[tmtranscripts] Center for Christ Consciousness Transmission

Donna DIngillo donnadingillo at juno.com
Mon Jan 20 15:25:28 PST 2003

Michael – January 13, 2003

This is Michael, your Creator-Father.  Welcome to another night of
sharing our relationship of coming into my bosom, and being with me as I
accompany you through your journey through life.   I ask you now, what is
it that you need from me?  Last week I asked you to go into that place
where you were retaining feelings of doubt or any feeling that
invalidates your sense of self.  

What have you experienced during the week that you have noticed as a
consequence of releasing this doubt to me?  What is it that I can clarify
in your mind and in your heart now about going into those innermost
secret places of yourself, and letting them go?  There is a great tension
in the mind between that which is and that which is becoming more
Father-like.  The evolutionary self does not yield itself easily to the
alignment of the Inner Spirit – the fragment of the Father within.  

Find that place of inner turmoil that is still giving you trouble; share
with me the struggle you have had with it so I may accompany you through
this and insert my presence within it to help you gain your freedom from
it.  Spend a few moments in accessing that now, and bring that to me in
your request for me to help you with this.  

This will be a night of both discussion and experience for as I advise
you, there is also the concomitant release in spirit.  So be still.  Find
that which is troubling you, and then bring that to me.  And each person
will have an opportunity to share if you are so willing.  (Pause.) 

Student:  Hello, Michael, this is R. and I find myself willing to share
tonight.  Last week at this time I was not.  And I perceived a difficulty
in understanding the exercise of using the word doubt, and may have had
some success in the process, although I didn’t participate, for a change,
in the discussion.  There have been some interesting things going on in
the past seven days, and they may have a direct connection to last week,
so that’s what I want to speak on now.  

The concern I have relates to my New Years resolution, which was to
achieve adjuster fusion mindedness.  And I recall you indicated that
would involve being presented with a lot of opportunities to grow;
perhaps you used the word challenges?  And there are several things going
on now.  One is the physical health factor.  There’s also the fiscal
health factor.  And there’s a communication connection between me and
you, me and the Father, and me and the Mother.  So those are the three
that I would like to get some help on tonight.  

Regarding physical health, I’ve noticed over the last few days feeling
pretty achy.  I’m in a new regimen of physical healing with a specialist
doctor, and I suspect that this is part of the process of further
cleansing and purifying as you had said was going to happen.  So I’m
proceeding with that.

The fiscal one was, over the weekend I found myself awake for quite a few
hours, and in the stillness I came to the realization that I can no
longer go on in the way that I was financially.  I have not been
generating income on any kind of a regular basis – even a minimal income.
 It’s very, very spotty.  So I made a decision that that it would not
continue that way.  As a result I did get an idea, checked it out today
and I was offered a job starting tomorrow.  It’s a position that I’ve
done before, so I know exactly what’s involved, and I know that I can do
it. I know that even though it’s relatively minimal income, I can handle
it and it doesn’t interfere with any of my existing activities.  

So that’s moving along, and that gives rise to the third point, which is
a question I really want to get a good result on.  And that is: I’m
asking you, and I’m asking the Father, and I’m asking the Mother various
things, and I cannot often perceive a response; or I get a response and I
don’t know if it’s truly coming from you, or the Father or the Mother. 
So I don’t have the certainty, which I know that I need in progressing to
the next level of ministering.  So I’m asking tonight for you to assist
me in gaining that connection where I have the certainty that doubt or
the other variations on that are truly just not there any more.  And that
the kind of certainty that I can have is lot like Rob Crickett talks
about – studying the material on “Walking in Financial Blessing”. And I
want to follow through on that.  So, those are my three parts, and
particularly the question really is:  How do I get that connection with
you, and how do I hear it back from what is the will of the Father? 

Michael:  My son, you are asking for specific, concrete awarenesses of My
presence within you, and of your Mother, and of the indwelling Adjuster
as your Paradise guide.  And I say to you that you must be patient, and
allow the natural machinations of your mind to release the old habit of
thought extrapolations, and bringing in the new ideas of how We would
like your mind to operate.  This is something that you cannot will or
achieve just by asking.  Your mind has a way of responding that has its
own timeline.  It is a matter of spending as much time and heartfelt
devotion in stillness that you will achieve a deeper experiential
anointing of our presences within you.  Your sincerity to feel our love
is what will open these doors in your mind even further.

