[tmtranscripts] Abraham & Alana 3-19-01

ellen ellen at utah-inter.net
Tue Mar 20 20:20:28 PST 2001

MARCH 19, 2001

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. What an energizing spirit we have here this
evening. I can literally feel life flowing. I am always amazed every day at
Father's careful attention to the small details in life. I am with a full
heart to know He is overseeing my every need. I feel peace knowing He is my
source of all I need. I feel truly liberated by Him because in Him I can do
all things.

As a mortal man I was trained according to the customs of that day. I was
made to believe in many manmade laws. I held closely to superstition and had
a great fear of the unknown. I was taught that life sacrifices were pleasing
to the gods. Pain and punishment seemed to be my key to the Kingdom.

Meeting my mentor and friend, Machiventa, truly liberated my mind from many
misconceptions. I felt not bound by man's laws, but leaned more towards
learning about God's. To have spent time with such a wonderful teacher
taught me that I need not sacrifice anything or bribe the gods for favor. To
know Machiventa and to understand the Kingdom truly liberated me.

Many churches have taught it's members to not trust in themselves. They have
taught they are bound by the animal-self, and if they do not perform certain
acts, then surely they will not be received in the afterlife. To really know
Father is to be truly liberated. Many experiences you had as a child have
bound you to take certain actions in life events. As one experiences and
matures spiritually do you find spiritual freedom. In spiritual freedom the
mind and heart are opened to divine information.

A couple, whose marriage is sanctified in a religious institution, may find
out years later the marriage was a mistake, and they live in daily turmoil
and unhappiness. The religious laws of their church keep them bound in their
unhappiness, but is this really God's law? Does Father wish for you a life
of inner turmoil and unhappiness? No. Father does want us to have
experience, be open to his divine leadings, use all your mortal resources.
In trying times and when you have still not succeeded, then does He want you
imprisoned to an unpeaceful life? No.

Spiritual liberty is yours for the taking. It is not about religious
traditions and life sacrifice, but about being free to experience, learn,
make mistakes, make corrections. This week I ask you to go within and ponder
those things that keep you imprisoned, that keep you from feeling free to
experience the universe firsthand. The rules of integrity still apply, but
they are not to bind you but to cause you to be responsible as a cosmic

We have discussed the integrity of spiritual liberty and being at ease to
enforce spiritual liberty in your own life. I would also like to add
allowing others to also experience spiritual liberty. Several debates have
always come from differences, whether it is politics or religion. You have
every right to your thoughts and opinions and to seek out your own inner
guidance, as does your fellows. Allowing a brother or sister their
liberation to think and feel as they will keeps the lines of communication
open, in that there are opportunities for spiritual ideas to take root and

Should you always shake a finger at your fellows saying, "You are not
understanding this topic. Please look at it my way." causes defenses to
arise. Really no one has any right to minimize your experience, your
opinion, your personality, your way of thinking, and with the law of
spiritual liberty you have not the right to take it from them. Yes, this
does tie in with the lesson of acceptance.

Even the celestial overseers did not stop a onetime brilliant Son from his
act of rebellion and right to free thinking and self-love. The celestial
caretakers allowed events to naturally evolve. They allowed him his liberty
to keep the lines of communication open. Of course, those sons rejected it,
but all played out to contain meanings and values.

