Abraham & Michael Aug. 17, 1998

CalvinMcke at aol.com CalvinMcke at aol.com
Sat Sep 5 19:53:15 PDT 1998

AUGUST 17, 1998
"Worship Enables You To Be Bearers Of The Light."
TR: Nina Newman

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am always made to smile when I see our Father's
mighty works. He has set me here before you as a friend and teacher. I am in
awe at His way of looking after even the smallest details in my life. Knowing
our Father as I do puts me in a place to be a bearer of spiritual light. My
ability to worship opens my ears to Father, opens my mind to receive
assignments, opens my heart to accepting His will, and strengthens me.

Our Correcting Time has remained on course and is so far successful. Michael
instructs us everyday on how to achieve our goal to enlighten our mortal
brothers and sisters. Our ability to be worshipful opens us to receive the
spiritual light that calls all our mortal friends to partake of.  Do you see
how your ability to worship and be grateful opens your mind and heart to
receive divine word? Worship in a sense makes you small while your trust for
Father increases.

Over these years you have received words and lessons to participate in this
our Correcting Time, but it is your worshipfulness that allows you the ability
to be a bearer of Father's spiritual light. Many would think worship to be a
time of quiet reverence, but I can say to you it is wholly natural to be
worshipful in the midst of laughter, song, or enthusiastic shouts of praise.
Yes, worship comes in many forms, and Father looks for these openings to be
close with you.

In working towards the goal of worship, what small steps did you have to take
to reach it? Did worship come upon viewing Father's fingerprints? Did you need
to take steps toward being small and reaching up for Father? 

Worship is completely for your benefit. Father needs not your praise to
continue His good works in your life, no. Your worship is enlarging your
capacity to receive His divine word.

I am MICHAEL. Greetings to you, my so cherished children. I am always grateful
to Father for His understanding. He does know I need contact with my mortal
children. He has made the way.

In my career in the flesh I experienced untold hardships. I experienced things
that would make ordinary men completely hopeless. I can say, I experienced
grief to the fullest. I suffered in a most unbelievable manner, and yet, my
relationship with my Father had carried me through. My faith was a sturdy
foundation in an unstable world and this was adequate.

I have come to say to you, my children, that faith is adequate, but the
ability to worship is the key to surpassing adequate. In a worshipful attitude
there is connection with Father and His wisdom which allows you to peek at the
light at the end of the tunnel. Father's wisdom guides us towards solutions,
steps towards going beyond mediocrity to upholding victory.

At my lowest moments, my worshipful attitude connected me to Father's
comfort--Father's immediate assistance from His divine angels. In my habit of
a worshipful attitude, I was still enabled to be a bearer of light and good
news; I was not so burdened so as to lie down before my earthly struggles, no.
My ability to be worshipful and maintain my smallness to receive divine word
allowed me wisdom, comfort, and the ability to still be a bearer of light. 

My children, I would wish you joy in a thousand ways. I experience your trials
with you and I feel your grief. I can say, that to sharpen your skills of
worship is a guarantee to magnify your joy. Even in your moments of darkness,
seek to acknowledge Father is with you; allow Him to give you His wisdom,
comfort, and ability to carry on, to tell others the good news. I would give
to you my love and my peace also I leave with you. Farewell.

I am ABRAHAM. Our gratitude to you, our Brother\Father Michael, for your
uplifting and insightful words. How we are made to look up and give thanks to
our Father in whom all things are possible.

This week our goal remains the same.... sharpen your skills to worshiping, and
be aware of those words of wisdom and guidance Father has. Remain small to
receive His divine solutions. Strengthen your heart of gratitude to be aware
of His comfort and His ministering angels, or perhaps a teacher. Continue to
journal and find clarity in your definition of worship. Be aware that even in
your times of struggle your worshipful attitude enables you to still be a
bearer of light. Only a few questions.

RACHEL: Father Abraham, would you mind asking Christ Michael if I recorded His
message accurately? (message that was read at Michaels birthday celebration
with the Pocatello group.)

ABRAHAM: I am receiving conformation. Yes, for the most part Rachel, and thank
you. (Thank you.) You're welcome. Another question?

TECTRA: Abraham, I would like to ask how can you really... there is a girl at
work... she is very thoughtful and perceptive and intelligent, and yet, she
doesn't believe in anything like spirituality or in God. What are words I can
say to her? I don't want to force her or anything, just to let her know that
there is another way. It seems like she is working so hard at her life, and it
doesn't have to be as hard as she is making it. Does that make sense?

ABRAHAM: Understood. You have already begun, my son, through your example of
living. My suggestion would be to continue in living your beliefs, for they
certainly show your faith in God, the God of good things. It would be
irresistible for her to not inquire about the origin of your happiness. Words
you could possibly say could be put in this manner: Express the joy you find
from your faith. Seek not to enlighten her, but to allow your spirituality to
spill over into your everyday work revealing the joy therefrom. Small comments
could be made by you here and there just to provide an appetizer for her, yes.
Is this answering? (Yes it is. Its about what I do anyway. So thanks for the
conformation.) One more question.

INERIA: Thanks very much for tonight's lesson. Can I get a conformation on a
teachers name, Essario?

ABRAHAM: Lasario would be the correct pronunciation for this teacher. Is that
answering? (Very much. Thank you.)

Thank you, my friends, for allowing me to be in your lives. You certainly make
me find reasons to be worshipful. My love is with you. Until next time,

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