[tmtranscripts] LIGHTLINE 3-26-04

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Sat Mar 27 03:07:50 PST 2004

DATE:    3-26-04

Lantarnek: Greetings to all of you. I welcome you into fellowship. I am
honored at your attention. It is a joy to make this meeting to acknowledge
our association as those who are dedicated  to bringing about the
manifestation of the Fathers' will upon Urantia as it is the supreme desire
of our soverign son Michael. I am Lantarnek and I greet you today.

You are living upon a world that has become highly complex, and while the
technologies you have developed are recognized by us as beneficial for the
progress of the planet, there is the  development of such interconnectedness
that you are faced with a complex network of associations. The result is
that the personality, who is at this time, highly constrained by time and
place, is  engaged with many tasks which pull you one direction or another.
Upon entering into your Morontia phase of ascension, you will encounter even
more interconnectedness. However, there is in place within Morontia culture,
an approach that I relate to you as singleness of purpose.

Promulgated from the center of eternity at the Paradise abode, is the
mandate to seek the Father, to become like him. All across the many universe
structures upon every planet, this encouragement is taught, and it is hoped
that all souls that hear this calling of Father, choose to make the ascent.
Given the many tasks that bear upon your life, it is a necessity to hold
strong to this single purpose, be it your career, your family, social
organizations, sporting engagements, each asks for your dedication and
loyalty. Each desires your time and energy. All these engagements are simple
in execution, given that you have consecrated to the will and purpose of the

One may ask, what is the will of the Father? Often the desire is for a
direct order of action, and while every personality would relish such a
simple directive, this is not the Fathers' will. Father desires to
experience your soul unfoldment to cooperatively experience your personal
discovery of truth, your attainment of goodness, and your manifestation of
beauty. To do so you are encouraged to manifest love and mercy, the first
and foremost revelation of beauty to all the universe. Therefore in every
engagement that you commit yourself to, apply love, bestow mercy, and you
will fulfill the Fathers' will.

It may be said that your relationship with the divine prescense bestowed
upon you is a dance. While the creature would love to have the divine Father
lead the dance, truly it is the Father who desires that you be the one who
leads. As God has infused himself within each one of you, He is undertaking
the divine pleasure of encountering supreme experience through your choice
of step and turn. One may worry that, if the human self is to lead such an
engagement, is it not dangerous that one would stray and fall into error. I
encourage you today to remember that this dance requires that you hold
tightly to your partner. That you step in syncrony, that you cooperate, that
you coordinate. Here is the Fathers' indwelling role. You will know when you
step wrongly, for the correction will be felt deep within your being.

Therefore, while you are engaged in many activities in your daily lives,
whether your dance form is fast or slow, multistepped or simple, Father will
assure you of the correctness of your steps. Oneday, when you have perfected
your association focus upon the Father, have matured in your coordination of
willing choice, of directive and purpose, you will become one in the embrace
of fusion. This is the Fathers' purpose, for you to come to him of your own
free will, no laws, no mandates. It is the simple divine desire. This is the
single purpose you may hold for all that transpires is your life. Upon any
commitment, any engagement, superimpose love and mercy.

I wish to respond to your inquiries.I welcome them.

Question: I am curious. I anticipate that there are going to be many of
these study groups forming around the country and the world in the near
future, and that many are going to attempt to have contact with teachers
such as yourself. Do you have advice for these groups, and what role will
they play in the mission of the Magisterial Son?

Lantarnek: As a Melchizadek, we are focused upon the education of each of
you who sincerely seek to engage with Michaels' ministers who have come to
your world to uplift you and to educate you. You will, as a noviciate group,
undertake training that emphasizes the basic spiritual foundation. While
your prior investigation into  matters religious and spiritual, may have
taught you many principals, these teachers will enliven these principals
through the stimulation of your faith and the encountaers of your doubts,
and thereby solidify within you a personal adherence to what you understand
in mind.

There is no precise point upon which you must have become engaged in the
contact of these celestial ministers. Now is as appropriate as any year in
the past, as any time in the future. This technique in which we are engaged
right now is transitional. While we descend upon you through mind and
midwayer technique, we are still constrained by evolutionary development, by
culture. Every bestowal mission upon any world, must adapt itself to the
conditions of the creatures who dwell thereon. The pending arrival and
outworking manifestation of the Magsterial Son is likewise adapted to your
present set of mind, hope of soul.

