[tmtranscripts] Center for Christ Consciousness -- Michael & Nebadonia; March 22, 2004

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 23 22:08:55 PST 2004



Prayer: Mother and Father, we ask to come into your presence and to be filled with you. This is what we crave most in our hearts, the fullness of your being; as you wish to be in our lives to overshadow what we know, what we think, what we feel. Make us real in you. We ask you to open us even more fully than we have already experienced to know the fullness of you as your children. Amen.

Good evening, my children. My peace is upon you. This is Michael, your Creator-Father. Listen for me in the stillness of your heartbeat. I am there sending my waves of love into your being. Ask for your heart to beat with mine, and feel the steady rhythmic pulsations of two hearts beating in love as one. Center all of your attention there, my children, and simply receive me. (Pause)

My little children, will you give your hearts to me fully and unreservedly? I know it is your desire to say “yes” to me, but there does come within you that inner questioning of: what does this mean? Haven’t I already done this? And I say to you, simply deepen the desire within your being to know me in the fullness of my personality and focus your attention on your heart center. I will move and create more room for you to perceive me therein. (Pause)

Ask yourself this question: What is it that I most desire from my Creator-Father? When you have answered this question, simply internalize this to me in your mind. Re-focus your attention on your heart center and let me build that quality within you. (Pause)

When you come to me in this manner, you will receive that which you ask for. Never will I withhold any part of my being from you. It is impossible. Allow yourself this time of spiritual replenishment that will add enhanced capacities to handle life with more spiritual courage, hope, and strength.

Bring all of your problems and shortcomings to me, each and every one, and I will take them and build in them my being and give you something better to use in your mind. So my question to you tonight is: Have you forgiven yourselves for all of your short-comings? Stay focused on your heart, and if your answer is “no” simply invite me in and I will restore in you a greater understanding of who you truly are as my child. (Pause)

Wrap yourself in the cloak of my forgiveness. Let it stream through your mind and echo deep within your being, warming your cells with the restorative energy of grace. You are all so loved and so important to the fabric of the universe. Never diminish your self-worth, my children; you are all so valuable. Feel this value overtake any feelings of shame or self-doubt. Receive the fullness of my forgiveness that truly confirms your self-identity as my child. (Pause)

How deeply do you trust that I desire all good come to you? Sense within your being where you hold resistance or doubt to this idea. Simply be there as you sense this and ask for my presence to overshadow any misgivings you have within yourself. (Pause)

Now again, I ask you: Are you able to forgive yourself of all your shortcomings? Allow a deeper layer of my being to enter into your body. (Pause) Again, allow this forgiveness to enter into the cells of your body; allow the years of accumulated error wash through you and free you to live your divine heritage. (Pause)

And again, ask yourself this question: What is it that I want from my Father? Ask this again of me. When you have received this idea, allow me to build my essence into your being. (Pause)

Do you feel that other children of this world would benefit from my essence coursing through their veins? Simply ask for my forgiveness to encircle the globe as you envision your earth before you. This is the energy that restores the relationship of child to parent, imbuing within the child the sense of complete acceptance, safety, and assurance that he and she is loved beyond their intellectual comprehension and emotional capacity. See this world before you, and simply ask for my forgiveness to pour down from the heavens, coating the earth, being implanted in the core of the earth, and filling the depths of this planet with the energy that heals. (Pause)

Forgiveness is the energy that circulates my heartbeat throughout the world, creating that pathway for my presence to be detected within the hearts of all humanity. Is this is your hearts’ wish, my children, for my love and peace to prevail upon this world? And I know what is your answer. So simply return to your heart center focusing it outward now as if there was a direct line from your heart into the core of the earth. Ask for my forgiveness to beat as one with you and the earth; healing, opening, loving, and yielding the will of humanity to the ways of the Father. (Pause)

My children, let your heart rest lightly in the desire for my peace to prevail in this world. (Pause) Now, as I take my leave of you in this manner, simply ask again for that quality of my being to imprint again upon you as I leave my blessings of my love and peace deep within your soul. (Pause)

Your Mother will be with you momentarily to address your comments and questions this evening. My children, I appreciate your participation this evening and in holding the intention for the healing of this world to continue. As I have requested of you in the past, please continue your efforts during the week to build a new foundation of truth on Urantia: to come into the fullness of its cosmic place, for the hearts of humanity to be opened to the full awareness of who they are and what this planet is, as I desire all of my children their rightful stature in my home. Good evening.

Come into my arms, my little children. I gather you to me now as your Mother. This is Nebadonia who speaks. Your Father has left an indelible mark upon you this evening though it will take some time for you to become more aware of his impressionings upon your mind. It is our desire that you come into the fullness of our love for you. It is this simple, my children; for your hearts to be opened so fully that there is no other possible feeling for you to reverberate in than the purity and simplicity of our love.

You are all being prepared for a great service to this planet. You must make your hearts ready to withstand the degree of love that is necessary to heal this world, for you to actually embody certain qualities of forgiveness, patience, tolerance, compassion are all components of this love that we share with you.

