[tmtranscripts] Abraham 5-29-00

ELLEN ellen at utah-inter.net
Thu Jun 1 13:10:04 PDT 2000

MAY 29, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings to you, my friends and fellow travelers, in this
experiential journey. I am in such gratitude to Father, for He has prepared
our place at His table. Every setting is carefully polished and placed for
each one of us. To see you here this evening is evidence of Light and Life.

Throughout this entire Teaching Mission I see individuals who are
endeavoring to carry out the instructions Michael has given. There are some
individuals who work quietly and believe they go unnoticed. There are
individuals who stand firm in what they believe to be God's work. There are
beautifully sincere seekers who are looking for practicality in
spirituality. There are those who stumble in uncertainty and wish for more
proof that this Mission is real. All of these well intentioned individuals
make up the Brotherhood and give significant proof that Light and Life is
occurring. How honored I feel to be in contact with all our Mission
participants. You inspire me and show me the goodness of our Father.

Let us always give our Father full sovereignty in all we do, individually as
well as collectively. When we can allow Father His place then are we giving
Him our trust and permission to bestow upon us divine instructions. He is in
His watchtower with a full view of our journey. He can impart to us which
roads need to be traveled and what supplies we will need. He makes the roads
meet where we can help another or be helped. He gives us the directions to
the divine well in which to dip our cups for rejuvenation.

I ask all who chance to read these words to reinstate Father to full
sovereignty over your personal lives, as well as the Mission as a whole.
Live as though Father is right there with you in all that you do--because He
is. He is not about politics or caught up in battles of self-aggrandizement.
He is in full view of our destiny and needs to be able to break through
expectations to make this Mission secure and long lasting.

Go back to your raw and unbiased basic belief in who your Father really is.
Is He far off and concerned with greater affairs of the Kingdom? Is He a
supreme ruler who will sit on High and judge and condemn you? Is He the
purest and most innocent love you can possibly imagine? Is He powerful
beyond comprehension? Is He first in your lives in all things? Contemplate
your understanding of the Fatherhood of God. Look for evidence of His good
works on earth. Take note of His good works through you and your ability to
allow Him to do so.

How complicated life becomes when Father is not allowed sovereignty. How
difficult life is to not believe He is mighty and lovingly powerful in all
things. In our own desires we overlook Father's will. Father knows our every
need and desire. He takes that into account regarding your eternal destiny.
He would not have you hunger throughout eternity being unfulfilled, no. He
can move mountains and align the stars--why could He not see that you become
internally fulfilled, spiritually joyful?

There are desires individuals wish to fulfill. There is pain they wish to
heal. There are wrongs they wish to right. There is a need to be accepted
unconditionally. Individuals may act out in various ways in trying to have
some compensation, some soul satisfaction, some justice or perhaps a feeling
that they are important and do belong. Take this into consideration when you
deal with one another.

Do not expect to find healing so much through your fellows but through the
Father, allowing Him sovereignty or His seat at the head of the table. This
is a wonderful opening to finding that soul satisfaction. You can be helped
by one another in this Brotherhood, but only to a point. When relationships,
or confrontations with associates, become confusing, it is time to reflect
on who is seated in the watchtower who can view clearly all things. To
reflect on your understanding of the Fatherhood of God is key to
comprehending the Brotherhood of Man. That is all. A few questions.

CALVIN: Abraham, it is a very hard thing for me to determine what is the
will of the Father and what I think is my mistake in maybe Thought Adjuster
controlling. It seems so much like just in my head and it is so easy to
think it was my wishful thinking or my agenda and not Father's. Do we trust
that Thought Controller is coming through? I know there's no glory seeking
in it and I recognize some of those things as a check point. Maybe you can
give me some further help there?

ABRAHAM: Certainly. To wait upon the will of God is difficult for some. To
act on impulse seems a bit more natural. It is difficult to not attempt to
fulfill self-desires or heal past wounds, and sometimes subconsciously or
even consciously, act upon this. To allow time is difficult, I know, but God
is the same today, tomorrow and forever. His will is there, and should you
allow time to prove what His will really is, would be wise. Should you allow
Him His sovereignty, and work for His glory only, without expecting anything
in return, are good guidelines. Thought Adjuster's versus Thought
Controller's are a matter of the giving over of personal will. The Thought
Adjuster can guide or prompt, but not change human will. The status of
Thought Controller works within personal will. There the pre-work has been
done. The years of teaching and guiding have resulted in the inner soul's
promise of 'not my will Father--but yours be done.' There is a greater
amount of trust when one is transformed to Thought Controller status. Is
this helping? (Yes it is very much so.) Another question?

SIMON: I appreciate the lessons very much and your presence with us here and
during the week. It comes to mind the balance of time between our temporal
labors and preparing, planning for future events. I have been wrestling a
little bit with that this week. I am really enjoying these new levels. I had
an event of loosing one of my main technicians that does some of the TV's,
and part of the lesson touched on some of that for me. So my question is
really about the balancing of temporal time with the time we invest for
eternal things, future things.

ABRAHAM: Understood. I, in my mortal state, had often pondered upon this. My
mentor and friend, Machiventa, taught me that the two are actually combined.
The spiritual life should infiltrate every aspect of your mortal living. You
must work to live, but in that there are spiritual lessons; there are lives
you touch; there are relationships formed; there is spiritual growth to be
had. Spirituality should intermingle with all aspects of life. Certainly you
cannot do the stillness at work, and that is probably the only thing you
should find separate time for. Is this answering Simon? (Yes. Thank you.)
Certainly. Another question?

HARRISON: Abraham, I have a daughter. Her name is Janice Marie. I was
wondering if it would be appropriate that I could have her spiritual name?

ABRAHAM: Certainly. Anea is how she is know on High. Yes, Anea. Another

SIMON: Abraham, my assistant, a very good friend of mine. I was wondering if
it would be appropriate to know her spiritual name?

ABRAHAM: If she can attend and ask me, I can permit it, or I can allow this
information if the question is directly from her. Are you in understanding?
(Yes. Thank you.)

I am as always feeling blessed and comforted knowing Father allows me to be
with you. My love is with you. Until next week, shalom.

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