[tmtranscripts] BOGUS BASIN CONF....TRANSCRIPT # 6

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Mon Aug 30 10:04:48 PDT 2004


DATE: 8-14-04


Monjorenson: Good evening, this is Monjorenson. What I will deliver to you
tonight is perhaps what you might call a technical report. It is provided
for you to appreciate the era in which you live. This era has its beginnings
approximately 200,000 years ago. The preparations for the visitors to your
planet, those who would be here and unknown to many of Nebadon, Christ
Michaels' plan for coming to this planet.

As any good executuive would do, there are contingency plans. We wish you to
know that all contingencies always opt for the positive, always opt for free
will, the sovereignty of choice. Always the opportunity for evil to turn its
face toward good, therefore the execution of contingency plans are put into
place until the actual individual..[pause]... towards circumstance has made
his final descision.

The plans for the Majesterial Son were formulated soon after Christ Michael
had returned to his sovereign position. An executive of his capacity is able
to quickly see the points of descision, the development of mortal descision,
and therefore project possible future development, potential futures, and
plan accordingly. As you know, your planet has been in quarantine for so
long, and as you know, the perpetrators that caused that quarantine to be
put into place were imprisoned shortly after pentecost.

What you do not know is that Christ Michael had begun putting into place the
contingency plans for the welfare of your planet, yet these could not be
excercised until the prisoners had been adjudicated, until the prisoners had
finally said they would neither ask for forgiveness or recant, but were
willing to admit that they no longer wished to stay in the universe. This
put into rapid motion the contingency plan that had been drawn up, some of
which could be put into place early on, as with the development of your
civilization, eduacation and literacy on your planet, so too were new
advents, new revelations brought to the people of Urantia.

You may recall that this was begun in the era of enlightenment, the
renissance with numerous outgtowths in the 1800's, continued development in
the early 1900's, and the resumption after your second world war. There are
numerous developments throughout your planet in many nations for the people
who would be receptive to these new messages. There is not just one message,
but many, as there are many people who wish to return to Paradise. What you
are seeing now in the development of the correcting time and the openess of
the teaching mission is a  rapid unfoldment of the plan.

For us this is a kaleidoscope of events. This is not a slow-motion type of
development for you mortals, you see the teaching mission as having begun
perhaps 15 years ago or so, for us it was yesterday. We are seeing in our
vision, our perspective of time, the rapid development of news clips as you
see them at the end of the year on television, where  they review the whole
years events within one minute. This is how we are experiencing it, yet due
to the broadened expanse of consciousness that those past the mortal realm
have, this is understandable, it is manageable, it is intelligeable, it is
workable for us.

You have seen the chaos thats occured within the movement of the Urantia
book and now the rapid development of healing elements which have come
forward seeing that unity of all is most worthy of everyone and most
productive. Now you may ask, well what is next? Well my friends, your Jesus
told you that surely as the seed is planted you will see the bud come out of
the ground, the thought grow, the leaves turn green and the seeds unfold
into pods. One era develops after another. You can anticipate there will be
continued rapid change and yet these will be historical.

They will be demonstrable, they will be recordable. You will see them. They
may not have the stamp or imprint of religion, or the spirituality, or the
words of Jesus in it, but you will know that it is of the character of
Christ Michael to bring this into your world. You are in a very important
era right , and you my children are so well placed. Many of you will be
continued to be scattered here and there, of course this is voluntary. No
injury to your sovereignty will ever occur. These will be done according to
your wishes, according to your convictions, according to your commitments
that you have made to Michael.

Many of you have so earnestly prayed, spoken heart to heart with our
sovereign leader and made commitments to him of a deep deep personal nature,
and these my friends, will be honored. Do not be surprised when you are
given new assignments. There will be more revealed in forthcoming sessions,
about the coordinative efforts of other celestial and divine agencies, but
for now I realize this as a time for questions and answers and I will honor

Q: The politcal scene in our nation, the leadership for our next 4 years,
will there be observable celestial influence at this point in our history?
Will there be something that those of us who can see will realize that there
is divine help in all this process?

