[tmtranscripts] Center for Christ Consciousness, July 7, 2003

Donna DIngillo donnadingillo at juno.com
Tue Jul 8 20:52:42 PDT 2003

Center for Christ Consciousness
Larkspur, CA

Mother Spirit and Michael
Experience about Trust -- July 7, 2003

Good evening, my children.  This is your Mother Nebadonia who greets you
this evening.  Michael will be speaking with you to give you words of
encouragement.  But first, I wish to conduct a healing exercise in your
mind this evening to prepare your being for a greater infusion of Michael
within you.  Are you all willing to receive this experience now? 
(Students all say yes)

Go within and find that desire in your heart for the Light of Truth to
imprint upon your soul.  Feel this desire.  Sense your sincerity in
receiving this Light of Truth.  When you feel your focus begin to waver,
invite me to expand that which you can actively perceive, and relax. 
Relax into my breath, expanding your desire for truth.  (Pause)

Do you all notice now within you there are places of tension, or perhaps
they are pinching sensations within you that seem to deflect the energy
sparks?  Do you all sense these places within you?  (Yes)  These are the
places within you that have yet to fully open and to reflect the Light of
Truth upon it.  Ask for your focus to be gathered onto one of these
places of resistance—one of these pockets of pinching—and ask me to
soften that to make it pliant within you.  (Pause)

Can you feel the relaxation unfolding within you?  (Yes)  Would you find
it desirable to live in this softened state?  To feel the relaxation upon
your body and upon your mind?  (Yes)  Now, go deeper—deeper into the
desire—deeper in that place where you feel that you would enjoy living in
this state of expanded relaxation more.  (Pause)

Do you feel more resistance now?  (Yes)  Does the resistance feel deeper
within you now?

Student:  I don’t feel resistance, Mother, it’s just a question of
whether or not this relaxed state is always appropriate.

Mother:  You are thinking about this, rather than experiencing what I am
suggesting this evening. (OK)

Student:  Mother, I am not sure I am finding these places of resistance. 

Mother:  What are you experiencing?

Student:  I’m feeling more peaceful inside than usual.  It feels good and
I like it—I would like to live here all the time.

Mother:  Then go deeper and ask yourself:  “what prevents me now from
living in this more consistently each day?”  Allow yourself to find and
feel a deeper pocket of resistance.    

Student:  I find there’s a lot of fear.

Mother:  Yes, my son.  And so you have found that place within you.  Have
each of you located these deeper levels of resistance?  (Yes)  Call on me
and ask for my presence within you to open that up within you. And relax
into that.  (Pause)

You are all receiving a greater expansion and deepening levels of
purification within you now.  So as you relax and breath into this
softening within you, find that desire again to live in this state. 

Once again, find those pockets of resistance now that prevent you from
living in this state.  Go deeper and ask:  “what still prevents me from
fully achieving this state?” and allow the resistance to emerge.  (Pause)

Now call me into those places, again asking for the softening within you.
 (Pause)  Now find that place of desire within you that wishes to live in
Truth—to be embodied in Truth, and for Truth to be the living food that
nourishes your soul. Find that desire within you that craves this.
(Pause)  Do all of you identify with this?  (Yes)

Now, simply invite Michael into your being and relax by breathing into
whatever energy sensations you perceive.  (Pause)  Ask for the sum total
of your mindal capacity to be emblazoned with Living Truth, and relax and
receive.  (Pause)

The Love-Light of Heaven is upon you.  Feel it wash over your cells. 
Relax your body by breathing into the down-washing of our Creator’s love
over you.  (Pause)  There is no time or distance separating you from the
Father’s love.  Truly, my children, your bodies are being opened and
purified to receive more and more.  It is by coming to me and your
Creator-Father, asking for those places of fear and resistance to be
opened, that you are thusly more free to receive that which the Father
lavishly bestows upon the children of time and space.  You have received
a greater imprinting of Michael within your being this evening.  Some of
you may have experienced it, some of you may not have felt the impact of
His impressioning upon you.  Nevertheless, my children, it is done and
you have received. 

I will embrace your questions about this evening’s experience or any
comments you may wish to share with me before your Creator addresses you.

Student:  Thank you, Mother, for your gift.  How would I learn to live
with this each day?  When I go home it seems to fade after a couple days.
 I don’t know how to get it back.

Mother:  By opening yourself up to that desire to live in the Truth each
day, and asking me to expand that desire.  When that desire is expansive,
it will start to open those places of resistance within you.  As you feel
these places of resistance, ask for the Light of Michael’s Truth to
illuminate all of these pockets of darkness within you.  It is by giving
you this experience and exercise this evening that it is intended for you
to take home and practice this time and time again so that you may
abundantly receive each day that which we wish to bestow upon you.  Do
you think you will be able to reactivate this experience at home?  

Student:  Yes, with practice I can.  

