[tmtranscripts] Abraham 10-1-01

ellen ellen at utah-inter.net
Wed Oct 3 20:25:25 PDT 2001

OCTOBER 1, 2001

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings to you. The understanding we have received here this
evening brings us such peace. In this peace we can re-center our soul-selves
to prepare for another week ahead. You each add so much to my understanding
and keep me ever striving to give back to you. I am filled with hope and
renewed in patience that this Brotherhood is coming about.

Knowing that you love me as your friend and teacher makes me feel a
connection, a responsibility to you. I feel with great purpose when I am
allowed to minister to you. Knowing that you judge me not, and accept me as
I am, strengthens me to do more. You give me faith and confidence in my
abilities by showing your unconditional acceptance of me. I thank you.

To keep to oneself perhaps in isolation or fear is such a sorrowful
experience on the mortal path. You give not, therefore you receive not. To
believe you need to only care for yourself is spiritually stifling and
lonely. To feel a responsibility to your fellows well-being gives one great
purpose and required spiritual experience.

The youth look at life with carefree eyes. They worry not about raising a
family, paying bills, or even where their future may be headed. They truly
are indebted to no one, but they are solely focused on themselves, not all
youth mind you, but some, and even in this experience there is value. There
are many thoughtful young people who tend to ill parents or younger
siblings, but many youth have not thought for those around them. This is
natural. The story changes however when they become parents. They are more
likely to take care of themselves so they can give to their children. They
live not the risky life they had before.

Do you see, my friends, how personally ministering to others brings fruit to
your own lives? To feel responsible for the well-being of the whole is a
servant of God. If you are responsible for more than just yourselves, are
you not more likely to make decisions that benefit the whole and not just
yourself? Many fear personal ministry because they believe that it is a task
too great for them, too much of a burden perhaps.

If you ponder the life of the Master you see that there was no burden too
great for Him to bear. His love for His fellows made it an honor to
minister--not an imposition. Jesus lived the perfected mortal life. He was
with excellent balance mentally, physically and spiritually. He mastered
self-forgetfulness, but was tended to in every way. He looked at every man
as His brother and every woman as His sister. He made time for everyone. The
material things of life were secondary, but even in this Father saw to His
material well-being. He felt a duty to uphold His fellows, and in this He
was in the midst of Father Himself.

Every mortal has particular gifts, whether it is the gift of compassionate
speech, healing, or by other means, every mortal has gifts. They may not be
recognized, but most definitely is every one person good at something
concerning giving to the whole, personally ministering, yes. Each one of you
varies in the gifts and your added or combined assistance brings balance; it
brings healing. Maybe you are gifted at helping to promote faith, or perhaps
you are good at being encouraging to others. All of us add to the well of
spiritual goodness that serves the whole, quenches the thirst with the
living waters. To force your gifts on others in personal ministry is not
what I am speaking of, no, but to be there for others, even when it is
inconvenient to you is what we are speaking of when we discuss personal

God gave you one another. When taking responsibility for one anothers
well-being, you have God. You bring out the best in one another, if you so
choose. Mortals were not meant to be alone. Your experience together is
required to advance spiritual levels. How awesome is our Father, that even
with these recent events, He helps us to transcend our points of separation,
race, gender, social status and religion, yes.

On worlds settled in Light and Life, for a mother to look upon a playground
full of children she feels equal amounts of love for each child. A community
who witnesses a family tragedy feels it is their own tragedy, and steps in
immediately to assist. Your sorrow is my sorrow. Your joy is my joy.

This week think about your responsibility to your fellows. Journal how
ministering to them brings you spiritual fruits or advancement. How does
ministering to the whole minister to you? In long periods of isolation who
are you solely focused on? Out amongst your fellows is there
self-forgetfulness? A few questions.

SIMON: Yes Abraham. I appreciate your lesson. I have been thinking about the
difference between procrastination and putting faith into action. I think
you know what I am talking about.