You who are attentively listening this hour, are among many across the
planet who are learning faith trust, and becoming sensitive to your potency
as a  minister, and the validity of your worth to the planetary
administration. Many who come to the awakening of the reality of the contact
of celestial  brothers and sisters, will have to ask and answer the very
questions you ask and have answered. Not all trust this process of
connection due to the damages a wayward ???? of eons past in your platets

There is your task. To eradicate the fear, to caution for the pitfalls, to
point out the dangers of egotistical gratification, popularity enhancement
of self, to focus upon sincere dedication to Michael, and the truth that he
is and has revealed. Each group, and each individual within each group, is
being trained to behave in this way as they desire. This will be the task of
all sincere seekers and fellowship of seekers. It is much like the first
chosen apostles of our Master Son upon your world, who were given the task
to chose six others and bring them into Jesus' mission on this world. Every
group assembling with the eye to God, and the desire to function for the
benefit of this planet, will choose through the manifestation of spirit
fruit, the willing and seeking souls who have yet to trust and understand
the reality of universal brotherhood, fellowship, and communion.

It my hope that I have addressed your question.....yes you have, thankyou.

Question: Can you shed any light on what the future technique of
communication might be?

Lantarnek: As we work with you in this current phase of our outreach, or
perhaps in your perspective, our inreach, we are working within your mind
with the association of concept and belief with perspective and vocabulary.
These are limiting to those who come into your world from a morontia
culture, and therein creates the potential that you may misinterpret our
outreach. As we further develop this connecting apparatus and as your souls
enlarge in the experience of our contact, you will receive superconscious
awareness with a more directly conscious recognition. The foundations laid
today will dispell the fear and distrust much as you who undertake any
development of physical skill must go through the  falls, the bruises, and
the pain to become proficient.

The world has not practiced this developmental technique due to the infusion
and confusion of the Luciferian teaching, and until now, this hesitancy has
been helpful in preventing great fanatical consequences. But with the
advancement of your scientific disciplines, and the reorienting of your
religious theologies, the time is ripening for greater and clearer
receptiviy on your part, and interconnectivity on our parts and association.
It will be less the convincing of mind, and more the conversion of soul in
awareness of the truth presented. Less of the accuracy of concept, and more
of the sensitivity of the truth contained. The boiling down to the
essential. The permission of all that is required to bring about
presentation, with the degrees of accuracy and error, for this will be
screened by the development of your keen insight, the advancement of your
wisdom. Within your text it is said that "to those who do not believe in
God, no arguement is convincing, and to those who do, no arguement is
necessary". This points to the higher realm of superconscious awareness, and
away from the intelectual level of debate and proof.

Q: Thankyou for that great explanation. We look forward to the future when
such communication becomes more prevalent.

Question: I'm always trying to figure out a little bit about balance between
going within and physically moving forward as regards the spiritual economy.
What can I do to balance these elements?

Lantarnek: Given the fact that each one of you is a creature and not a
Creative Spirit or Creator Son, you will ever and always be at a stage of
development wherein you perceive accomplishment and you realize your
shortcomings. Never will you ever feel fully mastered, fully prepared to
function in the mode of the ideal revealed to you through Michael. As you
have indicated it is an economy. No economy functions if all hold still. It
requires the dynamics of exchange, to invest and to gain, to invest or to
lose, this creates currents.

Stillness, communion with divine prescense, must alternate with ministry and
fraternity, the interassociation of souls that aspire to God consciousness.
To follow this perspective of economy, time spent alone with Father is much
like the accrual of interest in savings. It enriches what you know and
provides you with more to express or expense in your association with your
fellows. But to hold and to accrue in this manner will not bring the riches
it could. This is why, Michael, upon your world, was keen upon engaging his
apostles with as many human beings as they possibly could encounter. For the
profit gained to the growing soul is great through such engagements.

But the human being is not constrained by the formulas of economy exactly,
and it is of the utmost importance that you tap into the treasury of divine
prescense for in this discipline you develop the ability to draw upon the
Fathers' grace even while engaged dynamically with your fellows. But to do
this requires going alone, soul to spirit. I cannot stress how important
this is to human creatures. Subsequent to your elevation to morontia
existense, you will be more continually enveloped  in this consciousness,
but then you will have a morontia vehicle more attuned to such
encircuitment. Finding the balance is not arrived at through a particular
formula, just as you are aware in your economic markets, that you cannot
predict the trends of highs and lows. You must perceive wisely, and you must
invest continually. Spiritually speaking, this investment is time alone with
the Father, and an ever watchful eye for the hungry souls about you who seek
to know truth at the level they can receive at that time.

Question: If there are no other questions could you please close the session
with a short prayer?

Lantarnek: Michael Son, you, the revelation to each of us of our Father on
high, I humbly stand before you to thank you for the honor of this ministry
to this world and to these my beloved friends. They are your children, I
know you love them. I seek their trust for I too love them. Each one beyond
measure, is as valuable to you as any other. And while this confused planet
wars, fights, competes, each heart that I perceive truly desires the unity
that you preach. Help these my friends and your children, deepen in their
spirit unity and apply this awareness to all their activities. Love is the
paramount experience. You revealed this even upon this little world,
Urantia. Thankyou for the opportunity given me, and the opportunity given to
these my friends, to increase the light that you are, to uphold the truth
that you reveal, to bring the peace that you bestow. May  it ever be so.


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