Mother:  It is not only a matter of practice, it is also a matter of
trusting that you will grow more comfortable and able to perceive this. 
This will require patience upon your part, and even more sincere
dedication to spending time with us so that we may help you overcome your
own limitations.  Do you understand, my son?

Student:  I trust you, but I don’t always trust me to do this.

Mother:  And what do you sense is your inability to trust yourself?

Student:  I resist and I say “no” a lot and I don’t know why I do it. 
But it seems like it’s automatic.

Mother:  Invite me into that place of resistance when you first say “no”
and let yourself soften and become more yielding to be led into this
place of rest and communion with us so that we may help achieve that
which is your true soul desire. 

Student:  Thank you, Mother, I will do that.

Mother:  Has this fully answered your concern this evening?  (Yes, thank
you.)  I am with you always, my son.  You only need to invite me in at
any moment’s notice and you will receive.  (Thank you again, Mother).  My
blessings upon you.

Student:  Mother, thank you for a wonderful insight I believe I just had.
 When you asked if we always would want to be in this state, I wondered
if it was appropriate for, shall we say, handling a very fast motorcycle
on a mountain?  And as you encouraged me to go deeper, all of a sudden in
light of this truth, there were a few moments of almost insane kind of
exuberance or excitement that made me suddenly realize the rest of my
human life was hanging on a few moments; passing over the double yellow
line, diving in front of a BMW, passing a few cars, but I couldn’t see
the road and then being giving a nice little wave as I swept on down the
road.  And I’m thinking now the reason I entered into that state of
excitement was a kind of hunger.  The answer to the hunger is the very
kind of peace and openness that you suggest, because perhaps only in that
peace and openness can you really feel.  And only when you really feel
what this life means, perhaps I would not risk it that way.  And so the
light of Heaven falls upon me at the moment with all my hands and feet
operating my body in one piece. And so I thank you for that insight.  

Mother:  My child, you may rest assured that always will you be taken
into that realm where truth will overshadow any misperception that you
held for yourself that would in essence endanger or diminish your value
in any way.  I am pleased to hear that you were open to going deeper and
that you trusted in me to help you achieve this deeper insight.  It is
not always perceptible that these ideas you hold for yourself are the
very ideas that prevent you from achieving infinite peace and unbounded
rest and rejuvenation.  That you experience this level of insight is
noteworthy and it will encourage you to scan your being to find those
other places of resistance, and to allow my healing energies and
Michael’s Truth liberate you. 

Your life is precious.  It is a gift, and we make every attempt to
safeguard it in the midst of some very misguided, foolhardy attempts on
our children’s part to excite themselves—to get that what you perceive as
the adrenaline rush.  How much more deeply satisfying and soul nourishing
is this peace that your cells actually crave; for it is the environment
for love to flourish.  And in this love you sense your true life—your
true self.  And is this not what you experienced this evening, my son?

Student:  Yes, I am beginning to see how it all works.  The irony of
wanting to live more in a certain way actually shuts off experience.  It
is in the trusting and in the feeling that the greater mind and
experience resides.  So to answer my question earlier, Mother, yes I do
believe this state is appropriate any time.

Mother:  And so you have found the answer to your own question. (Thank
you)  And my blessings upon you, my son.

Student:  Mother, I experienced a certain degree of release from some of
the fetters that confine me within the physical body.  I felt my
consciousness floating free in some sense that felt spacious and good,
but at the same time a little bit of fear crept in that held me from
further release.  I was wondering if further release would be beneficial?
 I was wondering if this is something I should cultivate and not let fear
prevent it?

Mother:  C, my son, my question to you is: which is more important to
you—to retain your fear or to trust in my love for you? (To trust)  Can
you feel the simplicity in this question and in your choosing?  (Yes) 
And does it seem effortless to make this choice?  (Yes—a very appropriate
term—less effort)  You will consistently find these places of fear within
you.  They are all a part of this transcendable animal nature and the
impressionings of a false physical reality—material domain—that has
somewhat poisoned your mind.  This fear must—I repeat—must be eradicated
from your being—mind and body—before you can achieve those higher states
of consciousness of the Divine.

As you sense this fear within you, do not run away from it.  You may put
your hands on it, as it were, and hold it in the palm of your hands
extending this up to me and to your Creator-Father as a gift, and say:
“Please take this from me, I no longer have use for it within me.”  This
is essentially what you were doing this evening, albeit it may not have
been in such a detailed posture in your mind.  But sense the fullness of
the fear as if you had your hands around it.  As you offer it to me, I
will enter into you, find all of the fear and gather it and untether it
from you.  It is easy.  It is effortless, but you must be willing to
offer the fear in order for me to release it from your being.

There is a quietude underneath the fear that wishes to overtake your
being; a quietude that will resonate in your cells and give your body
true rest, true freedom.  But you must be willing to walk into these very
deep-seated fears and be willing to offer them one by one to me and to
your Creator-Father so that our love can fill in the void when the fears
are released.  Do you understand, my son?  (Yes, thank you) Do you have
any other questions or comments?  (No, thank you.  I feel a sense of
peace.)  My blessings upon you, my child.