In order for you to gain the trust required to overcome doubt, it is
imperative that you feel our love for you, thereby allowing yourself to
trust where you are being guided without words by taking those first
unsteady steps of faith in where you are being led.  Then as you gain
more confidence in this, your ability to trust further calms your mind. 
It steadies your emotions.  And that is what will indeed make your mind
more receptive to direct communication.  Do you understand my meaning
now, R.? 

Student:  Yes I do, very specific, very precise, very compassionately
expressed.  I feel gratitude within me, and I’m allowing that gratitude
to grow in alignment with your encouragement.  

Michael:  My son, more that anything, I would like you to experience my
love for you.  Allow this to occur.  Open yourself.  You are deserving of
this.  You are my child.  I wish to embrace you, and hold you close in
that bond that we share together.  Will you allow me into your heart? 
Will you allow me to give you my fatherly affection?  (Absolutely – yes!)
 More than anything else, this is what will stimulate your growth. 
Everything else pales in comparison to you now being in that state where
you ask to receive the love of the Parents who are devoted to you.  Have
you any other questions, my son?  

Student:  I want to thank you for the clarity that I’m experiencing now
of not being in spiritual orphanhood anymore, because I realize more
clearly and deeply than I was able to before that that’s what I was
living in.  And the other question, if it’s really a question, I think
it’s just gonna come in time, and that’s just the idea of how will I know
for sure that I’m hearing you.  And you basically answered it when you
indicated that the most important aspect is just to allow myself to fully
feel the love that you and the Father and the Mother have.  And so that
really, actually answers my question from what you already said.  

Michael:  Let yourself feel loved every day.  There is no limit.  I never
withhold my affection for you, and you only have to ask.  In time you
will feel more, and you will grow safe and secure in this love.  And what
we speak to one another will resonate, not only in your mind, but in your
heart and in your entire being.  Be in my embrace. And be in my peace.
(Thank you, Father.) (Pause) We are ready to continue.

Student:  I guess, Michael, I have been perplexed about my friends who
have come up with me and being Buddhists and more pagan faiths, if you
can call them faiths.  I am disappointed in my own inability to
articulate the wonders of your love and reality.  And I also feel I’m not
able to delicately and deftly tiptoe around people’s belief systems while
leading them to a higher reality to truth.  Do you have any comments that
might help me?  

Michael:  My daughter, your enthusiasm to share my life, my peace, my
truth with your brothers and sisters is so commendable that I find no
fault with your intention.  So I ask you not to find fault with your
inability to be, as you say, effective in sharing these truths with them.
 Can you let that go?  (Sure.)  Can you really let that go?  

Student:  Well, I can’t let go of the enthusiasm.  I can live with the
ignorant and inarticulate, and being ineffective, I guess.  

Michael:  It is not that you are ineffective; it is that you perhaps are
still looking for the right avenue into their souls.  There are within
each individual places of receptivity and places of obstacle, are there
not?  (Yes.)  And so, in order for you to find that place of receptivity,
what do you think it would entail upon you to find that within them? 
(Identifying with their fear?)  If you identify with their fear, you
might focalize it and make that more pronounced within their mind that
they may not be able to overcome that.  (OK)  What other way do you think
could be an effective avenue?  

Student:  I think it would be more effective if I were more knowledgeable
about say the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, so that I could
intellectually address their concerns or their issues.

Michael:  And, my daughter, I am saying to you that an intellectual
approach is not what will appeal to their spirit; it will appeal to their
mind.  But where does the Spirit of Truth resonate? Within their soul. So
you must find that avenue into their soul. What is the avenue into a
person’s soul? (Love?) Yes, and? (Truth?) Compassion, understanding.  

Student: But I don’t understand how anyone can love Buddha?  

Michael:  And perhaps that is a question to ask them. Let them share with
you the reality of their religious experience.  Let them reveal the
extent of their longings – of their desires of what they feel within
their heart.  Do you not recall how I ministered to people in my life in
the flesh, and let them speak what was on their mind?  I asked them
questions to draw them out of themselves, and I made a point to get to
know them, and to provide that safety in that environment where they
could feel they were unburdening themselves without judgment, without
correction.  And then what did they end up doing?  (Questioning you.) 
And so it is.  

