. I
once did a paper on hunger tension for Paradise Perfection, and I know it
can be linked with Psychic Circle Attainment and a feeling of progress, but
for the record I would appreciate any further comments on stabilizing
self-esteem. Thank You.


MICHAEL: Yes V, it’s difficult for Me to overemphasize what Mother Spirit
taught you last week on the subject of self-respect. What she meant by
acknowledgement, you can see as a way of reminding yourself of all the
dimensions of human reality. Because often a respect for yourself relies
upon seeing yourself fully and completely--as much as you can, as We see
you. This can vary enormously from person to person, for each person can
sometimes have a very lopsided feeling of themselves, at times too mental,
or physical, or even spiritual--although an exclusively spiritual
orientation which disregards the physical and mental is only a kind of
pseudo-spiritual view, because spirit is, if anything, inclusive.

This is why it’s hard to imagine a person with great self-respect other than
what you call a well-rounded individual. This is what I meant earlier when
I took a vacation from My, shall we say, more spiritual tasks of
enlightening My fellows, and just enjoyed building a boat for a few days. I
never considered this physical work beneath Me or injuring My self-respect.
Rather I thanked My Father for these simple accomplishments. And along this
line, you recall I once suggested that each person would do well to have
some physical activity in their life, some delightful hobby within which
reality can speak back to them and help them earn the patience and the
appreciation it takes to work with God’s “stuff .”

Because working with physical things, dealing with mental problems,
wrestling with spiritual values; this is how your, perhaps rather prideful
ego deeply acknowledges you are earning your soul. You have paid a price in
effort and attention and care for what you have and what you have
accomplished. This awareness can keep you both humble and respectful of
what life has cost you so far--how you’ve learned your orientation has to
be, in large part, towards God’s greater creation in order to keep growing.
These are all constituents of a good healthy self-respect. You acknowledge
all that you are, body, mind, spirit and soul; and in doing so you become
capable—through them--of acknowledging all that is with a similar respect
for the physical universe, the Mind of the Infinite Spirit, the Spirit
dimensions of the Eternal Son, and with your very own existence, the
creative power of the Universal Father of all personalities. With
self-respect you see these--everywhere.

Does this help answer your question, My son?

Student: Yes, it does. I know that it will help answer it forever, a
beautiful glowing and growing answer. Thank You.

MICHAEL: Thank you, My son, for acknowledging Me. And be in My peace.

Student: Yes, my Father, how does one deal with situations where people are
so deeply wounded that the whole identification of their personality is
swept up and entombed in this, to the point that no new life is allowed into
their lives and spirits: no growth, no creativity? How do I deal with this
on the subjective level where I feel like there are walls around their being
wounded to the point where they don’t see me for who I am? I am not allowed
to be myself with them. I find my reaction to this quite painful, and very
discomforting and uncomfortable, because I’m trying to come from a place of
objectivity, of love. But I’m having a difficult time coping with my own
painful reactions to their being wounded, and their inability to see beyond
the walls of their own construction.

(The wounds which refuse to heal spiritually)

MICHAEL: Yes, D, this reminds Me of the lesson I gave recently on pain.
You are finding out those limitations of feeling someone’s pain directly,
yet you are having to deal with the consequences. Recall I mentioned an
experience of walking into a hospital room where a friend of yours has been
severely injured and in great pain? If you are at all open and sensitive,
you can psychically realize the shock that this person is in just to handle
the pain, moment to moment.

And so I sense you are rightfully respectful of this injury for to a degree
it causes you pain just to acknowledge it. This pain you feel is very real,
and psychologically it’s a way of your trying to adapt yourself to a
situation that calls for great sensitivity and care.

The greatest challenge here is to understand how a person who has been
wounded, physically or mentally or even spiritually, has to form their
personality around this wound, initially as a way of healing themselves.
But there are those tragic cases where the person then refuses to let go and
create a new life, and let the wounding fade into the past. So much of
their self-identity now is wrapped up in this being wounded that they cling
to it, they cannot let it go. They cannot resist the temptation to inform
everybody they meet of how wounded they are. As you say, they can shut out
any kind of solution to this problem because it would demand they grow a new
identity. They would have to let go of the past and creatively look towards
the future.

This situation calls for a very delicate balance of, on the one hand, not
buying into their self-limiting view of themselves, this identity with being
wounded. Then as delicately and with as light a heart as you can, support
them and provide that which they cannot do for themselves, some hope for a
better future. Offer them a vision of themselves whole and happy
spiritually, growing and creative and leaving the event in the past. It may
help to offer them the insight that if they cannot get over being obsessed
with this wound, especially if it was caused by another person, that, in a
sense, this other person in continuing to control them. This person who
wounded them is still causing so much pain in their life.

