Michael Bday Transcript 2 of 3

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Sun Sep 14 07:26:53 PDT 1997

August 23, 1997
Michael's Birthday Weekend

*       (Ginny TR):  My children, it pleases us immensely to witness
your willingness to be of service, and we love to listen to your
thoughts about service.  Indeed, we are pleased with your
earnestness to be clear and loving messengers of truth.  I bless
each and every one of you for the time that you give whether it
be action or prayer or meditation, it is all the same in our
eyes.  It is all necessary to fulfill the mandate of our Father
to become like Him.  You are already in His service; you are now
serving Him as you sit, as you gather, as you play, as you share
meals.  All of that is service.  All of your efforts to clarify
ways to be of service is service in itself.  In your discussions
of how to better serve, it is important to realize what your
motivation is.  Remember that love ius the great motivator. 
Anything that proceeds from love is service; it can be no other
way.  Learn to know what love is.  Know that the experience of
love is essential to giving love.  Love must be experienced in
yourselves.  The practice of loving takes time.  When you are
fulled with love, everything is blessed; everything glows.  
        I give you these words today to encourage you to allow love
to flow into your hearts, for we give it most generously.  Con-
tinue in your efforts to understand, and continue to keep your
hearts open,  for we are at your sides always.  I leave this
message of love and peace, and I am always with you.    
*       unidentified (Frosty):  The link up is automatic with you
all so if you choose to practice hearing the words as they are
spoken through the TR, feel free to do so for they are coming
into each of you as they are spoken.  It will be this way from
now on, so know that through any transmission, the words are
coming through you all, each individual, as well as the TR who is
speaking verbally.  This will give you opportunity to focus on
the words in your own minds as well as hearing them from the TR. 

        As you each do your inner work to find your trueness, what
works for you to keep you in harmony and alignment with the love
of the Father, to do service both to yourself and to your
brothers and sisters, and to the planet, there comes within this
trueness a pace that you walk that is unique to each individual. 
If you will go into depth, into finding your own pace as you walk
down your path, it will help to keep you in balance and alignment
with your personality and the trueness of the Father's will. 
Your unique pace is like a fingerprint and cannot be matched to
any other's.  Do not compare or wish to be like someone else in
that you try to walk their pace.  You can glean and learn from
each other well, but in order to keep your inner peace and
balance, you must find your own pace.  No one can take this away
from you, and no one can dictate to you how to walk your own
pace.  This is your right, your birthright and part of your
personal growth, for if you do not learn it here, it will be one
of the first things you learn on the morontia worlds, for to be
of service you must learn your own individual paces.  Through
this you become an expert teacher, for you know and have
confidence in yourselves.  It takes some awkward moments, much as
a baby starts to crawl and walk.  You may bump into the coffee
table a few times or many times.  But if you keep this focus it
will help the alignment process into your true personality and
the alignment with the Father's love and will.  Thank you. 
        Ginny:  I have the thought running through my head: "The
outcome does not determine the success of your motivations."  For
what that's worth.  I guess that means it doesn't matter how
things turn out, it's your motivation that counts.
*       Machiventa  (Mark):  Greetings, this is Machiventa.  I come
among you today as one who has shared a similar experience with
you.  I, too, was a mortal of the flesh.  I, too, walked upon the
very earth which you walk.  I, too, am in reverence and praise of
our Creator Michael.  I, too, am engaged in an ascension career. 
I wish to share these commonalities with you today as a means of
sharing our similar experiences.  
        You have heard in your studies of my work on your world; it
was a supreme pleasure as well as a privilege to serve Michael
and our world.  I was before I incarnated and I remain here on
this world.  I am indeed very close to your own makeup, being
just outside your range of vision, of your senses.  I was one man
as I walked on this earth.  I enjoyed a legion of support crew
behind the scenes, much as you do now.  I was in awareness of my
mission and my role much as you are becoming now.  I met with
ultimate success in my mission as I was steadfast and persistent
in my direction and purpose.  You also will meet with similar
success, albeit customized to your own particular situation. 
