[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho Teacher Group 5/27/01

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Sun Jun 3 08:11:39 PDT 2001

North Idaho Teaching  Mission Group
Topics: This world is ready to receive contact,  Ministry and Outreach.
Teachers: Machiventa, Elyon

May 27, 2001

*	Machiventa (Jonathan TR):  greetings to you.  I am Machiventa.  I visit
bringing you the peace of Michael, sharing in his concern, his love for your
well-being and for the welfare of this planet which he oversees.
	My intention today is to continue supporting you in your efforts to assist
this mission of bringing greater awareness to this world of its inter- planetary
connection, enlarging the scope of mankind.  That it will realize its
position in
a broad universe scheme is important to the future of this world and the
decisions that mankind will be making as the future unfolds which will bring
advancement or delays to the goal of Light and Life.
	This world is ready to receive contact.  Your sciences are diligently
seeking life beyond earth, attempting to make contact with intelligent forms of
communication, and your religions are actively seeking daily interface, not only
with deity, but with angelic and other forms of spirit ministers.  The time is
ripe; the hour is here.
	You have been practicing and experiencing our teachings and our contact for
some time.  Your faith is a faith that has been built upon genuine experience. 
You are able to coordinate with us without the hesitancy that results from the
inability to verify our presence.  You have come to know that we are
engaged, for
you have witnessed the coordination and the wonderful results from such
	Though as yet mankind seeks through the senses and instruments to discern
intelligent life that did not originate on this world, you and ones like
yourselves are beginning to discern through the interface of personality to
personality independent of form.  To biologic encased personalities,
without form seems to be impossible.  In order to discern the presence of
celestials who do not register in your sensory range, you must rely upon
observing our effects.  What is done indicates who is near.  If an invisible man
were to have paint poured over him, would he then be discernible?  You would
witness paint in his shape.  The man would yet remain invisible.  You would
witness the effect of an action and still not see that person.  It is through
your trust in our overcare and your hopes and desires to be enlisted and engaged
in our activities that you discern our form.  An agondonter can function without
seeing, but an agondonter need not continue without knowing.  You who know are
given the opportunity to bear witness that others may likewise come to know.
will not be able to tell all, to say all, to reveal all at any given time.  You
must satisfy yourselves in your efforts by giving little and ceasing when little
is enough before it is too much.  It takes patience, but you can please yourself
in knowing that you are working with a large collection of individuals who have
contented themselves with such long term results as they have patiently worked
with this planet century after century after century.  Since we know beyond any
doubt that the universe is here to stay, we can be patient; we can work today
knowing the destiny of tomorrow will arrive, and it will arrive through our
diligent, careful, and sufficient application at each hour.
	You are my colleagues; you are my friends.  Welcome all who seek just as we
have always welcomed you.  I now depart.

	Mark:  You may have just answered my question, but we are about to be
engaged with Rob Cricket, and I sense that this might be an occasion to be more
inclusive to others besides our devoted Teaching Mission students.  Could you
affirm if that would be a good direction to go?
*	Machiventa:  I support this wholeheartedly.  The intention of your visitor
is to reach beyond boundaries to bring a blending of one organized body of
believers with another to reveal the universal quality of belonging in God's
family.  To invite to the audience, as an audience, people of different
walks, of
different orientations, will be of benefit to your visitor and will reward him
with a fulfillment of mission.
	I hope I have made my support clear.
	Mark:  You have.  You are aware that we do function under this sense that
you are in our corner supporting us, which we lean on.  I want to express my
gratitude to you and the others in the Teaching Mission.

*	Elyon:  Needless to say, I am with you.  This is Elyon, happy again to be
in contact.  It is enjoyable for me to have Machiventa visiting us in this
classroom.  A guest speaker is enjoyable from my perspective in that I am not
left as the one who must always present a lesson, though, do not get me wrong, I
do enjoy presenting you with thoughts to ponder, with insights you may acquire.
	We can grow so comfortable with one another in our weekly endeavors that we
lose enthusiasm toward increasing momentum.  I ask you to study Machiventa's
statements to consider and to create avenues wherein this troop, the Elyon clan,
may engage in ministry and outreach.  I do not expect you to undertake
that are not congruent with your personality tendencies.  I hope that we can
our studies into the lab and from the lab into the workplace and from the
workplace benefit those you encounter.
	You have wisely and rightly discerned that our messages are timeless.  The
reality and nature of God is timeless.  The truth that radiates from His
being is
timeless.  We have indicated to you that from our summation you are
prepared, for
you understand and accept these timeless truths, though you may not find
opportunity in the one day that follows to pass your insights to another, in
day that follows the opportunity will be there, and the message will not be
It will be relevant and appropriate at that time.  Be not concerned that you may
forget the significance and meaning of a message you have received from us, for
it is on a deeper level that you understand the spiritual quality, and that is
what will be forthcoming at the hour that you are in service.  My metaphors may
escape you; our unique slants and presentations may be forgotten.  But you will
have the kernel; you will possess the gist of what needs to be revealed when you
are engaged.  This is the reason I have encouraged you to find your modern
parables, the ones that are derived from your life and the arena in which you
live it.
	I ask you for your comments at this time.

