[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho Teacher Group 04/15/01

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Mon Apr 16 21:06:23 PDT 2001

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics:  Mother of God Surrounds Her Children, Clearing the Mine Field,
Forgiveness,  Be Generous with My
Teachers: Nebadonia, Lester, Elyon, Tomas, Michael

April 15, 2001

*	Nebadonia (Gerdean TR):  Mother of God, I am Nebadonia.  I ask you not to
fear the phrase "Mother of God" any more than you should fear God or His son or
His son's sons.
	The expansion of the Father's love throughout the universe is a ministry
which is also the burden and gift of womankind.  The daughters of God are
able to
bring forth the realization of sonship in man, and I will offer you our attitude
of mercy in caring for our children who, reborn, offer themselves up to their
creator parents to be raised and brought whole for God.
	The master has been hung on this cross for the world to weep at his
passing.  Yet he is brought down in order that we may wash his wounds and wrap
him in burial cloths to prepare him much like the parent who beholds the
son a long way off and in joy of his return comes out to meet him and to embrace
him and to welcome him home.  Who among you has not been brought down to be
again in greater form?  Who, upon returning to the bosom of
of sonship, does not humble himself and say, "I am not worthy to eat at your
table"?  The Mother of God surrounds her children in the grace that he offers by
his sovereignty, his compassion, his determination to stand by his sons and
daughters in this family that has no end.  This womanly gift is my gift to you,
that you have compassion, that you embrace each other as you intend to rise
up to
a greater understanding and knowledge of our parent and of our parents' parents.
	Noble sons and daughters, rejoice in the day and in the depth of love

*	Lester (Jonathan):  Greetings to you, this is Lester.  Having been received
warmly my last visit I will attempt another cross-eyed metaphor.  The subject I
would title "Clearing the Mine Field" and speak on the varied weapons of
ego, the
mine field, the field of self.
	For many who have had the arduous task of clearing a military mine field it
is quite apparent how difficult and extremely dangerous the process is, for it
does not take much for one of these to detonate and bring much havoc.  Likewise
in the realm of the mind we all carry these buried weapons that we have long
forgotten the location of.  As you progress through your spiritual ascent
and you
lessen in tendency to be possessive, to crave self recognition, there are
forgotten mines in your field that will surprise you.  Just as you are marching
along feeling spiritually confident one of these will blow up in your face to
remind you of your past.
	Now, some will surround this field of self with barbed wire and never go
there again, assuming that to cordon it off and ignore it one has become a
spiritual entity.  In reality, however, you must seek these out and either
or discharge them.  This can be done singly for each mine, yet there is another
more sweeping technique, that is to allow the field to be flooded with the
of Truth which will short-circuit these mines and create a new field of self
wherein may be planted those spiritually beneficial traits.
	Now, to defend the poor fellow in the parable of the ten talents who buried
his talent, this is a good place to bury your talents, in your mine field, to
store in self those things of your master which you may bring forward in
times of
need to be of assistance to others and to yourself.
	Let us heap another metaphor upon this.  These talents that I recommend you
bury are the seeds of the fruits of the spirit.  Where once the field was
dangerous grounds for a self at war with itself, you now become a fertile field
wherein the fruit of spirit may flourish where you may be nourished and others
may be assisted.
	I understand my time is up.  I will take my leave.

	Gerdean:  This question seems appropriate for Easter.  It has to do with
forgiveness.  I seem to have less trouble when I understand what Jesus said,
"Forgive them for they know not what they do."  When people know what they are
doing I have a hard time with forgiveness.  You don't mind children misbehaving,
but adults you expect to have certain comportments.  I have an attitude I
have to
do something about.  I'm getting older, maturing, and getting some perspective
with quality, experiential years.  I look at certain behaviors and say,
ought to box their ears."