Many of my lessons and teachings remained intact in greater or
lesser degree up to the times of Michael's sojourn on our world,
and even now are recalled by some.  Much has transpired over this
time period, yet some of the basic truths I proclaimed remain
with us.  I point this out so that you now, being in a similar
position, have support from many who are eager to assist you,
might have awareness of your position and mission in this world. 

        The seeds you plant today likewise, if they are of the
genuine, pure channel, will produce much fruit in the long time
to come.  Many times it is not given the tillers of the soil the
full benefit to see the orchards which you now plant, cultivate,
prune, and tend.  It often takes many a season before the seed,
once so insignificant, becomes a steadfast, fruitbearing tree. 
Nevertheless, in faith and with purpose we lovingly tend and
nurture these seeds, now seedlings, now saplings, and finally
mature trees.  We, in wisdom, realize this cycle and are in
awareness not surprised at the nature of these cycles.  
        You all are indeed tillers of this truth soil and faithful
gardeners each one.  You all are in this classroom today as a
testament to your willingness, your desire, and your faith.  As
you go about and act in service, prune and nurture the orchard
around you, you are fulfilling the cycle of teaching and
learning, absorbing and disseminating, giving and getting.
        It is my pleasure to hold such a a class on such a day at
such a time when we are all in remembrance of the supremeness of
Michael.  He indeed lived a life as an example for each of us to
draw strength from and to attempt to emulate.  As you enjoy your
gathering today, glance in Michael's direction from time to time. 
Take account of Michael's presence from time to time.  This will
greatly enhance your desirable experience throughout the weekend
as well as Michael's.  We do this for him as he has for us.  
        I and many others will remain available to you throughout
this exercise as we are craving the help we might be at any time
to any one of you.                         Ginny:  Could you explain a little about
the function of ego in the development of our spiritual lives?
*       Machiventa:  Ego should be treated almost as a separate
entity in that it has its own parameters and characteristics,
even intertwined with that of your soul or your Thought Adjuster. 
The ego should be, from your point of awareness, addressed almost
as a developing child.  Undertake to observe the ego as you would
a developing child.  Note in your higher self the parameters and
conditions.  Note how it functions in given situations.  Note
which situations cause the ego to rise up and which situations
quell the fears of the ego.  
        Never attempt to divorce yourselves from your egos as you
would never attempt to divorce yourselves from your Thought
Adjuster or your eternal soul.  It is an aspect of your creation
to be worked with.  It is indeed an integral part of your surviv-
al as an individual and as a species.  It is necessary for many
functions you undertake.  It is simply a matter of will for you
to determine the proper mix of your components: the component of
your higher self, the component of the Eternal Fragment within
you, and the component of your ego.  At any one time your glass
is a mixture of these three components.  Attempt to segregate,
separate these components in your realities so that you can
identify the component called the ego.  You can therefore more
objectively determine the proper capacity the ego is to play in
your mixture.  The ego can be a very good thing; the ego can be a
motivator, a driving force.  It can be an inspiring aspect of
your personality.  Likewise, it has a potential to stumble you in
its over-assertion or its incorrect assertion.  Therefore, the
goal should be to be an awareness of your differing aspects and
seek the proper mix.  Seek just the right percentage so that you
use the ego to be that motivating force, that invigorating
infusion, that persistent challenger.  So, it is not to not use
the ego; it is more of a factor to use it in correct proportion
to the other aspects of your existence, to be an enhancer.
        Does this assist in your inquiry?
        Ginny:  Yes, very much.  Thank you.   
        Frosty:  As Gloria speaks to me as a separate entity, as my
higher self, as my Thought Adjuster speaks to me as a separate
entity, and the ego is a separate entity, can we have the
capacity to speak to our egos in a way that Gloria and I can
interact with the ego?
*       Machiventa:  Make no mistake that the absolute highest
factor of your composition bar none is your direct link with the
Father, your fragment of the Father, the Thought Adjuster.  This
is the purest, truest channel you have; this higher self has
control easily and effectively over your lower self, the ego. 