And so, my dear daughter, why would this be any different for you?
(Laughs. As I’m not as smooth as you, but I’ll work on it.)  But you have
access to my mind. (But I move too fast.) And this is where you get to
overcome this disappointment because you will learn to move at a
different pace by asking me to accompany you into the conversation with
these individuals.  And to allow me to use the enthusiasm that you have
to slow you down into the realm of patience and understanding so that you
can let them share with you.  And then when that point comes where the
tables are turned, then you will be able to release all your enthusiasm
in a way that will open and go right into that avenue, because they will
have been properly prepared.  Do you understand this now?  (I do!  I’ll
take this into consideration.  Thank you.)  And you must practice this
many times.  

 Do not expect to be so eloquent as to become mastering or perfect at
this. But, dear daughter, do ask me to be with you and to allow, as much
as you can, your receptivity to be open to my words so that you can be,
as you say, as smooth as I was. (Hearty laughter.  OK, I’ll remember
that.  Thank you.)  And above all else, be gentle with yourself, for you
have this tendency to be critical and harsh.  And never – never – would I
discourage you from sharing your words of truth because you are, what you
perceive to be, less than perfect at it.  

Have you any other concerns weighing on you?  (No.)  Open your heart now.
 Open your mind and let yourself feel my mind in yours so that you know
when I am present within you, so we are participating together as you
minister to my children.  (Pause.)  When you begin to converse with them,
take a moment to ask for that Spirit of Truth to be opened within them,
by asking for my presence within them to yield within their mind and
within their soul to the Spirit of Truth.  Do you think you can do this? 
(I can!)  Thank you.  Let us continue.  

Student:  Dear Jesus, on Thursday we were asked through Welmek to be
almost like emboldened to be a hundredfold more productive or effective
in our outreach now.  I’ve been lucky to work in the background, and I
was comfortable with that.  I’m a little stuck as to how to use your
controlled enthusiasm, and steady skills and to unfold the wings of the
eagle, like to be emboldened to be a hundredfold more productive.  And I
would appreciate any help with that.

Michael:  My son, I note with your request the sincerity of your devotion
and your desire to serve.  The use of the word productivity lends a
slight impersonal approach in dealing with your brothers and sisters.  By
that I am speaking to the enthusiasm within you that would tend to
overwhelm or over-enlighten the other person, and perhaps confuse or
startle someone.  Do you understand my meaning by this? 

Student:  Yes, I’ve noticed that off and on.  And I know that you never
used psychological tricks, and I would appreciate the taming of that.

Michael:  Can you in your own heart just find the place within you that
would simply like to be a friend, and not give so much, and enjoy that
individual?  For that individual may in turn be able to teach you
something as well. 

Student:  I do understand that concept.  Thanks

Michael:  But do you feel that concept?  Do you understand what it means
to be a friend – not to necessarily expect to give anything or to receive
– just to enjoy who that other individual is, what that individual is
about, what that other person feels inside of them of gladness or of woe,
and not trying to fix or correct, but just to accept, and to let them
share with you who they are?  Can you feel what this may entail within
you as I speak now?  

Student:  I think I do.  It’s like the chumminess that you had with the
apostle John that I’ve been good at with complete strangers.  I think
that’s what you mean?  

Michael:  Find that place now within you that can just enjoy a person
without trying to be a great disciple.  Come into that place where you
have only the desire to love that individual – just to love that
individual – to accept, to cherish, to feel who that individual is. 
Nothing more.  

In so doing this, each time you meet someone new the way which you
minister my presence to them will give you that sense of satisfaction
that you so sincerely seek in being effective as a worker in the kingdom.
 My son, there are so many ideas to share with people and to talk, but
truly what your world needs now is to experience love – to create those
bonds of understanding and compassion between people.  And sometimes
words are not important.  You do not need them to share love.  

When you begin to minister to another person, ask me to help you find
that place of understanding within you that will open the bond between
individuals that connect them at the spiritual level.  When you do this
you will increase your effectiveness one-hundredfold.  Can you sense this
now within you – what this feels and means in my words to you?  

