[tmtranscripts] Abraham & Christ Michael 12-18-00

ellen ellen at utah-inter.net
Wed Dec 20 09:16:27 PST 2000

DECEMBER 18, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. How wonderful it is to know that we are each
personally connected to Spirit. Every child of God has opportunity to know
and use the marvelous Spirit within. We can be assured that we are not left
alone, left behind or left unguided. We each can rejoice in the empowering
feeling that God is in us, and in Him we can do all things.

During this mortal holiday time we turn our thoughts towards our beloved
Brother\Father, Christ Michael. We ponder the meaning of His life and how
well we really know Him. The most significant influence we believe that
Jesus showed His fellows was the living goodness of God. You could tell by
the way He treated His fellows that He knew Father and had a close
relationship with Him.

In Father the Master could do all things and not any man could hinder His
work. Jesus had not become bothered by hurt feelings or resentment when His
fellows had gone against Him. The Master was strengthened by His communion
with the living God. He stood on an unshakable foundation of spiritual
strength and power. I give you our beloved Sovereign\Brother\Father.

Gather close to me, my children. I am one of you. I am one with you. I know
that this time on your world is in celebration of my mortal bestowal to your
world. I have come to you this night bringing you yet more challenges. This
time of year is somewhat of a focal point for brotherhood and glad tidings.
I ever so much appreciate the small gestures among you, my Urantian

I ask you to go beyond the usual small gestures towards taking a giant step
toward a heart and mind purification. I would ask that you consider the
possibility of my presence sweeping over you, as if to clean and purify the
mind, body and soul of all past pain, regrets, mistakes and personal trauma.
I am asking you to focus on forgiveness.

How difficult it is to move forward when so many are buried in resentments,
grudges and traumas they cannot seem to overcome. I understand it is
difficult to allow these things to be taken off of you as if they do not
have any meaning. I do understand how painful it can be when your fellows
have crossed you in one way or another.

How would your life be different if you could truly believe that this very
day is the beginning of your life, a life free from past painful experiences
that weigh you down and result in certain behavioral habit patterns? How
would you view life differently if you could allow these burdens to be
lifted from you? How free would you feel to have no resentment or grudges
and unforgiveness towards others that may have wronged you?

Forgiveness is really a step in trying to have understanding for others
actions. Forgiveness is not forgetting and laying down to be further
insulted, no, rather it is taking a step in trying to have understanding for
your fellows and yourself. To take a step towards forgiveness is being open
to the spirit realm to receive the meanings and values from those things you
may find unforgivable.

I say that taking a step away from resentment and grudge holding is a
commitment towards being open to receive new light; it is to move forward;
it is to progress. One who stays stuck in unforgiveness is inflicting
constant self-punishment; one is not open to receive the meanings and
values. Ask for me. I will help relieve you of the burden of unforgiving. I
can help purify the mind and cleanse the heart towards receiving greater

In this time of brotherhood and glad tidings let us delve into the reality
of forgiving and taking a step towards greater understanding, loosening
those ties that bind you to old behavioral patterns. If one cannot forgive
another--that is the measure of how much one can believe he receives
forgiveness. If you cannot learn the virtue of forgiveness--surely you
cannot truly believe you are forgiven for your mistakes or misdeeds. I am
saying allow those small grudges to go by the wayside and cleanse yourself
of these spiritual poisons, make room for new light.

One cannot promote this Mission, nor the Brotherhood when they harbor
resentments in their hearts against their fellows. You cannot stay stuck in
pain and preach the good news at the same time. Allow this season to be a
time of new beginnings. Know that nothing has harmed the so loved and
cherished soul within. All things that you feel may have dented the soul has
rather exercised the soul into personal empowerment.

I do feel that anguish a father feels when he views his children harming
each other. I so much desire to be in your midst to dispel the dark thinking
of unforgiveness and show you a new and better way to move forward. Come to
me. I am the Purifier. I will uphold you in all your changes. I will support
you in your striving to become God-like. I do want to be apart of all those
things in life that you believe are just byproducts of being mortal.

The spirit poisons are a cause for serious damage and it is quite needless
for you to experience it alone. Call on me. I am the Purifier. If you can
open your hearts and minds just a little bit you will view my works
firsthand. You will be an integral part of the sweeping changes that will
direct this world into Light and Life. We are immovable in our commitment to
create change. We will go forward in whatever manner we are allowed to,
however you will receive us.

I am dedicated to promoting the growth of the universe as a whole. I am
striving for the growth of the God in time. There is so much beyond what you
can fathom that is occurring in the universe. Many eyes are on Urantia and
many prayers are said everyday for the world's upliftment, as well as the
universe as a whole. I am one of you. I am one with you. Carry on. Farewell.

Thank you Michael, our Sovereign Creator, who ever strives to uplift and
promote the highest good for everyone. It is with a humble heart that we
gladly accept your challenges and will faithfully carry on.

My friends, Michael has asked us to allow our resentments to fall away to
make room for understanding. We cannot receive personal correction without
understanding. We cannot be released from being stuck in resentment without
taking the first step towards forgiveness. How you forgive is how you
believe you are forgiven. How could a child of God progress when he believe
there is an unforgiving Father who seeks to severely correct him?
Unforgiveness is not moving, not growing.

Allow this season to be the focus of going before the Purifier. Let us
strengthen our relationship with our beloved Sovereign and truly be
delivered. We will not have time for questions, but perhaps we can find time
during the week to catch up on all requests. I am honored, my friends, to
serve you, serve with you and be served by you. Know that with each passing
week my love is increasing for you. Until next week, shalom.

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