[tmtranscripts] Elyon group 6/27/99

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Tue Jun 29 08:34:23 PDT 1999

Coeur d'Alene Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Wonder, Ascension Status
Teachers: Abraham, Elyon, Malvantra

June 27, 1999
*	Abraham (Jonathan TR):  I would speak with you further on the topic of
cultivation of morontia sensitivity.
	You have been instructed as to the defining qualities of the human being as
compared to your animal kin, that being the adjutants of worship and wisdom. 
These are traits which propel you into morontia approaches to life.
worship and wisdom results in what I term "wonder".  Wonder has two aspects to
it, one being the desire to learn, to grow in comprehension, to question, and to
seek.  It also entails the wonderful, the appreciation of magnitude, of reality
overarching.  To wonder with wisdom brings enlightenment.  To wonder with
brings joy.  The morontia culture cultivates wonderment.  At every turn in
morontia training deeper levels of wonder are experienced and encountered.  The
more one learns, the more one wants to learn.  The greater one experiences, the
more greatly one desires to experience.  It is the forward urge of the ascending
child.  It begins where you are now in human form, and I assure you it will
	Cultivating inquisitiveness, cultivating the ability to pause and absorb,
contributes to your morontia training.  When a beautiful scene passes your
way, a
glance is not enough to absorb its beauty.  When a perplexity comes your way,
time must be invested in its unfolding and the discovery of solution or the
acquirement of skill that you may better enact the truth that you have come to
	I share this brief comment with you.  I am Abraham.
*	Elyon (Mark):  I bring you my greetings.  This is Elyon, and I would engage
myself in your conversation over the apparent uneasiness with the status of your
different realities.
	In the scheme of reality there are simply steps and processes that must be
undertaken to advance spiritually, which is the ultimate goal of all ascending
mortals.  You as mortals are engaged in many such classifications on your world
of relativity to others around you, and this at times may provide you with
distaste, for these classifications carry with them inherent limitations and
apparent judgments.  We see spiritual growth and advancement as far more linear
and less relating to higher and lower levels as you naturally would perceive
these stages.  It is simply  a matter of reality to observe that wherever
you are
in the scheme of ascension, you are relative to others.  You may be more
experienced than some and will always be less advanced than others.  This is not
in itself an act of judgment, but rather a statement of function and reality. 
With this spiritual growth one learns to regard all levels as equally valid and
respect any level as equal but relative to all other levels.
	It is incumbent upon you, at whatever level you may occupy at a given time,
for you to use your experiential background and your acquired wisdom to seek to
assist others who are now in a position which you previously occupied.  This
not imply greatness or smallness, as a child who is seven is not greater than a
child who is one, simply at a different position in their growth pattern.  A
flower which is in bloom is no better than the bud awaiting to open, simply at a
slightly different place in their growth.
	However, having said that, the playing is indeed equal and that none  of
you, no matter where you think you are, are any better or any lesser than any
other aspiring individual, it does present itself as a challenge to you to
interpret the relative stages which you witness.  With your interpretation, your
apparent judgment of the situation, comes your responsibility.  You find your
place in the scheme of ascension and determine from your perspective that there
must be steps taken in one direction for your spiritual growth and steps
taken in
another direction for your service, which also results in your spiritual
This does not imply that you go about this with an attitude or air of
superiority, by any means, but rather an air of humbleness as to having found
your niche in the ever-moving walkway of this spiritual ascension.
	Having made this observation and perception on your part, you have but a
short time until your reality will shift, your position will change, and always
there will be those before you and those after you.  Always will there be a need
for those before you to reach back and assist you and for you to reach back and
assist those who occupy the space you just did.
	It is understandable that on your world there is great concern as to
relative positions of mortal status, and these positions are viewed primarily in
a material fashion and are observable to all others resident on your world.  In
our existence, these material perceptions obviously mean nothing, and we are
concerned only with the evolution of individual souls.  We place no priority,
greater or lesser, on an individual soul based upon when they got on this moving
beltway of spirituality.  It is not anyone's fault to have joined this
progression later than others.  All will join this line in time, so that it is
merely where you step onto this ongoing process, at what point you enter the
stream, that determines your position relative to those before you and those
after you.  There is no significance granted to those who have engaged in this
journey prior to your engagement.
	Likewise, I would encourage you to adopt this more morontial viewpoint of a
linear acceleration of the whole to perceive more accurately your position in
this line of ascension and, having made the perception that you are at a given
point, look in both directions to discover what steps need be taken to advance
you spiritually and how you may be of service to advance those behind you,
