[tmtranscripts] Abraham 3-12-00

ELLEN ellen at utah-inter.net
Mon Mar 13 20:01:32 PST 2000

MARCH 12, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. It is most wonderful for me to see you draw out the
divine in one another. In this place of unifying hearts and minds we are
with God. We can look into one anothers eyes and see the love of our Father.
We can hear the group laughter and be made to feel safe. We can be willing
learners and Kingdom participants, and exchange with one another the words
of God. How beautiful to behold the true meaning of the Brotherhood. How
excellent it is to be among you Kingdom believers, brothers and sisters.

What can such a positive interaction bring? What actually occurs when you
attempt to draw out the divine in one another? For one, there is Father
Fragment connection. This connection is tapping into divine knowledge,
spiritual knowing that supersedes life in the flesh. Do not you feel your
difficulties are put into a spiritual perspective and made lighter when you
meet together?

You are really all very different individuals with varying habit patterns,
experiences, beliefs, hopes and desires. Your life backgrounds are
different. Your personalities are varying, and still here in this group you
can transcend what you think you know, to embracing one anothers differences
and be open to higher learning. This is the Brotherhood that the Master
taught about.

Drawing out the divine in your fellows there is a confidence that you are
not relying upon your own wisdom, but that of Father's. You are seeking God,
and in that, the ego is kept at bay. There you are open to many
possibilities of learning and generating new concepts and ideas. In this
seeking for God you are allowing yourself to be lost for Father's sake.
Therein are you found by Father and His magnificent love and comfort.

In the joy of the Lord there are actual circuits opened between you and your
fellows, you and the universe circuits. There is a unity that creates the
concepts of how the Supreme Being is becoming, always becoming and evolving,
always operating within the divine plan of our First Source and Center. In
the place of such wonderful divine connection, and Brotherhood unity, there
are physical chemicals released in the human brain which creates balance in
mind and body. Do you see where you are unified with brotherly
attitudes--there is God?

I mean to correct my words when referring to the Brotherhood. The English
language is limited, and I in no way mean to cause offense to our sisters. I
am fully aware that all are equal in the Kingdom, and all are known beyond
their mortal forms.

What a beautiful balance we can bring when we are so willing to lose self
for Father's sake. We are opened to such an expansion of spiritual
realities. Mortal living is mixed with divine realities, and we will see
with practical eyes and spiritized minds the Kingdom of Heaven being made
real here on earth.

This week continue in your efforts to draw out the divine in your fellows
and allow yourself to be lost for Father's sake to draw out the divine in
yourselves. Note the mental and physical benefits, feel the universal
connection, walk with confidence that you are a participating member of the
family of God and your destiny is secured. No questions this evening, but I
have been asked to respond to Rachel's question. One moment.

Daughter, I am made to understand that your illness is only the ravages of
time. While there is cause to be concerned for physical health, there is
cause to also be rejoicing at the fact that Father would like you to feel
comfort in His ministry. He would like you to be opened to new thinking, new
adjustments. In mortal living there is a tendency to become numb to everyday
living. During this bout of illness know that He softens you in heart and
mind to receive greater realities. It would serve you well to also receive
medical help, for these ailments you suffer from now tend to worsen with
time. Worry not though, for I am at hand to answer your questions, and
Father is there to aid in your comfort. That is all.

I am as always touched by your generosity and friendship. I am with a full
heart to know that we link arms in gratitude to our Father for this reality
known as the Brotherhood. My love is with you. Until next week, shalom.

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