Therefore, it is entirely possible to arrange and align yourself
thusly to operate from this higher level and to fully control and
manipulate this ego so as to make it work for you as opposed to
your higher self working for your ego.  It is simply a matter of
development to enrich and grow your higher self, to realize you
have this control over your ego.  You may then view it as almost
a separate entity, for you will never divorce yourself from it,
but if you are looking at it from a perspective of your higher
self, you have this control over it, coming from this position.  
        Also realize that your contacts with me or the other
teachers or with Michael are permitted through your higher self
with the consent of your highest self, your Thought Adjuster. 
This wisdom is then channeled through your evolving soul in
faith, and when you hear from the others, it is through this more
accurate, more divine channel than through your ego base.  That
gives you one more tip on how to identify one from the other. 
        Frosty:  I didn't mean it so much from that base as from
learning the ego's function and getting to know myself in
relation to the ego.  Can we learn to communicate with the ego to
bring it into the whole rather than when it is acting up like a
small child?  To bring it into harmony.
*       Machiventa:  Indeed, it is also your mission to embrace and
draw this ego in, as you say, to fully embrace and love this ego,
to love it into submission, you might say.  Embrace it wholly and
fully as a part of your being; surround your ego with this love
light so as to condition your ego's response towards the highest
possible outcome.  So, indeed, I encourage you to not stand back,
rather reach forward for your ego in understanding, in awareness,
and in love to draw this integral aspect of your being firmly to
your highest center.  
        Frosty:  More like a family meeting.  Rather than just the
higher self and the Thought Adjuster, the ego is part of that
family drawn together.  
*       Machiventa:  Precisely, a family meeting with your highest
self as the moderator so that the direction and purpose of your
family meeting can be accomplished under the highest possible
guidelines.  But as with any family meeting, you desire all
members present, and input from all members is desired and
        Ginny:  Did I hear you say that the ego is part of your
lower self?  My understanding of the ego is that it is a neutral
force that we need to channel so it can be useful to us in
developing our souls.  Is it something base?
*       Machiventa:  It is of itself something untrained, something
unlearned.  It is not that it is a negative aspect.  I refer to
it only in relation to your higher self as being lower.  This is
perhaps inaccurate.
        Ginny:  Lower meaning undeveloped.
*       Machiventa:  Correct.  
        Mary:  In the analogy of bringing up a child, we know that
if you take too authoritarian a hand with them you don't get
nearly as good results as when you respect them for what they are
and lovingly draw them forward.  We need to treat the ego side of
ourselves that way, rather than lord it over the ego and tell it,
"no, no, no." 
*       Machiventa:  Exactly.  To embrace as a wise parent embraces
in realization that it is more fruitful to embrace and love than
it is to dictate in authority.
        I thank you for all of your questions without which we would
be unsure as to what you desire from us.  Your interest and
curiosity propel us forward in any given direction and provide us
with the necessary impetus to offer a little more as you so
desire.  Thank you for your genuine interest. 
        Tom:  Last night you spoke of a new gospel.  Can you expound
on that?
*       Machiventa:  The new gospel is simply and creatively the old
gospel reexpressed.  Many of the same truths, the same exact
parables, may be simply restated.  But many, having endured the
trials of time, stand in need of some fine tuning and revision. 
It is desired that you play editors at this time.  You, who have
been given the original statement of the gospel by the master,
have internalized this gospel.  It now has become a personal is-
sue with you.  Therefore you are in the best position.  You,
living here and now in this world amongst your brothers and sis-
ters, knowing the tendencies and desires of those around you, you
now are in the ideal position to restate the truths of thousands
of years ago in modern phraseology and with modern application.  
