Michael/associates 9/28/97

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Mon Sep 29 19:54:32 PDT 1997

September 28, 1997
[Preceding this session we had discussion of last week's
assignment, sharing our satisfactions and desires surrounding the
Teaching Mission.]
*       Michael  (Jonathan TR):  I bring you my peace; I am Michael. 
I have chosen to open our meeting.  I have my three close
associates with me today who will be speaking as I have had my
early and human associates, Peter, James, and John.  And, yes, we
have the young lad, Elyon.  
        My beloved, some of you have sought me because of a sense of
duty, to find who I am and to fulfill the will of our Father as I
have portrayed this to you.  In the course of your sense of
selfless obligation you have been richly rewarded with personal
gifts and gains in wisdom and light and love.  Others of you have
approached me because of the hunger to know who you are, your
place in life, to be fulfilled in the sense of belonging, and you
have been richly rewarded with a relationship with the Father and
with many other beings.  This two-way avenue of seeking and
receiving will always be the result even when you perchance are
oriented with but a single intention.  There will always be
reflective ramifications that will not merely fulfill your needs
but amply rebound to establishing in you abilities and further
curiosity that will propel you into broader, deeper, and higher
potentials for not only self growth, but for universe action. 
        I retreat now though I do not leave.  
*       Machiventa (Mark):  Greetings, this is Machiventa.  I return
to the classroom today to keep our scheduled appointment, and I
see bounty; I see much fruit that has ripened on the vine.  I was
observing during your earlier discussion, and I gained much in-
sight into your personal perspectives.  One objective we will
further undertake is to further reduce any obstacle of dialogue
between yourselves and ourselves so as to become instantly ac-
cessible to you in your everyday endeavors.  I am aware of the
compilation amongst the class, however I desire to offer this
opportunity to each individual present, and, make no mistake, the
size of today's classroom is no accident.  [There were 8 of us, a
few more than usual.]  We desire to make available to everyone an
opportunity to discourse directly with us.  While we are able to
listen in on your pertinent spiritual conversations, direct
contact and exchange is a valuable aspect of our communion
together.  Therefore, I would open up the floor to you each.  It
is not necessary to reiterate a life story, rather perhaps a
brief synopsis of the longings of your heart, the questions of
your soul.  These are not as lengthy as you may suspect.  Feel
free to simply state a position, ask a question, or in any other
form dialogue with myself or any of the many other teachers who
are present.  We will, however, remain in strict observation
unless engaged by an individual specifically.  I would now open
the floor for volunteers.
        Jonathan:  You said many teachers are present.  Should all
our TRs be alerted to respond rather than the burden be on the TR
functioning now?
*       Machiventa:  So be it.
        Jonathan:  We discussed how stillness practice has brought
in the dimension not only of my personal communion with the Fa-
ther, peace, and insight, but I also sense that the discipline
can be helpful to others.  I struggle with a lack of enthusiasm
to do so.  I experience a contentment that borders on despair
because of the contentment.  Do you have a way of putting a fire
under my kettle to further motivate me to pursue it?  
*       Machiventa:  It is your desire that shall make this come to
pass.  It is noted, and it shall be so.  Each rises to a level of
confidence then is propelled forward by desire and in faith. 
>From time to time each in this group will feel a sense of
stagnation at a given level.  This sense will be duly alleviated
and overcome by an alternate sense of dedication and motivation. 
It is a natural part of the cycle, and you should never fear that
you will not be engaged in this forward momentum.  As you have
chosen this fully and completely as your destiny, so it will be.
        Mary:  I would like to make a statement of thanks.  The best
I can say is thank you for stirring the still waters of my soul
creating a current which is able to flow.  I perceive that this
is pleasing to the Father as well as satisfying to me.  Thank you
for playing that part.  I have never found my soul to be hungrier
or thirstier for fulfillment, and at the same time I am finding
more wonderful food and drink than ever before.  I find myself
believing there is plenty of food to satisfy any hunger I'll ever
have, and my desire is to find more imaginative and serviceable
ways to be pleasing to Michael so that he is satisfied that his
effort with me is bearing fruit.  
