[tmtranscripts] Abraham 7-16-01

ellen ellen at utah-inter.net
Wed Jul 18 15:37:32 PDT 2001

JULY 16, 2001

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. As I look around the room I am touched by Father's
faithful all gathering to once again become centered and focused. It is
apparent that you each come to learn and participate without need of any
promised reward. Quite an accomplishment from when we had first begun. My
message this evening simple, and yet without it we could not continue with
these teachings.

Down through the ages man has always searched for answers, answers of any
kind. When one man would appear to have more knowledge--then the other men
would then follow him. With the ever evolving ego practices men and some
women have sought a place of importance. The more followers they attained
the more important they were. As the Correcting Time moves forward, and old
ideas are fading away, we find that we need not a mortal hierarchy to go
through to get to God.

Every individual has access to things divine. Every mortal will find for
themselves that they cannot serve two masters. You cannot put your fellows
on a pedestal and be beholden to them, while Father is set aside because you
cannot see Him, or you cannot trust in yourself, or your connection with
Him. We serve the one God, the First Source and Center, the Father of all
father's, the divine Director, the Perfection in the midst of imperfection.
He is who we worship. He is who we serve.

Man has been a slave to many things--his fellows, his mortal material needs,
addictions, want for power and glorification for ego. I could say most of
these mortal masters all are rooted in fear, fear of loss, fear of being
punished, fear of isolation. The main reasons many mortals do not ever
really become close to Father is because of fear. They fear Him, His power,
His all-knowingness, His fairness, His overwhelming love. Many perceive
Father as a stern commander who does not have their best interest at heart.

So many hide from Father. They will allow Father in on the Sabbath or
perhaps at prayer time, maybe even meditation, but they exclude Him when
they are about in their daily human dealings. Some of those dealings are not
so divine. You cannot really have a part time Father. You cannot only have
God when you want Him. He is there in all your mortal undertakings. There is
nothing hidden. Yes, He will show you your shortcomings, but that is out of
His love for you. His main duty is to point you Paradiseward.

Father does not seek to shame you into righteousness, no. He seeks to be a
loving, intimate associate who seeks to co-create your eternal path to Him.
Do not pray to Him for fear of what will happen if you don't. Do not worship
Him as if to pay off your mortal debts. Father, who carefully orchestrated
all creation, is not to be tricked or manipulated, no. You cannot bargain
with Father saying, "I will give you this for that," no. He is your closest
ally, your most trusted friend, your shield against mortal harsh reality,
your shelter from the storm, your spirit replenisher, your wayshower.

This week, my friends, ponder which master do you serve. What is your
perception of the First Source and Center? Where can you bring Him into your
life that you have not before? Think about how fear may lead you to leave
Father out. Does Father want to be in every aspect of your life--even the
most darkest? Have discussion with one another during the week on this
topic. I understand there are questions and assessments. Proceed.

CALVIN: Abraham, *** is such a sweetheart in supporting the Mission as a
skeptic and a cynic, like you say some of us are. She has requested an

ABRAHAM: Certainly. ***, my daughter, we do delight in your questioning
mind. Even as a child you could be found speaking more with adults than with
other children. Your drive for knowledge has made you who you are today. I
see you as well balanced and yet a little fearful about your foundation of
belief. You love Father and the source in which you have learned about Him,
yes, no doubt, but still there is a tiny part of you that says, "What if all
that I believe is not really true?" Know that many individuals experience
this, and while you are an intellectual daughter of God, do not allow the
intellect to override your faith. Measure your intellect and faith with your
past experiences. There are some things even you can't explain. While you
are strong in character and bold in technique, do not forget there is still
that child inside who dreams of greater things, yes. You are where you
should be--skeptic or not. Your daring to question is truly beautiful and
keeping others to always check their real motives. Well done, my daughter.
We will speak again. Another assessment.

Yes, Esmirelda, my dear daughter, I do see you in these trying times as one
with grace and immeasurable strength. You need not feel that events have
befallen you for one reason or another. You are a woman of faith and know
full well that Father will correlate your experience with meanings and
values. You would do well to become more direct in your discussion with
others. To hold back because you believe it may cause turmoil or pain is
really detrimental to you. Certainly you are gifted in your way with words
and you can find a way to be tactfully honest and open. Have not fear, for
with each day that goes by your Father grows closer to you. You are as you
should be. Take comfort, my daughter, for in every mortal event there is
great value. Another question?

CALVIN: Quick welcome to Dave Purdy, first time here with our group tonight.

ABRAHAM: Yes. Welcome. Questions?

DAVE: Abraham, you have played a very important role in my childhood. I have
to admit I have come here tonight with this group of people...part of me
feels a little cynical because the way I was brought up not to believe in
things that cannot be explained by science or of a religious nature, but I
have not really lived up to it. I have become quite cynical. What would you
have to say to me?

ABRAHAM: I understand you, for I was indeed the same way. I held firmly to
the teachings of my forefathers until the appearance of my mentor,
Machiventa Melchizedek. I cannot change your cynicism, but most definitely
can I offer you fellowship and love. You have had experiences that has
brought your mind to where it is now and that is not bad, but a stepping
stone to greater meanings and values. I can say the painful events of your
past are not destined to repeat so you need not be so distrustful, but renew
your personal relationship with Father so He can show you a new and better
way to be open to new ideas, new challenges. I do understand your concern of
being led astray or falling for falsities. You though are the controller of
your mind, and you can trust in that to weigh those things you see with what
you actually believe. Cynic or not, I welcome you.

JOHN: Abraham, I definitely relate to what you were saying in the lesson
about parts of your life where you want to include Father and there are
other parts where you exclude or even just forget about His existence. I
guess my question is--maybe besides the stillness, how do we get to a place
where we can go ahead and allow Father into those places that we are not so
proud of or feel worthy of?

ABRAHAM: Understood John. You know you are not perfect and are in a state of
becoming. Certainly Father knows that. That is indeed part of His plan. What
other mortals may deem shameful, Father sees these things as opportunities
to become closer with you. He know you at your very worst and He does not
love you any less, no. Once you have committed to bring Father even into
your darkest areas, the levels of shame fades away and your co-creating
partnership with Father excels. Many individuals cannot seem to overcome
their past mistakes, and their guilt is a barricade to God. The ego loathes
to see its own mistakes and seeks to cover them up with excuses, but the
divine seeks Father's guidance on how to correct or to find a better way.
Yes, stillness is good. That keeps a close communion with Father, but real
honesty with yourself and Father takes you to a new level of taking action
towards really putting the divine way to work, yes. Father is not about
atoning or even redeeming after deeds are done. He desires to be brought
into every situation beforehand as if He was a partner in all your decision
making. Good question, John. Does this answer? (Yes.)

Miriam: How was YOUR energy this week? What is going on with you guys?

ABRAHAM: We are also tying up loose ends, making ready for the new phase,
preparing new lessons, and yes, even taking time for some rest and
reversion, which I would highly recommend. Thank you, Miriam.

CALVIN: Abraham, I want to ask about Milton West's question about a teacher
in his area for his group?

ABRAHAM: I do know there is a transmitter being prepared, but no teacher
assigned as of yet. If there are no more pressing questions, I would take my
leave. I would express to you again my gratitude and unending affection to
you each. Until next week, shalom.

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