        As I said, much of what was stated would stand on its own
even now to this new generation, this highly technical, critical
generation that you live in.  But very much needs slight editing
for reapplication.  This can be done quite effectively without
sacrifice of the basic truths.  Simply changing the parables
slightly or the story to encompass scenarios of modern day life
would make accessible much of the gospel now cloaked in olden
times.  It is desired that each of you internalize this gospel so
that when your brothers or sisters come to you to discourse on
any matter of spirituality, you are then a fountain of informa-
tion, of restatement of gospel principles according to the
perception you have of this individual's capacity and reference
        Therefore we continually return to you and empower you and
commission you and charge you and intently direct you to seize
the opportunities before you to freely give away this gospel
truth which now I term the "new gospel" as it is your gospel at
this time among these people.  If it is new and fresh and a
matter of your own personal experience, it will be far more
accepted by those around you and far more effective.  So never be
afraid to restate, to paraphrase, to offer your own observations
as to the impact this gospel has had on your own personal being. 
The new gospel is a personal gospel passed from mouth to mouth,
person to person, as a matter of personal experience far more
than a matter of recitation of the old gospel. 
        Does this clarify your concern?
        Tom:  Yes, thank you.  
*       Machiventa:  I would leave you with one final thought, that
it would be helpful throughout this weekend and indeed throughout
your entire ascension career to petition for enhanced capacity. 
Above all things, your capacity determines your progression.  It
is ever a good idea to seek and petition Michael and the Father
for an enhancement of this capacity.  As a pint can never hold a
quart, it is wise to attempt to become a quart.  So, I would
offer you this encouragement, to avail yourself of this oppor-
tunity and to actively seek this enhancement of capacity as this
is how it transpires.  Your capacity can only be increased as you
desire and as you work for this.  It is not part of the mandate
to bestow capacity upon you unwillingly or unknowingly. 
Therefore it behooves you to take active participation in this. 
        Once again, I give thanks from all of us to you for your
dedication and desire, and we will work more with you later.   
Saturday night sesion

*       unidentified  (Ginny): ...is a pleasure to be speaking with you about
truth.  One aspect of truth is found in the fact that it exists in and of
yourselves.  Truth, in order to be active, exists in your personality and in
your perceptions.  It is filtered through your personality and your
perceptions.  Therefore it is truth for you.  Truth is a gift.  It is not an
abstract point of reference; it is as living dynamic thing.  It is lived out;
it is activated in your lives.  There is the truth of your existence, the
truth of your personality, the truth of your being, the truth of your unique
perception of reality.  Just as faith is active, so is truth.  Michael, our
friend and brother, was a personification of truth as he lived it in his
earthly existence.  When we look at him we know what truth is.  Truth was
lived through him.  He did not preach an abstraction; he was truth.  Learn in
your own lives to accept the truth of your own personality, the truth of your
own perceptions, the truth of your particular gifts with which you exhibit
truth in all its facets.  
        I leave you now with this thought, that truth is living and active. 
Thank you for your attention.  *                   Michael  (Sandy):  Hello, I am here to
thank you for celebrating my birthday.  So far everyone has come in the last
year since my last birthday.  I have words for my Father to deliver.  ....too
many steps for you and it is suggested that you skip over part of the steps. 
You are very fortunate to be among the people who truly believe and love and
are faithful to the will of God.  It is very simple (move?) to be one on one
with our Father.  He is there as your buddy, and He expects you ....turn for
His love.  I would like to say that we believe you have much more work
involved than is necessary for men to be born on Urantia with no idea why they
are even there.  And even persons in this room are searching for the purpose
of their lives here on Urantia. It seems we watch you run around in circles
and get no where.  You are here for your own creation.  We have given you the
ability and you are not liable for anyone except yourselves.  Creation is the
opening of the flower, the ability to be all of the greatness you are capable
of being.  Keep that within yourselves at all times.  It is your creation
which will travel on.  I have sent teacher after teacher and it still is not
the ... taken in and listening.  That would be in easy way, and you are
determined to do it the hard way.  God is with you all the time.  He wishes
you well.  He is not a big man to make you feel like a little man.   He is
simply there.  I am simply with you all the time.  You are driven by our love
for you.  We hope you can create in yourselves all of who you are and what you
can do with your life now.  
        I am going to be on standby.