        Tom:  In the UB it says that of all the ways of contacting
deity - which include worship, meditation, and prayer - the
master chose for his apostles service contact with the multiples. 
In a prior transmission you said attending these meetings is a
service; meditating, stillness is service.  Does this mean we can
substitute for stillness?  Or is that separate?
*       Elyon  (Jonathan):  This is Elyon.  Stillness provides
service in that it is a preparatory step toward ministry much
like taking a breath of air is a necessary step to blow out a
candle.  Blowing out a candle will not substitute for breathing. 
Service will not substitute for your communion with the Father,
but this very communion itself is service enhancing.  The master
emphasized service because, when one is full with spiritual food,
it is important to take a walk, to digest and to transfer this
nourishment into active energy.  Service is the exercise of the
soul after having been nourished through communion.  Without such
service one may become overly filled and improperly content.  
        Mark:  Michael, Elyon, Machiventa, and the others in
assistance, this Teaching Mission has had the greatest impact in
my existence.  Nothing has had such an effect as this living dia-
logue as we now share.  Your attention to my and our development
means everything to me, causing me to change everything to catch
the currents you provide.  It causes me to change my tack to fill
my sails with your ever present energies.  For your service I am
eternally grateful.  
        I feel the many lessons have to varying degrees been benefi-
cial, though I have not fully internalized all aspects of them. 
If I were to never hear from you again, I would carry the essence
and sincerity and some of the meanings of the lessons.  I share
the desire of others to do more, to be more, be more effective. 
I share the frustration with this desire and what it imposes.  I
request that if there is a particular formula for allocating our
limited time to have the most potent effect, I desire to solicit
this from you.  I hunger for our continued contact and hope to
affect others likewise.  
        Sonia:  Thank you to the teachers and this group for the
dedication to spreading the lessons and helping those students
who are absent a lot.  Too many issues have been brought up today
to go into, but possibly in the future you can address each of
them.  Thank you all.  
*       Gabriel  (Jonathan):  I am Gabriel.  I assure you that I
have been as keenly interested in this age's revelation to
Urantia as I was during the last epoch.  I have, as you would
note in your papers, been involved in this local universe chapter
of the Urantia revelation, and I report with great pleasure my
sense of success in the overall outworking.  
        When the rulings were handed down granting permission to
undertake the revelation contained in print, we did encounter
hesitation, for print is static, and the danger remained that the
words would fall flat, would merely satisfy your intellectual,
theological, historical curiosity.  We knew that around the globe
there existed many who sought direct communicative contact with
the host of spirit beings who attend this sphere.  Acknowledging
that all efforts have been sincere and much has been conveyed,
the administrators of this world have longed greatly for a body
of human beings who could, on their own, with their own
conceptual abilities, grasp with more accuracy, with less
interjection of humanly contrived understanding, what the import
of our messages is.  To behold this day such a body of followers
of the papers for Urantia to be making such sincere efforts to be
in our presence, is a joyful experience of which I find no
English words to describe.  Suffice it to say that, as thankful
as you are for your teachers, we are quite thankful as well.  
*       Rantarason (Michael):  I am Rantarason, and I am also
pleased to address this group.  If I might encapsulate our hopes
for you as individuals, it might be something along the lines
that we hope for you to become prototypes for individual light
and life.  You may understand that light and life on a global
level functions in many diverse ways.  As your country is also
being developed as a prototype for social, economic, scientific,
and all areas of progressive evolution, it is important to have a
foundation of actual living beings to be the ideal, or at least
striving to be close to the ideal.  
        This means for each of you a certain sense of
responsibility.  This means that you would take it upon yourself
to uplift those smaller situations where you do have influence. 
If you look at your world today, it is obvious that the body of
humanity has areas of distress along with its peaks of beauty,
but this distressed situation pervades.  There are focal points,
but the problem runs throughout all areas.  We would ask you to
become as aware as possible when you perceive circumstances that
could be better aligned towards the direction of light and life. 
