[tmtranscripts] Abraham 8-14-00

ELLEN ellen at utah-inter.net
Thu Aug 17 07:33:57 PDT 2000

AUGUST 14, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings, my friends. I am always looking forward to this
night when we can meet. Your discussions are expanding personal growth as
well as universal growth. I am always in gratitude to Father for my position
in His family of Kingdom believers. I look not to how I can improve upon His
plan because love and logic tell me there is no better way than His way.

In my mortal life I had learned that emotions speak loudly and I learned to
be emotional to get my point across to others. My emotional ways were a form
of control. Emotions and the ego go hand-in-hand. This is definitely part of
mortal life. This is understood and in time--if balanced--can cause you more
life creativity instead of chaos.

Your emotions are a part of who you are. As a child they spring forth
naturally. As you grow you learn to put these emotions to work for you. Some
emotionalism cannot be helped because of the powerful meaning in which the
emotions spring forth from. Some individuals are quite passionate and driven
on certain issues, and when balanced with logic and faith in Father, can
become quite powerful tools.

Emotions that spring from ego-needs are closely related to the animal side
of people. The ego has needs, wants and cravings to be noticed. Righteous
indignation is an emotion springing forth from the ego side. The ego seeks
to control, manipulate and tends to believe it knows better than Father. The
divine side allows, expands and has faith that our Supreme Caretakers are
all-knowing, all-powerful and ever-loving.

Our beloved Mother Spirit has endowed you with mind and intelligence, and it
is through logic that the emotions can be balanced. When a problem arises,
one needs to perceive it through the eyes of the Spirit. What is the
problem? Is it compacted with past painful experiences? If so, how can you
relate now with those experiences and the value therein. Natural emotions
may arise during certain problems, but you can use your logic to see the
lesson in it. Will emotions serve the Divine in solving the problem or will
it serve the ego? Will emotions inflate the problem or deflate it?

Emotions are understood on this mortal world. You, no doubt, will have them,
but we must not forget our gift of the mind, logic, which balances out
emotions and aids in solving problems, not complicating them. Stillness and
study help us to be well balanced in mind. Clarity in mind helps our logic
to diffuse emotionalism. To handle matters through spiritual methods is more
productive than handled through emotions.

On this world, in particular, people have used their emotions to attain what
they would like. A loud voice or flailing of the arms is always a cause for
attention. This emotionalism is a negative energy, which goes out to those
we have come in contact with and so on, from our contacts to others. What an
expansion of negativity! It is said, "the squeaky wheel gets the oil," and
along with that creates negative waves of energy and allows others to act
from a darker side as well. Emotions used as a form of control is extending
beyond falsehood to the beginning of evil.

As we learn to lay down the childish toy of being controlling we would do
well to watch our emotional behaviors. Forget not that Father is all
intelligence and would most definitely think your use of logic to be very
practical, as well as spiritual. This is divine power. To integrate logic
into your emotions creates stability and allows a positive outgoing of
energy, a natural flow of divine energy, as opposed to a forced, unwanted
push of negative energy that occurs more often on only the emotion side.
Many of the world's decisions and policies are constructed only on simple
emotionalism. They are forgetting to integrate logic and that creates
further difficulties or further in debt.

This week still continue in your practice of worship and gratitude. This is
an excellent transformer of attitude. To be grateful for Father's abundance,
be it good or bad, is showing you have trust in Father's all-knowingness and
all-powerfulness that He can do all things. Ponder upon your levels of
emotionalism. How can you learn to be more balanced with logic? How can you
go about in your daily living as a show of faith in our Father? Also journal
this week on those childish things you have already laid down and those
things you are ready to receive as an adult. My love grows for you more each
time we meet. Until next week, shalom.

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