*       unidentified  (Frosty):  When you desire and thirst for the truth, the
truth is always there for you.  Through the confusion and frustration there is
always truth.  It is, like a jigsaw puzzle, at times very hard to find.  But
once you realize that you are in the river of truth, and as it is passing you
by, you can grab those pieces of the puzzle that fit into your personality. 
Each individual has their own pieces of the puzzle to be picked from the river
of truth.  As they piece their puzzle together, each one will have a different
picture, a different scene with different colors for their truth.  Sometimes
the river of truth will be wide and sometimes narrow depending on your frame
of mind.  If you are in constant expansion within your mind to seek the truth
as it fits the needs for you, you will come into understanding that the river
of truth is always there for you and never leaves you.  You never need to feel
without it at any time.  It is a matter of using your mind as the tool with
which to find this river and become part of the flow.  As you evolve, it will
bring you what you need as you flow down the river.  You are and will be in
constant change.  Do not recoil from this constant pattern because any time
you desire and reach towards the Father this will automatically happen; the
expansion and creation of yourself is neverending.  You can always row to the
side of the river at times and take a sojourn from all matters of life, re-
treat for short periods.  But you will find that it won't be long before you
need to get back out in the flow and see what is around the next bend. 
        You are all successful in each of your endeavors in what you are
choosing for your mission here.  Remember that the river of truth is always
there.  You may leave it, but it never leaves you.  
        Thank you. 
        We will now attempt to bring each of you a message of truth that fits
into your individual needs.  Quiet your minds and listen for your individual
messages which may come in the form of feelings, visualizations, thoughts, or
words.  You can ask for these messages daily; they will be short and intuitive
and fit into your personal needs.  They will go deep within your soul and be-
come part of your wisdom and be able to be integrated into your daily living. 
*       Elyon (Mark):  This is Elyon.  I would take this opportunity to send my
greetings to each of you gathered here in remembrance of our sovereign.  This
is a joyous weekend for us as we rejoice in the companionship of mortals who
would share this special time with us.  You have, in accepting this cele-
bration and the reality of such, set yourselves apart from the masses who are
unaware of the significance of this date.  Likewise you have chosen to set
yourselves apart from the majority opinion on many spiritual issues concerned
with your life.  This is a bold step on your part, a paradise worthy step. 
This you have done of your own freewill, without pressure or any outside force
dictating that you take such a step.  Realize you have consciously taken this
step.  Embrace the difference in perspective you occupy.  Embrace the reality,
the facts, the truth that you are a separate minority to mankind.  Also
embrace the fact that since you occupy this position, you are also blessed
with the many opportunities presented to you.  Embrace these opportunities as
you embrace your singularity.  Use your ego to help you to define this
position you occupy.  Do not shun all attempts of the ego to judge your
position.  Simply use what tools you have available to you to evaluate your
position and act according to your honest, sincere evaluation.  This changes
over time and is in need of reevaluation.  Each spiritual level to which you
rise and each plateau which you occupy carries with it its own set of
responsibilities and activities necessary at that position.  Strive to become
more aware of, not only your position, but the incumbent responsibilities due
to your position.  Simply realizing this natural state of progression, rest,
progression, rest, can be very helpful to your development.  I wish I could
convey the joy we as teachers have in witnessing your growth, indeed, our
growth.  We delight in your curiosity, in your faith, in your willingness to
reach out.  We fairly trip over ourselves to be of assistance and to volunteer
on your behalf.  We marvel at the strides that you make at this, your first
try.  We are ever pleased to be associated with you in our endeavors and look
forward to a long and fruitful career as first teacher/student then later co-
workers for the spiritual kingdom.  
        My blessings with you all this weekend.  I am ever in observance of your
spiritual contacts.  I am available to you both as a group and as individuals
as are many who desire to do your bidding in this regard.  Thank you once
again for hearing my words. May the joy of this weekend pervade your souls.
        Frosty:  Thank you.  I would like to send my love with you and the
angels  to all our friends in Colorado, all the people we have met over the
years.  Give them that same feeling of joy.  Even though we are all miles
apart, we are all one doing the same thing.  I feel connected with them.
neously, witnessing so much beauty that we are choked up.  

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