[tmtranscripts] Center for Christ Consciousness -- Michael & Mother, Feb. 25, 2004

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 24 15:25:18 PST 2004



Prayer: Mother and Father, we ask you to anchor us in your presence. We invite your healing into our bodies. We ask for your language to be encoded into our cells. We give you our gratitude for your grace that surrounds every moment of our lives. Amen.

Come into my presence, my children. This is your Father. I am Michael, and I greet you this evening with a love so profound that you have yet to fully immerse yourself into. Tonight I would draw you into more of me so you can partake of this depth of love that is yours to claim. Ask your Mother to open you to receive my presence even more fully than you have already felt me move within you. (Pause) All of your lives have you hungered for the delicacy of my love to satisfy your soul needs. I am in you, my children. Feel me. Feel my love. (Pause)

We began last week on a journey into the uncharted depths of your body that have not yet felt the freedom of forgiveness. We will continue to explore and open your body to receive and yield to this. Deeply embedded within your bodies is a very tender and well-guarded defense that has been constructed over time to protect you against the painful rigors of living on this world. This well-defended bastion is a place where I would like to reign supreme, where you can be unified with my love and feel safe, protected and encouraged to grow. I say to you that none of you has experienced the opening of this.

I would ask you if I am welcome there now as your Mother would like to open you to my being. You might ask within your mind: “well, where is this place and what is this place in me?” I say to you: Invite me in and you will know whereof I speak. Simply ask within your mind if this is a place that you would like to receive more love. Your Mother and I will move within you. (Pause)

I ask you to find your desire to take upon yourself a mantle of divine; forgiveness that is infinite and so broad and deep in its application there is no deed that is not completely understood and absolved of all wrongdoing. If this idea is too intellectually difficult to comprehend, I ask you to find that desire in your heart that longs to receive complete understanding of yourself and your brothers and sisters. Simply allow your Mother and me to create a heightened interest in your capacity to understand. The quality of forgiveness we wish to bring into you is dependent upon your desire to receive the most complete and replete boundlessness of our perfect infinite forgiveness. You have access to and can become this. Desire this, children. This is the liberty your soul seeks. (Pause)

Go in deeper into the desire for your erring brothers and sisters to be forgiven. Sense the rightness and goodness in extending this quality of divine forgiveness to them. Ask that your own judgments or resistance to forgiveness of others be overshadowed by mine as the mantle of forgiveness weaves more deeply into your being. (Pause)

Envision before you your beloved planet. Sense, if you can and desire to, some of the deep suffering and woundedness of your beautiful world. Ask for the mantle of forgiveness to cover this world. Sense that you are a conduit for this blanket to warm the souls of your brothers and sisters. You are, by your desire, forgiving them by sharing this blanket with them that warms and gives them comfort. Ask that your desire for the mantle of forgiveness to grow over the world as your Mother weaves and integrates this into the energy matrix of the planet. (Pause)

Would it not be a wondrous event to behold if all of my children of this world were to walk in forgiveness? Would there not be an acceleration of heaven on earth if the energy of forgiveness was so pervasive on the planet that people would naturally want to respond with this most loving gesture of understanding and compassion? Would you not find it delightful to engage in conversations with your brethren if you were to feel their love and desire to understand and to accept you just as you are regardless of their opinion of what you look like or what group of nationality or race you belonged? And I know what your answers are, and you are building this now through your heart’s desire to spread this quality of my mercy over the world.

You will actually embody this. You will be the ones who begin to stand in conversations with your brothers and sisters and offer them this attitude of understanding; that no matter what they say to you, you will find it in your heart to be gentle and compassionate, and offer them an avenue of love that will touch their souls deeply, giving their beings some spiritual nourishment that perhaps they not fully tasted thereof. Would you not want to be a vessel of this in the most deep and complete manner possible, my children? Stay in this desire; let it strengthen you as your Mother weaves more forgiveness into the living energy systems of the earth. (Pause) Each act of your forgiveness strengthens this fabric on the planet and allows more potential for forgiveness in your brethren to grow. Ask for this idea to envelop you and invigorate you deeply. (Pause) What will your choice of action be? The more you forgive, the greater tendency for forgiveness to prevail eventually dominating this planet. Each act of forgiveness builds upon the other. (Pause)

Your Mother will address you tonight, as I now take my leave of you. Remember when you feel resentment or judgment stir within you to call upon me as your strength. As the disseminator of forgiveness, you will receive it and it will be your gift to bestow to another human. Partake of this freely, my children. It is always available to you. My benediction of love rests upon you as I leave you in the loving arms of your Mother. Good evening.

My beloved children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Bring them to me, my children, bring your family members and friends who are in pain. Gather those about you who you know are deserving of my love. I will minister to them. Feel in your hearts your forgiveness of their failings and their missteps. Bring them to me so that I may open them to that which your Father and I bring to you through our love. (Pause)

As you present these dear ones to me, find it in your heart to want to love them more divinely, more openly, more compassionately. I will bring into you a deeper level of awareness. (Pause)

As you gain greater strength in your desire to forgive and in your desire to be a planetary healer, you may use these exercises to present those in your immediate circle to me for healing. Think of this as an extension of building the forgiveness energies of the planet. For what you are allowing to occur is the opening within their mindal system of a new awareness of the movement of Spirit. And Spirit always seeks to improve, seeks to love and soften and yield that which is errorful into light and truth and goodness. This will build the energy of forgiveness on this world. So these exercises that we lead you into deep experience can be done in your time of stillness communion. Know that that which you desire in your heart to achieve through Spirit, it will be done. It is according to the Father’s will.

Will you deepen your devotion to this, my children? Will you find that place within you that says “yes” to what I ask of you? What will you gain from this? You will gain more capacity to receive love, to feel love, to give love, to become living vessels of love. This may seem quite a foreign notion to you because you have never experienced a world where love prevails. And yet you are building this. Think of the significance of your undertaking as you desire to become this vessel. Let me grow you in this; see how your vessel can expand and pour forth more good fruits of love and forgiveness and mercy to those in great need. (Pause)

The fibers of love are growing in you. Each act – each desire for love, forgiveness, mercy and compassion that you show; each thought of mercy, love, compassion that you think grows this fabric in you. And this vessel is the fabric of living love that pours out of you into the souls of all who come in contact with you. (Pause)

Tonight is not a night for questions as the experience we bring to you settles into your being with the softness and lightness of soul-penetrating and rejuvenating love. Let this experience settle as you converse with one another the language of our love and the sweetness of our forgiveness. Good evening, my beloved children.
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