[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 4/25/04

rickgiles rickgiles at icehouse.net
Fri Apr 30 10:43:30 PDT 2004

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Spiritual Luminosity
Teachers: Lantarnek

April 25, 2004

*	Lantarnek (Jonathan TR):  I am here with you today, I am 
Lantarnek.  I embrace you in this circle of loving children of 
our great and glorious Father.
	You are ambassadors of light stationed on this world to 
reveal the Father.  It is by virtue of your unceasing search for 
truth and your dedicated application of your comprehension of 
truth that you are assigned to Michael’s mission.  Michael 
maintains a spirit presence on this world through a mechanism 
whereby his consciousness is everywhere present.  This light of 
Michael is hard to discern by the eyes of the human creature, 
for it is unlike the physical energy that stimulates your eyes 
that you recognize as light.  But this light is gathered and 
concentrated within each of you; you are, as it were, a globe 
which assists Michael in broadcasting his light that others may 
see.  Being such a lamp Michael takes you into the darkness and 
the confusion and brings spiritual luminosity.  It is he who 
takes you forward in ministry; it is he who holds you up that 
his light may be seen as it comes through you, as it descends 
upon another and is recognized.
	When Jesus said he would leave this world so that he may 
return in great power, while he referred to the authorization of 
the release of his Spirit of Truth by the Father upon this 
world, he also knew of the compounding influence of every one of 
his disciples who have come into his love, who have adopted his 
way, who have become ignited and aflame by his light.  This is 
your solemn privilege.  You are collecting and disseminating the 
very manner and method of Michael.
	I encourage you to each day aspire toward the release of 
greater spirit luminosity to fill every room.  Such radiance is 
recognizable by any soul at any level of growth, for this living 
light is like water to a plant.  No matter how young or how old, 
it is still absorbed.  You are making Michael visible.
	I recognize the uncertainty of the human mind that perceives 
its own flaws of character and inconsistencies of behavior, of 
shifting desires, of human hungers and of high ideals.  While 
you work ever and increasingly upon your character remember that 
Michael also walked upon this world and faced the very same 
human issues.  He excelled in the unfoldment of his personality 
and the enlightenment of his mind.  You too are undertaking 
these very procedures, and, while he is the creator and 
inherently has within him the ability to overcome much that is 
perplexing and trying to the creature, you are indwelt and 
overshadowed by him and therefore have his creator presence such 
that you too are enabled to overcome these same complications.
	Picture yourself across a field and in the distance stands a 
figure of a person whom you recognize, one you have not seen for 
many years.  Rising in you is a thrill, a joy, an intense desire 
to be ever closer, for the time has been long in such an 
embrace.  You run, and it matters not the rocks you jump over, 
the bushes you tear through.  Every stumble brings you back to 
your feet.  You thrash, you tear, and you pursue giving no 
thought to anything else but the encounter.  I recognize in 
every one of you the same tendency in your spirit ascent, ever 
willing to scale your obstacles, to tear them aside, and to push 
forward, never giving up, fully recognizing the reward of love, 
of fellowship and communion.
	 Let your light ever shine.  It brings warmth to your 
fellows.  It ignites the sense of love, for light and love are 
really no different from one another, merely a different angle 
of perception.  It is the revelation of the divine as 
recognizable to the human mind and heart.  Be you translators, 
be you light, and be you love.
	I welcome your comments.

	Evelyn:  That puts in perspective that our stumbling is 
merely stumbling and doesn’t really effect our overall progress 
to rush to meet our friend.

*	Lantarnek:  Such enthusiasm is willing to overcome all 
barriers.  One does not wait until the path is clear, for that 
may never happen.  In  order to reach the meeting nothing else 
matters of such importance.  While your faults may be present 
they grow smaller in the desire to join in communion, to receive 
that light, and subsequently you become a disseminator of that 
light.  All obstacles lessen in their impact and importance to 
you as you focus primarily upon the higher way.

	Evelyn:  As we recognize others as also rushing to meet 
their beloved then maybe we will be less likely to hurt those we 
stumble into.

*	Lantarnek:  Much peace would be recognized upon your world 
if each one of you could recognize that very enthusiasm and 
longing for the divine in everyone else and to put aside all 
differences of viewpoint, all conceptual frameworks, for these 
two are overcome in the common and united recognition of every 
soul seeking to be in divine embrace, to be part of the Father’s 
family, to be loved and to be able to love with that same 
intensity as God does.

	Mary:  Thank you for your comments today.  When you said we 
are ambassadors bringing Michael’s light to the world I thought 
how, if you set your light under a bushel it’s lost something 
crucial.  If you set your light on a hill... and that resonates 
with me.  Earlier in my life I desired to withdraw from the 
world  and be more with nature and less with people.  Now I find 
myself in transition where I enjoy interfacing with people.
	Stumbling towards my goal, I appreciate that because I am 
trying to work on overcoming my character obstacles.  You can 
have a virtue, a good trait, but if carried too far can become a 
hindrance.  I have a logical, analytical approach which 
sometimes is good, but over-analyzing can lead to inaction.  I 
appreciate your coaching and your comments today.

*	Lantarnek:  I thank you for your reflections for they are 
beneficial to those who receive your comments.  They resonate 
with many others, and this is itself ministry.  Your shift of 
perspective from one of seeking solitude to one of social 
engagement may be likened to the kindling of a fire wherein the 
initial spark is nurtured and coddled until it takes strongly, 
until the fire grows.   Without this personal attention you 
could have lost your luminosity in the confusion of many others’ 
influences.  Now that the fire burns brightly it cannot be hid.  
It is recognized from miles away.  Such is the change in your 
orientation.  It illustrates phases and does not indicate a 
right or wrong orientation.
	As your regional melchizedek I am enjoying witnessing each 
of you from afar.  I perceive everyone of you in your location 
through the very light that is your soul.  Throughout the days I 
monitor your engagements by observing this brilliance.  It is 
the means whereby I can perceive your location.  At this hour we 
are in conscious understanding of our community.  This 
visitation of one with another transcends space. [We were tele-
conferencing.]  I hope that it deepens your appreciation of one 
another even while at a distance.
	Thank you, my friends, for your attention today.  Elyon is 
away, he is attending to another group.  I honor our 
association.  It is a great pleasure to be of service to Michael 
with fellows like yourselves.  It is the hope of everyone of my 
kind to be assigned to those like you, for you have accomplished 
much in preparation that allows you to recognize more clearly 
our effort and to do so helpfully and to not only recognize but 
to become energized to join the team and reach out to your 
fellows.  It is a thrill to discover higher truths and deeper 
love, but it is even more exciting, having become that yourself, 
to present that to your fellows with joy, with compassion, 
understanding that what you have attained awaits them.  As you 
express in this manner you further unfold; you climb to higher 
vistas of spirit standing.  I thank the Father for giving me to 
you in this assignment.  I take my leave.

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