[tmtranscripts] Center for Christ Consciousness -- Michael & Nebadonia; Feb. 16, 2004

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 17 18:22:01 PST 2004



Prayer: Mother and Father, you know our minds and you know our problems. You know all of the ways we stumble over ourselves. We ask for your power to expand us into that living current of your wisdom and guidance that gives us better information to operate our lives upon. We come to you in smallness of our ability to handle life on this difficult world; we come to you in the fragility of our human nature that causes within us these emotional disturbances. We ask you to free us by your Spirit to make us whole so that we, as your vessels of love, can minister to your children what they need to become whole. We open ourselves for your Spirit to pour through us, and we thank you.

My peace is upon you, my children. This is Michael. How open are your hearts to me? Find that place within your heart that longs for my peace to fully satisfy your desires to be loved. Invite me in and I will fill you. (Pause)

The tissues of your body are designed to absorb my love. There is an application of my love within your being that heals every ailment that weighs heavy upon your mind and body. Feel your desire for your tissues to absorb me as your Mother and I stir in you. (Pause)

Do you want me in every fiber of your being? Am I welcome there, my children? Continue to feel your desire for me as the invitation you extend to me grows within your mind. (Pause)

Now find your desire for those dimensions of your body and mind that have not yet been touched by my love to openly receive it now, as your desire to be aligned in me moves you into a greater union with my living truth essence. Feel your desire for these places of darkness to receive my light. You are safe, my children, and you are loved. Let these places in you be loved now as well. (Pause)

Now tap in to the wellspring of my forgiveness. There is nothing about you that I do not perceive or understand. Your lovability is not conditioned upon your self-perceived perfection. No, my children, I say to you: you are lovable simply because you are my child. It is those very qualities that you deem to be unacceptable to yourself that are the ones I wish to love into health and strength. So tap freely into my forgiveness and know that you are being healed. (Pause)

How do I love you? Ask your Spirit to assist you in counting the ways. (Pause) How do I forgive you? Ask your Spirit to count the ways. (Pause) How do I love all of my children? Ask your Spirit to show you the ways. (Pause) How do I forgive my children? Ask your Spirit to fill you with the ways. (Pause)

My children, feel your desire for the power of my forgiveness to course through your body and to vibrate in the core of your being as my heart beats my loving mercy throughout your entire system. (Pause)

That which is of most pressing need within the hearts of my children is for them to feel forgiven for their perceived misbehaviors and failings. It is you, in relationship with your brothers and sisters, who will be able to apply my forgiveness into their heart. How do you do this? It is not by words, it is by the direct application of my Spirit into them. Feel your desire for my forgiveness to be deeply implanted within you to serve as that continual flow of mercy that you can apply directly into your bleeding brethren. Find your desire to be a living conduit of my forgiveness. Ask for this, children; it shall be fully given to you. (Pause)

Now call up in your mind’s eye an individual who has mistreated you in some manner. It does not matter what the indiscretion was – how large or how small. But pick an individual who you felt hurt you deeply at some basic level of your soul needs. See that person standing before you. (Pause) Now, simply invite me as your father-brother Jesus into the space where you and this individual are standing. Ask for my forgiveness to flow from me to you and apply it directly into the heart of this individual. (Pause) Ask for my forgiveness to course through the veins of this individual as the heartbeats of the three of us harmonize and unify. (Pause)

Do you sense the healing power of my forgiveness? Do you notice the quality of your relationship improving? Do you perceive the liberation of your soul as you allow this forgiveness to flow through you? (Pause)

My children, I ask you to become this forgiveness: to live this forgiveness, to breathe this forgiveness, to eat this forgiveness, and let it become fully absorbed into every atom of your being. Think not of the resistances in your mind in your own inner places of wounding or grief, for each of these places may still require more forgiveness, and you only need to ask and it shall be given. Of all of the trouble, strife, and spiritual poverty on the planet, it is unconditional, unrestricted forgiveness that will heal this world.

As your Mother and I have posed these questions to you to become our vessels and instruments of healing, how is it that you will accomplish this? It is in becoming these conduits of forgiveness to flow freely from the Source into the hearts of your brethren will this healing impact the entire world. So fully must you receive. Hold no grudges. Why would you wish to retain them in your being? They serve no purpose. Forgive freely, my children, and you will find the liberty of your body and mind that you seek.

Now feel your desire for this immensity both in size and in quality of my forgiveness to encircle the planet. As you sense this, ask for it to be fully instilled into the core of the earth. (Pause)

Feel your passion for this forgiveness move up from the core and begin to penetrate those deeply rooted resentments, judgments, grudges, and ideological differences that humans have fostered against one another. Find your desire for these resentments to be fed with my free-flowing unconditional, unreserved forgiveness. Feed my children. They need and deserve it. (Pause) Ask your Mother to fuel your passion for forgiveness to burst through the bedrocks of resentment and turmoil as it seeps up to the surface to feed my children. Feed my children. Feed them, my beloveds. (Pause)

Can you sense the urgency in the hearts of my children to receive this? Do you perceive the resistance deeply rooted in them yet? And in so doing, ask for the bedrock within their own hearts to open up to channels of forgiveness. (Pause)

My children, we will be focusing on this environment of applied forgiveness for many weeks now. You are all being prepared in mind and body to receive and deliver and administer this to your brothers and sisters. I ask you to practice this exercise this week when you are in the company of those troublesome brethren, whether it is a stranger or a family member, and to apply my forgiveness into them. I ask you to find that desire in your heart to honor your commitment to be a healing vessel as your Mother and I add something into you now. (Pause)

Know that we will be there to feed you and to expand you into our unconditional forgiveness that will heal and free all of you. Good evening, my children.

Greetings, my beloved ones, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. As your Father and I take you into this deepest level of planetary healing – the forgiveness of our children – I ask you to prepare yourselves in this coming week by focusing upon this exercise and to take this transcript that you will receive with you; to carry it as a reminder to repeat the exercise as much as you can throughout your day.

There is nothing as important as this. There is no thought more significant or vital than this. I address you this evening so you will have the verbal words to feed your mind as your being has also been stirred to cement this commitment you make to serve us and to love and heal your brothers and sisters.

Tonight is not a night for questions as I ask you to be in this place of mindful awareness of what it is that your Father and I are now asking of you. And we say to you: you are ready; the vessels have been prepared. Think not that you must do this perfectly. All we ask is that you try and maintain your focus as much as possible and know that you will gain strength and passion and vigor and fervor in forgiving. And in doing so you will expand your capacity to forgive and you will embody this in time.

So as I take my leave upon you in this manner, feel my presence weave this vitality to forgive within you. Know if you feel you are depleted of your own ability to forgive, you can come to me and I will feed you and grow you into the healing vibration of mercy. Breathe in my Spirit, children, and be forgiveness. (Pause) Good evening.
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