Student:  Yes I can.  It’s similar to what we were learning about praying
for people – even praying for strangers, and I’m starting to see that and
be quite comfortable with that.  Thank you.  

Michael:  Let this awareness go deep within.  Let it become a part of
you.  More than anything for you, I desire your effectiveness to
increase.  For you and I have many souls to bring into the Father’s
family.  You will be amply assisted (tape ends)..to be in that place of
simple understanding and love.  I enfold you in my understanding and
love.  (Pause.)  Let us continue.

Student:  Michael, my Father, when I speak to you during the day, in my
moments of stillness, and just during my daily activity, I sense or hear
an answer, and I’m trusting that to be you.  And I’m acting on what I
hear.  I’m acting on it financially, and in financial decisions, as you
know.  I’m acting on it with my children, with my wife.  I would like
some reassurance.  I guess; it’s like a young child always tugging on its
parents to know that what I sense to be your answer, that it is truly you
that I am hearing in my mind, and not just my mind playing tricks on me? 
I do sense your presence now, as I sense it in stillness.  I sense the
Mother’s presence now.  I hear her speak to me, sometimes.  I guess I
need to be able to trust what I hear more, and know that it is you
speaking.  So that’s my concern, my question.  And I do have one other
that I’d like to ask before we’re finished.

Michael:  My son, your mind has not yet reached that level of mastery
where you are able to detect my voice correctly at all times.  And so I
ask you, are you fearful of making mistakes and having errors in
judgement? (Yes, I am.)  You are not expected to perfect.  You are not
required to attain full mastery.  You are only required to try.  The fear
you have inside of you of making mistakes will cause you to freeze
inside, and it will stunt your growth.  For it will create much
consternation and foment great doubt and cause you to doubt yourself.  

It is important now that you recognize that the mistakes that you are
going to be making in your judgement are correctable.  And they are a
necessary part of your experience now for you to be able to gain a better
sense of what is happening within your own inner longings, as opposed to
what it is that my will has in store for you.  What is so difficult about
making mistakes that cause you this fear?  I want you to find that now.  

Student:  I’ve made some financial decisions on what I thought was your
answer to my question, and which can cause some financial loses.  And I
was hoping to be able to tithe what the profits from these decisions. 
And I was hoping to have your help with this.  And I guess the fear is if
what I perceived to be your answer was not you, then I’m putting myself
at great financial risk.    

Michael:  The risk that you are placing yourself in is not necessarily
financial as it is in self-deception.  For you must be aware of what is
truly important to me is your faith in where you are being led, and not
necessarily in the area of helping you to achieve greater financial
prosperity just because the proceeds would be going to a good cause.  

You must, in time, learn how to separate your desires from your faith and
what my will is for you.  Financial losses, I understand, will cause you
some concern, but I am more concerned about the spiritual gains that you
will make when you learn from these valuable lessons.  And it is
important that you begin to ask that my will be dominant in your life,
and be less concerned with what it is that you want to do at this point. 
Your are still a very, very, very young child in spirit.  And if you
truly wish to have that trust and the level of communication with me,
then it is very vital that you trust what my will is for your life, and
for your family, and for your ways to be of service to your brethren. 
This requires you to be in that place of learning and of asking in every
moment that you can: it is not my will but Your will be done.  Can you do
this, and do you understand how deeply impacting this is now in your
inner life?  

Student:  I felt that I was doing that Michael.  I was daily asking that
not my will but the Father’s will be done.  But I understand what you’re
saying, and it is becoming clear to me that perhaps my own will is still
dominant in my actions.

Michael:  There will be a time when your desire and your actions are not
one hundred percent harmonized, and there is no shame or judgement on
this.  It is only to point out to you the distinction that you are
leaning in your own mind of letting go of what you perceive needs to
occur, and letting the Father’s will prevail in all instances.  The
co-creative nature of what you are trying to do is important, and your
thoughts and your interests are important, but let me and let your Father
in Paradise guide you and show you how to bring those qualities and
interests that you have more in line with truth, and the reality that you
need to actualize within you.  Does this shed more light on your mind,
and in your soul as I share these words with you?  

Student:  Yes it does.  It makes me, in a sense, feel I’m just a very,
very immature child with a lot of growth needed.

