[tmtranscripts] Abraham 3-19-00

ELLEN ellen at utah-inter.net
Wed Mar 22 08:44:10 PST 2000

MARCH 19, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. How humbled I am to be among you this evening. Your faith is
genuinely inspiring. You, my friends, have had much experience together, and
in that experience you have grown closer with one another. When there is
such fellowship and connection are you ever really away from one
another--physical separation, yes, but brotherly connection--no.

It would seem at times that experience has beat upon your souls with such
harsh reality that life is about adjusting to closings, that life seems to
be just about survival--making your way through one heartache after another.
Though at this time it is difficult to see the new realities before
you--there will come a time when you can see mortal life as new beginnings
instead of endings, openings instead of closings.

There will always be mindal adjustments you need to expect, but your
experience and Father is educating you on how to adjust with grace and
gratitude. Your connection within the Brotherhood brings God before your
eyes. Your love and comfort in your circle of acquaintances aids in your
technique of dealing with those life adjustments you must experience. Life
is not about voids and emptiness to find fulfillment for. Life is about
finding the beauty of Father within the voids and emptiness.

How blessed is the child who has a loving parent to comfort them, but how
equally blessed is the child who has a sibling to understand them? How small
difficulties are made when they are put before a comforting friend. How
balanced you can become when a friend is tactfully honest. How wonderful it
is when someone listens to your ideas and appreciates you for being you,
being your unique self. The idea is not so much important as is the
appreciation of uniqueness.

I do understand your feelings of loss for your friend and group mother. I
understand your need to grieve and come to terms with this reality. I know
that life may seem to be about wadding through pain to higher understanding.
After the grief, when the dawn of understanding rises, know that your friend
is not disconnected from you but holds the fondest of memories and knows
that you aided her in her experience to reach the spiritual levels she is at

It is complete understanding and love that remains. All things valuable are
kept and used for the next life. Nothing of value is ever lost, and I say
your friendship with one another is extremely valuable. Your connection with
one another brings God before you. You are assisting one another in gaining
experience, learning lessons, adjusting in a gentler way to mortal realities
and gaining insight to spiritual possibilities.

In the reality of the transition from one life to the next all things small
fade away and only love stands out, only gratitude for this life experience
seems important. Rally your faith, my friends, and stand in comfort knowing
you are in the presence of God when you can set aside small things in favor
of accepting the challenge to live and live to the fullest. You know the
value of this life directly affects the next life. You are swimming in
value--it is all around. Know that in the Brotherhood you are among God and
also made to feel those spiritual realities within the company of your
mortal sisters and brothers.

Be not mournful at separation from your friend, Rachel, because she has a
spiritual connection with each of you. All things of value are never really
lost. I will be close by you this week. Do not hesitate to consult me. I am
with a full heart that I know you and with even more joy at the thought of
when we can meet face to face. I love you. Until next week, shalom.

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