As the correction quickens and the pace of change hastens, you will notice this pressure within your being to release the fear and the pain of the past. Be not disheartened by this, my children, this is all of the legacy of the past error and sin now striving to leave your bodies finally and forevermore. No longer will you feel this isolation and struggle, no longer will you sense that you have been abandoned or forgotten. So, I ask you to simply receive the love your Father and I wish to imbue you in moment by moment, to build you in us as your divine caregivers and lovers. Feel me in you now, my little ones. Receive your Mother’s embrace, and be at home in me. (Pause)

I will receive your questions now on the lesson of this evening when you are ready to address me.

Student: Mother, I don’t know if I speak for anyone, but there is such a quality in yours and Michael’s presence here. So many of my questions are answered already in my mind. Like with you here, the answer is almost a part of the question. I wish to express my thanks also for a kind of wonderful inversion that has been happening. Most of my life Spirit was something nebulous, something like a philosophic extrapolation from so-called real experience. Now I find it’s like taking a warm bath in yours and Michael’s Spirit, I feel absolutely grounded. This body is a wonderful gift; it’s more real. I walk out in the night air and it’s another little miracle. I look up at the stars and that’s where I’m headed. Thank you.

Nebadonia: To witness our children come into the recognition of who they are, to be able to perceive our presence is the delight of every parent. You who have parental experience know this joy. How much more enhanced is ours to know that your growth is consciously appreciated and valued for the gift that it is. And yet, my son, you know that the journey only continues to become more wondrous, awe-inspiring and glorious as you move forward toward us. And this is our promise to you. Be in my peace.

Student: Mother, thank you for the many gifts you and Father give us. The question I have is: when Michael says the core of the earth, I don’t understand what that means.

Nebadonia: Can you envision the physical core of the earth as perhaps having a liquid center that is full of energy radiating outward to the surface. (Yes) Now, if this liquid was imbued with the energy of love that is your Father’s essence, what do you think would happen to the inhabitants walking on the surface of the earth?

Student: With the energy radiating from the core, they would be healed and forgiven.

Nebadonia: Does this answer your question?

Student: Yes, Mother, it does. Thank you.

Nebadonia: Do you feel that as you walk now you are able to feel your Father’s presence more?

Student: Yes. The biggest problem I have is that the chatter in my mind is constantly going and I lose track of you and Michael from time to time. Here I can get re-centered again. But the losing is less than it used to be so I am happy with the progress.

Nebadonia: I will give you this visualization. Would you be interested in trying this now? (Yes) See yourself standing outside in a beautiful meadow filled with flowers and warm grass and sunshine all around you. Your feet are barefoot and the earth is warm and moist and sweet. Can you see yourself there now, my son? (Yes) Allow your feet to sink deeply into the earth. There are these tendrils that begin to sprout from your feet that move deep into the core of the earth where your Father and his liquid love are residing. Ask for his love to wrap around and into those tendrils and let yourself be fed. Do this now, my son, as you continue this visualization. (Pause)

Student: I have this sense of peace. I think this is what you are talking about, being grounded?

Nebadonia: And what does this do to the mental chatter when you feel this peace?

Student: It stops.

Nebadonia: Do you feel this is a valuable visualization you can use in your stillness practice?

Student: Yes, very much so, and it’s a very beautiful meadow. I’ve been in a couple and I had not thought about it until you mentioned it.

Nebadonia: When your mind begins to wander when you are communing with us, revisit this experience and know that your Father will always feed you and give you the peace that will quell your mind, and give you a greater awareness of our presence that will carry more moment to moment throughout your day.

Student: Thank you, Mother, that is what I most desire.

Nebadonia: And so it shall be given to you, my son. Be in my peace. (Thank you)

Student: Mother Nebadonia, do you like poetry?

Nebadonia: R, my son, what mother would not enjoy the love songs of her children?

Student: I wish to turn that around, Mother, and ask for a poem from you to describe your love for us.

Nebadonia: My song of love is without words. It is something received in the depth of your being where the sweetness of its passion and commitment to you will raise you to new heights of glorious creative self-expression. The poetry that I feed into you will resonate within you and come out as your love songs. Let yourself feel what that means as I express my love for you. (Pause)

Student: Thank you, Mother.

Nebadonia: All true creativity is this marriage of divine love with the human acknowledgment expressing the joy of shared being. Let all of you receive the awareness of this to whet your appetites to be more creatively self-expressive of the love within yourself. (Pause)

It is on this note I would end this evening’s experience, for it is my intention for you to continue to receive this awareness of the creativity that flows within you that only grows the more you open yourselves up to love, to forgive yourself for all of your perceived shortcomings. For this is the true mark of creativity: to allow everything within you to become enhanced by divine love as there is nothing within you—nothing—that is not pure love. Even your worst character traits as you would perceive them, when creatively expressed through divine love, they are your most beautiful possessions and gifts. So bring them to us, relieve yourself of the burden they have placed upon you and be free to live creatively, passionately, freely as our children.

One day you will know the fullness of this and you will be the expression of this. Claim this now as your life’s goal; there is nothing as important that you do with your time and your mental efforts as seeking the divine union. And with this, everything else will fall into place in your life. And you will walk day by day with us as the parents who love you beyond human comprehension. Good evening, my precious children.
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