This means that you must be strong enough to look at the sores of
humanity, and infuse not only your compassion, but ask, "Is there
an action that I can perform right here and right now that will
reveal the path to light and life?".  You will find all around
you the need; you will find everywhere the outlet that you search
for.  As you become more developed in these areas, greater
responsibilities will present themselves.
        We are proud that our efforts are manifesting as beautifully
as you are.
        Evelyn:  I am reminded of Margul's comments, if we want to
work with the master seraphim, to pursue our various professions
or areas of interest where we can work with them.  Earlier some
of us commented that we would be willing and would like to hear
specifically how we can be more effective.  You just mentioned
that we be as effective as we can in small situations.  I want to
reiterate that we welcome your assistance in helping us see what
ways we can help.  I feel like Philip who always had to be shown. 
I know you would rather we discover that ourselves, but some of
us are slower than others.  Sometimes it's hard to know if we
have chosen a good way, if what we do is effective.  We don't
always see the outcomes.  
        While I have the floor, you frequently say there are
teachers waiting in the wings.  I really enjoy hearing from a
wide range of all of you.  I don't mind hearing from just one,
but I do enjoy the opportunity to get to know more of them.  So
maybe you can lean on the TRs to let more of them come forward.
*       Elyon  (Jonathan):  This is the young lad.  Today you have
heard from some rather heavy hitters.  I would offer you an
assignment not to be executed during the week but to be under-
taken on Sunday.  Many of those teachers who wait in the wings to
converse with you are your personal teachers.  It would please
them to have the focus of your attention in an upcoming meeting
so that you may develop a deeper relationship, so that you as a
team may be better prepared to function as light and life
initiators.  The teachers you have heard from today with the
exception of Michael are quite busy and often about business
which is not of your concern.  Michael however is always and
everywhere present from the administration levels with Emmanuel
on down to your personal difficulties.  This I request of you.  
        Evelyn:  You are asking us to engage our personal teachers
during a Sunday group?
*       Elyon:  Yes.
        Evelyn:  As to how we can better function as a team?
*       Elyon:  Whatever the subject matter you choose to share with
them is up to you.  This is an opportunity we offer to you to, as
a group, spend time in conversation with each of the teachers
assigned to you individually.  
        Mark:  Is it necessary, to engage the personal teachers,
that they are invited by us?  Are they waiting for our
solicitation on their behalf?
*       Elyon:  Your request is of great importance, for their role
is different from your guardian angels and the Father's presence. 
Both the presence of the Father and your guardians are concerned
with your eternal career and your safekeeping in the process of
attaining the status of an eternal being.  Their concern with
your daily life is only in regard to the greater picture.  Your
personal teachers are here to help with you in a more temporal
application of your spiritual attainment.  Being such in focus
they are keenly aware of the sanctity of your decision arena and
will not invade.  Though your adjuster and guardians are
subservient to your will, their objectives are so much greater in
scope that they have the ability to guide you even as you choose
wrongly.  Your personal teachers are specifically instructed to
not manipulate you in any way.  So it is of great importance for
you to invite their participation.  
        As you know, many of these beings are but a small leap above
you in attainment.  Because of this their scope of understanding
is not as comprehensive as the Father's.  Thus they wait upon you
to work with them.   
        Mark:  Thank you.  
        Tom:  Are they with us all day long and in the evening?  Or
are they there only during meetings and when we send out the
*       Elyon:  These teachers do accept the office of personal
teacher with the intent to be with you as much as they can.  But
they are not like the guardian who will be certain to have one
present always.  These are independent ascending citizens and
require time for other endeavors, so they can often be absent,
for their assignment to you is only one of their tasks.  But when
time permits and as they have accepted this title of personal
teacher, they allocate as much time as is feasible to attending
to you.  Where you have no need of their assistance, they let you
act freely, of your own accord.  If you request them to be near
at hand, they are honored and duty motivated to put aside their
current activities and drop in.  It would be quite similar to
your medical profession being "on call".   
was the phrase, "My children, love one another."

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