[tmtranscripts] Abraham 3-5-00

ELLEN ellen at utah-inter.net
Tue Mar 7 08:20:08 PST 2000

MARCH 5, 2000

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings and welcome to you, my friends. I am made to feel
such peace in your presence this evening. In the peacefulness we are relaxed
and open to more in-depth learning. Your sincere seeking brings me here each
week with a grateful heart that Father has granted me this assignment. In
your willingness to be open, and spiritually focused, you draw out the best
in me. You open a divine door for me to allow my spiritual thoughts to come
through and reach you.

In everyday mortal living there is not always these open doors, in fact
there are many more opportunities in the mortal life to be opposite of
spiritual. Each one of you know certain individuals that tend to assist you
in leaning towards your animal tendencies. It becomes a habit when you are
in this persons presence to immediately put up your defenses, and make an
opportunity for spiritual poisons to arise. You can see how far you have
come in self-mastery when you are dealing with your fellows.

Yes, it is true that some personalities do clash, and it is difficult to
relate with them. I could offer you help however by suggesting that you
treat each individual the way you have treated me. You have not now, or at
anytime, had a firm opinion about who I was or am now, therefore you have
held no judgment against me. I have told you I am still learning and you
believe me. You have committed to also helping me to learn, just as I have
committed to help you. You cannot even see me, and yet you have great faith
in me as a teacher, brother and friend. Should you treat other individuals
as you have treated me--I guarantee you would bring out the divine in them.

Bringing out the divine in others creates a stage from which higher learning
is available. There in this open communication there is active Thought
Adjuster participation. There are literal circuits between you and the one
with whom you communicate with. I would say that the ego drive in some would
perhaps chance to put a stop to such positive interaction, but this is to be
expected. All you really can master and monitor is your own ego activity.

Do you perhaps argue your point to feel the glory of being right? Is the
humility felt from anothers more accurate opinion too painful so that you
cannot be open to change? You very well know you will come up against
individuals who will have these personality traits, and this is wonderful
practice towards attaining self-mastery. The peace we each feel here tonight
is opening spiritual lines of communication, and that would not be so
apparent if there were much ego interference.

When you can maintain peace in mind and heart, in even the most unpeaceful
experiences with your fellows, then will your lines of divine communion stay
active. Anything negative your fellows may say to you cannot shake that
divine ground from which you stand. Any emotional, unpeaceful, ego directed
attitude you might have, will only be worse when you confront those fellows
which go against your grain.

You will see a break in habit when you can attempt to draw out the divine in
your fellows. Spiritually minded people use spiritual tools to solve
problems. They are very well equipped and they do it for the glory of
Father. Ego driven or animalistic individuals have no tools--but only
weapons with which to do harm. This is a form of self-protection, but really
are they protected, or are they spinning a larger web of negativity in which
we all become trapped in?

The Master had set wonderful examples in His life in diffusing negative
situations by drawing upon the divine within His fellows. His calm and
peaceful demeanor set a stage for learning to take place. In His calmness
people felt at ease to truly be themselves. In His caring eyes people felt
safe. In His warm and endearing smile people did not take themselves so
seriously. Many times the Master used His charm and humor to draw out the
divine in others. In that connection there was Thought Adjuster communion,
there was feelings of oneness and universal unity.

This week I ask you to surround yourselves with peace and reaffirm your own
spiritual connection. Take the comfort of peace wherever you may go and put
that first before dealing with your fellows. In every situation attempt to
draw out the divine in them. Use phrases that allow others to know you are
open to learning. In being your true selves, your natural charm will be an
asset to opening those circuits between your fellows and your Father
Fragments. Focus not so much on resisting those individuals who antagonize
you, but the inner peace you have from knowing Father is at hand, and with
you to draw out the divine in these individuals. Break your old patterns of
defense with those techniques the Master used here in His life in the flesh.

I thank you for your acceptance of me. Your friendship is making me out to
be a better individual. As always, my love is with you. Until next week,

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