[tmtranscripts] Center for Christ Consciousness Transmission

Donna DIngillo donnadingillo at juno.com
Sat Oct 5 10:00:44 PDT 2002

SEPTEMBER 30, 2002

I am your Father-Brother who greets you now.  You are assembled here to
learn of me – to learn of my truth as I minister to each one of you

Take comfort in the knowledge that there is one who shares with you all
of your experiences, your joys, your tribulations.  We will spend time
communing with our Father in Heaven as I lead you more now in the ways of
communion that refreshes your soul and breathes new life within you.

Your willingness to share your inner life with me and the Father is very
endearing. And I acknowledge the attempts that each one of you makes in
your spiritual journey to greater consciousness of the great spiritual
light that shines within you.  So as I am poised within you now, take a
moment to figuratively take my hand so that I may lead you to heightened
awareness of the one whom we call Father.  

Within each living human is a spirit of the Universal Creator – the One
in whom all things exist.  We have the same spiritual Source and Center. 
And when we gather to worship and commune, the sum of our consciousness
elevates each individual into an increased awareness.

Let us now begin our communion by centering our thoughts in being a
little child.  Think of the trust and the openness you had as a young
child.  (Pause)  Think of the beauty and the openness as you looked upon
the world with the eyes of the innocent.  (Pause)  “Father in Heaven I
wish to see you with these eyes again.  I ask that my eyes be opened to
see you with these eyes of spirit.”  Spend a few moments in communion
with your spirit to sense your inner Divine-Presence.  (Pause)  

The Spirit of our Father speaks within the human heart in many voices. 
The subtle impressions of spiritual current within your mind cast a giant
illuminating beam shining the Father’s light and love and goodness and
truth to every secret shadow within your being.  This light is yours for
the asking.  His love is yours to receive.  Ask now for this love to emit
its signal into your heart and reverberate deeply – pulsating from the
very core outward to all those places in your life where you harbor
doubt, apprehension, or mistrust.  (Long pause)  

In the life I lived as one of you, this form of communion in practice is
what I attempted to make each day as I grew in more conscious awareness
of who I am and who I was as Jesus of Nazareth.  So, too, do you have the
capacity to achieve this heightened awareness of your status as children
of God, and to become aware within your mind of the greater potential of
who you can become as children in this Family of God.  

Fear not the idea of surrendering into this presence.  It is your door to
true spiritual liberty that lightens your load in life and quickens your
heart with gladness and joy.  Use me as your inspiration to seek and
achieve this heightened level of spirit-consciousness, for I paved the
way in my life for you.  I am the bridge between time and eternity, and
in me lie the secrets to life-everlasting.  

Open your hearts and lay the secrets and the treasures of your soul
before me, and I will add that which is mine to give to yours, and make
them new and whole.  Use this time with me for healing in your soul, and
I will make you new.  Ask me for healing.  Have faith that this is freely
offered to you now.  (Pause)  

Call me into those places within you where you harbor guilt – resentment
– desperation – wantonness – recrimination – anger.  These burdens are
not yours alone to share.  Give them to me, and I will free you from that
which poisons your soul.  Ferret them out.  Call me in.  This is all you
need to do.  (Long pause)

Those who hunger for the nourishment of truth will surely be satisfied. 
Let not the doubt that stands within your heart and separates us from
true union to create this barrier.  Call upon the truth of my presence to
activate your capacity to trust and render your faith as a gift to me and
I will bless and heal you of those afflictions of spirit that come
between you and the Father.  Open yourselves even more my children. 
Trust even more and you will surely find more than what you seek. (Long

I am destroying the barriers of centuries of mistrust of spirit within
you.  Though you may not yet perceive that which has been done for you,
surely in time you will know.  Step closer to me each day by spending
time and inviting my presence to join in the dance of life, and to
accompany you moment by moment as we find new expressions of our Father
to reveal.  

My peace dwells within you.  My presence protects you.  You are my
children – my beloved children – and I am with you all of the days of
your life.  I take my leave.  Go in peace!  

NOTE:  We moved into prayer at this time and then the meeting concluded
with a blessing from Michael.

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