[tmtranscripts] Abraham 10-15-01

ellen ellen at utah-inter.net
Wed Oct 17 17:17:04 PDT 2001

OCTOBER 15, 2001

I am ABRAHAM. It seems the atmosphere here this evening is very open to
receiving. Your questioning minds create an energy that brings forth new
information. The mind that questions not is closed to receiving. Perhaps put
another way would be to say the mind that believes it knows the answers
receives not new information. Your humble outlook purifies my message in a
way that involves Thought Adjuster participation.

I would have you know that 'the many' of you Urantian's have looked
Heavenward with that questioning mind. I can say with the assistance of the
Supreme Being, up to date information is forthcoming abundantly. Know that
as the world seeks comfort, the lessons on giving comfort are also
occurring. I understand this week has been quite trying for many of you and
it was difficult to find those reasons to celebrate and worship.

With the new spiritual benefits from the Supreme Being there will be some
confusion. Many individuals fear these new gifts, some misuse them. We must
remember, as the Correcting Time Force, that we have to maintain balance,
integrity and realness. We must not be tempted to move towards mysticism. We
must remember that we are in service to Father, and not that self--who seeks
a higher seat at the table.

We have found that especially with long time spiritual seekers that there is
somewhat of an arrogance, as if they have earned seniority in the Kingdom.
One that knows this path needs to be cautious of seeking the admiration of
those who are not so familiar with the path. One that believes they know the
path must not be so comfortable so as to not expect a few bumps along the
way. It matters not how long you have been searching. Information will
always be new and evolving, evolving in a revelatory fashion.

What might be right for you and your spiritual journey may not be for
another. You long time sincere seekers, do not be so surprised when the path
makes a sharp turn and you stumble and fall. It will always be this way.
That is why a questioning mind is like a lantern. You are always searching
the various avenues, trying new things, keeping what works, discarding what
doesn't. The point is that you continue on, build those muscles of faith
with the weights of adversity.

Even after meeting my mentor/friend Machiventa, I continued on in the
fashion I had been raised to believe in. It took a great amount of
self-willed release to receive new information. Of course, I sought a higher
place in the Kingdom. Of course, I sought the respect and fear from my
fellows. With the gently persuasive words of my mentor and friend, I
gradually came to see a new and better way.

Machiventa did not pursue me, relentlessly pounding information into my
head, so that I may see the light, no. He gave me small bits of
understandable information and stepped back, allowing me room to decide for
myself. I could see the benefits of his way, but found it quite difficult to
let go of my own. I did find through experimentation of his methods that he
was indeed correct, and I did implement his ways into my everyday living. I
certainly believed I was well on my way within the Kingdom and had gotten
quite comfortable with myself. I took on the belief that I was above
spiritual regression, but soon found out different after Machiventa departed
from Urantia.

I became quite fearful that someone would take my beloved Sarah from me. I
was paranoid and on the brink of mental breakdown several times. I realized
I had lost that questioning mind. I believed I had the answers I needed to
get by, to survive. The arrogant mind is a dangerous weapon, for it cannot
distinguish dark from light. Time and experience, coupled with living
revelation, brought me back to a humble place where I began to open up to
spirit direction. My mind was brought into balance, back into reality, yes.

I do not feel remorse for this experience because I understand it is part of
the Agondonters journey. It is to be used as education--not as a source of
embarrassment to keep me humbled. It just is not that serious, children. It
is only a lesson, only a step up towards the Father. Do not be surprised
when the spiritual poisons befall you. Use these events as a time to return
to the questioning mind and the circuits of ministry for higher

This week contemplate what benefits you have witness as of late coming to
this world as a result of the Supreme's growth. What is revelation? Has
comfort on your spiritual path caused you to stumble? What changes can you
make to be aware that the ego seeks to stifle the questioning mind. A few

WILLEENA: Thanks for this self-revealing lesson, a huge gift for us. I have
a question that I hope is appropriate. Are you aware of my brother Gary's
immediate circumstances? (Not fully, no.) Would it be possible to do a
private session? (Certainly.)

HARRISON: Sarauna is out tonight. She is ill. I wonder if you have some
encouraging words for her?

ABRAHAM: Tell her I am putting a cool cloth on her forehead, feeding her
chicken soup and hugging her all at the same time--in a spiritual fashion,
yes. Another question?

SIMON: Yes Abraham, we have had some events this week which I would call
lessons on possessiveness and also I am curious about what we had heard last
year about universal broadcasts? In regard to the growth of the Supreme
Being, will we be having more opportunity to hear more of these universal

ABRAHAM: I would first begin by saying you have each experienced some
delicate matters this past week that are really not fully understood yet.
There are certain steps that everyone must take in order to reach certain
destinations. Every mortal will most likely experience every emotion, every
spirit poison from one end of the spectrum to the other. Experience is your
most valuable teacher. Have patience, these things will be put into
perspective. Regarding the universal broadcasts--there has been almost one a
month since this announcement. Many of you have received. Many have heard,
but are confused. These broadcasts appear to be so uneventful, so without
mysticism or show of psychic possibilities. They are with a feeling of
complete normalcy, but yes, these broadcasts are perhaps likened to your
news media. They are not so much fantastic announcements, but just up to
date information on universal happenings. You can see trends that reflect
these broadcasts if you look carefully. Have no doubt that these will become
more apparent as you become familiar with the benefits of the Supreme Being.

LUKE: The lessons we have on humility and as we have spiritual growth,
understanding, and the arrogance that we all experience, is it like that
where you are? Is it still some thing you need to consider?

ABRAHAM: I still struggle, yes. I have better tools wherewith to work on the
temptation to become arrogant in my thinking. The once brilliant sons,
Lucifer, Caligastia, were a prime example of this battle with self. They
were very advanced in status and still were overcome with an unhealthy
amount of self-love, self-admiration. I do not ever feel chastised for my
arrogant thoughts. However, I feel the abundant, unending love from a
universe Father and His Sons that fill me with such a gracious love that I
really need not seek anything else. I crave not. I want not. With a balanced
life I am full. I am with understanding and tools to battle that side of me
that seeks undue credit. Good question, my son. Is this answering? (Yes.)

Very well. I would thank each of you for your patience and dedication to
learn and serve in this well looked after Kingdom of our beloved Father.
Know that my love goes with you. Until next week, shalom.

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