[tmtranscripts] Abraham & Emulan 12-23-01

ellen ellen at utah-inter.net
Wed Dec 26 15:01:40 PST 2001

DECEMBER 23, 2001

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am in gratitude this evening for the comforting
energy here in this group. I think back when we first began, we were nothing
more than acquaintances. Now I feel as though you each are my siblings in
this Family Kingdom. As I know you more my love increases. I have learned a
great deal being your teacher. I am moved by your dedication to upholding
Michael's enhancements for the world.

When I review the morontia mota I am made to ponder how we become more of
who we really are. Mota is about being challenged to do your very best for
the good of the whole. This mansion world philosophy teaches us that we are
integral parts of the universe, unique and with purpose. And while we are
feeling more of a part of the whole we can see how our individuality adds in
a divine way, not in a self-serving way, no. I give you EMULAN.

Greetings friends. I too am honored to be a branch on this family tree. Most
of you know my story of when I wore the mortal flesh. I experienced a great
deal of personal tragedy, which led to mental illness, which led to my
profession as a psychiatrist. I desire this evening to speak a few words on
intentional living.

As I was coming out of the darkness of my personal tragedy I believed that I
was a victim of mortal life. I had no control over it. It just happened and
I only had to play along. My life was quite mundane. I lived mostly in fear
of life happening to me. I practically hid from everyday living. I took no
risks. I always made effort to protect myself. I gave nothing, therefore I
got nothing.

Life was just about passing time. Just moving towards the inevitable end. I
had no sorrow, but I also had no joy. Believe me, I was terribly lonely. To
risk moving on forward with life put me at risk to facing pain all over
again. I prayed for relief from my non-existent existence. What was the
point in living this mortal life?

As I prayed, as I studied, my vision expanded. I began taking small steps
toward being fully present in this mortal life. I worried less about real
life circumstances crashing down on me. I wanted to live and live well. I
became with the understanding that experience was my best teacher, and to
hide from it meant no progression, not really so much pain, but also no joy.

There is a price to pay for spiritual advancement. There is a cost. My
friends, you must be willing to live life on purpose, to live intentionally
experiencing the full spectrum from birth to death. Are we victims of the
mortal life? No. We are partakers of a spiritual destiny. Does life just
happen to us? Sometimes. Do we meet it with passivity? No. We are
challengers in this mortal life. We most definitely direct destiny. We have
responsibility towards our growth, the growth of our fellows, the growth of
our God in time. Life may happen to us, but we also happen to life.

When we live intentionally we practice being fully present and aware in each
moment. We experience spiritual poisons, but also do we experience spiritual
fruits. We challenge loneliness with a hopeful attitude. We challenge hate
with the belief in prevailing love. We challenge prejudice with actions
toward justice. We challenge depression with faith. We challenge our
self-loathing with our belief in a divine parentage that loves us with the
power of eternity.

We are not victims of life but challengers, climbing that divine staircase
toward our full potential. You have power. You know that. In intentional
living we can exert our personal power toward achieving wonderful things. We
can have the power to exhaust our human resources, to make effort without
fear and know that the final outcome should align with our Father's will. I
am in gratitude for this understanding, this energy that helped me to excel
in my mortal life, as well as the spiritual. My gratitude, friends. I leave
you to ABRAHAM.

We thank you, our friend, coworker and brother, Emulan, for your words
regarding intentional living. This week I ask you to take time for
journaling. Ask yourselves what aspects of life do I find myself hiding
from? What is consuming my thoughts that takes me away from present moment
awareness? Think about the goals you might strive for and what fearful
obstacles may chance to come your way. What old internal patterns may keep
you a victim instead of a challenger of life? A few questions.

CALVIN: Abraham, we welcome Dave back, Mary Joe and Dorinda.

ABRAHAM: Welcome. I am happy to be with you this evening, my friends. Be at
ease to ask any questions.

DAVE P.: There are some financial, legal problems going on in my life. My
life has been through a lot of upheaval. I've just got some concerns,
worries. I guess I was hoping you could say something to make me feel
better. I am really quite stressed out.