because, as your discussion noted before, we are all in this together.  We may
not leave behind any.  Therefore it is incumbent upon you to realize this and
engage yourself so as to maximize the benefit to you and to those around you.
	At every point along the way, when you think you have evaluated your
position and determined your apparent status in this progression, humble
yourselves with the knowledge that there are many, many before you and there
be many, many after you.  You are neither the greatest nor the least but simply
one of the herd progressing forward steadily.  Your journey may be enhanced by
your realization that this is so and that your position is transient at all
	Would there be questions for further dialogue on this topic?
	Jonathan:  A few years back you kidded us for being kindergartners.  It's
not where we place ourselves, it's the fact that we know we are present that
causes us a shift in placement.  To observe an experiment injects manipulation,
application, into the experiment itself.  We shift in the continuum but we are
part of the whole process.
	I look forward to first grade!
*	Elyon:  As you recall when those comments were made about your being in
attendance in a kindergarten class, some offense was taken at those remarks.  It
is inherent in your nature to place yourself, to grade yourself, to rate
yourself, according to those around you.  When we mentioned that you were doing
exceedingly well in your kindergarten class, we meant nothing but complements as
to your progress and your growth.  However, you may have automatically assumed
that we were placing you in a position of the least, in a position of immaturity
and small status.  In fact we had to alter our statements to include that,
of all
the kindergartners who have stepped on this moving pathway, you are among the
ones who have challenged and learned more so than some of your others.  But
we do
not imply this has any favor over any others.
	We are pleased to work with any who will reach out to work with us.  We do
not in any way hold any judgments or feelings of inadequacy towards any who are
engaged in other aspects of growth at this time.
	You must realize that in the spiritual world it has been a great
misunderstanding, the idea of favored ones or chosen ones.  You must realize
the chosen ones in your images were not chosen by the teachers, by Michael, by
any individuals of what you would consider high spiritual status.  In fact, the
very opposite is true.  The notable mortals who you might bring to mind or who
you might be tempted to compare yourselves or others with are, in fact, the
choosing ones.  They are the ones who chose to reach out spiritually and to grow
spiritually more so than others around them.  Therefore they tended to stand out
and appeared as though they were favored by the gods.  In fact, the very
is true.  They were the ones to reach out beyond their mortal selves and to
strive and to run where others have walked.  So, when you are tempted to rate
yourselves ... the lowest form of human you may conceive and the highest form of
human you can conceive, remember that the difference was the individual choice. 
The difference was not from on high, was not because of special favor.  The
difference was individual choice.  Each of you has that same freedom at this
individual choice.  It is not something bestowed upon you separate from others,
not something that comes from without.  This difference comes from within, and
you, through this choice, may affect and alter the rate at which you grow
spiritually.  It is your choice.  You can walk; you can run.  It is simply how
you choose to be about your spiritual ascension.
	Would there be any other comments or topics?
	Ginnie:  We are an evolutionary universe, an evolutionary planet.  That
means that we grow from immaturity towards maturity.  Levels exist, are
necessary.  Growth implies movement.  That means that we look back at our
foibles, mistakes, our silly notions, as we reach a certain stage.  Then we look
forward to being even wiser and more loving in our choices, more grand.  The
process of evolution implies growth, which simply means change.  
*	Malvantra  (Ginnie):  Also there are creatures who look at us, look at you,
(Ginnie: "This must be a teacher.") with, not envy, but you are creatures who
have been created in imperfection, still learn from you who are ascenders.  Your
ascension process is extremely necessary in arriving at Paradise.  I do know
creatures who are created in perfection still need to learn how to associate
those on levels that have been passed by them.  These perfect creatures also
to have experience at certain levels.  So, you who have been given this mandate,
who have been given this plan as ascenders to have all this experience under
belt, so to speak, when you arrive there on Paradise, you certainly will have
benefited much from these experiences, from your little foibles, from your
mistakes, as you would call them.  But it is all a learning process.
	So, even at a high level of spiritual advancement, you still will be
required to relate to those around you.  Just as you are ascending as a way of
learning, so too other creatures are descending to learn.  As far as your value
as a creature of will, it is indeed your choice at each moment that matters
	You on this planet have been bombarded by how important rank is, how
important titles are, how important status is.  But that is simply a product of
your particular culture on this planet which, in many cases, has absolutely no
indication of your true value.  Each one of you in the eyes of our Father
has the
highest ranking possible in that you have been called to do this ascending
process, which is considered one of the most excellent paths that you could
	This is Malvantra.	

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