ABRAHAM: Procrastination could mean many things in service. (Perhaps I mean
holding back, allowing Father to do His will through others or through
waiting for the "time to be right." Sometimes I see that as procrastination
in my action to do something.) Understood. There is procrastination and
there is patience. You know within the feelings of 'you should do
something,' but perhaps have fear or are apprehensive versus these feelings
of 'I will do something because it serves me.' I have not doubt that you can
examine your mind to find the real intention. Many times must you just step
out in faith without thought and do what you are most believing in.
Sometimes actions are taken from an animal instinct side. I would suggest
that you see where your inner feelings are leading you, and if these
feelings persist, then I would say that it is time to take action. If you
feel driven toward something, allow time, journaling and stillness to find
the origin of this driving force. Is it pure? Is it serving the whole? Is it
for self gain or a form or ease seeking? Yes.

CALVIN: Abraham, I welcome Yrma. She shared quite a bit about the Muslim

ABRAHAM: Greetings, my daughter. Feel free to ask any questions.

YRMA: I have a lot of questions listening to you. Why you are here
especially this night with these people here and not with the other ones
that are trying now to get together with you?

ABRAHAM: I have several groups and individuals that I am involved with. I am
assigned to assist in this Correcting Time of Urantia. I am training
individuals to go out amongst the people to help this world go towards Light
and Life. I am not the only teacher. There are many and I can assure you
that everyone who would have spiritual help will most definitely receive it.
I do have great love for my students and they are of many faiths, many
nations. No one is forgotten. In order to serve the masses I am to teach a
few. Is this helping?

YRMA: Yes. Can I ask another question? (Certainly.) Are you the Abraham that
everyone claims as Father Abraham? (I am. Yes.) As a Muslim person you know
how we follow your teachings through all this time (Inaudible.) the
relationship between Mohammed and you. You must have been pretty close
because you was the person that gave instruction to him. How was your time
when you were teaching him? What was your feelings? I think you know what I
am trying to say.

ABRAHAM: Yes. I still have great love for Mohammed, but those teachings that
I gave him was from my mentor and friend, Machiventa. Mohammed was very
bright and open to receive new things, and I do believe he carried out
instructions to the best of his ability. However, down through the ages some
concepts were distorted, as was also in the bible. I was a man of stern
tradition. I was inflexible in my thinking until my own teaching began with
Machiventa. We must each remember that along with Machiventa's instruction
were commingled my own traditional beliefs, and for that I am regretful, but
I understand now that it is all part of evolution. Mohammed continues to
teach to this day, not only Muslims, but many of the world's religions. He
is also with new and growing understanding, just as I am. He is also
saddened by negative events in the world. He aids, as I do, in the overall
correction and rejuvenation of the planet. Is this helping? (Yes.) One more

MIRIAM: Question from Willie in Columbus, Ohio: Please ask what it is that I
can do actively to bring about understanding and acceptance amongst the
three factions for which he is father of us all. I feel a ministry pull to
try to bring about understanding among the Muslim, Jewish and Christian
faiths. What I have in mind is something like the Urmia school that Jesus
attended where Cymboyton was a teacher. Do you remember that from the Jesus
Papers of the Urantia Book? This is a tall order. I am mainly looking for
something to begin work on. If it is simple to pray--I can do that and I
will accept that as my special urge. If it is more I would appreciate some
reinforcement of that. This is why I would like to ask the question of
Abraham because he is the obvious connection.

ABRAHAM: My son, right now when emotions are high and feelings are so
sensitive, is a time when many wish to help and bring about healing. If you
are to do anything such as create a school, then I would wait for at least a
year. New ideas or religions should not be built out of emotional response.
You are quite dedicated to this Teaching Mission and the sharing of your
experience with others is quite a ministry in itself. Your attention to your
family, neighbors, community is quite a large job. My son, most people want
what you want, and given time, we will see it come into fruition. Be patient
and live your life as an example to others that God is real, He is working.
You are gifted in promoting faith and that is quite a lot. Set your sights
on practical spirituality. You can make a huge difference one person at a
time. Allow Father to show you the grand design and work therefrom. Is that
all Miriam? (It is and thank you and I love you, love you, love you.) And I
love you--all of you, and I thank you for your support and faith. I hold
each one of you dear. Carry on. Until next week, shalom

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