Monjoronson: Yes, the work of the most highs directly affects and works
silently with the political elements of your planet, whether in this nation
or your smaller countries. There are subtle ways to work with this. You see
the stability of your nation, yet there is a great fragility to it. It is
very changeable. It could be changed whimsically very quickly by the change
of attitude in the populace. What might that be, you may wonder, and we
leave that to you to surmize.

Q: What can you tell us about changes in other lands, other countries?

Monjoronson: This continues on. There are efforts which are unrecognized in
this nation and other nations about the charismatic or spiritual
development, spontaeneous development in other nations. These are often
quite silent for you have a populous that is semi at peace. Where they are
filled in stomach and mind there is also an infilling of spirit. Nations
which are in great turmoil cannot sustain these kinds of developments very
well or at all. There must be peace. Peace of mind is paramount for the
development of these very higher elevated vibrations in individuals.

As occured in your country dear sir, you saw the spontaneous developments
that occured there and so too there are devout groups throughout the world
in many religions that are now receiving these new practices. The ability to
ask questions within that context then begins to expand the potential of
those new movements. We see that there are within the current situation,
over 40 spontaneous developments in the world. These are in various nations,
various religions, those which are God centered.

Q: Is zero-point energy one of these?

Monjoronson: Yes, zero point energy is an exceptionally necessary
development on your world. It will be a seriously destabilizing factor in
your future, yet it is also the saving grace for independence of
individuals, of the development of families and clans and communities which
are independent and can therefore sustain themselves independenty of the
grid as you call it. Do you wish more concerning that?

Q: Is there any given time frame in which we might see zero-point energy?

Monjoronson: As soon as you put together the components. They all exist

Q: Would you please speak on behalf of the disclosure project.

Monjoronson: Your question please.

Q: Will the disclosure project become more public with the citizens of the
United States?

Monjoronson: Yes surely it will. You will soon realize in months and years
that the disclosure project is only one fraction of a larger picture that
needs to be disclosed.

Q: Do you have any advice or direction to give those of us that are active
within our particular church denomination on ways that we should go forward?

Monjoronson: Without denigrating any religious organization or structure,
you must be free in mind that the highest authority is between yourself and
the first source and center, that truly there must not be any intermediaries
between yourself and true revelation. Spontaneous  revelation is available
to all who are not constrained within the boxes of religion in which they
were usually raised. This is not an authoritarian development but one which
is spontaneous. We suggest that you may wish to pray apart, as Jesus
suggested, though you may do this in group. Your meditation is important
preparation, and dear sister, it is important that you clearly, as a group,
individually, be commited to the intention of the group to have this come
about. Mixed intention within  your group will surely give you no answers.

Q: Will the extra-terrestials give us help in freeing ourselves from some of
the old myths? Will the truth come out about the fact that we are not alone
in the universe, that others are watching us and thinking about us?

Monjoronson: There are subtle ways to bring this information to bear upon
your civilization. First of all, immediate revelation by these individuals
would not be accepted, but discouraged and considered to be so much hokum of
your government, a guise for misguidance. This will come about, but let me
speak more directly to the use of extra-terrestials on  your planet. I speak
candidly here for you, that this is an extreme use, that of all the
contingencies to use to develop the civilizations and thought and vibrations
of your planet, the use of extra-terrestials is truly a last resort.

Comment:...no magic wand!

Monjoronson: Your state of consciousness truly is a magic wand and I do not
put that forward in a comical or humourous means, but it truly is. Your
consciousness is far more powerful than you had ever thought.[thankyou very
much]...you are most welcome.

Q: I am perceiving perhaps elevated, things that waould fall into the realm
of psyhic ability, more subliminal communication between us, more
knowing...beyond knowing among ourselves...is that part of the time we're

Monjoronson: Unavoidable. Let me speak directly to the events at hand, which
have transpired within the last two months.... the occasion of your congress
of religion was a wonderful opportunity for us to put a globe, a  bubble, an
energetic huge merkaba [ as some of you see it]  around the city of
Barcelona and is attuned to each one who is receptive to that vibration. So
too, this is occuring at this conference, that there is an elevation of
vibration for those of you who have been praying earnestly, who have been
practising the presence, who have been practising the stillness, you have
been given  higher vibrations which affects your sensory perception. You who
are more and more evolved and developed, will continue to see the
juxtaposition to the lower elements of the morontial. Some of you are even
now operating occasionally, in the morontial mind, the very juvenile, the
very primitive morontial mind.

