[tmtranscripts] Abraham 07-11-99

Karrie Hummel karrieh at slc.quik.com
Wed Jul 14 11:10:01 PDT 1999

Date:		July 11, 1999
Group:		Woods Cross Group Teaching Mission Group
Topic:		Morontia Sense of Inner-Knowing
Teacher:	Abraham
TR:		Nina

Place:		7200 South State Street
Present:	Harrison, Dirk, LaReen, Janet, Calvin, 
		Miriam, Anthony, Faye

(Before Abraham's lesson of the evening, the group discussed
Abraham's lesson of April 25, 1999, "Morontia Sense of Inner

I am Abraham.  Welcome.  Your trust in me is quite an honor. 
You allow me here each week with faith and trust in my
abilities as a teacher to deliver the lesson.

Your confidence in our friendship leads me to desire to be a
better person.  This trust and confidence has come over a
period of time in getting to know me and my techniques for
teaching or my personal traits as a fellow in the kingdom. 
This is all well and good, but I say there could not have been
as much success with this group had you not utilized your gift
of inner knowing.  Now that time has passed, you have better
understanding of this morontia gift.  You can hear me speak or
read my lessons or observe my character but without our mindal
link and use of inner knowing, your faith and trust in me could
not have been as strong.

The human vision is the most used sense while in the flesh, and
obviously, you cannot see me.  You cannot see the sincerity in
my eyes or behold me at my work and everyday duties, no.  You
are, in a sense, forced to rely upon your inner knowing to
believe in me as a spirit friend and teacher.

Even while observing you fellows in their everyday mannerisms
and character traits, you cannot fully know them.  You are
learning to use your inner knowing to fellowship and serve. 
You can know which road would be best to take when serving a
friend, for your inner knowing tells you intuitive feelings
about that individual.  For example, "This person is shy.  Do
not be direct."  or  "This person is stubborn.  Waste not too
many words on them."  Logging into your stillness mind while
functioning in every day tasks allows you knowledge that you
would not commonly have.  Stress, anxiety, despair or any
spirit poisons would make it difficult to be within the
stillness mind.

The use of the morontia gift of inner knowing will be a great
healer to Urantia, where Urantians can have a more complete
picture of one another; and where there is more understanding
of one another, there is more love, yes.  Being able to sense
certain aspects of your fellows, you can have the right
questions to ask them to draw them out to lead them to make
contact with their Indwelling Father, yes.

Father has his overall plan mapped out.  The Son has His orders
on how to follow through with His plan.  The vast hosts of
Heaven have committed themselves to carry through with the
orders to  make the plan a success.  But I say your part you
play in this overall scheme of Father's is far more difficult
than we, the unseen helpers, have.  While you must continue to
have your experience, you also must aid in the Correction and
encourage healing when you can find the most excellent healing
within one another's company.

Your discussions, fellowship, caring, kindness, and
understanding certainly lead to a great deal of healing which
can allow you to set aside these small things and venture
toward those broader horizons.

This week while sharpening your skills on inner knowing, note
there will be opportunities for you to heal and be healed. 
Opportunities to move through these small things and gain peace
and strength to move to a greater reality.

As always, my love goes with you.  I shall seek you out this
week.  Be at peace.  Until next week, shalom.

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