*	Elyon (Mark):  This is Elyon.  I would field your pop fly for you today and
comment that in your own dialogue you have provided all the necessary
for my response.
	When you stated that through your experience you observe that the immature
souls around you, the smaller individuals, are to be uniformly forgiven for
lack of experience dictates that they are not to be held as strictly accountable
and responsible for their actions as you would deem someone of greater
experience.  To some degree on your world this observation is correct in
that the
more mature, more developed, individuals among your classrooms may indeed show
some characteristics and traits of wisdom and maturity.  However, from my
perspective simply stated there is not a one among you nor will there be in your
classroom who may be considered spiritually mature.  This world is an arena in
which you may find it ever increasingly difficult to find wisdom and maturity as
you develop your own sense of what these things are.  If you see this entire
classroom as being a first grade classroom, then you lower your expectations and
realize that even the individuals in the classroom with more experience still
cannot be mature short of spiritual realities.  Therefore, you may find it
to forgive everyone around you as peers among you who still are seeking and
are gaining wisdom throughout their choices and actions.
	Every once in a while you may come across second graders who appear to be
out in front of the pack, more advanced than the others.  This may provide you
with a new reference point from which you will judge others.  But I caution you
that because certain individuals may stand out as having matured, having
developed more fully, they do not dictate the average condition, the normal
of parameters of development.  You will always have your few advanced, and the
bulk of your classroom will remain as per their age group.  By age group I
do not
mean the number of years they have breathed on your world but rather their
maturity level spiritually.  You cannot expect that an individual attending
second grade will set the standards for others only attending first grade.  They
must be taken in context with their development.  Therefore, while you may seek
higher and higher standards individually, this makes it easier to be
with your fellows.  Be aware that this distance is an observation to make,
perhaps an obstacle to overcome in your acceptance and tolerance of those around
you.  While your level of experience may dictate a different approach
clearly and
obviously to you, to others their set of experiences and their level of wisdom
dictate for them an entirely different decision or action.  Both of you having
been faced with the same question may arrive at completely diametrical answers. 
Yet each one will be true for you at the level you are at or for them at the
level they are at.
	Your brothers and sisters around you may not be rushed through this
process.  Allow them the time it takes  to determine truth, beauty, and goodness
for themselves while always attempting to emulate your vision of these things so
as to provide direction for those who seek it.
	Does this suffice?
	Gerdean:  It more than answers, yes.  I don't feel a whole lot better, but
I appreciate everything you said.
*	Elyon:  I caution each one of you that, as spiritual ambassadors, you grow
more and more to be in a different class and may find yourselves with what
appears to be an ever expanding gulf between your idealistic premises and the
reality of the nuts and bolts of evolution that surround you.
	Gerdean:  I agree with that, thank you.
*	Tomas: (Jonathan):  This is Tomas, your emerging spring clover.  I would
attempt to fertilize your lawn with even more thoughts on this question.
	You have mentioned the famous line of Jesus where he said, "Forgive them
for they know not what they do."  A little reflection would reveal that implied
in this sentence was that Jesus knew what they did.  We can look at this phrase
by saying, "Forgive them for I know what they do."  Those who would affect
misdoing deliberately do know not so much what they do as they know what
they can
get away with.  If we once again reference the life of our master, we discover
that since the time when Lucifer did what he knew that required the mercy and
compassion of Michael, all the way into the time of his final days on earth,
Jesus over and over again addressed his fallen son expressing forgiveness and
love.  This is the burden of us sons of God.  It is up to the Ancients of
Days to
box the ears.  This I offer as our means of relief personally when our ideals
appear to be so tarnished by the actions of others.
	I encourage you to continue the development of your character such that, in
the words of Pontius Pilate, another could turn to you and say, "Behold the
woman."  Stand in stark contrast, for the soul of the one who deliberately runs
against truth, beauty, and goodness will recognize the obvious portrayal of
divinity that you stand as.  It may not bring personal comfort in the near
future, but it will weigh upon their souls.  If they face this registry with any
honesty in due time, as Elyon has pointed out, through spiritual maturity they
may amend their ways.  Otherwise, there are those skilled at boxing those ears.
	Gerdean:  Thank you, Tomas, you are very gracious.  I appreciate your

*	Michael (Mark): I come among you today to ask you to be generous with my
flock.  They are in many different states.  Some of them are as young ones
needing much attention, needing much supervision, much guidance.  Others of them
have already benefited from the loving care and affection of the many
You will find them on all levels.  I ask that you meet them where they are, love
them for who they are, and trust that they are indeed members of my flock in
I care deeply, just as I care deeply about you gathered here today in
of my service to you and your world.  Be tender with the young ones.  They are
impressionable.  They are fragile.  They need guidance from ones such as
yourselves with the maturity enough to know .... be of service to the young ones
... to be my loving hands, to pet them, to calm them, to be with them as you
them and to lovingly set an example whereby they may follow you to me, and
we may
approach the Father together.  I ask this of you knowing full well that each of
you has already committed this service to me.  I simply stir the embers of this
commitment and would fan the flames to new heights that we may proceed down this
mission together and see its fruition on your world and individually.
	I thank you for your cooperation.  I extend you my love; my peace is with
you.  Farewell.

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