Michael:  But inherently lovable. (Laughter. Well I’m glad there are some
good characteristics or qualities.)  But let yourself accept your
immaturity, for this is truly the only way to master where you are.  You
will outgrow this just as you outgrew your childhood and your adolescence
and your early manhood.  But you could not change where you were in
childhood or adolescence by mere acts of will.  Those potentials in your
physical body needed to develop and gradually lead you into the next
phase of your development.  And so for your spiritual development as

Letting go more now of what you perceive needs to be done and allowing my
will in your life to prevail more will take you into that realm of
walking in faith; not knowing or seeing where you are going, but letting
the experience grow strong and lead you into greater soul maturity. 
Accept where you are.  Accept your mistakes and you misperceptions, and
use this to gain greater experience.  

Student:  I will most certainly do that Michael.  You know my love for

Michael:  Be in that place now of accepting.  Feel where you have or
still harboring these feelings of immaturity, and I will shed my love on
them.  For I love every part of you that which you have yet to develop;
that which you see as immature.  (Pause.)  Let us continue.  

Student:  Yes Michael.  Since last week, last Thursday, when Welmek was
speaking to me about allowing the Father’s love to come through me and to
see the Father’s love in others, I have been really allowing that
experience to be manifest and actualized and really experienced in my
day-to-day life.  And I noticed how when I allow myself to be in this
place, how my agenda falls away, how I see people in a different light,
how I see myself, how I feel about myself and others.  It seems like any
anxiety or tension – any resentment or animosity – any unsavoriness falls
away, drops, and ceases to exist.  And I noticed over the past few days a
level of agitation beneath the surface of my psyche, and it seems like a
strong part of who I am wanted to be totally in this place of the
Father’s love of who I am, and who each and everyone of us are.  And this
is how I wish to live in each moment.  Any anxiety or turmoil I feel
seems to dissipate.  And I feel my being transforming, in a sense,
transmuting; changing.  Old desires are falling away, new insights are
opening up.  

I still feel certain anxieties for my children, for their own wellbeing
and safety.  But even then, I know they are being led towards their own
self-actualization and wonders with the Father.  

Michael:  My son, what is it that you want most from me?  

Student:  I was thinking about this today. And what is it that you want
from me?  What is my next step or opening up in my unfoldment?  I guess
to live as you lived on this planet?  I guess to experience that
certainty of the Father with me and everyone else?  

Michael:  Where do perceive you are being held back within yourself?  Let
my light of truth go deep within you now, and find those places where you
feel that unsavoriness and let it shine on that.  You may not yet be able
to see what that is, and it is not as important as just being truthful in
wanting the light to shine within.  Admitting to the unsavoriness within
you brings no mark of shame. You need not fear any reprisals in letting
this be uncovered within you.  Your desire to live in the state of the
Father’s grace and love and ever ministering that love to others is the
desired state of your existence.  And it will be the natural state of
your existence at all times in the future.  But in accessing the Sprit of
Truth within - in your thinking - in your consciousness you are able to
purge all of that which you still find within you that you care not for. 
Feel this truth.  Feel my love go deep within you.  Anchor this truth in
your desire to be rid of this unsavoriness.  

The Father’s Light shines deeply within you now.  In the coming days, let
yourself be in this deep internal excavation of all the dark places. 
Shine His light.  Feel His love.  Feel my Spirit of Truth opening you. 
You will be freed, but you must be patient and allow that which is
occurring in you to reveal itself in the normal and natural fashion.  Be
in my peace, my son.  Let us continue.  (Long pause.)

My children, I invite you to share more of your day with me.  I am ever
present in your minute to minute activities should you be so willing to
focus your gaze upon me, and to ask for my influence to overshadow your
life. No detail of your life is too small or insignificant for me to
share.  I ask you to be more considerate of this.  Your growth is so
important and significant.  I know how difficult it can be to turn your
gaze inward throughout your busy day.  But use these words as a reminder
that I am ever present with you.  Each breath you take, each sigh, each
thought is already known.  All of you need to do is ask me to be with
you, and I will escort you through the difficult tasks of daily life, and
help you attain that joy and happiness and satisfaction you crave deeply
within you.  Feel my love my children as I take my leave.  My words will
end but my presence lingers.  We are never separate.  Good evening.  

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