And yet these insights may or may not work. So always offer them hope. Use
your own creativity to feed them small bits at first. Be light-hearted. If
you can, tease them out of themselves, for nothing is so healing as laughter
and joy. Help them forget themselves. Do these suggestions help you, My

Student: I’ve tried them all. (group laughs) And it seems like the walls
go higher and higher, become more constrictive and…constricted. I’m more
concerned about my wellbeing. How do I handle, within myself, this pain of
their perceptions about me, because their perceptions are wrapped up in this
being wounded--in their past experiences of relationships? So they see me
through those colors, those filters. If I do something that seems familiar
to them in a negative way, they react in a negative way to something I may
do as simple as, You know, as singing a song, or saying something that
reminds them of something that was said to them ten or fifteen years ago.
So how do I deal with myself? How do I honor myself and respect myself when
they don’t respect me; and how can they respect me if they don’t respect

MICHAEL: My son, you are facing that very quality of feedback I talked
about earlier. The reality of this other person is telling you they are not
responding, they are even what you call contra-suggestible to where, if you
try to be happy with them, they can accuse you of not feeling. Here you are
face to face with the limitations of what one person can do for another.
They can cling so tightly to their self-identification with this terrible
thing that happened years and years before, that in their freedom of choice,
in their refusal to acknowledge your spirit and the simple fact that you are
trying to help them, they may be truly lost, and there is nothing you can

You can see the complex psychology that, in a way, they are not choosing to
be the way they are when they constantly spurn your kind offers, your joy,
your creative solutions. Yet if they will not acknowledge your spirit and
what you are trying to do, you may have to let them be.

I call your attention to some of My once very dear and brilliant Sons who
chose their own path of self-identification with the products of their own
minds, spurning all My efforts at mercy and rehabilitation; who finally had
to be annihilated just recently after endless thousands of years to
reconsider their actions.

(Staying true to yourself)

It is the same with a person who is so cynical they can only see your
attempts to love them as some kind of weakness. On the deepest level of
their total personality, this is their choice. If you would keep from
wounding yourself, respect your true intentions here--to help. Respect that
you have tried through all these means to help them move on with their
lives, so you do not identify with them in their lack of respect for your
efforts. Remember and stay true to your intentions, and what this has cost
you so far. Again: you do not identify with them. They are a distinct
person and your self-respect is within you, between you and yourself, not a
reflection from them. Be at peace in your soul, My son, by recognizing
there are limits to what you can do.

Student: I guess what is the most painful of all this is that they shunned,
at times, my love; and if they shunned that, then they shunned who I am, my

MICHAEL: Take heart, My son, that if you’ve truly tried your best and this
has been shunned; turn and walk away. If this is what their choice is,
leave them to it. As I told My followers and Disciples once, if you lay
out a message of love and it is scornfully rejected, shake the dust of their
home from your sandals and walk on. Some people you have to leave to the
reality of their own making. This is part of that tough-love as you
conceive it, for there are even parasitic type personalities who make a
career of being a victim, who continuously, over and over, spiritually wound
themselves in a kind of competitive one-ups-man-ship for pity, and so become
truly pitiful, incapable of being healed. It seems you have another hard
decision to make. But do not waste your love where it is so scornfully

Student: The thought that went through my head is, have I done my best?
That is something I have to consider because I’m reminded of a Zen story
where this monk goes to this pond every day where this scorpion was living,
and he would pick the scorpion up and the scorpion would sting him. And he
did this every day, for a hundred days, and someone asked him, “Why do you
keep on picking up the scorpion if he stings you?” And the monk responded
by saying, “Until he learns to trust me and stings me no more.” That keeps
on going in my head.

(Respecting what people choose to be)

MICHAEL: It seems like that monk was not willing to let a scorpion be a
scorpion. That can be a kind of hubris which no amount of stinging might
cure; but we can only hope he learns, sooner or later--maybe when his hand
swells up and falls off.

Student: Yes! (laughing) That was very good! I’ve never thought about it
in that perspective--letting people be who they are, where they are. That

MICHAEL: You are welcome, My son. Now accept My peace deep in your heart.
Some individuals are very subtle in the way they suck you into their
supposed tragedies; and you can see that, to a large degree, this is not
even intentional on their part. But if they refuse to let the past be, this
is a choice; and again, be in My peace.

Well, My daughter, have you have any questions or comments this evening?

Student: I feel it’s all been very beneficial to me.

MICHAEL: As you can see, we don’t stand on ceremony here. I do treasure
that My sons here come to Me from their hearts, with what they are truly and
deeply concerned with.

Student: I feel like I got a lot out of everything I’ve heard.

MICHAEL: Good! We certainly welcome you into our group.

Student: Thank You.

MICHAEL: My children, another evening draws to a close and with light
hearts we look forward to another day, and in a few weeks’ time here we will
be again. I do appreciate the joy and the anticipation with which you look
forward to these meetings. I appreciate the work you do in transcribing and
editing these lessons and putting them out for other folks to enjoy. For
through you I am reaching a wider audience, and they have in turn expressed
their love and their appreciation for these insights and understandings that
Mother Spirit and I long to give you, to help you go about your day to day
lives with joy and fulfillment.

(Beginning again)

This old world of yours is turning around, My children. Now is the time to
have faith and use that faith to inform your perceptions, for in a way as
you believe so will you perceive. And while the more cynical or
materialistic among you may consider you to be self-deluded, you know in
your heart of hearts what you are perceiving is real--for it responds to
you. It changes your life in an unmistakable way. You leave our meetings
together refreshed and renewed and, yes, ready to begin again.

Student: We’re the tadpoles. (group laughs: Ref—Michael 8.15.05)

MICHAEL: Well, just imagine what you will be when you have a million years
of experience behind you--and are still just beginning! Bless you all. Be
in My peace.

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