	Mark:  I'm challenged to reconcile this situation when spreading these
kernels:  On one hand time feels short and opportunities limited.  What am I
doing using my time as I do?  Making a living.  My heart would have me forsake
all to spread the gospel and rely on faith that I would be taken care of.  Part
of me is frightened by that prospect of severing ties.  I don't want to
jeopardize my family, but I feel called.  How can that change be made?  I feel
others share that question, the call to service vs. putting bread on the table.
*	Elyon:  You have aided me in drawing a more specific request from you all
that I have just today generally tried to instill in you, to be looking toward
avenues of service.  The specific I request is that you each, with the intention
of sharing it with each other, note, literally write down, avenues that you
find personally interesting that can be used in service.  This will give you
exposure to the talents and the desires and the skills that you already
The drive that you have will be sustained if applied in that direction that you
are interested in personally, rather than to seek out a form of work for the
Father that you feel is good but you do not passionately pursue.
	Now I wish to take a broader look at your question.  It is natural for all
who are in the arms of Michael, dwell in the house of Nebadonia, to be
enthusiastic in carrying out the plans and the purposes of our local universe
parents.  His gospel message is of great need to be actively used constantly on
this world, on worlds in the same condition and position as this world.  His
message also is useful that have not been thrown in turmoil.  But as you are
desirous of tending to the chores of Nebadon, there is still a primary
purpose to
your existence, and that is the attainment of Paradise, the acquirement of a
perfected Supreme status.  This goes beyond your local universe and has
implications greater than, though not excluding, what good you do here on this
world.  These temporal engagements: maintaining your livelihood, the bread
on the
table, meeting your weekly schedule, can appear to be thwarting of the desire to
be engaged in ministry for Michael.  But the conditions of life on an
evolutionary world were designed by him specifically to raise children for the
Father who are capable of traversing Havona and standing in His presence on
Paradise.  These annoying temporal activities are contributing to your
They likewise are part of Michael's plans.
	When you are feeling idle in outreach, be engaged actively in in-reach, the
perfecting of the soul for its adventures in the ages to come.  Every new
attainment makes you that much better equipped a minister to your fellows.
	Let me return to my first comment and encourage again that you itemize your
fields of interest and seek creative means whereby you may pursue those avenues
for ministry.  You will find the time available; the opportunities will arrive. 
You will not need to drop everything to be about the Father's business; you will
more rather be taking everything to go about the Father's business.
	I hope this has been helpful.
	Mark:  You talked in lessons past about talents we all possess.  Some are
refined enough to be in the showroom.  Others are in the warehouse in
development.  We should identify the ones in the showroom and actualize
those.  I
appreciate that.  Those things in the comfort zone have more capacity to grow to
	I have a sense of walking up to the edge of an abyss, feeling that if I had
faith I could step off, immersing myself in the Father's will.  I appreciate
words, that it is the Father's will that I am at work and play and rearing my
*	Elyon:  You are welcome, and your insights are a joy to perceive.  Your
showroom is full.  There are many vehicles ready for a road test.  I perceive
that you have by faith leaped, and you are in the Father's arms.  He has caught
you.  You have not fallen.  You are being upheld and sustained by His loving
	Mark:  Thank you.

*	Elyon:  The hour draws on. I would close our meeting unless you have other
things to interject.
	Tom:  In reminiscing about a past lesson on apostleship and discipleship, I
remember that we function as disciples all the time, and in moments of real need
we have a dual role, and we pick up in that function.  When that job is done we
resume our discipleship.  Does that fit into what we are talking about?
*	Elyon:  Expertly.  Yes, and I could take your comments and parallel them to
my comments of working for Michael as being an apostolic activity, where
ascending to the Father is the activity of the disciple.  You always are a
disciple; you are always ascending.  You will not always be working for
But when he does engage you in loving service toward your fellows, you are
apostolic in your actions.  I thank you greatly for drawing this comparison with
my comments.

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