[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 04/03/05

rickgiles rickgiles at icehouse.net
Wed Apr 6 22:09:07 PDT 2005

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Festival of Fellowship; Love, Peace, Joy, and Light;
Perform to the Highest of your Capacity and Portray that which
is Universally True.
Teachers: Evanson, Nebadonia, Elyon

April 3, 2005

* Evanson (Jonathan TR): Hello to you all, this is Evanson.
I am happy to be with you and to share in the acknowledgment of
one another’s presence. It is not that far of a stretch, the
connectivity between yourselves and myself and those of my state
of being. While we may be apparently separated by the
limitations of your physical receptors, your sense organs, we
are nonetheless in direct contact due to the common link we have
with Michael and Mother Spirit. We are for that matter more
accurately connected, that is we share without the distortions
of perception.
You have been taught often the value of service, of being
about the Father’s business, of promoting the mission of
Michael. You are all, I witness, eager to do what you can no
matter how limited it may appear to be. In the grand scheme you
all wish to pursue to your best abilities, to maximize your
contribution. I would like to emphasize that this expression
you endeavor to present to others is also repercussive upon
yourselves bringing joy and love.
The nature of life is its two-fold energy dynamic. You
know the truth that you must give to receive. You know of the
truth that if you lose your life for the kingdom you will
receive it. In the effort to minister to your fellows you are,
in reality, entering into a festival of fellowship, just as when
you hug an individual you are being hugged in return. The
lessons provided, the experiences offered, are likewise returned
in the mutuality of shared experience. You who have taught in a
formal situation where you are the designated instructor and the
other is the specified student have witnessed often being taught
by the student by the innocence of insight expressed, though
they may not be the professional in that arena.
So, I am here expressing my support for your outreach
program and reminding you that you will also be well served
throughout this entire and performance cycle. All of us stand
ready to be of assistance.

Mark: When confronted with good and noble individuals who
are earnestly in discussion and debate about the reality of
their divine Parent, this issue weighs heavily on my heart. How
do I reconcile such a gap?

* Evanson: It is a troublesome condition, and it is
prevalent upon those worlds thrown into rebellion. The natural
tendency to seek and to know one’s Creator is inherent in all;
it is guaranteed to be a question in the mind of every
individual. Though all who seek in such a manner are endowed
equally with spirit presence, the condition of the world, the
orientation of a given society, can hinder realizing the answer
to that question.
Since worlds like Urantia have lost their planetary
headquarters even the physical presence of the higher realms is
absent. Spirit pursuit is less tangible, less verifiable,
without such agencies overtly present. The pursuit of the soul
to realize its Maker recedes to a debate of the mind to answer
the ultimate question.
The mind, being what it is, is highly flexible. It is a
gathering instrument for the personality and, to be effective as
a gatherer, it is adept at entertaining divergent and diverse
viewpoints. In so doing one can construct a philosophy wherein
the individual has no spirit parent. While the mind is capable
of developing such lines of thought, it is not comforting to the
soul. Equally one may develop a line of thought full of
religious facts and theories and still leave the soul hungry for
personal experience. It then becomes a purpose for all who have
dwelt in the presence of God to radiate that affirmation.
Discussion will stimulate the mind of another, but it will
be association with you that will begin to illumine the soul,
and this is a path of surety, but one requiring great patience,
for the weight of a logical argument may convince in a moment,
but the demonstration of personal experience may require long
intervals of time to witness the reality and to create the
surety that you have what is doubted and what is sought for.
Even the one who has developed the theory of the non-existence
of God has been impassioned by the drive of spirit to know why,
to find the answer to that question of origin, universal and
The Correcting Time is a multi-planetary outreach program
to reestablish the surety of divine overcontrol on the confused
worlds. You are a missionary in this correcting time, and in
your smaller circle you are also reestablishing the surety of
divine overcontrol. A Garden of Eden, a planetary headquarters,
though absent on your world, is present where you stand when you
stand in the awareness of serving Michael and confident that
your experiences have developed within you a reality that is
tangible to another. It is through association over and above
argument that another will begin to shift the mind to the
entertainment of a contrary view, one that will bring peace, not
a peace of mental certainty, but a peace of personal surety.
I hope this has addressed your inquiry.

Mark: Thank you. We have heard of the coming of a
spiritual wave, a rising tide corresponding with the Teaching
Mission. Is this also a factor that we might come to see at
play in this scenario of finding our position?

* Evanson: This wave you speak of, this energy inpouring to
your world, is recognizable even in your headlines of news. The
apparent unsettling issues of your time are due to the momentum
of the rise of this wave of transformation. As you bond
together in an outreach project you are reacting positively to
the uplifting momentum of this incoming wave. You are taking to
surf rather than running for cover.

Mark: Does this wave also provide the necessary float for
those souls who are seeking, to provide them the desire to move
forward in their search?

