[tmtranscripts] Abraham 9-18-00

ELLEN ellen at utah-inter.net
Thu Sep 21 09:02:22 PDT 2000

SEPTEMBER 18, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings friends. How wonderful it is we can meet each week
to review what we have been learning, re-focus our attention and reaffirm
our faith. The week's difficulties, struggles and many activities can weigh
upon your soul. Our meetings are a wonderful way to shed the skin of the
past worries and complications to reveal the new possibilities. Our thinking
can always be in a mode of evolution if you so choose, or we can remain
burdened under the debris of old ideas, habits and things that cause us to
be imprisoned.

I love each and every new day--to me it is a new beginning and alive with
possibilities. I used to be weighed down in my old traditions and boundaries
of thought. I would take life so seriously as if each day was made to do
further damage to my mind and soul. My creativity was squelched and my
capacity for spirituality was quite limited. After some time with my friend
and mentor, Machiventa, I had learned to release my preconceived notions, my
tradition bound ideas, my behaviors, in which I handled everything. I had
learned my thoughts were living, changing and expanding. I learned that
almost everything is in a constant state of motion, including thoughts. I
was a sum total of my thoughts. I could be limited and bound, or I could be
creatively liberated.

On a material planet where you must rely upon faith to see you though your
divine career, there is always a tendency to hold fast to what your eyes can
see and your mind can conceive. There will always be worries for the day.
There are obligations and concerns to be acted upon. No doubt, you have your
responsibilities, and yet these things are potentially imprisoning and
strangling the creative mind. A well-balanced character is not controlled by
these life burdens, but is free to receive the divine mind, which is a
master organizer. An imbalanced character is controlled by their life
burdens and forgets that divine mind---making these burdens more

Our celestial caretakers see to keep us in a forward momentum. They not only
problem solve, but solve problems with creativity. To have faith and trust
in our caretakers is to receive that divine mind, breaking those boundaries
that surround us and choosing to handle all matters in a most effective
manner--considering the whole.

What material ties have a hold on you and strangle your creative mind? What
has you feeling that your soul is bound and your mind caught in a continual
groove? What brings you into a state of peace and reception for limitless
creative thinking? The feeling of personal liberation, my friends, is like
no other feeling. The possibilities in human living are endless. At some
point in your mortal careers, you can choose to lose everything in order to
gain all that you will ever need. How can life be simplified to free up your
mind for more progressive thinking and service?

We are on the cusp of momentous evolutionary changes. We require those
creative minds to carry forth our work. One who is burdened by
non-productive things is not a channel for the new work ahead. Find time
this week to ponder these questions and ideas. How can Father better
organize and simplify your daily living? How can life be made to have a
creative twist? For you, what makes you feel spiritually liberated? That is
all. A few questions.
 CALVIN: Abraham, thanks for these lessons. Sometimes it seem like I am not
following through--sometimes it feels like a inch a week and sometimes a
couple days worth. I appreciate it very much cause it does keep me going
forward. In our discussion before the lesson we talked about this Universe
Mother Spirit possible broadcast message. How correct was our reception of
that and is that something we should pursue and post? Do you have anything
further to say on that subject? We are acknowledging we could be in error
 ABRAHAM: I understand. The broadcast was correct, for the most part. I was
happy to know it was received. This receiving has been long awaited. To view
the citizens of Urantia receiving these broadcasts are likened to the
elation that was felt when the first human twins comprehended worship.
Things will really move fast from here. I can confirm a day has been set
aside to devote attention to our Mother for her wonderful services. This day
of devotion and celebration helps her to fully actualize into Her potential.
Our beloved Brother\Father is heading the coordination of this day. There
will be celebrations throughout Nebadon. We will pay tribute to Mother and
Her direct subordinates for their service in our universe. We hope that
citizens on material planets will become more fully aware of their functions
and how to become actively involved with them. As for the actual day, I will
not say right now, but soon. You can share this information if you like or
not. It doesn't matter. Many residents of Urantia have received this
broadcast, and in future days there will be better understanding of these
broadcasts, and more individuals who will recognize them. Is this helping?
(Yes it is.) Another question?
 MIRIAM: It is kinda funny what the lesson was about tonight. I have been
imprisoned for a long time, most of my life, with the relationship with my
father. Whereas it has been a impetuous to grow and to learn. It has always
been difficult. It has been something to make me grow, but it has always
been an imprisonment. I have healed chunks, done pieces and grown, etc.,
along the way. I am so grateful, for recently I have had feelings of love
and happiness and whole feelings about my father for the first time. It is
absolutely wonderful. I feel free and I feel the distortion lifting. I am so
grateful for my parents. You know, by learning how to be their daughter this
other area has been so much better. I guess my question is--my father died a
while back. Does he have any way of seeing or knowing the healing that is
going on with me? I have wonderful feeling about him today which is such a
new thing. It makes my heart full. Can you comment on this process or any
information you may have about that?
 ABRAHAM: Certainly. He knows. He is well informed and happy for the new
understanding. I am told this was a source of pain and regret for him. And
as time and understanding have influenced this dilemma, he has grown in soul
and love for you and others he had hurt. You, Miriam, my daughter, have
handled this situation like an expert, almost viewing it from a scientific
point of view, where you have gathered facts, weighed them out, done your
own experiments, and come to a logical conclusion. Well done. This has been
a source of pain, but also a source of growth and your happiness is the
fruits therefrom. Well done. Another question.
 HARRISON: Abraham, I want to thank you for the message you sent to my
mother. She seems to be in much better spirits today. My question is two
parts, one--is it possible to know my father's spiritual name, and
two--would you be up for saying a few words to my father?
 ABRAHAM: I would be happy to speak to him, but I feel he is not quite ready
for me. (I agree, Abraham.) I can give the name at a later time. Your Father
must be allowed time to become used to this method of spirituality. Sir, I
find you to be a man who is somewhat gentle in spirit, but not always have
you been this way. I am familiar with your regrets, and I tell you these
regrets do not serve you or anyone you love. Allow them to be swept away
with the winds of change. Hold fast to what you have today, and see not the
injury in each moment, but the victory in how you have survived. You are
meeting up with a crossroads in you life and your head may tell you to go in
one direction, while your heart may say another. Look well, my son, to the
Father of all father's for guidance. He is closer than you think. You need
not worry. You do well. Is this helping, Harrison? (Yes. Thank you.) You're
welcome. One more question.
 SIMON: Abraham, I felt your presence at a healing session today. I was
wondering if you would like to comment on what you saw there?
 ABRAHAM: Certainly. I understand there to be quite sincere hearts and minds
at work. You are a son of great faith and this faith will carry you far.
Forget not to be balanced also with logic and know that Father knows of
those empty places you have that you so much need to be relieved from. While
you have such an open mind, there are inner issues you need to still look at
to have resolution, to have those empty places inside filled with divine
love. Worry not. These things move at a natural pace and will be healing,
not overburdening. I can assist you in this if you wish. I can be more
specific at another time. Is this helping? (Yes. I thank you and my
Universal Father for your love and lessons.) Certainly, my son, and mine to
you. I thank you also.
 I am growing in affection for all of you, my dear friends and devoted
students. You assist me in my spiritual liberation with your faith and love.
I thank you. My love goes with you. Until next week, shalom.

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