ABRAHAM: Understood. I do not know much about your material aspects and
difficulties, but perhaps I can offer you some spiritual comfort. My friend,
I see you standing at the lake of faith. While you are still testing the
waters, you have not dared to dive in. This is understandable, but also
without faith other aspects of mortal living are made more difficult.
Without belief in someone greater than ourselves we are utterly alone. The
mortal burdens are much more difficult to bear. I see that you have great
potential in living a faith-filled life. While Father may not do much to
assist you with financial difficulties, He can provide you with
understanding on how to cope with difficulties and the stress therefrom.
Definitely with Father all things are possible, and He, without a doubt,
gave us life that we may have abundance, materially and spiritually. He
knows your difficulties, but cannot coax you into full faith by solving
mortal difficulties. You must first possess the faith. Most mortals can only
find that unwavering faith when they have lost all else. This is not
necessary. While you may not trust in your fellow man, you can most
definitely trust in our divine Caretakers, for they are not like anyone you
have ever known. Until the faith and trust is there they can only be
involved so much in your life. This should be a good springboard for you to
dive in. Another question?

SETH: Abraham, speaking of faith, I feel that my experiences in the last
four months have redirected me, have helped me find solace and peace and the
unknown in Father's will and I'd like to ask how am I doing? What are my
next steps and can you call me by my spiritual name?

ABRAHAM: You are doing wonderfully, my son. You have experienced severe pain
and difficulty, and yet you are made better. You could have easily blamed
God and the cruelty of His mortal plan, but you are a challenger. You dare
to look at life as a stepping stone to greater things to come. One moment.
My son, you are known as Seth to those On High. You could perhaps direct
your focus towards reviewing those truths in your life that have served you
well, while making attempts to recognize those life patterns that are
obstacles to you now. Your calming demeanor will be a wonderful attraction
to those needing to hear the good news. Yes. Well done, my son, Seth.

MIRIAM: Abraham, I don't know if Emulan is still around. I really appreciate
his sharing where he has been. I know what it is like to come from a dark
place. I find whenever I share places that I have been--I don't know if it
is the way I do it or what, but maybe people don't know what to do with it,
don't believe I have been there. It is hard to share those things and I
appreciate him sharing. I just want him to know how grateful I am.

ABRAHAM: Understood and as Emulan related to me, beautifully said. You are
heard. I believe you have assisted a great many lives with your daringness
to share. Emulan says for him sharing is quite therapeutic and as he has
shared, he has found the very presence of Father and healing. He also thanks
you, Miriam. One more question.

DORINDA: I am thrilled to be close to you again and I am delighted to be
here. You have been through some difficult situations with me and helping
me, giving me guidance on relationships with other people. I am really
excited about next week and I want to thank you.

ABRAHAM: Elaina, my daughter, without your willingness to experience life in
every aspect you would not be where you are now. It was your diligence and
hard work that has been so helpful. Your opening to the spirit has shown you
those meanings and values that have gave you greater understanding. You have
also inspired me. I also thank you, Elaina, my daughter. Is there something

DAVE E.: Abraham, I was wondering in the lesson tonight Emulan spoke of the
cost of spiritual progress? Could you elaborate on that?

ABRAHAM: Certainly. The greatest cost of spiritual progress is perhaps the
laying down of the ego. In mortal living the ego feels valuable. After this
life it is not needed or valued. The cost of spiritual progress is perhaps
the willingness to sometimes appear foolish to your fellows while trying to
be close to God. The cost is the willingness to know true humility. The cost
is being self-forgetful when you are really craving attention and credit.
You can live an entire mortal life and still not be willing to pay this
price. That is completely acceptable. That is why we have the mansion
worlds. We have options. There is no pressure. The churches however would
have you believe that Christ had paid the ultimate price for you, and that
if you can live within their laws, you will surely gain entrance into
Heaven. We are trying to correct that thinking--that Jesus did not so much
pay a price for your salvation, but opened a door for you to find your own.
When we speak of paying a price towards spiritual advancement--this does
stir up fear and most will struggle throughout their life to reconcile
themselves toward daring to lose the self so that they may be saved. Christ
did pay a price, but it was very much positive and His best aid in living
the mortal life. The cost is self-forgetfulness, selflessness. The reward
for such a small price paid has no words to describe the eternal magnitude
of it.

And with that, I am slipping and will take my leave. I wish you spiritual
comfort and peace over this holiday season and that you reap the wonderful
benefits from a spirit led life. My love goes with you. Shalom.

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