* Evanson: Yes, it does, for as has been recorded in your
scriptures where it says you will never be tested beyond your
ability to endure and to triumph, likewise your buoyancy is
never overcome by the force of this wave. Precursor waves will
lift you and these will enlarge until you are capable of riding
upon the largest of the influx. Again, this is our reason for
being with you, to prepare you for the uplift and that you will
demonstrate to others how to become more buoyant, to create the
likeness of spirit within themselves that they may rise.
Also I would add that some may only benefit by being hit
hard and inundated by this spiritual wave. In this baptism they
will resurface transformed, convinced that spirit power is upon
this world and that transformation toward the good is the most
worthy pursuit. This wave comes not to destroy but to uplift or
to wash clean.

Mark: Thank you. I cherish your imagery.

* Evanson: And I appreciate your inquiry. It isn’t often
that I attend these collections of awareness, and I am happy to
be able to assist.

* Nebadonia: I am Nebadonia. Again, I rise in your
awareness to intermingle with you in love.
Such words as “love” and “peace” and “joy” and “light” are
frequently expressed in the form of encouragement, that you may
experience these states and know. Though the risk is that these
words lose their impact, they bear repeating, for when you do
open yourself to light and to love, peace and joy are yours even
in the most trying of times. In the center of your being where
I dwell these states of being are safeguarded. When you turn to
me you are renourished. Turn inward during your troubling
moments, for this is when you are most in need of nourishment.
Yes, I do enjoy the high times when you are happy and you
fellowship with me in the celebration of goodness. Likewise
strength is yours when you turn in trouble, for love transcends
all temporal conditions. Ever remember that love dwells deep
within you. Let it rise; let it permeate all that you are and
all that you do.

* Elyon (Mark): Greetings, this is Elyon. Bask in the glow
of your divine Parent.
I offer but one small suggestion and that would be to
beware of judging your personal successes based upon the
reaction of another. It is your role to play to simply function
as you see best, as you see fit. It is entirely up to others to
act as they see best and as they see fit.
When you offer yourselves in service be mindful that you
may not receive the tangible results of your efforts or that
these results may not meet your expectations. But if you act as
the highest ambassador for truth and function in the capacity of
spirit example, then you have successfully performed your duties
and fulfilled your function. Do not be distressed when the
reaction of others may be less than you hoped for or not as you
would desire, as others must come to their own appreciation and
understanding of the values you are attempting to portray.
This does not mean that you have failed. The progress of
another is independent of your offerings, and you must ever
beware of sizing your own worth in accordance with another’s
reaction. Allow them complete freedom to be as they are and
fulfill your complete freedom to be as you will. If you fulfill
your obligation to be all that you can be, then most certainly
you have succeeded.
I offer this to you because the temptation is great to
measure yourself in contrast to others and to others’ reactions
to you in this life. Simply concern yourselves with your
reactions and your actions and allow others to interpret, to
decide, for themselves. Simply be all that you can be and trust
that this is enough, for indeed it is. Allow spirit to work and
the Father’s presence to work on all those around you in their
time and at their pace.
Be patient and be steadfast in your projection of the
spirit realities you know to be true. Allow all else to work
itself out as it will. Trust that you have done your part and
been successful in your endeavor insofar as you have completed
your task.
I hope this provides some comfort, and I will withdraw at
this time.

Jonathan: I notice that throughout history the great
players are those who realize the truth you speak of and forge
ahead regardless of persecution or discrimination. We may not
be the big players, but our little lives have the same type of
episodes. Thank you for helping us keep that in mind.

* Elyon: I would simply redirect slightly by words of
encouragement that when you perform to the highest of your
capacity and portray that which is universally true, you are one
of the big players, you are one of the bright lights that can
then guide and attract those who are seeking that certainty that
you convey.
It is ever true that old adage there are no small parts to
play, only small actors. Each part is significant and pivotal.
It is for you to rise up and fill that role and function in that
capacity ... you would stand steadfastly behind the truths of
that which you know to be real, to have the benefit of a grand
role to play. It is only who will rise up to speak these lines,
to say this truth, to be this light in the darkness.
I recognize that each of you is willing to play this role
in your lives, in your circles, in the arenas of your
influences. Therefore you too are grand players and can take
comfort in the fact that your script, your lines, are the lines
of universal truth, of beauty, of goodness. They are powerful
lines to be delivered, and they will affect all whose ears they
reach. It is simply that these lines need to be delivered to be
heard. If they are never spoken they can never be embraced by
another. That is the simplicity of this design, yet there is
grandeur there.

Jonathan: I will try to live up to this encouragement of

* Elyon: Of this I have no doubt. If there are no other
engagements then perhaps I will release you from this forum
knowing that each of you, the good students that you are, will
take the time to digest and embrace that in these messages that
will benefit you and embrace the support which is yours for the
taking. Thank you all.

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