All of us, from the lowest to the highest, wait upon the will of God.
Allowing spiritual liberty and natural evolution gives Father a chance to
minister. It gives ascending souls the right to experience and choose for
themselves. It keeps a natural flow of spiritual current pointing towards
the good. I have time for a few questions.
 SIMON: Abraham, I have a question regarding more specifics regarding my
commissioning and what I can do to bring about the concept of the place
 ABRAHAM: I am told to stay away from that subject. I have no doubt, Simon,
you are spiritually led and understand where your focus needs to be. You are
receiving experience that leads you to spiritual maturity and I will stop
with that.
 CALVIN: Abraham, I would just like to welcome some guests for the record.
We have Waren Smith here for the first time. He was first with Rita's study
group. Then we have from Costa Rica, David and Susie Butterfield. (Welcome.
Have you questions?)
 SUSIE: Abraham, I don't think I have a question so much as to say how
blessed I feel to be able to speak to you and how I have appreciated your
lessons and how grateful I am to have been given the gift of the teachers.
If you have anything to say to further me along my path I'd be grateful.
 ABRAHAM: Most certainly, my daughter. I also return your kind words and my
gratitude to you for your dedication to this work. I believe you know that
your experience has trained you for the spiritual gifts you have today. I am
told that you have taken in a great amount of spiritual information.
Sometimes this can lead to imbalance or disappointment, so I would also ask
that you balance that information with humor and reversion. You know within
for yourself what is right and true. Do not be thrown from your path by the
lures of mysticism or pastures that may look greener. Overall, my daughter,
you do wonderfully and your sweetness of spirit leads others to want that
same closeness with Father that you have. Have you a desire to
transmit/receive? (If it is Father's will.) I will take one more question?
 DAVID: Would you take a statement? (Of course.) Abraham, I have read about
you since childhood. I never dreamed I'd see the day when I had the
opportunity to speak directly to you. Thank you for your presence and I want
you to know that I have always felt you to be part of my spiritual lineage.
Thank you especially for the opportunity to with you tonight.
 ABRAHAM: My son, we have already spoken many times. You know me as well as
I know you. I am also honored to work with you and I am inspired by your
faith and dedication to a life in the spirit. Yes, well done. I am
understanding another is to say a few words, so I will take my leave and
leave you with my love. Until next week, shalom.
 SUSAN: Welcome. This is Alana. This is beautiful opportunity for me, for
you have been dedicated lovers of God, givers of love for a long and well
recognized period of time. This has been as well an opportunity to bring
this beloved transmitter/receiver into an experience wider, broader than
previous and she is learning. She is learning by your grace and by her
willingness to surrender to the grace of God, and she is learning like
yourselves in conjunction with your lessons from beloved Abraham. She is
learning that to surrender is not to sacrifice and I would give you words
from our beloved Legion as well.
 As you may know, his favorite word is discipline--(Laughter.) Yes, and this
has created a similar ripple of emotional response in the group down south,
as well as resistance in our beloved transmitter. He would have you know it
is the discipline of love of which he speaks, which is the discipline of
joy, and that discipline is a choice. Your spiritual liberty is founded,
grounded if you will, based in choice, and therefore discipline is not
punishment, is not desperate sacrifice. Rather it is the choice to realize,
to actualize your capacity for love that is inborn in you, that is given to
you by the Father, that is the liberty to love that resides within your
heart. A discipline of love is equally the willingness to discipline the
tongue to speak with love.
 I gladly will send messages to you in cooperation with Abraham, for there
is no greater blessing than to learn. Then to surrender to God is to
surrender to God's love for you and God's joy in you. This group has already
the heart room. Is this group already and so I would as a parting gesture
guide you now in the construction of my heart room:
 So I ask you now to focus your attention deep in the center of your heart,
the stillness within your heart, and I ask you to allow me now to breath
love into you through the opening in your heart, through the opening in your
throat, through that space between your eyes. I blow love. I blow love.
Breathe, breathe it in and open, open your hearts.
 Open the space at the top of your heads and allow Michael's love, Michael's
light to pour down into your skulls, down through your throats, down into
your bodies, filling your heart space, filling your bellies, down, down
through your legs, Michael's love, Michael's light down into your feet, out
through your toes across the floor to the ones before you. Breathe it in.
Breathe in my love. Allow Michael's love to pour down into you.
 Now I would have you open the sides of your bodies and allow this love and
allow this light to spill out either side of you--out lines of light, a flow
of love, out either side of you as we construct the walls of the heart room.
Breathe it in. Allow the love to come in and flow out to the ones before you
and the ones to the side of you. Constructing the wall of love and light
that rise, rise up.
 And as a parting gesture, I ask you to bring to the center of the heart
room into my heart those you would have, you would give more love. Step into
the heart room and I shall blow love upon you. Welcome those you love into
the heart room. Blow love upon them. Now I ask you tenderly, gently allow
me, allow me to approach you, approach you from behind. I would open your
backs and blow love through you. Open those back. Open them now--those backs
you protect, those backs you would have be protected and I shall blow love
through them. Feel your bodies now filled with love flowing through, filled
with light flowing through creating the wall of the heart room--filling the
heart room with love, with light. And I ask you now welcome those who you
would forgive. Welcome those you have not forgiven. Welcome those upon whom
you have place judgment. Welcome those you fear and we shall blow love upon
them. Now open your hearts and we shall blow love upon them. Thank you.
 I shall hold you in my heart room and you shall be brought into my heart
room time and time again in remembrance, in remembrance of our Father's
love, Mother Spirit's loving embrace, Michael's care. Thank you.

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