[tmtranscripts] Abraham 11-27-00

ellen ellen at utah-inter.net
Tue Nov 28 10:43:34 PST 2000

NOVEMBER 27, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. How beautiful it is to behold the faithful at work.
You have built a strong family foundation from which all your service as a
group stems. It is truly beautiful to see Father increase among you as you
make effort to learn how to decrease the ego, yes.

When you think back over your lives you can view the various stages and
changes that has made you who you are today. You would all agree that these
changes came with some difficulty and a bit of mindal frustration. There is
a long journey from infanthood to adulthood. As you experienced you learned
new and better ways to live the mortal life.

Being reborn in Spirit opened up all new possibilities in mortal life, where
you have learned to integrate the two worlds. Growth can bring growing
pains, but like the transformation of the butterfly, you cannot live a full
experiential life inside the cocoon. There are many stages the butterfly
must travel to become its intended divine purpose. Should the caterpillar
protest having to become enclosed in the cocoon? No. Father has a set plan
and purpose for all His living creatures. The best that the caterpillar can
do is to become adaptable. After the darkness--the hard lessons--there is a
beauty unfolding.

As you travel this mortal path there are untold adventures to be had. This
mortal life is about becoming adaptable. One who moves from the desert into
the mountains adapts to the new changes and must make provisions therefore.
If this traveler could not adapt, surely he would face the consequences.
Being adaptable means accepting change and working therefrom to the best of
your ability.

Mortals do tend to like things to stay the same because it is without
turmoil and the need to make effort. Of course, this is not bringing growth.
This is not experiencing the full spectrum of the intended divine purpose.
Being adaptable means not you are forsaking free will, no. It means only
that you are accepting certain circumstances and putting forth your best
effort to work within Father's overall divine plan.

As you have entered into the spiritual life you have allowed yourselves to
be changed and made adaptable to spiritual principles. Evolution will change
all things. When you can be committed to adapting to mortal circumstances,
then incoming divine information is more clear. Spiritual poisons are
decreased and the feeling of the presence of our loving Father is increased.

Your books, your printed lessons, your thoughts and ideas of today will all
change. This is a natural divine process. In being adaptable we can accept
these life changes and work from what we know. In the serenity of being
adaptable we are open to new revelation--that is instant divine communion.
It is having experience, being made stronger through adversity, breaking
through the cocoon of darkness into becoming a creature of spiritual beauty.

In all your changes, can you contemplate the fact that these changes could
possibly be a divine lesson? Can you remain observant and open to living
revelation? Can you accept change, become adaptable to mortal circumstances
and work from whatever level you are on at the time? These times are
changing fast and we will require you, my friends, to become used to these
changes so you can aid others in adjusting. Our heavenly Caretakers are even
made to adapt because they have given us the gift of free will. They can
adapt and promote the most highest good for the whole.

Adaptability is not mechanistic. It is not giving over your core beliefs to
be non-resistant and not make waves, no. Adaptability is quick acceptance of
circumstances that are occurring and being able to be calm to receive divine
revelation, curb spirit poisons and take action from what you think Father
thinks is best. No questions this evening. I will make time for questions
next week. I am as always moved by your devotion to our Father and one
another. I am with more love for you each every time we meet. Until next
week, shalom.

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