We are not talking about superconsciousness, but the impingement of the
mortal mind upon morontial mind. Your intention for yourself, unselfish
intention, assists you to do this as you are able to. Some of you however,
do not have the mind mechanisms that are receptive to the increments of
increased vibration. We do not apologize for this. This is simply an aspect
of genetics. You are blessed in many ways and you can be of service in many
ways that others cannot. Extra-sensory perception, as you say, is simply a
way of talking about the lowest element vibration ranges of the morontial

Q: If it genetic are there no practices in that can be done to raise that

Monjoronson: No, quite contrary. Many practices can assist in this,
stillness is one. Stilling the conscious mind for some is an imposibble
task. It is like chasing marbles running down the street, you cannot do it,
it is impossible. For those who are able to stop the rolling of these
marbles downhill, this is wonderfull. This is the time and place where you
can begin practising. First, elements of this, and I am not a lessonmaker
here today, please, the first elemnt of this is to become aware of mind
action. What is your mind doing? You are in charge of this. Use your
consciousness to be removed from your mind in this process. Mind is your
mortal software for operating and governing  your brain and your body and
its perception both inside the body and outside the body. You can do much to
assist yourself by guiding the direction of the development of your

Q: How do we do that?

Monjoronson: I will not be able to go into extensive elements of that and I
will leave that to your local teachers to assist you. I thank you so very
much for your attendance here this evening. Do I hear one more?

Q: Your purpose, your role, I'm assuming is both strongly administrative as
well as spiritual. Is this anywhere near right? I feel Prince Machiventa is
more administrative but are you equally administrative as well as a
spiritual uplifter?

Monjorenson: Only in the capacity of this revelation. Only in the capacity
of this new epoch, this new era. You spoke well and wisely of Machiventa,
for he is truly the administrator of this planet, yet he is not the
co-ordinator of all the efforts to guide the unfoldment of light into this
world, the enhancement and development and expansion and elevation of
vibration on this planet. He is the manager of this planet and its' good
working order. He has final authority over many things, even of those who
have higher authoriity in other realms. You will see the developments  of
tne most high in many of the regions.

There are areas which are developing throughout the world. These are all
coordinated, They do not work against themselves but compliment each other
hugely. My chief reason for being here is to be eventually visible to you. A
visible companion to you and the end to the age of agondonters. I am here
now, yet my physical appearence will not occur for a good time for we must
have the infrastructure of support for a large spiritual organization. Not
organization in  the human mortal realm, but on the realm of supermortal,
that is, that which you cannot see. Let me give you a for instance.

I requested earlier this year that there be an archival site developed. It
has been in place and we bless and praise those individuals who have been so
stalwart and so tenacious and who have perservered so strongly to get this
established. The Melchizedeks who are working with this are most anxious,
and I use the human phrase, greedily, act [to] further mortals to replicate
these sites throughout the world. There is necessity that there be mirror
sites in the respective languages of... throughout the world. This is a
global organization. There must not be one site that is vulnerable to its
fall or its demise or destruction.

Therefore this is part of the informational and educational structure which
will support the arrival of the  Magisterial Son. This is just simply one
element. You will further see other developments in the religion. The
unification of your small organization is a huge element. You carry a
consciousness which is immense. You are replicating something which was
wished to be started years ago. This era of unity, the vibrqation of unity,
the spirit of unity, is an immense state of consciousness, and one dear
friends which I urge you to project with united intent to other areas in the
world, not just political, not just economic, but educational, social,
communal. Do you understand and follow example?....[yes...thankyou]

Thankyou my friends for being here. Thankyou for your support for the
efforts of the Magisterial Son and your very good efforts to supoort the
efforts of  Christ Michael, his mission as Jesus, and the mission of thought
expansion in  order with Nevadonia. You are the, not only pioneers, but you
are the points that go out and break new ground. You are the icebreakers who
go forward past the icebergs  which will not move, which will not melt, yet
you will find crevices which will let you in, in the darkness, in the cold
and you will bring the warmth and the light wherever you go. I bless you on
your way. Goodnight.

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