[tmtranscripts] Abraham 11-26-01

ellen ellen at utah-inter.net
Wed Nov 28 20:18:07 PST 2001

NOVEMBER 26, 2001

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am inspired by the energy here this evening. If
all you ever learn here in this life in the flesh is that everything is in a
constant state of evolution will most certainly carry you through to the
next life.

All living things are constantly changing and moving toward some goal, some
destination. Those with personal willed goals may miss a more grand
adventure. There are those of you who will assist others because of your
experiences in living. Adversity is a terrific trainer, providing that you
reap the value therefrom and help others who are experiencing what you have
already been through.

We have been discussing the growth of the Supreme Being and the benefits we
have received from that. We are finding that mindal expansion to be a bit
overburdening or creating some chaos. With those events that are seemingly
out of control many will turn to higher power. As mortals we all crave the
same things, comfort in mind, body and spirit. We have all learned how to do
that materially, but finding that spiritually is another story.

These new enhancements from the Supreme are creating more of a reality in
the spiritual life. With this there is some upheaval in deeply rooted belief
systems. There has to be room for new incoming information. I realize the
tendency to become discomforted by this uprooting, but it is brought out for
you to see. You may find what you valued before is now changing. Although it
seems fearful being in the unknown, it is also opportunity to realign with
this new reality in the spiritual life. You may hold various habit patterns
that are not in spiritual alignment and these will be brought to the surface
for you and Father to evaluate.

With the Rebellion Default and misconceptions that spiritual organizations
have taught, there is a tremendous amount of correction to be done. The
spiritual guardians of Urantia are striving to steer the planet towards
Light and Life. Without cognizance of this correction needed old habit
patterns will keep repeating. This is why we must bring all darkness out
into the light.

I am your BROTHER\FATHER, keeper of truth, bringer of light. I sweep my hand
across the world to relieve you of this veil. I am with you as a brother and
helpmate. I do not seek to brutally shake you from the darkness, but gently
call you to partake of all that is true, beautiful and good.

Our Father does not seek to drop you to your humble knees--not at all, no.
He is a Director to you, children, ever drawing you to Him. I am your
Purifier, your parting of the clouds, your Councilor in confusion, your
Teacher of truth. We are side-by-side working for good. The mortal life is
not a cruel puzzle to figure out--but a stairway to perfect understanding.

You that can feel are truly blessed. You that can see with the eyes of the
Spirit are truly blessed. You that can hear with the heart are truly
blessed, and when you have finished this days work in the flesh you will
know just how blessed you were to have experienced existence from the ground
up. Take not this life lying down. Seize every moment and really feel, learn
and act from your true self, your divine self.

You are not a victim, subject to life's brutalities, no. You are a
participator in the mortal experience, in the cosmic mind, in the growth of
our God in Time and in a eternal career leading to our Father. Rise up, my
brothers and sisters, allow the darkness to purify you in heart and mind.
Allow the old to fall away. Allow yourselves to be reborn.

I always and will ever go before you. Follow me. Truth brings
correction--that may bring discomfort, but love brings healing that goes
beyond all boundaries. Know that my love for you is unending and always
clearing a path for you. Carry on. Farewell.

I am ABRAHAM. My gratitude to you, Michael, our divine Compass and Brother,
who stands by our side. We are ever striving toward your goal and
continually recommitting ourselves to the cause.

This week allow what is covered to be uncovered. Be not afraid for the
imperfections. Please believe me--all is understood and in favor of your
progression. Find time for real gratitude. Focus not on all that is so
wrong. Give time to think of all that is right and good. Journal how
changing focus changes reality. Allow this purification to begin by
cleansing those old wounds, yes. One moment. Are there questions?

CALVIN: We welcome Heidi back with us and Patrick and my boy, Matt, here
with us. Thank you so much for your help this week.

ABRAHAM: Greetings, children. I am always inspired by these youthful minds
with their fresh outlook and new ideas. Calvin, yes, you are most certainly
welcome. A question?

ANICIA: Abraham. I am very grateful for the lesson tonight. It targets
everything I am going through right now--of course. I hope this is
appropriate to ask. I recently moved back in with my Father, and he sees
everything that is wrong and that is what he focuses on. It is really
challenging me to focus on everything that is right. I was just wondering if
you have some advice in my communication with him?

ABRAHAM: Certainly. When I suggest focusing on what is right, it does not
mean to deny what needs correction, but there are individuals who have had a
life long negative pattern and are quite embittered and somewhat scarred. It
would be difficult at this point for your father to have a sudden change of
heart. While he may appear to weaken you spirit, you know very well that
good overcomes darkness. You do make a difference in his perception, but he
also sees you as somewhat of a blind optimist. Let him know that you are
understanding of life's realities and the seriousness thereof, but also show
him the practical reality in spiritual thinking. Show him the proof of his
own life. Is it not true that all he has focused on has come into being? Do
not be disturbed by his attitude, for when all is said and done there will
be perfect understanding. Is this helping? (Yes, very much. Thank you,

WILLEENA: Father Abraham, you say to allow this purification to begin by
cleansing those old wounds. In our communication these past few weeks about
how when people are in the throes of stuck energy--it is the hardest to
actually move through those old wounds to receive the light. What does that
look like to cleanse those old wounds?

ABRAHAM: Yes. Soil has to be properly nourished for new seeds to take root
and grow. When there is this overwhelming turmoil the body systems are
disturbed. Mortals tend to pacify symptoms with unhealthy temporary aids.
Diet, for example, is for when the mind is disturbed one can have food
cravings that create temporary energy, yet have no nutritional value. 1) You
must have a nutritional food intake. 2) Exercise. Emotional upheaval tends
to release various chemicals in the brain, which can settle in the muscles
and create various ailments from arthritis to depression. A dose of exercise
during this time is helpful to create movement in all the body's systems. 3)
Light. In a discontented mood one tends to stay in darkness, which further
adds to depression and hopelessness. All living things need light. 4)
Fellowship. Burdens are best borne when at the side of a loving friend. How
healing it is to share with an understanding friend who simply listens and
challenges you to arise to difficult occasions. How wonderful it is to be
reminded of spiritual values by a trusted friend. Said Jesus, "Where two or
more are gathered, there also am I." 5) Worship and gratitude. This is
always an attitude adjuster. When you can become as a little child in the
presence of a loving Parent can break through the toughest exteriors.
Finding things to be grateful for helps to direct your focus to new faith
levels. It helps you to believe in the forward momentum of all living
things. Nothing really ever stays the same except for a loving, all-knowing,
all-powerful, precious Father. You can take an active role in freeing
yourself from mortal cloudiness, but know that all wounds take time to heal,
and all experience takes time to understand the value therein. Is this
helping? (Yes it is so much.)

HEIDI: Abraham, I am Hillary. I would like to know if you will be able to
tell Patrick his name?

ABRAHAM: One moment. Jacob. You are Jacob. (Thank you.) You are very
welcome. I am in understanding of your experience. I would comment that
these gifts are direct results of the Supreme Being's growth and a small
glimpse of what is to come. There is further adjustments to be made the
older you are, but for the children who have been born into this Correcting
Time will find these new gifts as a natural part of living. There is much
mindal conditioning to overcome, but absolutely are these gifts free to all
who would receive. There are awesome changes occurring and most definitely,
my friends, you will want to be a part of them. Know that the youth of today
are filled with a new wisdom in which all can benefit.

I will end there. I am slipping. Know that you each inspire me to become
more. I am with ever growing love for you. As Michael said, carry on. Until
next week, shalom.

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