Student:  Mother, I felt great peace and expansiveness in this exercise
we did tonight.  But I wanted to ask you about some of the deep and
unexpected loneliness that I feel sometimes; sometimes in the middle of
the night or during the day.  Unexpectedly, it occurs.  I’m not sure
where it comes from and I would like to have it be taken away.

Mother:  Do you think that you will be able to invite me into your
loneliness when you experience it now, my daughter?  (Yes)  Do you feel
comfortable in what you experienced in this exercise this evening that
you would be able to remember to invite me during those times of your
fears or loneliness during the day so that I may come into your mind and
help you overcome this?  (Yes)  Do you think that you could, as I
mentioned to C, put your hands around your loneliness and offer it up so
that I may also untether this from you? 

Student:  Yes, I don’t know where it comes from, but I’m sure I can put
my hands around it and offer it.  

Mother:  Is it more important for you to know where it comes from or is
it more important for you to know that it can be overcome? (That is can
be overcome)  Then make a decision in your mind that this is the path you
wish to pursue, and let the idea of where it comes from recede.  In this
commitment to overcoming it, you will find less that you need to engage
the part of your mind that wishes to understand and control what is
happening and more in being in the place of simple trust that allows my
presence in your to be more effective.  

Student:  Your words are very powerful and I am practicing it right now
as you spoke.  

Mother:  If you can feel the enormity almost to the point of overwhelming
you, simply say to me:  “Here it is.  It is no longer mine, and I crave
what you and Michael can give to me that will replace it.”  (Pause)  Are
you satisfied with this answer, my daughter?

Student:  Yes, I was practicing saying those words, and it has been very
powerful and very helpful.  Thank you, Mother.  And my blessings are upon

My children, it delights me so completely that you are coming to know me,
coming to me with your problems and with your fears.  I wish to relate to
you just as the human mother picks up her crying child and holds the
child close to her bosom, kissing, hugging, soothing the breathless sobs
of pain and woe.  Your pain is my pain.  Give it to me.  I know what to
do with it.  My kisses will make it all better!  Climb into my lap and
let me hold you. This exercise this evening was intended for you to
experience this more.  I retreat knowing that you have received,
children, and learned.  I look forward to your coming to me whenever you
are in need, and I will be there to soothe you.  I retreat now and leave
you in the hands of your Father.  Good evening, my dear ones.

Beloved children, the Light of Truth is upon you.  I am Michael, your
Father, and the Living Truth who will set you free.  Your Mother has
graciously and generously bestowed Herself upon you this evening in order
to create a place in your mind for more of me to resonate within you. 
For I am the embodiment of Truth.  I am your essence of life.  No person
may come to the Father in Paradise without receiving me.  And so what you
are receiving, my children, is a greater capacity to receive He who made
us all.  This truth-light will shine within you, embellishing all those
ideas that you know to be real, living, and dynamic within you.  You can
only grow more beautiful, lovable, and serviceable in my Living Truth.  

This is what I pose to you tonight, my children.  How much Truth do you
want in your life?  I ask you to consider this now in the coming weeks. 
This is a serious question I pose to you because there is no turning back
once this Living Truth is upon you.  You will be challenged to go into
many dark places of the soul that may seemingly cause you pain at first,
but beyond that is true salvation and life eternal.  There is joy and
lightness and happiness and fulfillment and purpose and meaning and value
to life.  So my question is: How much Truth do you wish to ingest?  

The time of healing is upon Urantia.  This planet is overcoming now its
handicaps of the Lucifer Rebellion, and each of you has a part to play in
this Correcting Time.  It is in your own inner desires to overcome those
effects of the Lucifer Rebellion that are in you—that each person on this
planet holds a particular kind of energetic thought-pattern that detracts
you from living a life fully fragrant in doing the Father’s will.  As
your Mother and I are committed to helping our children overcome this,
you too must choose if this is something you wish to participate in.  We
do not do this without your full free-will cooperation.  And well you
know this, but now I ask you to ponder this question more carefully, more
fully, and with the full consideration that is required.  

There is no limit to the Truth you can receive, the beauty you can
become.  How much do you love yourself to allow this to happen for you? 
As I speak these words, know that the environment of your mind is being
exercised to consider this question.  I need you, my children.  I need
you to heal this world, to do your part in the correction of all of the
world’s miseries.  You do this by choosing to allow yourself to live in
Me—in the Truth. 

In the coming days, as you ponder this question, invite me into your
being as Jesus of Nazareth—the part of my being that shared the human
experience that you are now undergoing.  For I, too, faced fears, faced
questions of my own inner doubts, and I will walk through this experience
with you.  So you may come to me as both your brother Jesus and as your
Father Michael, to bring a greater perspective into your awareness so
that you can see the repercussions of your decisions, and to inspire you
to say yes.  Say yes to Truth.  You only have to lose that which is
darkness and shadow; freedom from fear.  What will your choice be?  Good

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